Thursday, August 27, 2015

A língua santa da família de Cristo aconselha à sociedade a melhor educação para seus filhos. Helgir Girodo

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Opportunities and Challenges in Latin America: A Business Lawyer’s Look Into the Next 12 Months
October 1, 2015
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Opportunities and Challenges in Latin America: A Business Lawyer’s Look Into the Next 12 Months
Thursday, October 1st, 2015
5:00 p.m. Registration5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. EDT
Reception to follow program.

Hunton & Williams LLP
1111 Brickell Avenue
Suite 2500,
Miami, FL 33131

Feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues and friends whom you feel would be interested in the event.

Always a dynamic region, the legal and business environment in Latin America has been changing
rapidly over the past year. Markets that were hot have cooled and smaller markets are
emerging with surprising strength. Change brings opportunity. The focus of this program is to
highlight opportunities that exist today, and possibilities that may develop over the next 12 months
as a result of changes in the legal framework for business.

Marlon FetznerDirector of Legal and Corporate Affairs, LatAm New Markets, Microsoft
  Andrés Cedrón Senior Legal Counsel & Senior Director, Compliance – Latin America, Stryker
Ines BahachilleLegal Counsel Westlac, Diageo 
Gustavo I. LopezVice President, Head of Distribution – Latin America, AMC Networks International 
Moderator:Fernando C. AlonsoPartner, Chairman of the Latin American Practice GroupHunton & Williams 
Introductions:Barrett Avigdor Managing Director - Latin America, Major, Lindsey & Africa
Complimentary program and reception. Space is limited.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

EDUCAÇÃO e RESPEITO não tem nada a ver com classe social, são valores que vem de família.

No deal is perfect, especially one negotiated among adversaries. But, in our ongoing confrontation with a great threat to world peace, we have found the best available option by peaceful means rather than pursuing a worse option through war.

The White House, Washington
I was in the first company of Marines to enter Baghdad in 2003.
As a combat veteran, I know the cost of war. It is something I still carry with me today in the U.S. House of Representatives, where I have the privilege of representing the people of northeast Massachusetts. And I am reminded of it every time the questions of war and peace come before Congress.
In September, we will face that question once more when members of Congress consider whether or not to support the Iran nuclear agreement.
During the Iraq war, I saw the weapons and influence of the Iranian regime, and I deeply understand the threat Iran poses to America and our allies like Israel. That is why it is so crucial that the international community works together to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
After careful deliberation, I believe the Iran nuclear deal does just that. You can investigate the deal yourself here.
Let me be clear: I do not, and we should not, trust Iran to comply with this agreement. But this deal is not based on trust. It's based on enforceable verification measures that are comprehensive enough to be effective. Inspections will also give us greater intelligence on Iran than we have today.
I respect that some, including a few veterans, may disagree and feel that there is the possibility of a "better deal" out there. To them I say, what's the alternative?
You may hear of two: increasing our sanctions regime or pursuing a military option. Here's why those are just not acceptable:
Increasing sanctions -- let alone maintaining them -- would only work if the international coalition behind the sanctions holds together. But our allies have been clear: They agreed to sanctions to force Iran to the negotiating table to secure a deal like the one we now have. If we walk away from that deal, we walk away alone.
The other option, taking military action against Iran, would once again imperil the lives of Americans to achieve much less than this deal achieves by diplomatic means. Military action would only set Iran's nuclear program back a few years at most, reaffirm their pursuit of a nuclear weapon, and drive the program underground.
Both these options leave us worse off than we are under the terms of the Iran deal. The fact is there is no "better deal" that will prevent Iran from building a bomb.
No deal is perfect, especially one negotiated among adversaries. But, in our ongoing confrontation with a great threat to world peace, we have found the best available option by peaceful means rather than pursuing a worse option through war. It is for these reasons that I support the Iran deal.
And if you read it for yourself, I feel you will too.
Thank you,
Seth Moulton
Member of Congress

Organizing for Action

Hats on hats on hats.

Today, the White House is launching a new Tumblr account called "Letters to President Obama," highlighting some of the letters that Americans have written to the President.

The White House, Washington
Today, the White House is launching a new Tumblr account called "Letters to President Obama," where we'll highlight letters that Americans have written to the President.Follow along here.
Below, Natoma Canfield -- a cancer survivor from Ohio -- shares what happened when she wrote the President a letter encouraging him to "stay focused" in his efforts to reform America's health care system.

In December of 2009, I was a 50-year-old divorced woman, self-employed, and struggling to support myself and pay for my health insurance.
But in 1995, I'd had a very small bout with breast cancer -- carcinoma in situ -- which meant the insurance companies would forever see me as a woman with cancer. And that meant I had to pay more for my insurance.
My rates kept going up until I couldn't pay for my insurance any longer. I sure tried -- I cut back everything, but nothing made a difference. I had to cancel.
In a last-ditch effort, desperate to let someone know my plight, I wrote President Obama a letter straight from my heart. I shared my story with him and told him how much people like me needed his help. And he actually read it!
Natoma Canfield's letter, outside the Oval Office.
The original letter from Natoma Canfield, hanging on the wall in the hall between the Oval Office and the President's Private Office in the West Wing. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
A few months later, however, my fears came true. In March of 2010, I passed out at work, and found out soon after that I had a rare type of leukemia -- acute lymphoblastic leukemia with the Philadelphia chromosome, to be specific.
I went to the Cleveland Clinic and was placed in a great program on their leukemia floor, where I would fight for my life. While I was there, my sister Connie Anderson was asked to introduce the President at an event in Strongsville, Ohio.
Then one day, the President sent me a note, then another -- and even called me on the phone. I couldn't believe it. Connie and my brother Ken were able to go to the signing of the Affordable Care Act, and later I finally got to meet the President myself in Parma, Ohio.
I really believe all of the excitement helped keep me alive. And today, I'm happy to say that I'm cancer-free.
Of course, I can't begin to thank the President enough for the Affordable Care Act. During the fight to pass the law, he said that he carried my story with him every day, as a reminder of what the Act would mean for people all across our country. He later decided to frame the letter, which is now hanging up outside the Oval Office.
As the President has said, "because of this law, there are other Americans -- other sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers -- who will not have to hang their fortunes on chance. These are the Americans for whom we passed this law."
I'm so grateful to have a President who truly cares about the people that he serves.
Natoma Canfield
Medina, Ohio


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Uma sociedade democrática e justa é nosso objetivo de luta. Uma sociedade onde a educação seja nossa principal arma, e, de tão uniforme, ninguém se sujeite a comprar alguém ou se vender para ninguém. Onde tenhamos sonhos e, a cada dia, busquemos ser melhores! Albert Ferreira

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Focus on Latin America: Opportunities and Challenges and Cross-border Developments
September 24, 2015
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in association with

Focus on Latin America: Opportunities and Challenges and Cross-border Developments
Please join us for an afternoon discussion of Latin American corporate insights and developments from key thought leaders. 
September 24, 2015
4:00 – 7:30 PM
Program, Networking and Reception
Fontainebleau Miami Beach
4441 Collins Avenue,
Miami Beach FL 33140

Discussion topics may include: Corporate/Commercial, Energy, Infrastructure & Project Finance
Fernando C. Alonso, Chairman of the Latin American Practice Group, Hunton & Williams
Speakers to be announced shortly.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Em sociedades culturalmente e educadamente respeitosas as mulheres são educadoras, sendo assim são elas a base de uma sociedade. (Bindes , Fátima)

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Greetings! Last week, President Obama announced the finalization of America's Clean Power Plan -- the biggest step we've ever taken to combat climate change. This plan sets the first-ever carbon pollution standards for power plants, while providing states and utilities with the flexibility they need to meet those standards.
Watch the President's full remarks on the Clean Power Plan.
As the President stressed in his remarks, climate change affects all communities, especially low-income communities. Communities of color are more vulnerable to the impacts of poor air quality due to unequal access to quality health care and the disproportionate rate of pollution in areas in which they work, live, and play.
Did you know?
  • 28 million Latinos live in areas with unhealthy air -- and climate change is expected to exacerbate already dangerous air quality increasing asthma attacks.
  • Additionally, more than 3.6 million Latinos in the U.S. are living with asthma. This includes one in every ten Hispanic children, who are 40 percent more likely to die of the chronic condition.
Climate change has negative effects on our communities, our health, and more importantly our planet. We have a moral obligation to act so that we can leave our children a planet that's not polluted or damaged; keep energy affordable and reliable; support innovation; and drive a strong, growing economy.
In particular, the Clean Power Plan:
  • Is a major victory for public health, by 2030, when combined with other policies to increase clean energy, will reduce premature deaths from power plant emissions by nearly 90 percent
  • Sets flexible and achievable standards to reduce carbon dioxide emissionsby 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, 9 percent more ambitious than the proposal
  • Ensures more aggressive investment in clean energy technologies than the proposed rule, resulting in 30 percent more renewable energy generation in 2030 and continuing to lower the costs of renewable energy
  • Creates tens of thousands of jobs while ensuring grid reliability
  • Saves the average American family nearly $85 on their yearly energy bill, saving enough energy to power 30 million homes
  • Prioritizes the deployment of energy efficiency improvements in low-income communities that need it most early in the program through a Clean Energy Incentive Program
  • Continues American leadership on climate change by keeping us on track to meet the U.S. 2020 and 2025 emissions targets.
The Clean Power Plan is a landmark action to protect public health, reduce energy bills for households and businesses, create American jobs, and bring clean power to communities across the country, especially low-income communities. For more information, visit -- and click here to learn on how climate change affects the Latino community. For the Clean Power Plan resources in Spanish, click here.
Administration Updates
President Obama, Congressman John Lewis, and Others Mark the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act
Fifty years ago, on August 6, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law -- a landmark piece of legislation breaking down barriers across the South that prevented countless African Americans from voting.
Last week, President Obama hosted a discussion at the White House to mark the Act's 50th anniversary, featuring Congressman John Lewis, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry, and others.
DACAmented Teachers: Educating and Enriching Their Communities
Last month, the White House honored nine educators who received Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) as "Champions of Change." This event recognized nine young leaders in the field of education that are also DACA recipients, who have been strong role models for students and families, as well as change agents within their communities.
To read more on this event and these remarkable "Champions of Change," click here.
HUD Announces Final Rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro announced a new rule which will equip local communities with the tools they need in order to meet their fair housing obligations. This rule marks a major expansion in the Housing and Urban Development's efforts to roll back the effects of housing discrimination and ensure that affordable housing is high quality and distributed fairly and justly. President Obama described the new rules as keeping, "This a country where kids from every background can grow up knowing that no matter who you are, what you look like, or where you live, you can write your own story."
Economic Costs of Disadvantaged Youth and High-Return Opportunities for Change
Addressing opportunity in another area, the White House Council on Economic Advisers produced a new report on the economic costs of disadvantaged youth and presented strategies on the high-return opportunities for change in communities across the country. Creating more opportunities for disadvantaged youth is a key element in making a more inclusive economy that works for Latinos as well as all of the other communities in our nation.
ConnectHome: Coming Together to Ensure Digital Opportunity for All Americans
The President announced a new program, ConnectHome, which, through partnerships between local communities, the private sector, and the federal government, will provide, as a pilot program, high-speed broadband internet access to over 275,000 low-income households in twenty-eight communities across the country, from San Antonio, Texas to Fresno, California, to Springfield, Massachusetts. In today's global and interconnected economy, it is critical that everyone is able to access the internet, and this initiative is a major step towards ensuring that everyone has access to the opportunities that the internet makes available.


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