Digital market investment through creative economy.
Aiming to promote the insertion of new technologies in the creative economy, the company Eteryu1 was created to be a channel for the production of alternative investments, among them: NFT and Metaverse, Criptoart and Digital Compliance. The project aims at investment aimed at strengthening the brands of Brazilian companies, thus obtaining a channel of diffusion for public cultural heritage as a way of encouraging and supporting Brazilian artists through the NFT.
The integration of images produced by these encrypted digital assets such as: photos, videos, collections or other types of products that require a certificate of ownership and can be considered exclusive. And this has made NFTs reach record values in minutes on specific crypto-art sales portals at luxury auction houses. In March 2021, the image titled “Everydays: the First 5000 Days”, created by digital artist Beeple, was auctioned at Christie's for $70 million, and became the third most expensive artwork by a living artist in history. Therefore, with the purpose of aligning the brand with this new technology, focused on investments related to the creative economy, the company proposes Expo Criptoart #0 in Brazil.
The idea is to establish these encrypted images as a new business model for the cultural sector, integrating the images produced by these encrypted digital assets such as: photos, videos, collections or other types of product that require a certificate of ownership. and can be considered exclusive, made the Executive Director of Eteryu1 launch on 12.01 an image entitled ""Rainha da Sofrencia", a simple tribute to singer Marília Mendonça, who died due to the plane crash, this last November 5th.
Digital market investment through creative economy
The Executive Director of Eteryu1 - Walter Contreras, launched on 12.01 an image entitled ""Rainha da Sofrencia", a simple tribute to singer Marília Mendonça, who died due to the plane crash, this last November 5th. The company Eteryu1, directed by the Chilean Walter Contreras, plastic artist and entrepreneur based in São Paulo, is a marketing company and product studio for transforming technologies, and has just signed a partnership with the School of Developers, which innovates and prepares professionals, training them to meet an existing demand in the development and direct administration of Sites and E-commerce, Software and App and other tools. The company is responsible for creating the metaverse platform generated by this joint venture. The idea is to establish to these encrypted images, a new business model for the cultural sector, in order to promote art through technology in a metaverse environment. The integration of images produced by these encrypted digital assets such as: photos, videos, collections or other types of products that require a certificate of ownership and can be considered exclusive. This is what has made NFTs reach record values in minutes on specific crypto-art sales portals in luxury auction houses. The Executive Director of Eteryu1 - Walter Contreras, launched on 12.01 an image entitled ""Rainha da Sofrencia", a simple tribute to singer Marília Mendonça, who died due to the plane crash, this last November 5th.
""Rainha da Sofrencia", a simple tribute to singer Marília Mendonça, who died due to the plane crash, this last November 5th.
Click here: Open Sea / Marilia Mendonça