Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Organizing for Action

There are only a few days left to get registered in New York for the midterms.

And even if you’re 99.9% sure you’re ready to go … it can’t hurt to take two minutes, and confirm your registration is up-to-date at the correct address.

Check your status in New York by clicking here.

Sula, in case you needed a reminder of what’s at stake for New Yorkers on November 6:

We can replace a Republican-controlled House that handed the wealthiest 1% of New Yorkers a tax break of $29,890 each, and voted for a bill that would have stripped health care from 1,227,100 New York residents.

We’re going to make it happen. But we can’t make this progress unless ourselves, our friends, and our neighbors actually get to the polls and VOTE.

It starts with getting registered.

If you’ve taken care of it, forward this to at least 5 friends or family members in New York, and make sure they’re ready to go, too.


We are through the end of summer / back to school crush and there's a nice lull between now and the holiday crazy!
It's a perfect time to release new music...  BUT WAIT!
Are you REALLY prepared for your next release?

One of the most brilliant people I know has teamed up with me to teach you every step of your next release in LAB 3!


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Did you know you need to have a plan for all of these things BEFORE you release:
  • Spotify (presave & day of plan to shock the algorithm!)
  • SoundCloud (yes you need this for very different reasons than Spotify)
  • Presale (you need to make at least SOME money from your release, yes?)
  • Social media engagement
  • Website updates
  • Email announcement ready
  • PR strategy
  • A full day of launch plan - We have a check sheet that has over 40 individual actions to take on the DAY OF RELEASE!
In this 3 week master class Suz aka The Rock/Star advocate teams up with me to walk you through everything you need to do to make your next single / EP or Album release receive the MAXIMUM impact it can
Suz has years of working with both major label and indie artists in her 15 year career and she understands that releasing music is not just about the check lists and steps (they are vital) but, what is even MORE vital is being in the right mindset to make the launch a success!
Suz is a mindset coach and getting your head in the right place to plan and execute is AS IMPORTANT as all the steps.
Read more here.
And join us in the LAB.  And, if you can't make the live streams the classes are fully recorded and you can join in at
Ariel and Suz Ariel Twitter-1
Cyber PR   389 12th Street    Brooklyn,  NY   11215   USA 
Presented by: Margaret Mead Film Festival
October 20 @ 11:00 AM (The Sound of  Bells)
October 19 @ 9:30 PM (Obscuro Barroco)
American Museum of Natural History 

What is the essence of a city that is constantly changing? In the months surrounding Carnival, Rio de Janeiro pulses with sound, color, and fluidity. Queer Brazilian icon Luana Muniz leads us through her stream of consciousness—from underground dance parties to the deep Brazilian forest to local political uprisings—into the very heart of Rio during Carnival.

Yamandu Costa and Renato Borghetti  
Fundraising Concert: proceeds go to Pequeno Príncipe Hospital 
October 20 @ 8:00  PM
92Y (Kaufmann Concert Hall)

"Sebastião Salgado: Landscapes 2004-2018" 
October 11 - November 10
Opening: October 11 @ 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Sundaram Tagore Gallery Chelsea

"Inside the Wild Heart"
Presented by Group.BR - An immersive play  based on the Works of Clarice Lispector 
October 18 - November 18  @ 8:00 PM (Thu-Sat) 
and 7:00 PM (Sun)

Aich Studio 
Group .BR, NY’s only Brazilian theater company, invites you INSIDE THE WILD HEART – an immersive theatrical experience based on the works of Clarice Lispector, Brazil's most acclaimed female writer. The show transports audience directly inside Lispector’s heart creating an experience that encourages audiences to engage with literature on a sensory level.