Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Não tenho medo de nada,pois já vi e vivi o inferno. E lembre-se:Assim como não se deve misturar bebidas, misturar pessoas também pode dar ressaca.

Bondade tem limite. Ingenuidade enjoa. 
Coração quente se esfria.
 E vingança, meu bem, vicia.

A vida te ensina a ser forte do pior jeito,e se o jeito for dizer a verdade...ah! meu caro,eu já venci!

Os verdadeiros são poucos, mas são o

 suficiente pra mim.

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March 03, 2012

Special Announcement

Well, this is embarrassing!
This past Saturday I sent you a newsletter to my interview with Music Supervisor Sarah Gavigan, Founder of Get Your Music Licensed, and there was supposed to be a link to sign up for my next Music Success Teleseminar for this Wednesday, March 28th, 2012 at 8 PM EST, but unfortunately is was missing.  SO am I am NOW sending you the missing link (pun intended)!
Here are the details of the next Music Success Teleseminar:
Is Your Music Right For TV & Film?
Seeing Your Music Through The Eyes of a Supervisor
March 28th, 2012
8:00 PM EST
On Wednesday’s call at 8 PM EST, Sarah and I will discuss:
  • What makes music licensing so important for musicians today.
  • Why music licensing should become a vital part of your income this year.
  • How an independent artist or band can get their music placed in a film, on TV or in an ad on their own?
  • How to know if your music is right for licensing.
  • Techniques for setting your music library up to showcase to music supervisors.

Also, Sarah will teach you one simple method you will be able to start to develop your ability to assess your own catalog for licensability.

Please note that you MUST be preregistered for access.
PS: And you can read the entire interview with Sarah Gavigan here on my blog 
Here’s to Your Success!
Contact Us

Ninguém é realmente digno de inveja, e tantos são dignos de lástima!

Ninguem Inveja o Feio nem Odeia o Fraco...


As fontes de todos os problemas são três: barra de ouro, barra de terra e barra de saia.

IREO Signs Joint Venture to Develop 3,000 acre Sustainable Agricultural Community in Haiti
IREO and Garnier Ltd. have signed a joint venture for the New Régénérer Haiti Project, which will develop 3,000 acres of land on the Central Plateau of Haiti near the city of Hinche. The land will be allocated 80% for commercial organic agricultural and 20% for mixed-use development (housing, businesses, schools, heath clinics, etc.) The agriculture production will provide a major local food source as well an essential step towards developing a sustainable local economy. Additionally, the project will address various infrastructure and energy needs through sustainable and renewable means.

IREO Develops Waste-to-Energy Power Plants in Latin America
IREO is supporting the Renewable Energy Management Group (REMG), Terra Energy Solutions, Renovatec, and ISOCRET do Brasil Ltda to construct a series of advanced state of the art 11MW waste-to-energy power plants in Latin America, with the first being in Brazil. These waste-to-energy plants will addresses municipal, industrial, and medical disposal problems at a rate of 50 to 1000 tones/day, while producing carbon neutral, renewable energy, and recycled products.

IREO Headlines Conference in Oman
IREO collaborated with various Omani government agencies and the Environmental Society of Oman to hold the1st Oman Sustainable Urbanization Conference in Muscat, Oman. The two-day conference addressed pressing urbanisation issues at the global and local levels. It was headlined by speeches by H.H. Sayyida Tania bint ShabibAl Said, President, Environment Society of Oman;  H.E. Abdullah Al-Ali Al Nuaim, President & Chairman, Board of Trustees, Arab Urban Development Institute (AUDI), & Former Mayor of Riyadh; and Mr. Jeffrey Lagomarsino, Deputy Secretary-General, IREO. The conference was attended by top government officials, executives from leading energy and real estate companies, academics, and civil society leaders from around the Middle East.

IREO and Bloomberg New Energy Finance Hold Event on Biofuels
On October 18, 2011, IREO is collaborating with Bloomberg New Energy Finance to hold an event addressing the current state and future prospects of biofuel markets in the USA and globally. Market impact analysis and expectations for government policy as well as technology potentials will be reviewed. The event, held at Bloomberg headquarters in New York City, will feature a speech by IREO Deputy Secretary-General Jeffrey Lagomarsino on "Global Trends and Expectations for Regional Development and Acceptance of Biofuels as a Replacement to Fossil Fuels."

IREO partners with Expo Green Global to Offer a Once in a Lifetime Mediterranean Eco-Cruise
IREO is partnering with Expo Green Globalto hold the first international green business event that will take place on board of MSC Fantasia Cruise Ship, November 1-5, 2011. Promote your business, build new partnerships, and expand your network while experiencing the Mediterranean aboard a luxury cruise ship with other industry leaders. This five day event is packed with interactive demonstrations, exhibitions of eco-friendly products and innovative green technologies, daily fashion shows as part of Eco-Fashion Week Europa, health lectures, environmental business seminars and workshops, and kids’ activities. IREO and Expro Green Global invite everyone who shares a passion for green living and business to join us for this exclusive experience.

For more information and ways to participate visitwww.expogreenglobal.com and contactdani@expogreenglobal.com.

By fostering collaborative partnerships between governments, innovative companies and financial institutions, top universities, non-profit organizations, and philanthropic individuals, IREO is addressing the most important challenges of our time. We are always looking for new deeply aligned strategic partners and funders. As a member of the IREO community we welcome the opportunity to discuss how you can become more involved. We look forward to hearing from you.