Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Silvana Magda and Brazusa Cultural Center in Association with Newark City Hall 

Brazil Week in Newark 2016 

Brazil Week is a week that celebrates the Brazilian Independence and promotes the Brazilian culture, tourism, and business in the USA through a series of activities.

" Brazil Week in Newark", will shed light on the ethnicity, four states in Brazil which upholds the African traditions.

The Exhibition will display the ethnic and cultural wealth of the states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro also explore the tourist and economic potential of these states.

There will be a fine arts display of the Brazilian Artists Rene Nascimento, Antonio Oliveira Filho and Veronica Martins.
The event will also feature displays of the typical clothes of ethnic folklore of these states through artistic and cultural exhibitions, musical performances, dance, lectures and workshops.

In addition, "Brazil Week in Newark" will feature handicrafts and cultural manifestations of their cities.

Exhibition duration: August 30th to September 9th
Hours: 9am to 4pm
Opening Ceremony and Cultural Performance:
 August 30th, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
 Newark City Hall

Each of the last 15 months has broken global heat records. Since May of last year, each month has been the hottest of that month on record: the hottest May, the hottest June, the hottest July, etc. for over a year -- and still counting.

Put another way: Climate change isn't some far off problem anymore. It's happening right now.

These are records we shouldn't be breaking.

That means that now, more than ever, we can't accept that climate change deniers aren't just ignoring the vast scientific consensus on climate change -- they're actively obstructing the common-sense steps we need to address it.

We need leaders who aren't afraid to take a stand for what's right to protect our future. We need to demand that from them -- call out a climate change denier in your area.

Data released just last week by NASA and NOAA confirms that the record-breaking trend isn't slowing down. But we know we have solutions that can help. Every day is an opportunity to make even more progress. We could be doing more to invest in clean, renewable energy that creates jobs and boosts the economy, push toward the goals set out in the landmark Paris Climate Agreement, and quickly implement policies like the Clean Power Plan, which will protect public health from dangerous pollution.

But instead, we get nothing but shameful, dangerous, denial.

Tell climate change deniers that we need progress, not obstruction:


The White House, Washington
Last week Louisiana was struck by an intense, slow-moving storm that produced record rainfall, up to 30 inches in some places, that flooded an expansive area across the lower half of the state -- robbing so many Louisianans of their businesses, homes, and sense of security.
Since before the flooding began, FEMA has been working hand-in-hand with Louisiana officials to respond and help in the recovery efforts -- from providing shelter and housing and warm meals, to helping support home repairs and meet other serious disaster-related needs. As of this week, we've approved more than $127 million to help survivors with home repairs, rental assistance and other needs, and to advance payments to flood insurance policyholders who sustained damages, providing expedited relief.
That's exactly what the President directed us to do: Support and assist the people of Louisiana, no matter what it takes.
Today, President Obama traveled to Baton Rouge to see the federal response effort firsthand. Watch what he had to say:
President Obama in Baton Rouge
FEMA with our federal, state, private sector, and nonprofit partners are working around the clock to help make sure Louisianans have what they need to recover and rebuild their lives. Recovery is a long-term process, it's important that Louisianans know: You're not in this alone and we're with you for the long haul.
You can get the latest information on what's happening on the ground here.
And if you or anyone you know has been impacted by this flooding, here are a few key resources that you can use and share:
To find the nearest Disaster Recovery Center visit www.fema.gov/DRC, use the FEMA Mobile Application, or text DRC and your zip code to 43362 (4FEMA).
If you are a resident or business owner who has sustained losses in the designated parishes, you can apply for assistance from FEMA by registering online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov or by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) for the hearing and speech impaired.
And if you want to do what you can to help the people of Louisiana get back on their feet, you can visit www.VolunteerLouisiana.gov to see how you can contribute to the response and recovery efforts.
Long after these floods recede and fall away from the headlines, FEMA and our colleagues in the federal response effort will be here alongside state officials as long as we are needed. It's our job to help make sure every community can recover and rebuild.
And that's what we plan to do.
Craig Fugate
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Visit WhiteHouse.gov

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Volunteer photo
Greetings, Community Leaders,
There are a few things on the service and volunteering horizon that we thought you’d be interested in.  All are great opportunities to engage in your community and participate in the American tradition of citizen service.
Today, Lonnie Ali announced a new initiative, “Ali75” to inspire acts of service in honor of Muhammad Ali on what would have been her late husband’s 75th birthday in January 2017. Through the Ali75 service campaign, individuals are encouraged to engage in service to make our world a better place. To learn about joining this campaign and inspiring others as Muhammad Ali did, check out “Ali in All of Us”. 
On September 11, 2016, the nation will remember the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania through service and with poignant memorial services.  Now, almost a generation removed from that tragic day, we continue to shift our focus to spreading the unity and spontaneous goodwill that people from around the world showed in response to those horrendous acts. As part of the Together Tomorrow coalition, we promote service and volunteering that demonstrates what is possible when we work together. To find an opportunity to serve, visit Serve.gov. When sharing your service on social media use #911Day so we can see all of the dedicated service in your communities.
On October 7, 2016, we will celebrate the swearing in of the 1 millionth AmeriCorps member. Since 1994, 1 million individuals have taken the pledge to “get things done” for America.  As we get closer to that date, we will share ways you can show your support for national service and thank the #1of1million who have served their communities and our country through AmeriCorps.
In addition to September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance and honoring the 1 millionth AmeriCorps member, you may be planning to be a mentor or tutor this school year, serve veterans on Veterans Day, serve meals on Thanksgiving, or join in service for the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service.  All of these are opportunities to inspire others to service through the Ali75 service campaign. Learn more here.

Ted Miller
Chief of External Affairs Corporation for National and Community Service
P.S. – Right now, more than 560 AmeriCorps members and Senior Corps volunteers from our agency are helping communities hit by flooding in Louisiana. Please visit VolunteerLouisiana.gov to find ways you can help those affected by this disaster. 
BR Day 2016 - Camisetas VIP ja à venda!

Esse ano teremos somente uma area no backstage,
assim estaremos todos "Juntos e Misturados" Divirtam-Se!!
Incluído na compra:
  • Acesso a área do backstage
  • Lanches e Bebidas a Vontade
  • Camarote exclusivo para assistir ao show
Aplica-se algumas excessões:
  • Não podemos entregar as camisas para endereços fora dos EUA
  • Pessoas fora dos EUA terão de ir buscar as camisas em nosso escritório durante a semana antes do BR Day 2016
  • Não aceitamos endereços com PO BOX, qualquer endereço que tenha PO BOX será cancelado!
  • É muito importante que nos passe um telefone de contato correto, assim se houver algum problema poderemos entrar em contato com a pessoa responsável.
  • Cancelamento em até 24 horas, após não poderá mais ser cancelado. Mande um email para vipshirts@brazilianday.com
2016 BR Day VIP/Camarote shirts are now on sale!

Included with your VIP shirt purchase:
  • Free Fedex shipping
  • Backstage VIP area access
  • VIP area close to the stage to watch the show
  • Snacks and beverages
Certain Restrictions Apply:
  • We can NOT deliver to addresses outside of the USA
  • Any addresses outside of the USA will have to pick their shirts up at our office the week before BR Day 2016
  • We do NOT accept PO BOX addresses. Any PO BOX addresses will be automatically canceled!!
  • Please make sure your contact phone number is correct! If there is a problem we need to get a hold of you!
  • You can cancel your order within 24 hours of your purchase. For cancelations please send an email to: vipshirts@brazilianday.com
Brazilian Day 2016 - NYC
46th St, New York, NY 10036
Between 5th and 6th Av.

Caso não esteja visualizando as imagens, acesse aqui

Vencemos! Sim, conquistamos uma grande vitória após anos lutando ao lado do povo Munduruku! Unimos mais de 1,2 milhões de pessoas e conseguimos que a hidrelétrica de São Luiz do Tapajós fosse cancelada, salvando milhares de espécies da nossa floresta.
Depois de muita pressão, em cima de órgãos governamentais para que licença ambiental da maior hidrelétrica pretendida fosse negada, e com o apoio de milhares de pessoas no mundo, barramos uma gigantesca obra que devastaria o coração da Amazônia!
Porém o nosso trabalho está apenas começando, ainda há muito a ser feito! Barramos apenas uma das 43 hidrelétricas que o governo pretende construir. A nossa luta é para que nenhuma hidrelétrica seja construída na Amazônia!
Hidrelétricas na nossa floresta não são solução! É possível gerar o mesmo nível de energia utilizando fontes verdes como a eólica e a solar sem precisar devastar o s2 da Amazônia. Precisamos de você. Venha lutar com a gente!
Ajude a salvar o coração da Amazônia, vista a camisa por um futuro verde pacífico!