Wednesday, July 13, 2022

 Here at the NDRC, we’ve seen our fair share of Supreme Court decisions, good and bad. But we were baffled when the Court’s conservative majority ignored its own precedent to reject the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s reasoning for adopting fairer maps.

“Sotomayor torches ‘unprecedented’ Supreme Court ruling that could gut protections for Black voters


This decision follows another recent decision that allowed Republican-drawn maps in Alabama to stay in place, reasoning that it was too close to the election to change them. Yet that concern apparently did not apply in Wisconsin, where primary elections are also coming up soon!

The unfortunate reality is that the conservative majority on the Supreme Court is as hostile to voting rights as ever. And that makes our multi-pronged strategy to fight gerrymandering and protect voting rights even more important.

We can’t rely on the courts alone to save our democracy. We also need to hold Republicans accountable for manipulating the maps and suppressing the vote, replacing them with Democrats who value voting and democracy, and who will prioritize fairness in redistricting.

We’re working to shine a light on gerrymandering and voter suppression wherever it occurs and support champions for fair maps and voting rights, but we can’t do it without your support. Pitch in now to help us continue these critical efforts:

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A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.

 ALERT via New York Times: "Federal Judge Finds Trump Most Likely Committed Crimes Over 2020 Election"

Do you think Trump should be held accountable?


This is HUGE, team: A federal judge has ruled that Donald Trump's actions on January 6th amounted to "a coup" and that "the illegality of [Trump's] plan was obvious."

And now, the committee investigating the insurrection is planning even MORE public hearings to reveal key evidence about Trump's involvement!

This is a massive turning point in the investigation. Trump and his team have spent more than a year doing everything they can to stop the Jan. 6th committee from getting to the truth -- but now ALL of Trump’s attempts to avoid accountability could come crashing down.

We need to PROVE that Democrats won’t let Trump bury the truth. Please, we need 43 more responses from your state, so tell us now:

Do you think Trump should be held accountable?


seg., 11 de jul. às 15:23

The DSCC is the only committee solely dedicated to supporting Democrats in the U.S. Senate, and our work relies on grassroots supporters like you. If you'd like to make a contribution to support us, please click here.

Just want to remind you what this movement has achieved together, Sula:

Because we helped BLOCK Republican gerrymandering… | PA congressional map: 58% red, 42% blue in 2020, compared to 47% red, 53% blue in 2022 | NC congressional map: 62% red, 38% blue in 2020, compared to 50% red, 50% blue in 2022 | MI congressional map: 57% red, 43% blue in 2020, compared to 46% red, 54% blue in 2022

That didn’t just happen on its own. That happened because folks like you rose up, showed up, testified, donated, and mobilized your communities.

Now we have to do it again. (Chip in to help.)

Republicans have shown that they won’t stop at gerrymandering. Their campaign to undermine our democracy stretches from passing voter suppression laws to advancing anti-democratic legal theories to attacking election officials to stacking state courts. Even the January 6 Capitol attack was intended to overturn a free and fair election!

That’s why, in the words of A.G. Holder,

“[The NDRC is expanding our] “scope to help ensure the frontlines of our democracy are protected. This is a moment of critical importance, and we must not sit on the sidelines this year as we fight to protect our representative democracy.”

So what do you say, Sula? Will you help us fight against what A.G. Holder has called the GOP’s “continuing un-democratic and un-American goals?"

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A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.

BREAKING: Committee vote TODAY on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination to the Supreme Court!

Do you approve of Judge Jackson's nomination to the Supreme Court?

History is about to be made, team.

pivotal Senate Judiciary Committee vote is coming up TODAY on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to become the first Black woman ever on the Supreme Court!

Judge Jackson is already one of the most popular high-court nominees in DECADES, but in order to track changes in public opinion, our campaign strategists need to know where you stand BEFORE this history-making vote.

So please, tell us now:

Do you approve of Judge Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court?



ter., 12 de jul. às 00:03

Sula – we recently got this news:

Vox: The Supreme Court just reinstated a racially gerrymandered map that slashes Black representation; CNN: Supreme Court allows Louisiana to use congressional map for 2022 that lower court said likely violates Voting Rights Act

It was disappointing, but par for the course for the six conservative justices who have refused time and time again to safeguard fair elections.

I have a message for those justices: We will never stop fighting for fair maps, equal representation, and voting rights. See, at the NDRC, our strategy doesn't rely on any one court – it relies on our work in the states and at the polls. And it relies on the strength of this grassroots community.

Can you chip in right now to help us execute our state-by-state strategy?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
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I'll be honest: The future is uncertain, especially with respect to the Supreme Court's decisions and how they could affect fair elections. But I have faith in this movement – and I know President Obama and A.G. Holder do, too.

“We've achieved so much together, but the threat to our system of government, and our fundamental values, is more real than ever. We simply can't give up, and we can't stop fighting. Not now, not ever.” – Eric Holder

Please consider making a donation today.


A.G. Holder: If the NDRC is successful in undoing manipulated maps, we will be able to achieve a system in which everyone's vote counts.
Since 2017, the NDRC has executed a comprehensive redistricting strategy that shifts the redistricting power, creating fair districts where Democrats can compete. Our victories have been made possible by our strong community of grassroots supporters.