Fine Art Valques Pimenta Receives Title in Commendation Promoted by the Brazilian Sciences, Letters and Arts' Academy
Valques Pimenta, the renowned visual artist born in Cuiabá, is a prominent figure in Brazilian fine art. On November 29, his career and talent were celebrated in a grand ceremony promoted by the Brazilian Sciences, Letters and Arts' Academy (ACLAB) at ACIAI, in Iracemápolis, SP. Receiving the title of International Peace Ambassador of for the Fine Artist, the event honored authorities, personalities and visual artists who have stood out in the São Paulo' state, recognizing their significant contributions to culture and society.
Valques Pimenta was the guest of honor of Archduke Baron Dom Dr. Edinei Pereira, A.C.L.A.B – Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts'President . He received the title of Peace Ambassador for the Visual Artist, having been recognized for his works with indigenous themes from Mato Grosso and the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, as well as the themes of the Sacred, Our Lady of Aparecida, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Sorrows, and Our Lady of the Conception, from the Catholic religion, which will be shown several times in the next soap opera “Romaria”, which will be shown starting at 7:00 pm on Rede Globo. The artist was selected among 12 other artists in Brazil, so that images of the works of art would be shown in the end-of-year messages of Rede Globo. The artist's featured image is the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, which portrays Indians, jaguars, capybaras and deer, symbols that are part of the culture of Mato Grosso.
Valques celebrates another milestone in his career with Jayme Morjadim, a renowned Brazilian TV director and member of the traditional Matarazzo Family, as his godfather. An opportunity that further solidifies his place in the Brazilian art scene. Since 2019, when he was promoted by the World Arte Show Brasil Association, Valques has already shown signs of his artistic evolution, and the recognition he has been receiving is the result of a path that was already outlined by his heredity.
Son of the famous artist Nilson Pimenta, Valques grew up immersed in an artistic environment that shaped his vision and skills. Nilson, a reference in Cuiabá, has always been an inspiration to Valques, who considers his father's talent to be unique and unparalleled. In the documentary “Trajetória de Nilson Pimenta”, the stories lived by father and son intertwine, forming a rich narrative that highlights the importance of art in the lives of both.
From a very young age, Valques began attending the Ateliê Livre at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), where his father taught painting. For him, the transition from being just a spectator to making his first “scribbles” was natural, a step that led him to explore his own creativity. Today, Valques is recognized for his works of sacred art, which he shares with his followers on social media, revealing his deep connection with spirituality and artistic tradition.
Valques Pimenta is not just an artist; he is a living legacy of the culture and traditions of his homeland. With a career marked by achievements and a deep respect for art, he continues to inspire new generations, proving that talent can be a legacy that transforms into a unique and powerful expression.
Valques Pimenta, Sagrada Família Cathedral, Spain, AST, 1.29X1.05cm, 2024
Valques Pimenta, Festa Junina (09), AST, 1.04X1.30cm, 2024
Valques Pimenta, Indians, Nelore cattle, jaguars, capybaras, and deer in the Pantanal of MT, AST, 1.04X1.30cm, 2024
Valques Pimenta, Xavante Indians/MT, AST, 0.30X0.40cm, 2024
Valques Pimenta, Guarani-Kaiowá (Chamacocos): Um dos povos indígenas do Pantanal/MT, AST, 0,30X0,40cm, 2024
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Instagram @valques_pimenta
Photo: Personal collection
Source: Press office