Aninha Monteiro's birthday
In the next January 5th, dear Aninha Monteiro, known as the Queen of Nordeste Columnist, celebrates another spring - in addition to many personal and professional achievements in the past year. Among them is his award as commander by the City of Maceió, recognition for his work of dissemination and promotion of Paradise of Waters in nationwide that has been extended for many years. On the special date, Aninha intends to emanate gratitude and celebrate in his own way, with family and dear friends - many of them present virtually through beautiful videos uploaded to the columnist. 'The new phase brings me good expectations and the certainty that I follow on the right track. " I'm very happy and thank you all for the immense affection and all the love I receive wherever I go,' says.
As we enter 2020 I want to say "thank you" -- because supporters like you make this movement possible.
From Kentucky to Virginia, we achieved incredible victories in 2019 that will lead to life-changing progress in communities across the nation. I can't thank you enough for what you've done to support our movement -- you were the driving force behind our wins last year and I can't wait to continue the fight with you in 2020 and beyond.
Thank you for your support, Eric
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