Sunday, January 20, 2013

Saberás, pois, que o Senhor teu Deus é que é Deus, o Deus fiel, que guarda o pacto e a misericórdia, até mil gerações, aos que o amam e guardam os seus mandamentos; Deuteronômio 7:9

Central Bank of Brazil
Monday, February 25, 2013
Harvard Club
35 West 44th Street
New York City
Special  Presentation with
Mr. George Pataki
Former Governor of  New York
Thursday, March 7, 2013
6:00 PM
Hosted by:
Chadbourne & Parke LLP

30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112

Additional information to follow shortly.
The 57th Presidential Inauguration

Yesterday, thousands of people like you rocked it and got official inaugural activities off to an unbelievable start.

People in all 50 states made a long-term commitment to service and together they pledged to serve more than 1 million hours this year. National Day of Service projects across the country honoring Dr. Martin Luther King took steps forward to create a lasting culture of service.

And here in D.C., more than 13,000 people and over 100 service organizations participated in the Service Summit on the National Mall.

Take a look at some great pictures from the day -- this one is my favorite:

Then, check out other highlights from the Day of Service across the country.

The swearing-in ceremony will begin at 11:30 Eastern Time tomorrow morning. Whether you'll be on the Mall or watching from home, there are several ways to stay plugged in.

For real-time updates:

-- Follow the Presidential Inaugural Committee on Facebook and Twitter.

-- Download our mobile app.

-- If you'll be in D.C., sign up to get updates and alerts via text message.

-- Watch live from your phone or computer: We're running a live stream of the swearing-in ceremony, the inaugural parade, and the Commander in Chief's Ball at

For a reminder to tune in tomorrow, RSVP here:

The 57th Presidential Inauguration

President Obama recorded a special interview about what his second inauguration means to him -- sharing his personal thoughts on the oath he'll take in just a couple days.

It's powerful stuff. Watch the interview here, and then pass it along:

No matter where you'll be this weekend, you're a part of the inauguration.

I'm excited to let you know about our unprecedented live stream program, kicking off tonight with the Kids' Inaugural for military families, as well as opportunities to watch the swearing-in ceremony, parade, and Commander-in-Chief Ball from anywhere in the country.

Tune in to starting at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time tonight for performances from Katy Perry, the cast of Glee, and Usher at the official Kids' Concert here in Washington, D.C.

If you'd like a reminder to tune in for the ceremony on Monday, RSVP here: