Friday, October 22, 2010

"And the dreams that you dreamed of Dreams really do come true ..."

Lula almeja ser secretário-geral da ONU

Veja a matéria:Lula deseja ser Secretário Geral da ONU
Palestinos querem Lula como Secretário Geral da ONU

Discurso do Presidente Lula na ONU

Water Decontamination, RJ Brazil

The Rodrigo de Freitas Lake in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is suffering from severe water pollution;

Fishes are dying affecting communities and fishermen;

The water from the lake flows into some of the most famous beaches in Rio, Ipanema Beach, polluting the once pristine water;

I.R.E.O. is now bringing a fast and effective solution to this problem, Clear Blue 104;

Clear Blue 104 maintains copper levels in a high concentration of hydrogen ions, providing a precise

control of bacteria and algae growth without over treatment;

The solution applied directly to the contaminated water shows testable improvement within 45 minutes;

It restores the PH level and eliminates fecal coliform

Aquecimento Global por Arnaldo Jabor

As a mother, I can only imagine how devastating it would be to lose a child. So I was shocked and saddened when I heard that several young people had taken their own lives recently after being bullied for being gay -- or because people thought they were gay.

No one should ever feel so hopeless or tormented that they take their own life. Bullying of any kind, for any reason, is unacceptable. As adults, it's our responsibility to create a safe environment for our children. That includes setting an example of respect for one another -- no matter our differences.

That's why I’m writing to you today. In the wake of these terrible tragedies, thousands of Americans have come together to share messages of encouragement and hope with LGBT youth across our country who might be having a hard time in school or in their communities. And I wanted to share with you the video that Barack recorded to join his voice with all those who have told their own personal stories:

Middle school and high school can be tough for any kid. But it can be especially wrenching if you’re taunted or harassed by your peers, if you are made to feel worthless or alone because you don’t look or act like everybody else. And if you’re in that situation, it can be hard to imagine that things will ever change. But they will.

If you've been bullied, you need to know that this is not your fault. There are adults -- whether in your family, your school or your community -- who can help. Most importantly, you need to know how special and valuable your life is not just to your family and friends but to the entire country. You truly have a bright future ahead of you.

If you’re a parent worried about your child being bullied, or a young person who’s being bullied by their peers and aren't sure where to turn, you can learn more here:


Michelle Obama

First Lady of the United States

( newsletter received by the American government)

Serra e Cooperativismo

O cooperativismo estimula a união das pessoas e promove a PAZ. É o que defende Xico Graziano, em artigo sobre as propostas de José Serra para esse setor:

"O maior compromisso de José Serra: estabelecer a definição legal que regulamenta o Artigo 171 da Constituição Federal, instituindo a Lei Básica do Cooperativismo. José Serra se compromete a promover uma revisão dos tributos que incidem sobre as cooperativas, estimulando o associativismo como forma de construção de uma economia solidária e justa, capaz de favorecer os pequenos empresários do campo e da cidade."
Leia íntegra em proposta Serra

Gabriel O Pensador...

Gabriel O Pensador- Pão de cada dia, outros videos, (Pátria que me pariu...)
Mto bom!!!

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10 Perguntas e Respostas sobre Pensão Alimentícia.

"Nosso destino muda com nosso pensamento; nós nos tornaremos o que nós desejamos nos tornar, faremos o que nós desejamos fazer, quando nosso pensamento habitual corresponde com nosso desejo."
                                     ( Orison S. Marden )

Meu Senhor, por favor

Vem ouvir minha prece

Só tem a paz quem merece

Só tem amor quem tem fé...
(Quem é Ela?Zeca Pagodinho e Dudu Nobre)