Wednesday, October 5, 2016


The journalist Joao Doria Jr is the new mayor of Sao Paulo - Brazil. In this picture he was in NYC in the breakfast offered for your Organization LIDE - ASSSOCIACAO DE EMPRESARIOS, where the former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso received honors in the Person Of The Year , event realized all year in partnership with Brazilian- American Chamber of Commerce. #NYC #SaoPaulo #Brazil #elections #JoaoDoria#costaconsultingco 
Photo by @_sulacosta


President Obama marks a historic moment in our global efforts to combat climate change:
Today in the Rose Garden, President Obama announced that enough countries have acted to bring the Paris Agreement into force -- a historic step forward in saving the one planet we’ve got. Watch his remarks:
"Today, the world meets the moment. And if we follow through on the commitments that this agreement embodies, history may well judge it as a turning point for our planet."
Here's how we got to this point: Last year, leaders from nations across the globe gathered in Paris to announce a historic agreement to combat climate change. The Paris Agreement established the strong global consensus that reduces carbon pollution and sets the world on a low-carbon course. For the agreement to go into effect, 55 countries representing 55 percent of global emissions had to formally join. In September, the U.S. and China, countries that represent 40 percent of emissions, officially joined. And today, the world crossed the threshold needed to bring the Paris Agreement into effect.
Watch the President's statement, or read it below.
"Ten months ago, in Paris, I said before the world that we needed a strong global agreement to reduce carbon pollution and to set the world on a low-carbon course. The result was the Paris Agreement. Last month, the United States and China -- the world’s two largest economies and largest emitters -- formally joined that agreement together. And today, the world has officially crossed the threshold for the Paris Agreement to take effect.
"Today, the world meets the moment. And if we follow through on the commitments that this agreement embodies, history may well judge it as a turning point for our planet.
"Of course, it took a long time to reach this day. One of the reasons I ran for this office was to make America a leader in this mission. And over the past eight years, we’ve done just that. In 2009, we salvaged a chaotic climate summit in Copenhagen, establishing the principle that all nations have a role to play in combating climate change. And at home, we led by example, with historic investments in growing industries like wind and solar that created a steady stream of new jobs. We set the first-ever nationwide standards to limit the amount of carbon pollution that power plants can dump into the air our children breathe. From the cars and trucks we drive to the homes and businesses in which we live and work, we’ve changed fundamentally the way we consume energy.
"Now, keep in mind, the skeptics said these actions would kill jobs. And instead, we saw -- even as we were bringing down these carbon levels -- the longest streak of job creation in American history. We drove economic output to new highs. And we drove our carbon pollution to its lowest levels in two decades.
"We continued to lead by example with our historic joint announcement with China two years ago, where we put forward even more ambitious climate targets. And that achievement encouraged dozens of other countries to set more ambitious climate targets of their own. And that, in turn, paved the way for our success in Paris -- the idea that no nation, not even one as powerful as ours, can solve this challenge alone. All of us have to solve it together.
"Now, the Paris Agreement alone will not solve the climate crisis. Even if we meet every target embodied in the agreement, we’ll only get to part of where we need to go. But make no mistake, this agreement will help delay or avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change. It will help other nations ratchet down their dangerous carbon emissions over time, and set bolder targets as technology advances, all under a strong system of transparency that allows each nation to evaluate the progress of all other nations. And by sending a signal that this is going to be our future -- a clean energy future -- it opens up the floodgates for businesses, and scientists, and engineers to unleash high-tech, low-carbon investment and innovation at a scale that we’ve never seen before. So this gives us the best possible shot to save the one planet we’ve got.
"I know diplomacy *can be [isn't always] easy, and progress on the world stage can sometimes be slow. But together, with steady persistent effort, with strong, principled, American leadership, with optimism and faith and hope, we’re proving that it is possible.
"And I want to embarrass my Senior Advisor, Brian Deese -- who is standing right over there -- because he worked tirelessly to make this deal possible. He, and John Kerry, Gina McCarthy at the EPA, everybody on their teams have done an extraordinary job to get us to this point -- and America should be as proud of them as I am of them.
"I also want to thank the people of every nation that has moved quickly to bring the Paris Agreement into force. I encourage folks who have not yet submitted their documentation to enter into this agreement to do so as soon as possible. And in the coming days, let’s help finish additional agreements to limit aviation emissions, to phase down dangerous use of hydrofluorocarbons -- all of which will help build a world that is safer, and more prosperous, and more secure, and more free than the one that was left for us.
"That’s our most important mission, to make sure our kids and our grandkids have at least as beautiful a planet, and hopefully more beautiful, than the one that we have. And today, I'm a little more confident that we can get the job done.
"So thank you very much, everybody."
Watch the President's statement here.

Today, we reached the threshold for the Paris Agreement to take effect. This is a historic step forward in tackling climate change -- made possible through the work of supporters like you.

The White House, Washington
Hurricane Matthew is a dangerous storm.
We have not seen a hurricane this strong in almost a decade. It has already devastated Haiti, and has been building strength on its way to the U.S. As it makes landfall in Florida tonight and tracks up the eastern coastline over the coming days, Americans living in its path can expect to see life-threatening hurricane conditions, storm surges, tropical force winds, heavy rains, and all the devastation that that may bring.
Today, President Obama declared a state of emergency in Florida. Evacuations for coastal counties in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina are in effect. If you live in these areas, please listen to the directions of your state, tribal, and local officials. If instructed to evacuate, don't wait. You can always repair and rebuild -- and we'll be here to help you do that. The most important thing you can do is keep you and your family safe.
You can download the FEMA mobile app for shelter information, disaster resources, weather alerts, and safety tips, in English and in Spanish.
As a native Floridian, I am intimately aware of the devastation hurricanes can wreak. As the head of FEMA, it is my job to make sure that we do everything we can to prepare our communities for the oncoming storm and ensure that our emergency response efforts are ready to go as soon as we're needed.
That's why we've deployed teams to emergency operation centers in Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia to support preparation activities and ensure that no needs are unmet. We are staffing bases in Albany, Georgia, and Fort Bragg, North Carolina to collect and provide commodities and resources close to affected areas.
As of this morning, there were more than 414,000 liters of water, more than 513,700 meals, more than 8,000 blankets, and more than 20,600 cots in these locations. And more resources are on their way to Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.
We're also coordinating with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to monitor and inspect the integrity of dams in the area. We're working with the U.S. Coast Guard to assess and advise on the status of ports. The Department of Health and Human Services has sent emergency medical specialists to Georgia to assist if needed.
Hurricane Matthew has potential for life-threatening rain, wind, and storm surges along our coast. This serves as a reminder for residents in areas at risk and around the nation to refresh their emergency kits and review family plans.
If you do not have an emergency kit or family plan, or if you want to learn about steps you can take now to prepare your family for severe weather, visit
And as you've undoubtedly seen, this hurricane has already taken a devastating toll on Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and countries in the Caribbean. We know that many people who didn't have a lot to begin with have lost almost everything. More than 100 people have lost their lives, and so many more are in need of substantial help.
If you want do what you can to help, please visit the Center for International Disaster Information,, to find out how you can provide support to people when they need it most.
Here at FEMA, we are hoping for the best but are preparing for the worst.
As we monitor the situation over the next couple of days, you can check back here for the latest information on response efforts.
Thank you,
Craig Fugate
Administrator, FEMA