Monday, May 12, 2014

Mas, se sois guiados pelo Espírito, não estais debaixo da lei. Porque as obras da carne são manifestas, as quais são: adultério, prostituição, impureza, lascívia, Idolatria, feitiçaria, inimizades, porfias, emulações, iras, pelejas, dissensões, heresias, Invejas, homicídios, bebedices, glutonarias, e coisas semelhantes a estas, acerca das quais vos declaro, como já antes vos disse, que os que cometem tais coisas não herdarão o reino de Deus. Mas o fruto do Espírito é: amor, gozo, paz, longanimidade, benignidade, bondade, fé, mansidão, temperança. Contra estas coisas não há lei.

The White HouseSaturday, May 10, 2014
A powerful message from First Lady Michelle Obama
First Lady Michelle Obama honored all mothers on this upcoming Mother’s Day and offered her thoughts, prayers, and support in the wake of the unconscionable terrorist kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian girls.
Watch First Lady Michelle Obama deliver the weekly address.
Stay Connected

As inscrições da Seleção Pública de Projetos Esportivos Educacionais 2014 são feitas exclusivamente pelo site e estarão abertas até o dia 14 de julho.
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MAY 2014 
"It Can Only Go Up From Here!"
May 8th, 2014
So 2014 has been quite a roller coaster year, with a lot of highs and lows. My motto for this year, "it can only go up from here!" Little by little, I keep pushing forward, because if my mom has taught me one thing it's to never take no for an answer - "you keep knocking on that door, until you knock it down." Here I am still knocking and things are starting to look up. Below I've given you the highlights and upcoming projects. Thank you for all of the support, I promise it's going to be an amazing year. Keep laughing and watching!

Here's to 2014!

1 Hour Special
Levity Productions is responsible for over 100 primetime specials with some of the biggest names in comedy - Jamie Foxx, Tracy Morgan, Bill Cosby, Daniel Tosh, Amy Schumer, Jeff Dunham; the list goes on and on.
They have hand picked yours truly to shoot my first
1 Hour Special!
I'm honored to have this opportunity and be put amongst those comedy greats. May 29th, 2014, I will be filming the material that I have been building and growing since I started. Thank you to you guys for supporting me and being a part of the journey. I can't wait until the finished product is unveiled and you are able to bring my comedy into your homes and share it with your friends, family & anyone who will watch! 

NYC - May 30th, 2014
I wanted to do something special for my New York City fans and hometown.
So, the day after shooting my 1 Hour, I'm going to do a special show for you guys. Come on out and watch some of your favorite jokes and new jokes for one last time! On May 30th, 2014 - as the great Roberto Duran said -"No Mas"! That's right, these jokes will be hung up.

On top of this nostalgic show and special event, I'm going to also offer you guys a FREE DVD copy of my new special, once it's released with the purchase of a VIP ticket for this event! So 2 shows for the price of 1. Who doesn't like a good deal?
Friday May 30th, 2014
Doors open at 6:30pm, Show starts at 7:00pm

General Admission - $20
VIP Tickets - $25 (FREE DVD once it's released)

Broadway Comedy Club
318 W 53rd Street (btwn 8th & 9th Avenues)

Buy your tickets now, trust me this show will SELL OUT!

A Nabob Coffee Story | The Nabob Coffee Co.
A Nabob Coffee Story | The Nabob Coffee Co.
Those who have been following me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram saw all of my Columbia adventures. Now here is the reason why I was in South America - Nabob Coffee. I was chosen as the Official Spokesperson of Nabob Coffee and am starring in about 8 different commercials. Unfortunately, they will not air in the United States, as Nabob is a Canadian brand. Go figure - a Canadian Coffee, made in Colombia and endorsed by a Puerto Rican/Guatemalan comedian!

They will air some documentary footage online, so make sure you ADD me as a friend, LIKE my fan page, FOLLOW me on Twitter or FOLLOW me on Instagram as I will be posting them as they are released. I'm going to be super famous in Canada, bigger than Robin Sherbatsky, eh!
America's most compelling comedy competition is back! Premiering May 22nd, watch as they search for the funniest comic across the country. 100 comics will enter and only 1 will be named the Last Comic Standing!

Tune in Thursday May 22nd and see if you can catch a glimpse of your favorite comedian! This season is going to be wild. Wanda Sykes has brought back LCS with some awesome format changes & celebrity guest judges. So tune in, DVR and support stand up comedy!
Instead of playing Where's Waldo, how about a game of Where's Erik?!?!? Below are upcoming dates and performances.

May 2nd - Top 50 IT Professionals in Latin America Awards - Miami, FL
May 10th - PRIVATE EVENT - Dallas, TX
May 15th - 17th - Comedy Club of Jacksonville - Jacksonville, FL
May 29th - LIVE TAPING - Levity Live Theater - Nyack, NY
May 30th - "No Mas" - Broadway Comedy Club - New York City, NY

June 19th - 22nd
 - Brea Improv with Steve Trevino - Brea, CA
June 30th - July 6th - Laugh Factory Las Vegas @ Tropicana - Las Vegas, NV

July 16th
 - NBC Stand Up for Diversity Auditions - Vancouver, B.C.

For local dates and last minute appearances, follow me on Twitter orFacebook and keep an eye out for tweets and statuses!