Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A educação é a maior ferramenta para á igualdade social entre os homens Carla Emanuela

Olá, tudo bem?
Venho te falar sobre o quanto o Coaching pode transformar a sua vida!
Quantas vezes você, por algum motivo, deixou de lado antes do fim algo que estava tão entusiasmado quando começou? Coisas assim acontecem o tempo todo, mas existe uma ferramenta muito inteligente que te ajuda quando o assunto é metas e objetivos.
O Coaching, além de trabalhar exatamente o caminho de onde você está até o momento que você conquista seu objetivo principal, ele aproveita o máximo de seus conhecimentos e talentos para facilitar a sua caminhada.
Usando tudo o que você tem de melhor, poderemos transformar você na melhor pessoa que você pode ser!
Responsável pelo sucesso de grandes empresários, você também pode aumentar o seu compromisso com a vida pessoal e ter incríveis resultados na sua vida profissional.
Estou te esperando IEC no Instituto de Eneagrama e Coaching.
{{{CLIQUE AQUI}}} para agendar a sua primeira sessão, ou melhor, o seu primeiro passo para o fim das dúvidas do sucesso.
Você merece a transformação que o Coaching proporciona.
Grande abraço,
Matoso Oliveira.

Today, we're hosting the first-ever White House Demo Day and announcing independent commitments from companies who are stepping up to advance inclusive entrepreneurship. Watch live at starting at 2 p.m. ET.

Watch live: White House Demo Day
Here's an entrepreneurship stat that will probably shock you -- but it's not a typo:
A 2010 analysis found that just 1 percent of seed and early-stage venture funding nationally went to company founders who were black. (And in New York City, it was even less than that.)
Anyone with a good idea should be able to access the resources to help make it a reality -- and that's why today, we're hosting the first-ever White House Demo Day and announcing independent commitments from companies who are stepping up to advance inclusive entrepreneurship.
You can watch live here starting at 2 p.m. ET -- and in the meantime, learn more about the entrepreneurs who are here today and watch a video of U.S. Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith surprising them with the news that they'd be coming to the White House.
Watch this video about Demo Day.
In the startup world, a "demo day" is when entrepreneurs make pitches to prospective funders. The one we're hosting today is a little different.
We've invited a diverse set of startups from across the country -- including those traditionally underrepresented in entrepreneurship, like women and people of color -- to come present their ideas. Some of them will present to the President (fun fact: today's also his birthday!).
Watch live here, and learn more.
The White House Team

A regra do jogoO canal da Globo no YouTube está fazendo um ano!Você pode assistir às aberturas inesquecíveis, campanhas
e conteúdos exclusivos dos lançamentos, assim como vídeos
sobre nossa programação.

E já está ansioso para a nova novela das 21h?!

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Our biggest step yet in fighting climate change:
President Obama just announced America's Clean Power Plan -- the biggest and most important step our country has taken in the fight against climate change.
Our power plants are responsible for about a third of America's carbon pollution -- more than our cars, airplanes, and homes combined -- and that pollution is fueling climate change. But until now, there have never been federal limits on how much carbon pollution existing power plants can generate.
The Clean Power Plan sets the first-ever carbon pollution standards for these power plants, while providing states and utilities with the flexibility they need to meet those standards.
Get the facts on the Clean Power Plan at
Watch this video on the Clean Power Plan.
You've heard the numbers by now: 2014 was the planet's warmest year on record. Fourteen out of the 15 warmest years on record fell within the first 15 years of this century. Earth's current levels of carbon dioxide, which heats up our atmosphere, are the highest they've been in 800,000 years.
We can see the effects of the changing climate in our everyday lives. Our summers are hotter. Our droughts are deeper. Our wildfire seasons are lasting longer. Our storms are more severe. And these disasters are becoming more frequent, more expensive, and more dangerous.
But as the President said today, "There is such a thing as being too late when it comes to climate change."
That's why he directed the Environmental Protection Agency in 2013 to tackle the issue of carbon pollution from our power plants -- and today's plan sets the first-ever nationwide limits on this pollution.
Learn more about the Clean Power Plan.
By 2030, this new plan will reduce carbon pollution from our power plants by 32 percent from 2005 levels. In total, it will keep 870 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution out of the atmosphere -- the equivalent of taking 166 million cars off the road, or cutting every ounce of emissions due to electricity from 108 million American homes.
Because of this plan and other steps we've taken to combat climate change, we'll reduce premature deaths from power plant emissions by nearly 90 percent by 2030, and we'll see 90,000 fewer asthma attacks among our children each year.
Combined with more investments in clean energy, smarter investments in energy efficiency, and a global climate agreement by the end of this year, we can slow -- and maybe eventually stop -- the harm we've inflicted on our climate over the past century.
Visit to find out more about the Clean Power Plan.

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