Sunday, May 8, 2011

"Eu creio que é melhor pensar que Deus não aceita subornos." [ Jorge Luis Borges ]

Killing Bin Laden: The President's Story


The White House, Washington

Good morning,
Last year I asked the public to help identify outstanding Americans I should consider for the Citizens Medal, the nation's second-highest civilian honor. After receiving more than 6,000 nominations, I invited 13 outstanding Americans to the White House to receive the medal and be recognized for their service.
It's time to do it again.
Like last year, we're looking for Americans who have performed exemplary deeds of service outside of their regular jobs and provided inspiration for others to serve. You can view the full criteria and get started on a nomination here:
Now I know there are thousands of citizens out there who meet these criteria -- I read their letters every night, and I meet many of them in my travels around the country.  I also know that many times their contributions go unrecognized.  The 2011 Citizens Medal is a chance to recognize theeveryday heroes in your community.
Here are a few examples of Citizens Medal recipients from last year.
Betty Kwan Chinn was homeless as a child in China and became mute. When she came to America, Betty found her voice and her calling. Today, she provides meals to the homeless in her community twice a day as expressions of gratitude to a welcoming nation.
Susan Retik Ger is a widow who lost her husband on 9/11 who found cause in educating and training Afghan widows and their children.

George Weiss, Jr. is veteran of World War II who founded the Fort SnellingMemorial Rifle Squad, a group of over 125 volunteers who have performed final military honors at over 55,000 veterans' funerals.
Their stories are powerful reminders of the impact an individual can have on his or her community and on the world. You can watch them tell their stories in a video gallery on
If you know someone like Betty, Susan or George, please take a moment to nominate them for the 2011 Citizens Medal before May 30.
President Barack Obama

Seguem os eventos que acontecerão 

neste final de semana - 14 e 15 de maio.
Dia 14 de maio
Ação Global no SESI da Jaiara - Secretaria Municipal de Esportes e Lazer estará presente com atividades nos Campos deFutebol
Início 08:00 horas da manhã;
Dia 15 de maio
Karatê e Capoeira dos XXI Jogos Abertos de Anápolis 2011
Capoeira - UniEvangélica - 08:00 horas da manhã
Karatê - UniEvangélica - 08:00 horas da manhã
Dia 15 de maio 
2ª etapa do IIº Circuito Anapolino de Corrida de Rua
Largada - 08:30 na Avenida S4, próximo aos posto city no Bairro Anápolis City
Dia 15 de maio
4ª edição da Copa Centro-oeste de Kickboxing - 14:00 horas no Ginásio Internacional Newton de Faria
Dias 14 e 15
Campeonato Varzeano em andamento - tabela será enviada na sexta-feira dia 13 de maio.

Crítica não é raiva. É crítica.

"Dizem que ofendo as pessoas. 
É um erro.
Trato as pessoas como adultas.
É tão incomum isso na nossa imprensa que as pessoas acham que é ofensa.
Crítica não é raiva. É crítica.
 Às vezes é estúpida. 
O leitor que julgue.
Acho que quem ofende os outros é o jornalismo em cima do muro,
 que não quer contestar coisa alguma.
 Meu tom às vezes é sarcástico.
 Pode ser desagradável.
 Mas é, insisto, uma forma de respeito, 
ou, até, se quiserem,
 a irritação do amante rejeitado."

(Existe uma  justiça que condene  pequenos ladrões?
(aqueles pequenos ladrões que usam terno e gravata, que elaboram a Lei Orgânica do Município, ou também aqueles que têm a função de postular o juízo) a pagar  danos morais e psicológicos que evitavassem pequenos ladrões se transformassem  em grandes ladrões defendidos por "grandes advogados.??????")

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"O absurdo é a razão lúcida que constata os seus limites." [ Albert Camus ]

Seguem notícias do Anápolis Futsal/SuperBolla....solicitamos que seja colocado no SITE e na Emissora de Rádio e junto aos veículos de comunicação.
Os próximos compromissos do Anápolis Futsal/SuperBolla pela décima sexta edição do campeonato nacional (Liga de Futsal 2011) serão fora de casa nos dia 7 de maio, contra o Diplomata/Muffatão/Cascavel (PR), dia 09 de maio contra o Copagril/Faville/Dalponte (PR), dia 12 maio contra São José Valesul Shopping (SP) e no dia 14 de maio contra o Intelli/Orlândia (SP).  Para tanto o Time Anapolino tem trabalhado diuturnamente nos treinos e também utilizou dos amistosos que realizou para aprimorar e ajustar o ataque/defesa, o entrosamento dos atletas e ainda e o esquema tático. A maratona de jogos fora de casa é intensa, mas o time do Anápolis Futsal/SuperBolla esta com a cabeça voltada em buscar bons resultados. 
Boa sorte para o "Nosso Time".

Dia 07 de maio - Ginásio Francisco Odilon Reinhardt - Cascavel-PR20h00
Diplomata/ Muffatão/ CvelxAnápolisFutsal/ SuperBolla
 Dia 09 de maio - Ginásio Ney Braga - Marechal Cândido Rondon-PR19h00
Copagril/ Faville/ DalPontexAnápolisFutsal/ SuperBolla
 Dia 12 de maio Ginásio do Tênis Clube - São José dos Campos-SP20h00
São José/ ValeSul ShoppingxAnápolisFutsal/ SuperBolla

 Dia 14 de maio - Ginásio Maurício Leite Morais - Orlândia-SP17h00

HAWAII  - MAY  19th - 20th    

The Wayans Brothers, that Haitian Dude Wil Sylvince
along with Shane Miller & Fu Johnson comes to Hawaii for the 1st time - it's gonna be crazy!! We're performing at the Neal S. Blaisdell Concert Hall & Castle Theater

But really we're 5 of "The Blacks" working as undercover detectives for Trump to find Obama's REAL birth certificate! Girls, surfing, sunny-beaches, sex, Hawaiian dance parties can not & will not distract us from our mission - cause we're HAWAII 5-Negr-0!
Neal S. Blaisdell Concert Hall
May 19, 2011 - 7PM
777 Ward Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96814
(808) 768-5400

Castle Theater
May 20, 2011 - 7PM
One Cameron Way
Kahului, HI 96732
(808) 242-7469


Mothers Day weekend I'll attempt to make your momma laugh along with the hilariousHowie BellNema Williams, & Reggie Reg! At the Sabre Room!

Your momma so stupid she sold the car for some gas money!
Your momma so old she left her purse on Noah's Ark!
Your momma's whole left side is missing... but she's all right with me.
Your momma so black if she stand between 2 buildings she looks like an alley way.
Your momma so dump she kept staring at the orange juice cause it said "Concentrate"!

The Sabre Room
(inside the flame room)
8900 West 95th Street
Hickory Hills
(312) 758-0005   

MIAMI, FL  - MAY 26th - 29 th        

Once again to close the month out them dudes that dressed up as white chicks - The Wayans Brothers, that Haitian Dude - Wil Sylvince, plus Shane & Fu are running the streets of Miami, Vice style! We'll be at the Improv in Coconut Grove.  Tickets may be sold out by now... so better hurry up and check son!
WB 13390 Mary Street Suite 182
Miami, FL 33133
(305) 441-8200 

ABS FOR THE SUMMER!   (Part 2 of 3)  

Wil Speed Bag 
To keep the fat from stacking up you need to eat a healthy diet which consists of 5-7 nutrient rich low-fat meals throughout the day (portion size not to exceed the size of your fist).  But to get rid of the current fat that's taken refuge on your body, you will have to do some sort of cardio.  Depending on how much fat you have and how active you are will determine how much cardio you'll need daily.

Desiree Tinsley
Desiree Tinsley

The guidelines published by the American College of Sports Medicine suggest 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise 5 days a week, or vigorous cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week. For weight loss, you might need even more (up to 60-90 minutes) depending on your diet and other activities.
Cardio is basically exercise that elevates your heart ratefor an extended period of time. It's actually better for your health than weight lifting. It can take years to add muscle but in about a month you can lose body fat and look more muscular. The reason is that body fat makes you look round and shapeless and hides your muscles.
People tend to avoid cardio.
MYTH: Cardio will make me lose muscle or cause me not to gain muscle.
TRUTH: Cardio does not burn muscle and in fact it can help you gain muscle!  
Ronson Frank 

Benefits of Cardio:
1. Lose fat and look better
2. Improve your mood and reduce depression -it's been proven cardio can make you happier!
3. Higher performances in school or work by reducing mental fatigue, relieving stress and giving you more energy.
4. Gain more muscle.
5. Live longer, have a healthier life, & a stronger heart & lungs.

Leah Just's Mom
Genie Monte-Pelizzari

Cardio should not be boring. You don't only have to only run/jog to get that heart rate jumping. You have to find out what cardio you love doing.  I hate running but I found out that I love boxing & jump roping. Here are a few cardio exercises you can do:
Wil & Goat Bike RidingTop Cardio Workouts:
1. Running
2. Jump Rope
3. Bicycling
4. Swimming
5. Elliptical Training

Non-Common Cardio Workouts:
1. Rock Climbing
2. Handball
3. Rowing
4. Actual Stair Climbing
5. Cross Country Skiing
Thomas Jump Rope
Thomas "2 Quick" Baldwin 

Equipment-free Cardio Workouts:
1. Jump rope
2. Running in place
3. Jumping Jacks
4. Power (Speed) walking
5. Dancing (I don't do this one - but if you plan on be on DWS or you're of Puerto Rican descent you're good)
Kyle & Wil Boxing
Kyle Grooms beating up lil Wil Sylvince

What I like to do:
1. Boxing
2. Jump Rope
3. Steven Frank Intense Training!

***(fine print stuff) Always check with a doctor/physician before doing this or exercise. I tried this and it worked for ME, so I'm simply relaying.

When in doubt - laughter is the best medicine!
by Wil Sylvince 


Please don't forget us in Haiti.

"O que conta é ser verdadeiro e então aí se inscreve tudo:

 a humanidade e a simplicidade."( Albert Camus).