Thursday, July 20, 2017

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Henrique Amorim
O Brasil deve fechar o ciclo 2016/17 com uma “supersafra” de 237 milhões de toneladas de grãos, segundo o mais recente levantamento da Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab). A produção de milho também deverá ser recorde, chegando a 96 milhões de toneladas. No entanto, a capacidade atual de armazenamento do País gira em torno de 168 milhões de toneladas, o que representa cerca de 60% do total produzido. Ou seja, há um evidente déficit de armazéns para estocagem dos grãos. Diante deste cenário, no Mato Grosso, toneladas de milho já estão sendo “armazenadas” a céu aberto.
A fabricação de etanol de milho pode ser uma solução para agregar valor ao grão, principalmente nos momentos em que a produção do cereal está significativamente elevada e os preços baixos.  “Nossa produtividade tem aumentado muito, o que inevitavelmente acarreta em redução nos preços. Já temos no Brasil hoje entre três a quatro usinas fabricantes de etanol de milho, indústria que ao meu ver veio para ficar”, afirma Henrique Amorim, presidente da Fermentec.
O potencial do etanol de milho será um dos temas discutidos na 17ª Conferência Internacional DATAGRO sobre açúcar e etanol, que acontece nos dias 06 e 07 de novembro, em São Paulo.Veja a programação completa do evento.
O ex-ministro da Agricultura e presidente-executivo da Associação Brasileira de Produtores de Milho (Abramilho), Alysson Paolinelli compartilha de uma opinião semelhante. “O etanol de milho é oportunidade, e não fuga para o produtor brasileiro”, diz. Segundo Paolinelli, a possibilidade cada vez mais crescente de o milho ser usado para fabricação de etanol, especialmente no Centro-Oeste, é um novo caminho que se abre para agregação de valor ao produto e consequentemente ganho de renda para o agricultor. De acordo com o dirigente, o potencial de desdobramento do milho em outros derivados é similar ao da soja, e que a pesquisa e o desenvolvimento de novas descobertas neste sentido precisam ser estimulados.
Inscreva-se com 10% de desconto até 05/09
Vídeo Etanol de Milho

Confira o vídeo sobre oPotencial do Etanol de Milho no Brasil.
Aproveite a 17ª Conferência Internacional sobre açúcar e etanol para associar a sua marca em um dos mais relevantes eventos do setor sucroenergético internacional. Clique aqui para conhecer as diferentes oportunidades de patrocínio deste ano. 
Enviado por DATAGRO
Calçada das Magnólias, 56, Centro Comercial de Alphaville, CEP 06453-032, Barueri/SP

Organizing for Action

Climate change is not about some far-off day in the future -- its impacts are here, now, and can't be denied.

Americans across the country are already experiencing very real effects: More frequent and severe extreme weather, like droughts and storms. Our coastal cities are seeing rising seas -- and flooding when it's just high tide. And each of the last three calendar years were the hottest years ever recorded.

But here's the good news: Even if the White House refuses to take action -- and denies the basic climate science that 97% of the experts agree on -- we can still make a real, tangible difference in this fight.

Next Thursday, July 27th, I'm leading an online presentation to update supporters on the very latest on climate. I'll walk you through the latest science, the undeniable real-world impact, and the politics at play so you'll be prepared to keep up the fight in your community.

People like you, who know how important this issue is, are using this as a chance to host "watch parties" in their communities -- gathering with friends and families, and then leading a discussion about specific ways they can make an impact.

Will you host one, too?

Don't miss your chance to become a local leader in the fight on climate change -- let us know you're interested, and we'll tell you more.

I'm interested

Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action
Organizing for Action

We've been organizing to stop the repeal of Obamacare for months -- from hosting events, to making phone calls, to visiting with our elected officials.

Earlier this week, it paid off as senators began announcing that they could not support Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's disastrous "repeal and replace" bill.

It was a big victory, but Mitch McConnell is moving the goalposts again. In a last-ditch effort to repeal Obamacare, he's been meeting with senators on the fence about repeal, twisting arms and offering whatever he can to change their vote.

Obamacare has survived every attempt at repeal so far, but McConnell won't take no for an answer.

We have to stay vigilant. We need to let our representatives know that now is the time to work on a bipartisan solution and repeal is unacceptable.

Tweet at a key senator right now to let them know:


Mitch McConnell is out of good ideas. Millions losing care, whether it's 22 million or 32 million, is not an option. Ending Medicaid is not an option. Leaving the poor, elderly, and sick behind is not an option.

We started this fight knowing that if we showed how this law benefits real people -- how it's covering tens of millions more Americans, improving everyone's insurance, and establishing, once and for all, that health coverage is a right for everyone, not a privilege for people who can afford it -- that we would stop this crazy crusade for repeal.

It's working, but it sure isn't over.

Your voice matters. It's always mattered. But it matters now more than ever.



Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Chip in


Typically, you cannot. According to the Eleventh Circuit’s recent decision in Bamberger Rosenheim, Ltd. v. OA Development, Inc., questions of arbitral venue or seat of the arbitration are presumptively for arbitrators to decide, even in international arbitrations. So long as the arbitrator “arguably interpreted the arbitral-venue provision,” courts will defer to his or her interpretation. 
Juan Olano
*Summer Associate

Hunton & Williams LLP1111 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2500Miami, FL 33131


I Am Maurice is an inspirational tale about a Haitian immigrant who, after the tragic earthquake of 2010, comes to America to make his dream of becoming a boxer a reality.
Our Story
We are two comedians who turn to drama to tell a story of an immigrant boxer chasing the American dream.  It's a motivational feature film about stopping at nothing to achieve success in what you love even when you have nothing. Motivating people to chase their dream and have hope they will make it.

I am Maurice is now ready to take the next step in becoming a feature film using crowdfunding to achieve this.

Do you have a story or know someone with a story you would like to share, about overcoming adversity to follow your dream? Send it to us in a video, a minute or less and we may post it on our social media.
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter where we will be sharing daily inspiration and motivation as we bring awareness to our crowd funding campaign for this movie! 

View on Instagram Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our videos on YouTube
Copyright © 2017 Brwilliant Productions.  All Rights Reserved.
Short Cuts Film Festival, P.O. Box 2716, New York City, NY 10008

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Creating Brand Advocates
Creating Brand Advocates:
3 Steps To Create a Review Marketing Strategy
Implementing an effective review strategy can help your business sell more, improve your product, and turn unhappy customers into brand advocates. From GlassDoor to to chat forums, knowing how and when to respond (and when not to!) will help you engage your customer base more effectively. Ensure you are collecting, responding to, and leveraging your customer reviews in an efficient way by following this step-by-step guide.
With this comprehensive guide, some of the things you will learn:
How to gather customer reviews and sustain the process
Best practices for responding to customer reviews
Tips to leverage customer reviews and expand your review strategy
Get your complimentary copy now:
And don't forget to share this with any friends or colleagues who may also benefit.
Here’s to your success,
Michael Crosson
Moderator & Publisher
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Log on tomorrow night for our latest Turning Action Into Organizing online training.


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Small Business Expo is hosted in 18 major cities across the country: Boston, New York, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Miami, Chicago, Seattle, Phoenix, San Francisco, Los Angeles and many more.
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You can Bring Change to a child's Life
Meet Sathya. A civil engineer, who believes NOTHING is impossible for girls.

In a village where girls have always been denied access even to basic needs such as healthcare, sanitation and education - Sathya's story is one of immense hope. Sathya is the only girl in her village to pass her board examination inspite of her school being 12 kms away. She has not only gone on to complete college but is also pursuing a professional degree in civil engineering!

Sathya's success is possible only because of individuals like YOU. Today, she has not only become an inspiration for young girls but has also permanently set her village on a progressive path.

Stay tuned for more stories of hope. , YOU can help create change by supporting CRY!
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Child Rights and You (CRY) is an Indian non-profit that believes in every child's right to a childhood - to live, learn, grow and play. For nearly 4 decades, CRY and its 200 partner NGOs have worked with parents and communities to ensure lasting change in the lives of more than 2,000,000 underprivileged children, across 23 states in India. For more information please visit us at For instant receipts and more, register on CHANGEMAKERS@CRY today!