Silvana Magda
and Katendê Band & Viva Brazil Dancers
June 29 at SOB'S
204 Varick St. at W. Houston St.
New York City
Reservas: 212-243-4940
#silvanamagda #sobs #brazil #smkatende #culture #samba #music
NEW YORK, N.Y. - Brazil's Northeastern culture, typical dances, and traditions will again be the main features of a magic show celebrating the São João Festival (St. John Festival) at SOB's presented by Silvana Magda and Katende Band & Viva Brazil Dancers on Sat., June 29, 2019 at 7 p.m.
The Brazilian São João Festival dates to the 19th century and takes place virtually everywhere in Brazil, although its main exhibitions are those of the country's Northeast. With different variations throughout Brazil's States, the festivities originated in France and were introduced to Brazil by the Europeans, mostly the Portuguese. The party features sophisticated, country clothing and rhythms, with colorful flags, straw hats and creative hair styles.
"We'll bring this century-long Brazilian tradition to entertain New York City residents in two hours of lots of music, forro, and fun," says Magda. "The audience will definitely feel like they are in a traditional Festa de São João, having the opportunity to interact with the artists and performers of Viva Brazil Dancers learning how to shape their hips like Brazilians do."
The Festival's main dance, quadrilha, is usually a country-geared party in which people dance around mocking various country events, like a wedding or celebrating the rain, with characterized caipiras, or couples dressed in farming clothing, predominantly dancing Forro and Samba dances, in celebration of the arriving Summer time. Lower Manhattan will feel like Campina Grande, the stage of the world's largest St. John party in Northeastern Brazil.
At SOB's on June 29, Silvana Magda and Katende Band & Viva Brazil Dancers will perform a show with music and dance with the audience being invited to participate in the quadrilha while Silvana Magda's enthusiastic talents will lead the folklorically-driven performances with lots of joy and energy. Musicians will also perform the sanfona and zabumba, Brazilian instruments, driving the public to stand up and dance while appreciating Brazilian drinks and spirits like Caipirinha and Quentao.
When: June 29, 2019, at 7 p.m.
Location: SOB's, at 204 Varick St. at W. Houston St., New York City, N.Y.
Tickets are $15 adv., $20 door. Age 21+
For reservations, please call 212-243-4940. Www.sobs.com
For more information, please contact Silvana Magda. E-mail: smkatende@aol.com Tel: (917) 528-8151
No ritmo das festas juninas, Silvana Magda arrasta-pé no SOB's e sacode Manhattan
Em festejos de São João e de cores que exaltam a bandeira e cultura do Brasil o forró, animação, as comidas típicas, e o ritmo junino reúnem no dia 29 de junho, no SOB's, em Manhattan, muitos convidados para uma noite de muita descontração, danças, e uma apresentação de quadrilha.
Silvana Magda, Katende Band & Viva Brazil Dancers vão fazer o sul da ilha novaiorquina se parecer com o Nordeste brasileiro em celebração a São João. O show marca o tradicional reduto de brasileiros em Nova York.
"Pra mim, esta festa é uma felicidade. Trazer os sons, a sanfona a zabumba e o triângulo para o público da cidade, com muito samba e forró nos pés, é uma coisa mágica," diz Silvana Magda. "O público poderá interagir com os artistas e com a banda, participando da quadrilha e tomando caipirinhas e quentão."
A festa e show ocorrem às 19h no dia 29 de junho no SOBs (Sounds of Brazil) na 204 Varick St. at W. Houston, Nova York, N.Y.
Para reservas: Tel +1 (212) 243-4940.www.sobs.com
Ingressos USD 15 antecipado e USD 20 na bilheteria no dia do evento.
Ingressos USD 15 antecipado e USD 20 na bilheteria no dia do evento.