Sunday, June 14, 2020

National Democratic Redistricting Committee
 With your help, Democrats are gearing up to take back legislative chambers all over the country. And we're going to do it in the face of a $20 million voter intimidation scheme by the GOP.
Help us win fair maps in ALL of our target states! Donate.
The NDRC has been working diligently since 2017 to break GOP trifectas and give Democrats a seat at the redistricting table. But this year is our LAST CHANCE to beat map-rigging Republicans before redistricting begins in 2021.

If we win back state House and Senate chambers in places like Texas, Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina, we'll break the GOP's hold on redistricting power in states with some of the largest congressional delegations in the country.

We need your help to capitalize on this opportunity and secure fair maps nationwide. Please pitch in to help us win in ALL of our target states this November:
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing rigged maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.

Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
Click here if you'd like to receive fewer emails from the NDRC.

9 June I 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Webinar Series - COVID 19 What Lies Ahead No. 9: Insolvency/Distressed Acquisition Program
(Click below for more information)
Registration Information
Save the Date!
More information will be posted soon on the Chamber website about the webinars below.

11 June I 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Webinar Series - COVID 19 What Lies Ahead No. 10: Open Discussion on Social Media and Brand Marketing with Bruna Bechelli, Business Leader at TBWA, and Fernando Barretto, Director of Brand Marketing at Letgo

16 June I 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Webinar with the Secretary of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo, Mr. Gustavo Junqueira

23 June I 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.Webinar with Hogan Lovells & Mattos Filho – Reopening Issues

2 July I 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Energy Transition Post-COVID – with Cosan
9 July I Time TBA
Webinar with Akerman - Opportunities and Challenges of Investing in Brazil's Tech Sector During COVID-19
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691

AOTL Update

sex., 5 de jun. 17:20 (há 2 dias)
para Sula
All On The Line
Tell Congress to fund the USPS »
Signature goal: 50,000
Signatures remaining: 25,354
Sula, please sign now


As A.G. Holder has said, in their quest to end big government, conservatives have hollowed out our government's capacity to help people -- especially during a major crisis.

In fact, our government is now ignoring new warning calls from USPS union leaders about the Postal Service's dire situation.

Tell Congress to fund the USPS as November's election nears.

We're witnessing the travesty of our elected officials letting a long-standing American institution crumble -- when its services will be even more essential to facilitating safe communication during a pandemic.

All On The Line launched a petition that garnered nearly 25,000 signatures from supporters like you who want to see Congress take action to fund the USPS. We're aiming to double that number of signatures to save the USPS.

We cannot implement safe voting measures without first ensuring we have a well-funded and high-functioning Postal Service.

Add your name to tell Congress to save the USPS!

Together, we're going to fight to make sure all voters have safe and accessible ways to make their voices heard this November.

Thanks for being a part of this,
-- The AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

Contributions or gifts to The National Redistricting Action Fund are not tax deductible.

Tuesday, June 9th
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
A panel of renowned experts will discuss the legal and financial opportunities and challenges involved with cross-border acquisitions and restructurings of Brazilian distressed assets in the current environment, as well as prospects of reform of the Brazilian bankruptcy and insolvency laws.
Please click here to download the speaker bios.
Marcello HallakePartnerJones Day
Antonio N. PiccirilloPartnerProskauer Rose LLP
Thomas Benes FelsbergPartnerFelsberg Advogados
Otávio GuazzelliManaging Director and Co-FounderMoelis & Company
Timothy Q. KarcherPartnerProskauer Rose LLP
Marcelo Sampaio G. RicuperoPartnerMattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados
Registration Information

Free - Members
$15 - Non-members

Webinar information will be provided to registrants once registration has been completed.
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. | 485 Madison Avenue, Suite 401, New York, NY 10022 | (212) 751-4691

All On The Line

sex., 12 de jun. 21:18 (há 0 minuto)
para Sula
All On The Line
Closed polling places. Purging voter rolls. Unnecessary photo ID laws.

What happened at the polls on Tuesday in Georgia is the result of politicians who want to maintain power by making it harder for communities of color to vote. That's also why they want to pick their voters by systematically manipulating legislative maps.

As A.G. Holder said, that is now how a democracy should function. We're seeing similar conservative voter suppression tactics in Wisconsin, Ohio, and now Georgia. We must prepare to combat these tactics before November's election. Full stop.

Here are two ways to make an impact right now: 1) contact your elected officials and 2) help fund advocacy work. We've set two goals: making 5,000 contacts to Congress demanding election protection measures and raising $25,000 to ramp up advocacy efforts. We set a hard mid-month deadline of midnight on 6/15 for these goals because we know the election is only months away.

Elections should be decided by a majority of voters. That's impossible if conservatives continue to suppress the vote. Can we count on you to chip in to help sustain our efforts for the battle ahead?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

Express Donate: $15
Express Donate: $35
Express Donate: $50
Express Donate: $100
Express Donate: $250
Or donate another amount

This relentless effort to suppress the vote is part of a strategy to try and keep our democracy in the dark. But we have a candle and you do too, Sula. Together, we're going to light the path forward and return our democracy to the people.

Thanks for being a part of this,
-- The AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.


All On The Line

Introducing the Legislative Redistricting Board
All On The Line started this series to shine a light on the shadowy backroom board of politicians who might wrest complete control of the state legislative redistricting process right before important elections in 2022.

Now, we're diving deep into each member who sits on the board and some relevant political history of these men (they're all men) who would try to gerrymander maps behind closed doors. First up: Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick -- one of the most hostile opponents of universal vote-by-mail.

Who is LRB member Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and why is he a threat to fair maps?
You might know Lt. Gov. Patrick from his recent callous claims that "there are more important things than living" when discussing the need to re-open Texas's economy amidst the current public health crisis.

Think protecting big business and turning profits is the only thing Patrick prioritizes over public health? Guess again. Undercutting democracy seems like another one. It's no surprise that he'd rather suppress votes than respond to the risks of this pandemic with serious thought and planning. Just take a look at his comments on universal vote-by-mail. Patrick said, "if they get it, it's the end of democracy."

He's made it clear that he's willing to cheat voters of their rights during elections just so his party can win -- which makes us believe he will do the same when alone in a backroom with only four other like-minded politicians during the redistricting process.

As we ramp up our outreach efforts to prevent unaccountable, ideological partisan politicians in states like Texas from manipulating the maps, can we count on you to chip in to help sustain our efforts for the battle ahead?

What do Lt. Gov. Patrick's GOP colleagues think of him?
Lt. Gov. Patrick's colleagues have openly rebuked him time and time again. One example? Texas State Sen. John Carona (R) wrote to Patrick, "I've never been shy about sharing my dislike and distrust of you. Put bluntly, I believe you are a snake oil salesman, a narcissist that would say anything to draw attention to himself." And that's coming from a member of his own party!

Snake oil salesman? Narcissist? Having a guy with that sort of reputation in executive leadership must be tiring. But there's so much more at stake: we can't let someone with that demeanor taint the next decade of Texas's legislative maps.

Here's why this matters
All five members of the board are currently conservative Republicans like Patrick.

Putting them in a room to redraw the maps probably isn't going to work out well for the people of Texas. The board will likely try to manipulate the maps with no transparency, oversight, or accountability. It's a recipe sure to result in conservative control for at least another decade. Let that sink in -- then help us fight back!

All On The Line's success depends on educating people about these sorts of smoke-filled backrooms -- and stopping them early by bringing light and transparency into the process. Will you chip in to help us reach more people and let them know that the time to fight back in states like Texas starts now?

As always, thanks for being a part of this,
-- The AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.