Friday, May 15, 2020

AOTL Action Alert

Amanhã 14:57 (há 0 minuto)
para Sula
All On The Line
Demand support for the HEROES Act »

The HEROES Act, the latest COVID-19 relief plan, includes crucial funding for the USPS, election reform, and efforts to address delays in the census timeline -- all efforts to ensure our democratic process is protected.

The House is expected to pass the bill as soon as this week before it moves to the Senate. Your members of Congress need to hear from constituents NOW.

→ $25 billion for USPS
→ $3.6 billion for election reforms
→ $400 million to address census delays
→ nationwide no-excuse absentee voting
→ online and election day registration
→ 15 days of early-voting

These protections will help to ensure the integrity of the 2021 redistricting process. Voter suppression, the inability for the USPS to do its core functions, inaccurate census counts, and delays in census reporting would all impact our ability to secure fair maps.

Ask your members of Congress to commit to supporting the HEROES Act. This bill includes vital funding for our democracy.

-- The AOTL Team

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.

All On The Line
Take Action » Sign this petition to help save USPS

The United States Postal Service is essential to the fight for fair maps -- from delivering census materials to hard-to-count communities to helping people vote from home. But as Postmaster General Megan Brennan said, "we are at a critical juncture in the life of the Postal Service."

Without congressional funding, the USPS could run out of cash before Election Day. This would be devastating -- especially during our current public health crisis -- because common-sense solutions like vote-by-mail rely on the USPS to help voters safely cast absentee ballots from home.

Help keep the mail coming in New York. Add your name to show growing support for Postal Service funding in the HEROES Act.

In times of crisis, we need to support universal services like USPS -- not obstruct vital funding, as conservatives are doing right now. Politicians are willing to let this essential service collapse to obstruct avenues for safe voting. It's up to us to hold them accountable.

We need to show widespread support for the Postal Service now if we want to be able to use this service in future elections. If you support USPS and vote-by-mail initiatives, take a stand.

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.

Hunton Andrews Kurth

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center
We are mindful of the increase in email volume regarding COVID-19. In consideration of your time, and in lieu of sending individual client alerts, we have consolidated our recently published COVID-19 content into a twice-weekly digest. We will continue to publish new COVID-19 content on our COVID-19 Resource Center in real time.
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Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP, 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166


sex., 15 de mai. 08:15 (há 0 minuto)
para Sula

All On The Line
REMINDER: Fill out the 2020 Census

Have you filled it out yet?

Our government is supposed to work for everyday folks like you, Sula. But -- too many times it seems like our voices are drowned out. Our voices matter, and when we're counted in the census, they are harder to ignore. The count determines how much federal funding our communities receive and how many congressional representatives our state receives.

If your household has not completed the 2020 Census, go to and use your census ID number that arrived in the mail from the U.S. Census Bureau to get counted.

After the 2010 midterm elections, state lawmakers intentionally redrew districts through a hyperpartisan lens. Why? They'd rather ignore their constituents than answer to them in a fair and democratic process. Thankfully, we have a chance to make our maps fair in 2021. But the first step to fair maps is a fair and accurate census. We can't afford an incomplete count!

Get counted! Fill out the 2020 Census here:

Together we're going to end map manipulation and return our government to people like you, Sula.

Thanks for being a part of this,

All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.

Contributions or gifts to The National Redistricting Action Fund are not tax deductible.

National Democratic Redistricting Committee

I’m writing to announce our mid-month goal of $25,000. But before I ask you to donate, let me tell you what we’re trying to do.

The NDRC needs to be flexible and respond to situations that affect our ability to achieve fair maps. When we saw the lengths Republicans were willing to go to in order to suppress the vote during this public health emergency, we knew we had to act.

Protecting Americans’ right to vote is inextricably connected to our fight for fair maps. Beyond that, it’s just the right thing to do -- so we’re doing it.

Building on our scope of work will take more resources, but this grassroots team has always been there when we’ve needed you. Will you come through for us now to help us fight GOP voter suppression and secure fair districts for all?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
We’re not going to sit back as Republicans attempt to dismantle our democracy with a new wave of voter suppression. But we have our work cut out for us. Politico reports that Republicans are doubling their budget for fighting against voting rights to $20 million, and that “Trump... has taken a personal interest in this project.”

If we’re going to win and secure fair voting and fair maps, we need you with us. Can you make a contribution to our mid-month goal today?

A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing rigged maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Paid for by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.
Click here if you'd like to receive fewer emails from the NDRC.
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COVID-19's Impact on 3D Printing

America is experiencing a nasal swab shortage.

Nasal swabs are used for COVID-19 tests, and experts are suggesting the country needs to administer 2-3M tests per week before it can return to normalcy. But, with manufacturing and logistics experiencing serious disruptions... where will we get all these swabs?

3D printing to the rescue.

Voodoo Manufacturing, a 3D printing startup, now makes 50,000 nasal swabs per week, with plans to double output.

Origin pivoted from making 3D printers to manufacturing COVID-19 test kits. A single "Origin One" printer can print up to 1,500 swabs in a single print in under eight hours.

3D printing, at a distance, has seemed like a novelty industry. It's mostly made headlines when someone prints a controversial object, like a firearm. However, 3D printing is really a form of distributed manufacturing. And distributed-everything is having its moment.

3D printing has some benefits over traditional manufacturing techniques: Prototyping is quicker, customizing is easier, and machines can be assembled closer to where the products need to go. Investment in 3D printing can help plug the gaps if supply chains break down again in the future. Any ability to efficiently produce closer to demand will be valuable.

Companies with 3D printers are helping in other ways as well. SmileDirectClub, known for its direct-to-consumer 3D-printed teeth straightening kits, used their printers to ship over 35,000 face shields in a matter of weeks.

3D printing technologies are expensive and seem unlikely to be chosen ahead of traditional manufacturing techniques once supply chains are re-established. Still, 3D printing could play a more significant role in the manufacturing ecosystem moving forward.

More from last week

Every crisis requires founders to switch between two hats. The defense hat is the one put on immediately after a crisis hits to guarantee survival. The offense hat helps to think through ways to make bold moves and double down when others are pulling back.

Gigi Levy, partner at NFX, shares strategies for switching between offense and defense during a downturn.
The rise and fall of tech companies have inspired countless theories about the drivers of success and failure in the fast-moving world of startups.

Take a look at these eight laws that contain some of the most influential ideas that tech companies use to run operations, design business models, and build products.
Brett Fox, an executive coach, presents best practices for startup leadership during the crisis:
  • Be transparent with your team.
  • Over-communicate with your team. Update them every day.
  • Anticipate questions your team is likely to ask.
  • Make plans for your team to work from home indefinitely.
  • Consider unlimited sick time.
  • Only have essential personnel come into the office.
  • Reduce your spending.
  • Make sure you have essential supplies, so you don’t get caught short.
Expect the post-pandemic workplace to shift in the following ways:

  • Full digital transformation, supported by a truly virtual workforce.
  • Focus on outputs versus face time.
  • Respect for a work-life blend.
  • Stronger communications.
  • Increased trust, transparency and empathy.
Kristin Wilson shares how remote work will transform our lives:
  • We will see a brain drain away from cities for the first time in generations.
  • Fewer people will commute, and traffic patterns will normalize.
  • Housing markets will crash and shift.
  • Increased demand for flexible workspaces over fixed workspaces.
  • The balance of power will shift from employer to employee.
  • Consumptions patterns will shift from material goods to experiences.
  • The global middle class should grow.
  • Traditional universities will lose value.
  • The global financial landscape will change.
  • We will have a global citizenship/taxation system.

Hot startups hiring now 🔥

dYdX - Open trading platform for crypto assets. Explore 5 jobs.
Cue - Reinventing personal calendars. Explore 4 jobs.
Seesaw - Spark meaningful student engagement. Explore 3 jobs.
The Yes - Next generation shopping experience. Explore 10 jobs.

Funding and Acquisitions

Uber led a $170 million investment round in electric scooter and bike rental company LimeUber will transition operations of Jump, its own electric bike and scooter division over to Lime. The announcement comes after a rough couple of months for urban transportation. The pandemic-driven global lockdown has reduced demand for scooters and ride-hailing services.
Zoom has acquired security startup Keybase to add end-to-end encryption to video calls, the first purchase in the company’s nine-year history. With in-person dealmaking off the table because of social distancing requirements, the negotiations took place over Zoom video calls.
Waymo has raised $750 million for its self-driving technology, expanding the size of its first external investment round to $3 billion. Waymo CEO John Krafcik noted that COVID-19 has underscored the need for how fully self-driving technology can provide safe and hygienic personal mobility and delivery services.
Covariant, an industrial robotics AI startup, announced a $40 million Series B funding round. The robotics company is building universal artificial intelligence that enables robots to see, reason, and act autonomously in the real world. The funding will help bring its robotic control systems to new industries and create more systems capable of picking, placing, and unloading objects in warehouses.

DispatchTrack, a last-mile logistics platform, has closed a $144 million investment. Consumers are shopping at unprecedented levels online and getting items brought directly to their homes.
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