Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Muitos pais acham que basta pagar uma boa escola para garantir a formação de um bom caráter. E acabam criando crianças ricas abandonadas." [Gabriel Pensador]

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

" Senhor ouvi minha oração e chegue até vos o meu clamor". salmo 101



                    3ª Etapa do Circuito Haikar Honda  

Este fim de semana de 9 a 11 de Abril, estamos nas magníficas instalações do Clube Campestre em Rio Verde com o melhor torneio do Circuito Haikar Honda 2010.

Com atletas de seis Estados ( DF, GO, MG, MT, MS, SP) este Torneio da CBT do Grupo G2 em cinco categorias de simples - 12M , 14M, 16M, 18M e 14F e em Duplas 14FD, 14MD e 18MD, os jogos são bem disputados e longos, mas com seis quadras e uma boa organização da equipe do Prof. Carlinhos, todo o mundo está satisfeito segundo as opiniões ouvidas.
Domingo 11 de Abril são disputadas as semifinais e finais.

Tem atletas de Campo Grande, Rondonópolis, Minaçu, Brasília, Bauru, Catalão, Itumbiara, Goiânia, Aparecida de Goiânia, Cuiabá, Uberlândia e Rio Verde ( Claro!!!!)

Ontem houve um lanche oferecido por Delicatesse - Via Sabor e o jantar foi oferecido um churrasco pelo Clube Campestre com o melhor arroz que eu já comi.

Agradecemos aos patrocinadores locais - CMR Centro Médico de Referencia,Accerti - Odontologia, Sementes S. Francisco, Fazenda Rio Doce, Senna Auto peças, Agro Verde, e UNIMED Rio Verde a possibilidade de ajudar a organização do Clube Campestre com a parceria da FGT/CBT para levar por diante este brilhante evento do tênis do Centro-Oeste.

Este Circuito Haikar Honda é uma realização do Deptº Infanto Juvenil da FGT, patrocinado pela HAIKAR HONDA e tem o apoio da AGEL, Ministério dos Esportes, Correios e da SAMA.


IREO's will focus on the awareness, implementation and promotion of sustainable development initiatives that will nurture renewable energy strategies around the world. The Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (Agenda 21), the Johannesburg Declaration and other outcomes and declarations of the various United Nations Conferences and Summits convened over the last 10 years are the base of IREO's initiatives.

The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (Agenda 21)

This declaration was result of the effort of 178 countries that met in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the first International Earth Summit on June 1992, convened to address urgent problems of environmental protection and social-economic development. There, the assembled leaders signed the Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity, endorsing the Rio Declaration and the Forest Principles, and adopted the Agenda 21.

Johannesburg Declaration

Assembled at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa in September 2002, representatives of the world reaffirmed their commitment to sustainable development and endorsed a declaration and plan of implementation.

(55/2) United Nations Millennium Declaration

Goal #7 Ensure Environmental Sustainability

"Empowerment of alternative fuel or renewable energy projects promotes the United Nations Millennium Development Goals in favor of populations in need, especially in those developing countries who have expressed their will to set up national scale pilot projects for sustainable renewable energy projects for the development of humanitarian purposes. Those nations are convinced of the necessity of preventing further widening of the gap between the developed and underdeveloped nations by integrating the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs; and aim at reversing the loss of environmental resources".

(60/205) Science & Technology For Development

Article 1 - Item (d)

"Promote and support greater efforts to develop renewable sources of energy, such as: recycling, solar, geothermal, wind, biodiesel, biomass, or any other type of renewable energy and all of the possibilities available".

(60/1) 2005 World Summit Outcome

Article 56 - Item (i)

"To accelerate the development and dissemination of affordable and cleaner energy efficiency and energy conservation technologies, as well as the transfer of such technologies, in particular to developing countries, on favorable terms, including on confessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed, bearing in mind that access to energy facilitates the eradication of poverty".

Article 60 - Item (d)

"Primary drivers of national capacity building for development; promoting and supporting greater efforts to develop renewable energy sources of energy available".

Kyoto Protocol

This well known protocol has yet to be a decisive tool in the fight against climate change. Developing countries are not acting on their promises of reduction of carbon emissions and assistance to poor countries.

"The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement under which industrialized countries will reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5.2% compared to the year 1990 (but note that, compared to the emissions levels that would be expected by 2010 without the Protocol, this limitation represents a 29% cut). The goal is to lower overall emissions of six greenhouse gases - carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons - averaged over the period of 2008-2012. National limitations range from 8% reductions for the European Union and some others to 7% for the US, 6% for Japan, 0% for Russia, and permitted increases of 8% for Australia and 10% for Iceland".


"Finance chiefs of the Group of Seven rich nations called on February 9th, 2008 for investment in developing countries to help them fight climate change and worked on plans for a World Bank-style fund. Finance ministers and central bank chiefs, in a joint statement after talks in Tokyo, said they hoped to "scale up investment in developing countries to support them in joining international efforts to address climate change". The United States, Japan and Britain have proposed setting up a multilateral fund involving the World Bank that would administer global aid and investment to help nations fight slash greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming.

The three countries discussed the multi-billion-dollar initiative with Canada, France, Germany and Italy, the other four members of the Group of Seven, a G7 joint statement said. The initiative would include "a fund that complements existing bilateral and multilateral efforts in providing financial support for the deployment of clean technologies in developing countries," it said.


"Os dias prósperos não vêm por acaso. Nascem de muita fadiga e muitos intervalos de desalento."
 (Camilo Castelo Branco)