Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Quem e atento a palavra encontra a felicidade, quem confia no Senhor e feliz."(Pr16,20)

Deus proíbe Moisés de atravessar o Jordão 

Deuteronômio 3

21 Também dei ordem a Josué no mesmo tempo, dizendo: Os teus olhos viram tudo o que o Senhor vosso Deus tem feito a esses dois reis; assim fará o Senhor a todos os reinos a que tu estás passando.
22 Não tenhais medo deles, porque o Senhor vosso Deus é o que peleja por nós.
23 Também roguei ao Senhor nesse tempo, dizendo:
24  O Senhor Jeová, tu já começaste a mostrar ao teu servo a tua grandeza e a tua forte mão; pois, que Deus há no céu ou na terra, que possa fazer segundo as tuas obras, e segundo os teus grandes feitos?
25 Rogo-te que me deixes passar, para que veja essa boa terra que está além do Jordão, essa boa região montanhosa, e o Líbano!
26 Mas o Senhor indignou-se muito contra mim por causa de vós, e não me ouviu; antes me disse: Basta; não me fales mais nisto.
27 sobe ao cume do Pisga, e levanta os olhos para o ocidente, para o norte, para o sul e para o oriente, e contempla com os teus olhos; porque não passarás este Jordão.
28 Mas dá ordens a Josué, anima-o, e fortalece-o, porque ele passará adiante deste povo, e o levará a possuir a terra que tu verás.
29 Assim ficamos no vale defronte de Bete-Peor.

A Petrobras lança, no dia 1º de agosto, a Seleção Pública para Projetos Esportivos Educacionais do Programa Petrobras Esporte & Cidadania. Construído em alinhamento com a Política Nacional do Esporte, o modelo desta Seleção Pública é inédita no país e destinará R$ 30 milhões a projetos que promovam a inclusão social por meio de atividades esportivas para crianças e adolescentes.
Com a finalidade de assegurar a igualdade de condições no acesso a seus recursos, a Petrobras realizará, a partir de setembro, Caravanas Esportivas, presenciais e on-line. Através das caravanas, os interessados em inscrever projetos poderão entender melhor o regulamento da seleção e tirar dúvidas sobre a elaboração dos projetos. A programação estará disponível no site a partir do dia 15 de agosto.
A Seleção Pública para Projetos Esportivos Educacionais faz parte do Programa Petrobras Esporte & Cidadania, que tem o objetivo de apoiar o desenvolvimento do esporte olímpico brasileiro e contribuir para a democratização do acesso popular a práticas desportivas. A iniciativa representa o maior investimento já realizado por uma empresa brasileira no desenvolvimento do esporte no país. Além disso, reflete o compromisso da Petrobras com o desenvolvimento humano e social por meio do esporte.

BREAKING: President Obama Addresses the Nation Tonight at 9
Tonight at 9 p.m. EDT President Obama will address the nation on the stalemate in Washington over avoiding default and the best approach to cutting deficits.
You can watch the speech live at WhiteHouse.gov/live starting at 9 p.m. EDT tonight.

President Obama Addresses the Nation. Watch Live at WhiteHouse.gov/live


A sétima edição da Liga Centro-Oeste de Futsal iniciam os jogos amanhã, dia 03 de agosto. Todas as partidas serão jogadas no Ginásio Internacional Newton de Faria e a entrada é gratuita.

A competição deste ano contará com a participação de oito equipes que estão divididas em dois grupos. Na chave A estão, além do Anápolis Futsal/Super Bolla-GO, que será o anfitrião, as equipes do Cresspom-DF, do APAS/Três Lagoas-MS e a Juinense Futsal-MT. Os times dessa chave jogam entre si, se classificando os dois melhores colocados para as semifinais.

Já a chave B conta com a presença do EC Rio Verde-GO, do Peixe/Mazza-DF, do Colégio ABC-MS e do Uirapuru-MT. A exemplo do que ocorre na chave A, as equipes do grupo B também jogam entre si em um turno. Os dois mais bem colocados da chave seguem para as semifinais, onde se enfrentarão com os classificados do grupo A, definindo assim os finalistas.

Na primeira rodada o Rio Verde faz o primeiro confronto do dia ao encarar o Colégio ABC, a partir das 15h30. Logo após, às 17h, a Juinense joga diante do Cresspom. Às 18h30 o Uirapuri entra em quadra para enfrentar o Peixe/Mazza, enquanto o último jogo do dia reserva a estreia do Anápolis Futsal, que enfrenta o APAS/Três Lagoas. 

August 4, 2011
Hello Cats & Kittens,
I can't believe it's August. I hope you are having a fruitful summer.
I've had my head down writing Version 3 of Music Success in Nine Weeks and the newCyber PR® Course which will be making it's debut at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) this fall. Having a class that bears the Cyber PR® name and teaches from my books and observations is a dream come true and I am both humbled and so excited to see how this course unfolds for the MTSU students who will be taking it and working alongside my agency to gain real – life experience by helping some of our artists!
As many of you know I can't stay put for long – so another few trips are shaping up – Nashville and Europe are in the works!
In This Issue:
  1. Where's Ariel? Back To School! Master classes in Social Media led by me in Nashville, London & throughout Scandinavia.
  2. Featured Article: Musicians Arsenal Killer Apps, Tools and Sites – cutting edge and useful must-haves to boost your online marketing and promotion in our new blog series.
  3. INTRODUCING... Our New Boost Campaign: We add hundreds of followers to your Twitter Page – for $199 (Scroll down to read more)
Where's Ariel?
Sept 12 – 15 – TBA – Nashville Master Class
Sept 20 - Coming Back To London – Teaching a Social Media Master Class at PRS House
Sept 20 - Tweet Up – With some of my favorite London based friends
Sept 23 & 24 - Musik & Talang Conference – Vaasa, Finland
Sept 30 – Master Class with Gramart – Oslo, Norway

Just in case you haven't noticed, there's a new series on our blog called Musician's Arsenal Killer Apps, Tools and Sites. It includes cutting edge and useful must-haves to boost your online marketing and promotion.  It's written by our very own Jason Loomis who has just joined my team full time handling business development & new media maker relations here on Team Cyber PR®.
So far, he's reviewed some absolutely fantastic new applications
A very easy and effective web presence solution for musician's struggling to create an attractive website. For those of us who can't build a nice WordPress site to save our lives, Onesheet is here to save the day.
Yet another new site for us to learn and love. At this point, Turntable.fm is all the rage. It has some 140,000 users already in its first month and appears to be picking up speed. This is a fantastic platform for artists to discover a new fan base and share your music with them.
NoiseTrade is a platform for both artists and fans to discover each other. For the fan, it provides a fantastic and easy way to find new music. For the artist, NoiseTrade is a remarkably elegant way to share their music with potential fans.
The basic concept of Bandsintown is pretty simple; let your fans know when and where you are playing. A Facebook app that creates real Facebook events for all your shows.
Jason will be posting a new site or App every other Wednesday. If you have a tool you love that you would like him to consider please let us know on the blog
Follow Jason on Twitter: @JLoom718
INTRODUCING... Our New Boost Campaign: We add hundreds of followers to your Twitter Page – for $199
YouTube Boost Campaign
We Add 500 New Targeted Twitter Followers
Twitter has over 100 million users and it’s an amazing way to quickly build your brand and connect with lots of people you’d never meet otherwise. As a musician, you want to share your music with as many people as possible, and Twitter allows you connect to thousands of people at once.
This Campaign
  • Gets you 500 new targeted followers to your Twitter account
  • Reaches out to your potential followers
  • Pinpoints individuals who have already identified themselves as liking similar music to yours
  • Targets potential followers based on your location
  • Includes a full PDF of Ariel’s proven techniques that will help you master two-way engagement so that you can connect with your new fans
  • Includes videos that walk you through best Twitter practices and strategies
Cost & Campaign Duration:
Full Campaign: $199
Duration: 1 month
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Nao desobedecas ao temor do Senhor e nao vas a Ele com o coracao fingido".

Rihanna: LOUD Tour

IZOD CENTER (formerly Continental Arena)

50 State Route 120
East RutherfordNJ 07073 UNITED STATES

One year ago today, after a tough battle with the special interests in Washington, President Obama signed Wall Street Reform into law.
That law does three important things. First, it brings to an end taxpayer funded bailouts, so taxpayers will never again be left paying the bill if a big bank fails. Second, it stops the reckless risk-taking by Wall Street that put consumers in jeopardy and led to the economic crisis. And third, this law puts in place the strongest consumer protections in history.
And to make sure you can count on those consumer protections, we put a first-ever consumer watchdog in charge. It’s a new bureau – a new cop on the beat – with just one job: looking out for families in the financial system.
Here’s a quick video we put together last year to explain it:
The President faced a lot of opposition when we fought for this bill. An army of lobbyists and lawyers were looking to preserve the status quo, and one year later, they’re still at it. The special interests are trying to water down what we passed, and spending tens of millions of dollars to get their way. And they’ve got friends in high places.
But President Obama has made it clear: he’s not going to let them win. He’ll veto any effort to weaken or repeal Wall Street Reform. He’s not going to let them take us backward.
We can’t afford to go back to the days when consumers were ripped off by misleading fees and deceptive lending and our economy was vulnerable to greed and recklessness -- not when we know that millions of middle class families are still hurting because of the damage that was done.
So we have a lot of work to do to rebuild this economy. We’ve got to rein in the deficit to put our economy on stronger footing and ensure that seniors and middle-class families aren’t bearing the entire burden when millionaires and billionaires, oil companies, hedge fund managers and corporate jet owners are let off the hook.
We’ve got to keep money in your pockets by preventing payroll taxes from going up for working people. We’ve got to continue to make smart investments in clean energy, innovation and technology to create the good paying jobs of the future.
But we’ve also got to keep up the fight to solve the problems that led us into this economic mess in the first place.
It comes down to this. You shouldn’t need to have lobbyists on the payroll to have your voice heard in Washington. And in your financial dealings, you deserve a basic measure of protection against abuse. You should have the freedom to buy a home or open a credit card or take out a student loan with confidence that you’re getting a fair deal.
That’s what these consumer protections will do. That’s why Wall Street Reform matters.
David Plouffe

Senior Advisor to the President  

Thursday, July 14, 2011

E haverá estabilidade nos teus tempos, abundância de salvação, sabedoria e ciência;e o temor do Senhor será o teu tesouro.( Isaías33-06)

"Contribuir para que as pessoas alcancem sucesso nos mais diversos aspectos da vida, utilizando o esporte e a educação como ferramentas de desenvolvimento."

Alcinda Saphira Art Show & Art Workshop




OPENING JULY 16th 12:00 - 2:00PMFROM JULY 16th  THROUGH AUGUST 16th, 2011
134 Southside Avenue.  Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706  


Website: http://www.alcindasaphira.com
Email:     alcindaS@aol.com
Phone:   1 914 216-9803 / 1 914 478-3752



Metamorphosis is  a  new series inspired by the idea of The Element of  Styles. Some  works are minimal and other times more intense through the use of bold colors.  Each symbolism of color and shape is  interpreted differently which allows us to use our own imagination.  The works are surrounded by a  great variety of movement of expression and liberty. 

Alcinda Saphira

Alcinda Saphira 
 ( Painter,Sculptor and Jewelry Designer ) is from Brazil and has been living and maintaining her studio in Hastings on Hudson, New York. Her formal art education began at the Escola De Belas Artes Federal Da Bahia in Salvador, Bahia (School of Fine Arts at Bahia Federal University). After leaving her job as a television and radio producer at TV EDUCATIVA Salvador/Ba and transferring to TV CULTURA, the public broadcasting television service in her home region Belém/Pa  she sought out the traditional potteries in that part of the Amazon. For many years she traveled from one small town to another, studying ancient techniques while sharing back lessons learned at the academy. This became a crucial period in developing the visceral and political commitment to the survival of the Amazon that largely defined the shapes, colors, texture and themes of her work.
Today her work is more global and her techniques are unique.  Her works are enriched by transparencies and symbolic details, resulting in multiple colors and textures.
Saphira was awarded with the first place prize atUBENY International Competition, selected bytheGuggenheim Museum critics.
Currently, Saphira has been offering art classes in her studio in Hastings on Hudson and working as a free lance curator and project coordinator for The Brazilian Endowment for the Arts located in Manhattan, NY . In addition Saphira has been working as an independent curator promoting art events at different locations, such as: The United Nations, galleries in Chelsea NYC, and the Brazilian Art Expo in Massachusetts-Brazil.

In the past has free lanced with Wingspan Art Program, an after school program for kids.  Saphira has also done different workshops in places such as Central Park,  Pier 17, Ardsley Country Club,Aquafest-friends of Old Croton Aqueduct and more.

In 2009 she was selected as one of the three artists to contribute to the ongoing effort to beautify Downtown Yorkers, New York. She received a commission to create a mural for a building in Downtown Yorkers (the dimensions were dictated by the size of the building façade in downtown Yorkers 21x12’feet). The painting is part of the main street project sponsored by Yonrkers Downtown Water front Business improvement District in partnership with Raising Development.

Recent Exhibitions:

APRIL 2011 – Project MIGRATION, a projected initiated by Saphira and her partners, Rene Nascimento and Antonio Oliveira. The first exhibition took place at the New York Public Library, chelsea NYC.  The fallowing Project Migration Exhibition is schedulle to occur in BAHIA Art Museum, Brazil through the months of December 2011 to January 2012.

The Project MIGRATION is aiming to create an artistic exchange among artists from all over the world.  The project’s objective is to share talents, and create opportunities for artists in public and private galleries in different parts of the world.
Saphira’s Studio

Saphira’s Studio offers Art classes for kids every Saturday from 10:15 AM-11:15 AM as well as 11:30AM - 12:30PM.   The studio is located in Hastings on Hudson, New York.

The classes focus on traditional and modern art techniques using Acrylic on canvas, Water color, Assemblage, printing and more.  Saphira’s Studio has also been dedicated towards teaching children how to use recycled materials and natural pigments to create different art forms.
For more information regarding the classes please contact Alcinda Saphira.

Special Thanks to:

134 Southside Avenue.  Hastings on Hudson, NY 10706

For a great support featuring local artists;
The Brazilian Endowment for the Arts - BEA - 

My  fiscal sponsors. All purchases are fully tax-deductible to the extend allowed by applicable law;
Website:  http://www.brazilianendowment.org

Email:     contact@brazilianendowment.org

Graphic Designer: Website / Mailing List Campaign  
Personal Assistant to the Artist
Email.:  gbraga08@gmail.com
Phone: 1 646 488-6231

Graphic Designer: Poster - Postcard :
1 914 258-2122

Back in March, I was in the room as President Obama spoke to a group of young Americans of different political persuasions in Massachusetts. He spoke candidly and openly about the importance of compromise in our democracy — even from people who care passionately about their position.
Take a look:
President Obama speaks with young Americans. Watch the video
One quote stuck with me: “the nature of our democracy and the nature of our politics is to marry principle to a political process that means you don't get 100% of what you want.”
This is a President who believes searching for common ground is the right way to approach solving our problems. And in fact, in the divided government our country has chosen, it’s the only way we can.
Unfortunately, that view isn’t shared by everyone in Washington, DC. And you can see that right now as the President is trying to bring people together to tackle our debt and get our fiscal house in order.
This is a difficult process, and it means Republicans and Democrats need to step outside their political comfort zone and find some common ground. The President is willing to make tough cuts with real impacts, not easy decisions.
But most Congressional Republicans have dug in and demanded that the sacrifice fall only on the middle class, seniors and struggling Americans.
The President tried to make it easy for them by suggesting closing some of the most egregious loopholes for the very wealthiest Americans and special interests — so that hedge fund managers don’t pay lower taxes than firefighters and teachers, corporate jet owners don’t pay lower taxes than commercial airlines, and oil companies don’t get tax cuts at a time they are making record profits.
Congressional Republicans have not yet given an inch even though the American people, regardless of which political party they belong to, overwhelmingly approve of this common sense, balanced approach.
Our nation is climbing out of the worst recession since the Great Depression, and one of the most important things we can do to help the economy is to get our fiscal house in order and reduce our Nation’s deficit. We can’t let this moment pass us by.
Compromise isn’t a dirty word — in fact, it’s the only way our democracy can get big things done.
David Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the President
P.S. In his Weekly Address, the President calls on both parties to work together to find a balanced approach to solving our nation’s deficit problem.Watch the video.