Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A suprema felicidade da vida é a convicção de ser amado por aquilo que você é, ou melhor, apesar daquilo que você é. (Victor Hugo).

Anticorruption Developments and Key Challenges for Corporations and Investors Doing Business in Brazil

Although Brazil continues to be an attractive market for foreign investors, corruption and corporate compliance issues remain a key concern for companies and investors doing business in the country. On May 14, please join us for an interactive discussion as our panelists address the latest anti-corruption developments taking place in Brazil. Among other topics, the panel will discuss Brazil's proposed Bill of Law on Anticorruption that was recently approved by the country's House of Representatives and is now going to be submitted to consideration by the Senate. The program will feature a keynote address by Sergio Nogueira Seabra, Secretary of Corruption Prevention and Strategic Information at the Office of the Comptroller General - Controladoria-Geral da União/CGU. Additional speakers will include partners from Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados, Baker & McKenzie and Ernst & Young Terco. We hope you are able to join us for this exciting program

Agenda & Topics
8.00 am - Registration & Networking breakfast
8.30 am - Keynote speaker - Sergio Nogueira Seabra (Secretary of Corruption Prevention and Strategic Information at the Office of the Comptroller General - Controladoria-Geral da União/CGU)
9:00 am - Presentation
11.30 am - Q & A / Networking

-       Sergio Nogueira Seabra - Secretary of Corruption Prevention and Strategic Information at the Office of the Comptroller General - Controladoria-Geral da União/CGU)
-       Bruno Maeda - Partner, Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados (associated with Baker & McKenzie International); Co-chair of the Anticorruption and Compliance Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Business Law - IBRADEMP
-       José Compagno - Partner,  Ernst & Young Terco
-       Frederico Gebauer - Partner, Ernst & Young Terco
-       John Rowley - Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP
-       Douglas Tween - Partner, Baker & McKenzie LLP

Hosted by
Baker & McKenzie LLP
452 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10018

Tel: +1 212 626 4100

Ernst & Young Terco


Wednesday, May 8, 2013
This event will present an overall review of the economy using the "J.P. Morgan Guide to the Markets - Brazil" as a reference. This quarterly publication features the latest economic, market, and demographic analysis on the global investment environment. The guide includes more than 60 pages of useful charts and graphs, and covers the Brazilian economy, international economy, monetary policy and currency, fixed income, equities, and asset allocation. The goal of the guide is to provide the audience with a clear perspective of the Brazilian financial markets, thereby enabling investors to recognize both opportunities and risks that exist in today's investment environment.

Cassio Calil
President, J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Brazil

Andres Garcia-Amaya
Vice President, Global Market Strategist, J.P. Morgan Funds Global Market Insights Strategy Team
270 Park Avenue, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10022

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

8:00 - 8:30 AM
Registration, Breakfast & Networking
8:30 - 9:30 AM
Discussion, Presentations and Q&A
Host & Sponsor

To Register
To register online and download the registration form, please click here.

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Thursday May 16th 10am-5pm

Pier 92 (52nd Street & 12th Avenue)


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You'll come face to face with high energy, powerful keynote speakers, exciting vendors looking to buy and sell, and forward-thinking small business people just like yourself. Small Business Expo is designed to bring together enterprising individuals from across the business world—so if you’re looking to meet or re-connect with contacts, learn about cutting-edge products and services, or get motivated with our exciting speakers, Small Business Expo is a great idea for you and your company!


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Monday, April 22, 2013

"Ideal seria que todas as pessoas soubessem amar, o tanto que sabem fingir"

Packaging Projects for More Visibility to Buyers & Distributors

What: 7-week Saturday course on packaging your Film & TV series.
This course is about breaking down doors, not about how to write a script.  It is for those of you who have a project ready to submit. This workshop is designed to help all filmmakers get closer to producing their film. No one can actually guarantee that you'll land an agent or sell a script or finance your film, this course can help you increase the odds that you will achieve success.
We go a little more in-depth and advise you on how to package a sellable project from every aspect including: Script, Cast & Crew, Production, Budgets & Financing, Directing, Editing, and Marketing & Distribution. Course topics include: How to treat this business as your business.
  • Your Business Plan                               
  • The "breakdown" of your script
  • Strategic Planning                         
  • Contracts and money
  • What is a PPM? or an LOI?                        
  • Prepping a pitch
  • What to submit, and how to submit it      
  • What to do if you don't live in LA
  • Creating a budget for documentaries, films and television show
  • Contacting people who don't want to be contacted, and what to do when you connect
  • Florida Film Incentives

WhenSaturday April 27 -Saturday June 8, 2013

Project-a-thon members $100
Non-members $350

Ingraham Building
Suite 312
250 NE 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33131

FMM/ GMW header
Laura@ Evite

FMM contact info 

Breakfast Seminar
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Join us for a moderated panel discussion as we explore challenges and opportunities facing the commercial aviation finance market in Brazil in 2013. This program will address funding for new aircraft deliveries in Brazil, including the prospects for capital markets transactions, the role of export credit agency guaranteed financing, and the state of the traditional bank financing market.  Our panel will also discuss the impact of the ratification of the Cape Town Convention and consolidation in the Brazilian airline market on structuring aviation finance transactions in Brazil.
Commercial Aviation Financein Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities for 2013

Phillip L. Durham
Partner, Holland & Knight
Renato Covelo
General Counsel, Azul Airlines
Fabio Falkenburger
Partner, Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice - Advogados
Luiz Fernando Spahn Garcia
Associate General Counsel, Embraer S.A.
Luis Eduardo Rangel
Head of Assets & Capital Structuring, Banco Santander Brazil
Marcio Migon
Head of Aircraft Financing, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)
Edward Sheard
Vice President & Lead Counsel, Latin America & the Caribbean, GE Capital Aviation Services

  Hosted by
  Sponsored by
 Upcoming Events
 April 24, 2013

Latin America Travel Security Summit
April 25, 2013 

May 8, 2013
May 16, 2013

September 27, 2013
To register, please

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Please disregard this message if you have already registered.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Trabalho duro, penso no futuro, mas o presente eu vou desembrulhar.( Gabriel O Pensador).

Denunciamos o desmatamento ilegal na Amazônia. Veja a ação!
O Greenpeace deu início a um enorme desafio!
Foi lançada a campanha pelo Desmatamento Zero, onde precisamos reunir 1,4 milhão de assinaturas para levar ao Congresso uma proposta de lei de iniciativa popular, que tem como objetivo levar a taxa de desmatamento do Brasil ao único nível em que pode ser considerado aceitável: o zero.
A fauna e a flora brasileiras estão em risco, e com elas o futuro do Brasil. Mas você pode ajudar a salvá-las.
Junte-se a nós e colabore para que, juntos, continuemos a campanha em prol da natureza e da conscientização das pessoas.
Ajude o Greenpeace a proteger o planeta
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Goiás recebe novas UPA 24h
18/Abril/2013 - Goiás recebe novas UPA 24h;Foi publicada na edição de ontem do Diário Oficial da União  a portaria nº 616, que lista 13 municípios goianos habilitados a receber Unidades de Pronto Atendimento 24h, as UPA 24h.

As cidades são contempladas dentro do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento, PAC 2, e os recursos podem ser utilizados para construção ou ampliação de unidades já existentes.

Ao todo, seis estados foram beneficiados pela portaria. Em Goiás, estão agora habilitados os municípios de Caldas Novas, Campos Belos, Goianésia, Inhumas, Luziânia, Mineiros, Niquelândia, Pontalina, Posse, Quirinópolis, Rio Verde, Santa Helena de Goiás e Uruaçu. As prefeituras têm até o dia 8 de maio para realizar o cadastro e finalizar as propostas.
Para Rubens Otoni, a publicação da portaria incentiva o desenvolvimento da saúde em Goiás, “ficamos felizes ao ver os municípios goianos sendo beneficiados com os programas do Governo Federal. As UPAs 24h impulsionam o atendimento à saúde da população, e agora mais goianos terão acesso ao serviço”, apontou Otoni.
Com informações do Diário Oficial da União
Assessoria de Comunicação


These past two weeks have been a series of great learning experiences for the Florida Media Market. 
Attending Hispanicize 2013, where journalists, bloggers, marketers, advertisers, celebrities and new media professionals come together to be informed of the latest innovative ways to strategically reach the growing Latino consumer demographic and show their love and pride of the diverse Latino culture that makes up the US Latino communities, gave us at the Florida Media Market a lot of insight into the world of social media marketing and content development, among other things. 
For more info: Visit Hispanicize site
We also learned of ways we can help educate youth on prevention and treatment for HIV/ AIDS from meeting with our friends at MTV:

At the Florida Media Market, we seek to create and help others create 
'Better Entertainment for a Better World' which is content with an inspirational, educational and meaningful message. To do that, we have to engage our audience, be socially aware, and Perform Acts of Random Kindness.

Business As Usual...


Those in broadcasting have seen the extreme reduction of investment dollars for new stations. We have been limited by the FCC's rule that foreign investment can only go to 25%.
The National Association of Media Brokers has filed comments with the FCC explaining that the demand for capital to execute broadcast transactions exceeds the supply. For that reason, willing foreign investors should be invited in to alleviate the imbalance. Read More...


This new generation of smartphones, YouTube, and easy-to-use video cameras lets everyone tell their stories through videos and shorts. It's important to embrace these new media and grow with technology so we're not left behind.
For example, Vine, a mobile app by Twitter that enables its users to create and post looping 6-second video clips, has reached the top spot in free downloaded apps from the App Store. Read More...
If we want to make the film business our business we need to keep up with the newest trends of film, digital, and new media.

Congratulations to an extraordinary artist/ filmmaker:

Juan Carlos Zaldivar
Juan Carlos Zaldivar is going to 
Cannes Short's Corner with his 
new film Shift, an edition of 8. 
Shift is also on exhibition at the 
North Miami. The exhibit celebrates MOCA's 15 year collection, March 22nd - May 19th 2013
For more info...
Juan Carlos Zaldivar

LAST CALL for Project-A-Thon: Create, Target Audience, and Monetize your Film/ TV Project
Package your Project for more visibility to Buyers and Distributors
Join us for a 7-week course on packaging your Film & TV series: April 27- June 8, 2013 
The 2013 Project-A-Thon is bringing an opportunity for independent producers & filmmakers to learn what will make their project marketable and give it a full makeover. We know that in order to have a profitable TV series or Film, you have to be able to distribute it on a 360° platform. Learn how at the Project-A-Thon. 
For more information, contact us: info@floridamediamarket.com 
Project-A-Thon is a course  that individually analyzes and perfects your project within a small group of others who will also give you feedback and share their experiences within the market, making this an interactive workshop. Independent filmmakers will learn every outlet and opportunity you have to take your project to the next level, no matter which stage it is in. Regarded as one of the top filmmakers' workshops in  the world, this 7 week, information filled course will provide you with all of the tools, technologies, and best practices you need to accomplish your goals. 
"I wanted to thank you and your wonderful team for such great effort in having the community, colleagues and friends gathering together to exchange experiences, work and projects during the Florida Media Market. " -Victor Gomez, Bajo La Luz Productions. 

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Featured FMM Filmmakers Making Us Proud

After the Florida Media Market "Bridge to the World" 2013 Conference, our filmmakers have been making ripples within film industry news around the world.

Anike Bay
Anike Bay, creator of "Girls Like Us! Part 1" closed a distribution deal with Maverick Entertainment, who she pitched to at the Florida Media Market, earlier on this month. Also, "Girls Like Us! Part 1" has been chosen to compete in the St. Tropez International Film Festival in the south of France on May 16-18.

"Thank You for giving me a chance to Pitch at the Florida Media Market. I'll forever be grateful "...
"Having Girls Like Us distributed by Maverick is a dream come true!  I always say:  'Don't talk about it!  Be about it!'  Do one thing each day to get you closer to realizing your dreams, and remember it doesn't have to be complicated!" " 
Anike Bay.
Contact Anike Bay:
About Maverick Entertainment
Privately held Maverick Entertainment Group, Inc. is an independent movie distributor with a reputation for consistently releasing the niche genre films major studios often overlook...
For more information, visit:http://www. maverickentertainment.cc/

Rubi Herrera
Rubi Herreracreator and writer of "The Liminalist" a supernatural drama about a woman with an extraordinary gift that not only allows her to "talk to the dead" but to cross over, was the winner for "Best English Format" at the Florida Media Market

This accomplishment gave Rubi the opportunity to travel to MIP Format in Cannes, France and have the prospect to pitch the completed pilot. 

"I want to thank Florida Media Market, Maritza Guimet and Georges Leclere for allowing me this great opportunity.  The insightful knowledge I received from Florida Media Market and while attending MIP Format, as well as all the great contacts have given me the assurance that I can become successful in creating content for televisionand film."
-Rubi Herrera.