Friday, February 7, 2014

...Amigos, O Espírito Santo não quer glória para si, ele simplesmente nos leva para o único caminho que é Jesus Cristo. Busque o Espírito Santo de todo coração, pois esta pode ser a mudança que você precisa.

 Se você não conseguir visualizar esta mensagem, acesse este link.
Hoje em 11:42 AM
The White HouseFriday, February 7, 2014
Good Luck, Team USA!
The Winter Olympics kick off tonight, and people across the globe will be watching.
As Team USA represents us on the world stage and goes for the gold, folks here at home will be cheering them on every step of the way.
President Obama recorded a special message of his own for Team USA.
Watch: President Obama's message to Team USA
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Is the Commodity Boom in Latin America Ending?
Dr. José Antonio Ocampo
2012 Nominated Candidate to lead the World Bank

Author of 36 books.  The latest one, "The Economic Development of Latin  America since  Independence" by Luis Bértola and José  Antonio  Ocampo, was recently published by Oxford  University Press.
Professor of Professional Practice, School of International and Public  Affairs, Columbia  University
Served in the U.N as Under Secretary-General for Economic and Social  Affairs and Executive  Secretary  for the Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean
Former Minister of Finance & Public Credit of Colombia, Former Minister  of Agriculture and  Rural Development of Colombia

12:00-12:30 Registration 12:30-2:00 Lunch & Program

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