Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ainda bem, eu vou morar no céu...(Ir. Lazaro)

Good evening --
The Affordable Care Act has been in the news a lot recently -- and increasingly for the right reasons.
The law is working: Already, nearly 365,000 people across the country have picked private plans through the Marketplace -- and 800,000 more are on track to get Medicaid through their states. These are people for whom health insurance might not have previously been an option -- people who in the past might have been discriminated against for simple medical conditions like asthma, or who may have been dropped from their coverage just because they got sick.
Now, thousands of Americans are signing up for coverage every day. That matters. It means financial security for families all across the country. It means freedom from the fear that one illness or accident might cost you everything you've worked so hard to build.
And if you do it before December 23rd, you can be covered on the first day of the New Year.
Now, if you already have health insurance, I'm asking you right now to help make sure that your friends, neighbors, coworkers, and the people you go to college or church with know the facts about how they can get covered, too. Moms and dads, remind your kids this holiday season. And if you've recently signed up, tell your friends.
Whether you talk to a family member, share a photo or a story on Facebook, tweet using the hashtag #GetCovered, or walk a friend or colleague through the website -- your effort will make a difference right now.
That's because the most important source of information about this law isn't going to be me, or anyone here at the White House. It's going to be you, telling the people you know to check out for themselves, and make their own decision about getting covered.
Tens of millions of people have already felt the benefits of reform, from free, recommended preventive care like mammograms, to more affordable prescription medications. But there are millions more of our fellow citizens who stand to be helped -- and we've got to make sure they know exactly how.
Thanks for your help.
President Barack Obama

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This morning we sent out a link to watch the replay of the Music Marketing Manifesto webinar which is available now.   

However the link to the preview of my 21 part Social Media Mastery BONUS
Video Course was not included! 

So here they both are again. 

If you purchase Music Marketing Manifesto (MMM), you will get this 21 part video masterclass from me as your special bonus. 
Ariel Aus
It's a live recording from my tour of Australia this past 
summer and it includes modules on optimizing your website, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, blogging, newsletters & Pinterest plus great audience interaction with the independent musicians who participated and it's all yours if you sign up to MMM. 
Click here for a sample. 

Enjoy the webinar!! 




Hi Sula,   
Ever since we took down the replay link for the "Monetize Your Music" webinar with yours truly and John Oszajca, I have been inundated with requests to repost it. 

Well, I have good news and I have bad news.

The good news is that I've been able to talk John into posting the video for an encore replay. 
The replay is back up and you can watch it here: http:// ariel-replay.html 
  Now the bad news... 

Because we offered a special time sensitive gift in the webinar, we can't leave the replay up very long. Unfortunately you just have 24 hours to watch the replay at which point it WILL be coming down for good.

The gift that we offered was two fold... 

In the webinar John offered everyone watching a $20 discount on his course, Music Marketing Manifesto 3.0. And I offered FREE access to my social media video course, "Speak No Evil" as a bonus to everyone who signed up. 

This is not a standing offer and we need to take it down once and for all. But YOU STILL HAVE 24 HOURS to watch the webinar replay and claim the discount. 

There is a link to the bonus/discount package beneath the webinar replay. 

I know a lot of you were bummed that you missed the webinar the first time around. 

Here's one last chance to watch it: That's about it for today. Thank you to everyone who participated in the live webinar. 

Here’s to your success!! 

Talk soon, 

SM Masterclass

PS. If you purchase Music Marketing Manifesto, you will get a 
special bonus from me: a 21 part social media masterclass! 

Click here for a sample. 

Interesting Image
The White HouseFriday, December 13, 2013
What You Missed: Vice President Biden Answers Your Questions on Immigration Reform
This week, Vice President Biden and Cecilia Muñoz, Director of the Domestic Policy Council, sat down to answer your questions on immigration during a live Skype event. "At its core, we’re a nation of immigrants,” said the Vice President:
"What we’ve been a rational policy to allow these 11 million people to come out of the shadows and have an opportunity to earn the right to gain their citizenship. And it is not only the morally right thing to do, it’s not only in our interest, it’s a thing that would allow us to continue to grow. And it will save us billions and billions of dollars."
Through Skype and on Twitter, Americans asked their questions about the economic impacts of reform, border security, pathways to citizenship and more. Watch the full video, then share your immigration story.
Vice President Biden and Cecilia Munoz participate in an immigration Skype chat
Stay Connected

10 de Dez
The White House
A moving tribute to a legendary figure
Nelson Mandela's struggle against South African apartheid inspired millions. And his great call for justice and equality continues to resonate around the world, as new generations of young people pursue the ideals he embraced.
Earlier today in Johannesburg, President Obama paid tribute to a hero and a leader -- and spoke about the path that's still ahead.
Watch: President Obama's tribute to Mandela
Livro da Procuradoria da Mulher incentiva ingresso de mais brasileiras na política
O Brasil tem uma presidenta da República e várias ministras. As mulheres brasileiras compõem 51,5% da população e 51,7% do eleitorado. São maioria na universidade e ocupam 41,9% dos postos de trabalho. Mas, apesar de representarem 38% dos chefes de família no país, ainda recebem 27% a menos que os homens e, no cenário político, são minoria absoluta.
Para entender e explicar tamanho descompasso, a Procuradoria da Mulher no Senado lança nesta quarta-feira, 11, o livro “Mais Mulher na Política”, produzido em parceria com a Secretaria da Mulher da Câmara dos Deputados. Ao espelhar a baixa participação das mulheres na política, a publicação – que marca a segunda fase da campanha Mulher, Tome Partido! – quer incentivar e motivar o ingresso de mais brasileiras nesse importante espaço de atuação social ainda de domínio masculino.

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