Monday, April 23, 2012

"Se você acha que é mais forte que uma galinha, bote um ovo!"

"Hoje em dia ninguém é bonzinho de graça."


Obama - Biden

Enter for a chance to join Clooney & Obama in LA
Any donation you make today automatically enters you for a chance to be George Clooney's guest at a reception for President Obama.
George Clooney is doing his part to help re-elect the President, but he knows that it's grassroots supporters like you who will decide this election.
Support the campaign with a donation, and throw your name in the hat today.

(Eu quero!!!!!!!!rs)
Rubens Otoni marca presença no Encontro Regional do PT em Guarani de Goiás
22/Abril/2012 - Rubens Otoni marca presença no Encontro Regional do PT em Guarani de Goiás;Mais de 250 pessoas participaram do Encontro Regional do Partido dos Trabalhadores de Goiás em Guarani. O deputado federal Rubens Otoni (PT) participou de todas os oito Encontros realizados pelo PT de Goiás. Representantes petistas de Simolândia, Iaciara, São Domingos, Alvorada do Norte, Nova Roma e Posse participaram do evento que enfocou a preparação para as eleições municipais de 2012.
Rubens Otoni enfatizou a necessidade de preparação da militância e pré-candidatos do Partido para o pleito eleitoral de 2012. Segundo o parlamentar, as eleições deste ano vão além da disputa municipal, pois em 2012 o projeto do Partido dos Trabalhadores pode ser fortalecido em Goiás. "Precisamos crescer um pouquinho em cada município, pois quando cada município der um passo adiante, teremos condições de reeleger a Dilma e de chegar ao governo do nosso Estado", ressaltou.
O deputado estadual Mauro Rubem (PT) fez a análise de conjuntura estadual e o prefeito de Guarani de Goiás, José Augusto (PT), falou sobre o modo petista de governar. Estiveram presentes no Encontro o presidente estadual do PT,  Valdí Camárcio; o vice-presidente, Antônio Macário, a secretária de Comunicação, Kátia Maria e o secretário de Organização do PT de Goiás, Madson Veiga.

(Assessoria de Comunicação)

The White House, Washington

Good morning,
If Congress doesn't act by July 1, interest rates will double for millions of students with subsidized Stafford loans.
There's no reason this has to happen, but unfortunately some members of Congress are placing top priority on giving tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires instead of making smart investments in education that put the cost of higher education within reach for more Americans.
So this week, President Obama is getting out of Washington and travelling to college campuses across the country to get the word out to students and families.
Learn more about student loan rates
Getting a college degree shouldn't be a luxury only a few Americans can afford, and it's the sort of critical investment in our future we should support, not cut. Every hard working student deserves a fair shot at getting the skills and training they need to get a good job and compete in the 21st century economy.
At a time when so many middle class students are struggling to afford a college education, doubling their interest rates will only make it more difficult for them to get ahead.
Take a minute to learn more about this issue and help us spread the word:

Small Business Expo
Register to Attend
MAY 10, 2012
10AM - 5PM 

Penn Plaza Pavilion
(across from Penn Station)
A friendly reminder to register to attend.Some options have already sold out.
Please take a moment to register in advance!

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Avoid Costly Legal Mistakes!
Imperative Legal Considerations for Small Business Owners
Secrets of Small Business Evolution...Staying on Top in Turbulent Times 
(Presented by FedEx)
The Small Business Disaster Recovery PlanHow Travel Management Saves Your Small Business Money and Time(Presented by Katella Travel Management)
12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
"PITCH" to the "GREEN"
Getting Investors Excited about Your Project 
(Presented by The New York Angels)
How to Brand Your Business & Succeed Online - Maximizing the InternetUnpaid Interns / Independent Contractors vs. Employees / Overtime
Avoid Three Common Employment Law Traps
Present Anywhere and Sell Like a Pro with Your iPhone and iPad
(Presented by Mighty Meeting)
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Drive Sales Off the Charts: How to Get Your Sales Team MotivatedHow to Ask For & Earn Your Customer's BusinessUsing Technology to Accelerate Your Business' Growth(Presented by Verizon)Crowdfunding 101Using the Internet & Social Media to Fund Your Startup & Growth
(Presented by Conzortia Business Funding)
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Your Exit StrategyMeasure, Manage & Grow the Value of Your Business(Presented by ValuSource)Social Media - Next Generation Marketing Strategies Take Your Social Media Platform to the Next LevelRunning Your Business Anywhere
How SaaS applications and mobile tools let you effectively operate wherever, whenever(Presented by Intuit)
Accumulating Wealth with Retirement & Investment
Strategies designed for Small Business Owners
(Presented by Pension Planners)
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Six Critical Success Factors of America's Leading Edge Small Business Owners(Presented by The Guardian Life Small Business Research Institute)Building, Managing & Maintaining Your Company's Online Credibility>Simplify Business Travel and Expenses with Your Smart Phone(Presented by Concur)Get Hard Wired for Success Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth (Presented by Peak Potentials)
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
FREE Keynote Presentation with the Author of "The Obvious"
Keynote Speaker:
Venture Capitalist & Business Coach, Bill Walsh

Success by Design
"The 3 Keys to Building Your Million Dollar Business"
This Presentation will include:
• How to get Venture Funding for your Business
• How to connect with Millionaires
• Power of Building Great Relationships
• How to turn your Passion into Profits
• The 5 Secrets to Success in today's Economy
Please reserve your seat for this Free Keynote Presentation when you register.

Register to Attend
Look for our TV commercials on:
*Free registration is for the exhibitor hall only. If you'd like to attend a workshop there is a fee attached. For a list of fees, go to our registration page. Limited seating available in each workshop.
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