" Obrigado Senhor Deus, por cada minuto que convivo com pessoas falsas, hipócritas e arrogantes. Elas me fazem ver tudo aquilo que não devo me tornar."
It's part of my job to make sure President Obama gets to hear the voices and perspectives of people outside Washington – and lately, that's not been difficult.
Everywhere the President goes, he gets the same message: Americans just want folks in Washington to work together to build an economy that works for the middle class, not just the wealthiest – and is based on rewarding responsibility, hard work and fairness.
That's why the President has proposed the American Jobs Act, a set of bold but common-sense measures that will put up to 2 million Americans back to work and more money in the pockets of working Americans.
Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress keep blocking this bipartisan proposal, putting their party before our country.
We can't wait for Congress to act, so President Obama is moving ahead with executive actions to strengthen the economy, help middle class families and move this country forward.
On Monday, he was in Nevada to discuss concrete steps we're taking, like removing caps for deeply underwater borrowers and eliminating fees, so that homeowners can refinance their mortgages and save money. On Tuesday, he announced new initiatives that will help put veterans to work in community health centers. And today, he's proposing to offer immediate relief to college students by making it easier to manage their debt while they get on their feet.
These policies aren't a substitute for the American Jobs Act, but they will make a difference. And we don't intend to stop there.
The best ideas for growing this economy won't come from Washington – they'll come from Americans like you. So let me tell you about a new way to make your voice heard in our government.
More than 750,000 people have already used a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov called We the People to create and sign petitions calling on the Obama Administration to take action on a range of important issues. Learn more about We the People here:
The President's changes to the student loan program will make it easier for graduates to make their payments and avoid default.
It's also a great example of We the People at work.
In the past month, thousands of citizens signed a petition about student loans. These individuals rightly pointed out that the weight of this debt is preventing graduates all over the country from achieving their dreams.
It's a message received loud and clear and one that President Obama – who spent almost a decade paying off his own student loans – understands.
A new report shows that our investments in student financial aid have made a big difference for families, but too many students still struggle with debt. Today, the President announced clear actions to help young people who are doing everything right and living up to their responsibilities, but having a hard time making loan payments while the economy continues to recover.
So what else do you have? What's the next issue you think needs attention? Make sure your voice is heard in our government:
A nossa hipocrisia não engana a Deus. A Bíblia diz em Lucas 16:15 “E ele lhes disse: Vós sois os que vos justificais a vós mesmos diante dos homens, mas Deus conhece os vossos corações; porque o que entre os homens é elevado, perante Deus é abominação.” A hipocrisia tem motivos duvidosos. A Bíblia diz em Mateus 6:2 “Quando, pois, deres esmola, não faças tocar trombeta diante de ti, como fazem os hipócritas nas sinagogas e nas ruas, para serem glorificados pelos homens. Em verdade vos digo que já receberam a sua recompensa.” Hipocrisia é conhecer a verdade mas não obedecer - dizer que Cristo é o Senhor mas não segui-Lo. A Bíblia diz em Mateus 23:13 “Mas ai de vós, escribas e fariseus, hipócritas! porque fechais aos homens o reino dos céus; pois nem vós entrais, nem aos que entrariam permitis entrar.” |
It's part of my job to make sure President Obama gets to hear the voices and perspectives of people outside Washington – and lately, that's not been difficult.
Everywhere the President goes, he gets the same message: Americans just want folks in Washington to work together to build an economy that works for the middle class, not just the wealthiest – and is based on rewarding responsibility, hard work and fairness.
That's why the President has proposed the American Jobs Act, a set of bold but common-sense measures that will put up to 2 million Americans back to work and more money in the pockets of working Americans.
Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress keep blocking this bipartisan proposal, putting their party before our country.
We can't wait for Congress to act, so President Obama is moving ahead with executive actions to strengthen the economy, help middle class families and move this country forward.
On Monday, he was in Nevada to discuss concrete steps we're taking, like removing caps for deeply underwater borrowers and eliminating fees, so that homeowners can refinance their mortgages and save money. On Tuesday, he announced new initiatives that will help put veterans to work in community health centers. And today, he's proposing to offer immediate relief to college students by making it easier to manage their debt while they get on their feet.
These policies aren't a substitute for the American Jobs Act, but they will make a difference. And we don't intend to stop there.
The best ideas for growing this economy won't come from Washington – they'll come from Americans like you. So let me tell you about a new way to make your voice heard in our government.
More than 750,000 people have already used a new feature on WhiteHouse.gov called We the People to create and sign petitions calling on the Obama Administration to take action on a range of important issues. Learn more about We the People here:
The President's changes to the student loan program will make it easier for graduates to make their payments and avoid default.
It's also a great example of We the People at work.
In the past month, thousands of citizens signed a petition about student loans. These individuals rightly pointed out that the weight of this debt is preventing graduates all over the country from achieving their dreams.
It's a message received loud and clear and one that President Obama – who spent almost a decade paying off his own student loans – understands.
A new report shows that our investments in student financial aid have made a big difference for families, but too many students still struggle with debt. Today, the President announced clear actions to help young people who are doing everything right and living up to their responsibilities, but having a hard time making loan payments while the economy continues to recover.
So what else do you have? What's the next issue you think needs attention? Make sure your voice is heard in our government:
Termina o 17º Future Internacional.
Sucesso absoluto.
Terminou, neste Sábado, no Country Clube de Goiânia, um dos maiores eventos do tênis brasileiro, o “17º Torneio Internacional Future de Tênis”. O evento distribuiu US$ 10.000,00 (dez mil dólares) em prêmios, além de premiar as atletas com pontos internacionais, homologados pela ITF – International Tennis Federation.
O evento foi marcado com a presença de tenistas de todo o mundo. Apenas para destacar, além do Brasil, atletas da Argentina, Japão, França, Suíça, Portugal, Índia, entre outras, se fizeram presentes. O torneio impressionou as atletas e seus acompanhantes, tanto pela organização impecável, quanto pelo fantástico local. Aliás, pelo próprio testemunho das atletas estrangeiras, poucos são os locais na Europa com a infra-estrutura encontrada nas dependências do Country Clube durante o torneio.
Foram premiadas as duas primeiras colocadas em cada uma das modalidades (simples e duplas). O primeiro troféu (Campeã Simples) homenageou o presidente do Country Clube de Goiânia, Dr. Murilo Antunes de Oliveira. O segundo troféu (Campeã Duplas) homenageou o Dr. Amadeu Lettieri, ex-Presidente do Country e falecido tenista que muito engrandeceu esse esporte em todo o Estado. Foi representado, na ocasião, pela grande ex-atleta Viviane Lettieri, sua filha dileta.
Já os troféus de vice-campeãs (simples e duplas, respectivamente) homenagearam o Dr. José Eliton, Presidente da CELG, e o Dr. Gilberto Xavier de Almeida, também saudoso tenista. A brasileira Maria Fernanda Alves, foi a grande campeã, vencendo na final a argentina Carla Lucero por 6-2 6-4, e que recebeu o troféu CAMPEÃ SIMPLES: Presidente Murilo Antunes de Oliveira. Já as campeãs, na modalidade duplas, a dupla Jazmin Britos (paraguaia) com Carla Lucero (argentina), que ganharam da dupla Maria Fernanda Alves (brasileira) e Gabriela Ce (também brasileira), por 0-6 6-4 [10-6] em um disputadíssimo jogo.
O Sócio Countriano e diretor da Federação Goiana de Tenis, Dr.Álvaro Falanque foi quem representou e promoveu a entrega dos prêmios aos vencedores. Este evento sem dúvida marcará definitivamente a história desse esporte em nosso Estado e principalmente no Country Clube de Goiás.
Autor: Alberto Campos