Tuesday, September 25, 2018

13th Italian Film Festival  honors Sophia Loren and  exhibits classic and contemporary at Sao Paulo, Brazil at september 25th

Happen at São Paulo the 13th Edition of Italian Film Festival. This edition honors 
the Italian actress Sophia Loren, that complete  84 anos years in the next day 20. The official opened Will be  september 25th ,  19h, at  Ibirapuera Auditorium 
Kicking off “Semana de Cinema Italiano Contemporâneo”, with the  presence of personalities  cinematográphic of Italy, beyound the exhibition of a  emphasis film of the show.

BACCF 2018 Disruptive Technology Series

Embraer's Vision for the Future of Transportation
Antonio Campello President & CEO – EmbraerX 
Location: Four Seasons Hotel
1435 Brickell Ave., 6th Floor
Miami, FL 33131
Date/Time Information: Friday, October 12 from 12:00 to 2:00PM
Members: $65.00
Non-Members: $90.00
Connect with us

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038Miami, FL 33231

Did you know most musicians release music without a full plan.  This guide is here to help you Not do that!
Releasing Music


Your 12-Week Music Release Timeline 

 This series comes from many years of collaborating with record labels and brilliant managers.  What we noticed separate the best teams who get results for their artists vs. the teams who are constantly floundering is planning.  Back in the day when labels were more focused on artist development and in it for the long haul they had entire departments dedicated to planning and growth. Sadly today artists are expected to come to the table already developed with an engaged fanbase at their fingertips and a proven track record in every domain.
These are the  5 areas that need to be addressed before any official announcements should be made about a new album, EP, or single coming out. 
Planning is everything as you can't stuff the genie back in the bottle after the release is out!

Three Months Before Music Releases

Register With A Performing Rights Organization
You probably already know this but just in case - to collect your royalties you’ll need to sign with a both a Performing Rights Organization (“PRO” for short) and SoundExchange. The three options in the U.S. for PRO’s are ASCAP, SESAC and BMI. 
You also have to register with SoundExchange, which focuses on royalties for your recording (mechanical rights), while your Performing Rights Organization focuses on royalties for your song (performance rights). Visit Soundexchange.com to register as an artist and publisher to collect on these future royalties.
Document the Recording & Creation Journey For Your Fans
What may feel mundane to you - writing, recording, mixing, mastering, being in the studio, etc. can be really exciting for your fans.  Taking them on a behind-the-scenes journey of this music release is a great way to form a stronger bond with your current and growing base.
Send updates on how the recording, mixing and mastering is going using videos and photos via your socials, plus capture longer-form stories for Instagram Stories and for your newsletter.
Engage with your following on milestones like artwork and song titles by polling your fans and holding contests to select what cover or title to go with, have your fans weigh in on photos, graphics and get them involved with the process.
The goal of all this activity is to get people excited so they are engaging and sharing your updates.

Choose Your PR & Playlisting Solution
Two major component when releasing new music is getting PR & Playlisted. You can accomplish this by hiring teams or by going the DIY route. When hiring a PR team make sure you 

LAB 3 is here to help you release music with ease.  This 3-week class launches October 1st and will make sure you don't miss a single step in the journey (and Suz is brilliant at reducing stress while you do it!)
Cyber PR Lab 3
Cyber PR   389 12th Street    Brooklyn,  NY   11215   USA

Últimas Vagas!
Quer entender melhor como funciona o
maior e mais importante mercado mundial?
Participe do 14º seminário “Como Ingressar no Mercado Norte-Americano.”
O intuito do seminário é dar uma visão panorâmica, e prática sobre diferentes assuntos para empresários e/ou executivos que tem interesse em fazer negócios nos EUA ou que tem interesse em ingressar no mercado americano com produtos e/ou serviços. 

Para mais informações envie um e-mail para:
business@brazilchamber.org ou Tel: +1-305-579-9030
Confira a agenda completa do 14º seminário
Palestras, Eventos e Visitas Técnicas*:

Segunda-Feira (24/09)

  • Como internacionalizar uma empresa brasileira - Ubirajara Marques Curto, Sócio Diretor, Center Group Brasil
  • Investimento por pessoas físicas e jurídicas no exterior - Samir Choaib, Sócio, Choaib, Paiva & Justo Advogados Associados, Membro do Comitê Consultivo da BACCF 
  • Importação e logística nos EUA - Christian Luque, CEO, Luque Trading
  • Almoço: As facilidades que o Banco do Brasil Americas oferece aos Brasileiros nos EUA - Brenner Cavalcante, Vice Presidente Executivo, Diretor de Empréstimos, Banco do Brasil Americas
  • Como operacionalizar uma empresa e fazer negócios nos EUA - Carlos Mariaca, Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA, Membro do Conselho da BACCF
  • Estabelecer e negociar um ponto comercial nos EUA - Marcos Freire, Gerente Geral, Brickell City Centre
  • Evento – Happy hour/business card exchange – networking com empresários da Flórida

Terça-Feira (25/09)

  • Contratação de pessoas e o mercado de trabalho nos EUA - Jonathan Hall, Sócio, PrideStaff 
  • Os prós e contras de adquirir uma franquia nos EUA - Jon Aboitiz, Consultor Especialista em Franquias, FranPassport
  • Oportunidades de investimento e o programa EB-5 - Ariel Yaari, Gerente de Vendas de Investimentos e EB-5, Driftwood Acquisitions & Development, LP
  • Almoço: Aspectos legais imigratórios, corporativos e tributários - Alexandre Piquet, Fundador e Sócio-Gerente, Piquet Law Firm; Membro do Conselho da BACCF
  • Case: Processo de internacionalização de restaurante nos EUA - Stefano Carniato, Fundador & Presidente, Piola EUA
  • Case: Empreendendo nos EUA para atingir um projeto de vida - Jonas Roter, Empresário, Launch Trampoline Park Doral
  • Case: Bauducco - Erik Volavicius, Gerente de Marketing, Bauducco Foods Inc.
Quarta-Feira (26/09)

  • Visita Técnica - Centro de distribuição de carga da FEDEX, Aeroporto de Miami
  • Visita técnica – Prefeitura da cidade de Doral - Manuel Pila, Diretor de Desenvolvimento Econômico de Doral
  • Enterprise Florida - Entidade de desenvolvimento econômico na Flórida - Carlos Guerra, Gerente de Desenvolvimento de Negócios Internacionais, Enterprise Florida 
  • Desenvolvimento de negócios e empreendedorismo - Carlos Mariaca, Sócio Diretor, Center Group EUA, Membro do Conselho da BACCF

(*Agenda sujeita a alterações)
Últimos dias - Inscreva-se hoje!
Não perca esta oportunidade - Vagas limitadas!

Piquet Law Firm | 1000 Brickell Avenue Suite 201Miami, FL 33131


Organizing for Action
Sula --

Thank you for showing interest in our Campaign Organizing Bootcamp.

The Bootcamps are not finished -- in fact, you have the opportunity to join another training this week.

This is your chance to make an impact: We consistently see that when people are done with our trainings, they are better equipped to make a difference in their community.

The OFA Training Team is providing the weekly Campaign Organizing Bootcamp to teach you the skills you need to effectively support the cause, issue or a candidate that is important to you.

This week, you'll learn how to engage in Get Out the Vote efforts. The skills you will learn in this training will help you make a maximum impact in the coming months.

Whether you are working to support a candidate or to pass a ballot measure on an issue that you care about, increasing engagement and turnout is critical to the success of your cause.

Preparing yourself for this crucial time period is one of the biggest steps you can take towards making a difference in your community this year.

It is critical that we make every voice heard in 2018 and beyond.

We can help you increase turnout in your community. RSVP for the Campaign Organizing Bootcamp today:


Thank you,


Elizabeth Erickson
Training Director
Organizing for Action


Organizing for Action

Thank you for showing interest in our Campaign Organizing Bootcamp.

The Bootcamps are not finished -- in fact, you have the opportunity to join another training this week.

This is your chance to make an impact: We consistently see that when people are done with our trainings, they are better equipped to make a difference in their community.

The OFA Training Team is providing the weekly Campaign Organizing Bootcamp to teach you the skills you need to effectively support the cause, issue or a candidate that is important to you.

This week, you'll learn how to engage in Get Out the Vote efforts. The skills you will learn in this training will help you make a maximum impact in the coming months.

Whether you are working to support a candidate or to pass a ballot measure on an issue that you care about, increasing engagement and turnout is critical to the success of your cause.

Preparing yourself for this crucial time period is one of the biggest steps you can take towards making a difference in your community this year.

It is critical that we make every voice heard in 2018 and beyond.

We can help you increase turnout in your community. RSVP for the Campaign Organizing Bootcamp today:



Organizing for Action

President Obama is back on the campaign trail this month with an important message: This November, we have to get to work.

Just last week in California, he stood side by side with several of the candidates OFA volunteers have been organizing to help elect.

There are incredible candidates running to fight for our values -- but getting them elected is going to take all of us, making sure our friends, family, and neighbors know what's at stake in this election. That's why OFA volunteers across the country have been rolling up their sleeves and Organizing for '18.

Now you can do your part, too. Share this graphic on Facebook and Twitter and spread the word on social media.

Share this graphic to help your friends and family get more informed before Election Day.

Share on Facebook Share on Twitter
There's too much at stake to sit this year out.

Only 49 days 'til Election Day!