Friday, October 7, 2011

Alguém, alguém um dia vai se vingar Vocês são vermes, pensam que são reis...

FátimaCapital Inicial
Vocês esperam uma intervenção divina
Mas não sabem que o tempo agora está contra vocês
Vocês se perdem no meio de tanto medo
De não conseguir dinheiro pra comprar sem se vender

E vocês armam seus esquemas ilusórios
Continuam só fingindo que o mundo ninguém fez
Mas acontece que tudo tem começo
E se começa um dia acaba, eu tenho pena de vocês

E as ameaças de ataque nuclear
Bombas de nêutrons não foi Deus quem fez
Alguém, alguém um dia vai se vingar
Vocês são vermes, pensam que são reis

Não quero ser como vocês
Eu não preciso mais
Eu já sei o que eu tenho que saber
E agora tanto faz...

Três crianças sem dinheiro e sem moral
Não ouviram a voz suave que era uma lágrima
E se esqueceram de avisar pra todo mundo
Que ela talvez tivesse nome e era Fátima

E de repente o vinho virou água
E a ferida não cicatrizou
E o limpo se sujou e no terceiro dia
Ninguém ressuscitou...

October 6, 2011
It’s been a fantastic kickoff to the fall.  I spent 2 weeks traveling through FinlandUK,Norway and Iceland.
A highlight was teaching a DIY master class with the deeply insightful and calming Peter Spellman, Director of the Career Development Center from The Berklee College of MusicPeter is a masterful teacher and his packed sessions left all of us on the edges of our seats.  I have known Peter for years and am honored that he included me in his book (The Musician's Internet: Online Strategies for Success in the Music Industry) but to have a few days as the only two Americas was special.  I also spoke to a packed café at the PRS house in London and returned to one of my favorite places on earth Reykjavik.
I had an incredible experience keynoting the Musik & Talang Conference in Vaasa (The West of Finland) where I stayed up most of the night watching the F8 unfold before my very eyes.  I asked a room of 250 Finns the next day if anyone watched and not a single hand went up, reminding me that there is a whole world full of people who don’t care as much about what all of this means and how it will all unfold.  The Music keynote according to FB had approx 38,000 people watching it – compared to the 500,000,000 people on Facebook I was reminded that I live in a narrow universe.  Most people just want to use Facebook to share and connect with frinds and they don’t have to think about the long-term marketing and PR aspects of using social media.  That’s left to me and to a few colleagues who I globe trot with and I take this role on with gusto.
To say that I am humbled and deeply honored at the fact that I get to combine the two things I love the most: Travel and inspiring people through teaching is a gross understatement.  I still feel like I have to pinch myself when I get on a plane.  I am endlessly fascinated by social media, new media and how artists think and act amidst the continuing emergence of this space. 
I will continue to explore it , observe it,  simplify it redefine it for you as long as I am able and invited to do so.
A giant thank you to the  IMX, Musik & Talag, Evil Genius Media, Atul Rana, Love Live Music UK & FOLKLARM for this last wonderful globetrot.
In This Issue:
  1. Where’s Ariel? Back from UK, Norway, Finland & Iceland and off to… Nashvillefor Americana
  2. Feature: 9 Critical Things You Should Know About Publicity Before You Make Your First Move
  3. On The Blogs – Top 4 Killer Apps Every Musician Must Use
  4. Let Cyber PR® Help You With Your PR This Fall
Where's Ariel?
Back from UK, Norway, Finland & Iceland and off to… Nashville for Americana
Oct 12 - The Americana Music Festival @ – Nashville, TN
Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel
8:00 PM - 2:00 AM
623 Union Street
Nashville TN
Feature: 9 Critical Things You Should Know About Publicity Before You Make Your First Move
Even though my master classes are about Social Media, traditional media still plays a large part in an artists overall strategy (more so in Europe I do believe). In Europe, many musicians asked me to help them understand what publicity is and how it fits into their overall planning.  This is an past article I wrote which I have recently updated for you for navigating the world of traditional PR.
So, it’s back to the basics today…
I talk to musicians all day who call looking to hire a publicist, and I’ve noticed that many artists don’t really understand what publicity is. The following list will clarify the concept of publicity for you.

1.  The Definition of Publicity.
First, we are going to start out with the very basics – some definitions of what publicity is exactly, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
Publicity – “An act or device designed to attract public interest; specifically: information with news value issued as a means of gaining public attention or support. Also: The dissemination of information or promotional material.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Publicity is exactly these things.
A music publicist is hired as a member of your team to represent you to the media. Media is defined traditionally as editors and writers at newspapers, magazines, college journals, and television. Some publicists may also cover radio for interviews on tour stops. But if you want to get on the radio charts (like CMJ), you will need a radio promoter. More and more publicists also cover Internet PR, like my company. But not all traditional publicists do this, so make sure to ask before you hire.
A publicist’s job is to liaise with the press. They are not hired to get you a booking agent or gig, a label deal, a distribution deal, or any other type of marketing deal. That is what a manager is for. A well-connected publicist may be able to hook you up with all of the above-mentioned things, but it is not in her job description.
2.  You Are in the Driver’s Seat.
Remember, as the artist, you are the buyer here, and you are shopping for PR. You are in the driver’s seat. It’s your money and your music that keep publicists in business. Hiring a publicist is like hiring another guitar player for your band. Choose one you like, who fits your vision and your goals. All too many times I’ve heard that a publicist was hired in spite of the artist’s personal opinions. You should like your publicist, and she should be the right one for you.
3.  With Publicity, You Pay for Effort – Never for Results.
I have had disgruntled artists call me and say, “I hired a publicist and I only got six articles. That cost me $1,000 per article!” Sadly, this is not how you quantify a PR campaign. How you quantify a PR campaign is by how many albums were sent out and what the responses were, even if they were inconclusive or negative. You pay for the amount of effort the publicist made on your behalf. Of course, you should get some and even many results. Getting nothing is totally unacceptable. But you never know when your publicist’s efforts will show up months, and sometimes years, after your campaign is complete.
4.  A PR Campaign Needs to Be Planned Well in Advance.
For long-lead press (that means magazines with national distribution like Spin andRolling Stone), the editors put their publications to bed three full months before they hit the newsstands. So if your CD is coming out in October, you must have it pressed with full artwork and ready with materials to mail in July. Of course not all PR campaigns focus on national press, but no publicist will take you on with zero lead-time, so you definitely need to prepare lead-time in every case.
Recommended Publicity Campaign Lead Times:
  • National Campaign – 3-4 months before the release
  • Tour Press Campaign – 4-6 weeks before the shows
  • Local Campaign – 4-6 weeks before placement
  • Online Campaign – 2-3 weeks before placement (minimum)
(Placement = article, CD review, calendar listing, TV/radio interview, etc.)
On The Blogs: Top 4 Killer Apps every musician must use
  1. Bands in Town -
  2. Crowdbooster -
Let Cyber PR® Help You With Your PR This Fall
Our online campaigns will jump start your social media, help you build your numbers on your networks and get you featured on blogs, podcasts and iRadio stations.
Check out the customized Cyber PR campaigns Ariel Publicity has to offer. EmailJason at to set up a free consultation call.
 "“I’ve paid thousands of dollars for ZERO results with traditional publicity companies. Cyber PR® gave me the opposite experience. I received a huge quantity of valuable online placements and Ariel and her team empowered me as an indie artist, to streamline my approach to fan outreach and engagement.” - ~ Jane Lui, 
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Monday, October 3, 2011

"No passado cometi o maior pecado que um homem pode cometer: não fui feliz."

A Petrobras marcou presença no Sustentável 2011, 4º Congresso Internacional sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável, com a participação em painéis e palestras. Com o tema "Visão 2050: agenda para uma nova sociedade" e patrocínio da Petrobras, o evento reuniu especialistas do mundo inteiro. Dentre os assuntos debatidos, destacam-se economia verde, energia, desenvolvimento humano, consumo, mobilidade, entre outros.
Na plenária de abertura, o presidente da Petrobras, José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo, destacou a participação da empresa no desenvolvimento sustentável. "A Petrobras é uma empresa integrada de energia. Nós atuamos em várias áreas e acreditamos fortemente na ideia de que podemos trabalhar para uma maior eficiência energética".
Na ocasião, também estiveram presentes a presidenta do Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Marina Grossi, o vice-prefeito doRio de Janeiro, Carlos Alberto Muniz, o diretor executivo da ONU para Rio + 20, Brice Lalonde, o subdiretor geral do Ministério do Meio Ambiente da Holanda, Hugo B. von Meijenfeldt, o diretor do World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Peter Paul Van Wijs, a secretária de Articulação Institucional e Cidadania Ambiental do Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Samyra Crespo, e o CEO da Phillips, Marcus Bicudo.
O gerente da Responsabilidade Social da Petrobras, Luís Fernando Nery, representando o Comitê Brasileiro do Pacto Global, foi o moderador da plenária "Perspectivas para a Rio +20". No segundo dia do Sustentável 2011, ele destacou a importância do diálogo com todos os setores da sociedade na busca de mudança no modelo de desenvolvimento atual.
No último dia do evento, a gerente de Programas Sociais da Petrobras, Janice Dias, participou do painel "Diálogo Multisetorial sobre Erradicação da Pobreza". O debate teve como tema principal a desigualdade social, um dos principais problemas do país.


Londres planeja maior ponte solar do mundo

Vanessa Barbosa - - 04/10/2011

Ares futuristas começam a recobrir um histórico símbolo da capital inglesa. Construída na era do vapor, em 1886, a ponte de Blackfriars, sobre o rio Tâmisa, em Londres, se tonará em breve a maior ponte solar do mundo.

A estrutura vitoriana passa por um retrofit, com conclusão em 2012, para se transformar em uma estação de trem movida pela energia gerada por mais de 4 mil paineis fotovoltaicos.

A largada para a modernização da ponte ferroviária foi dada nesta terça, com a instalação do primeiro painel solar. Ao final, serão seis mil metros quadrados de teto solar, o maior do mundo, capaz de produzir 900 mil kWh anualmente.

Quando concluída, a nova estação deverá receber 24 trens por hora. Metade da energia necessária para essa movimentação será suprida pela geração alternativa, o que vai evitar a emissão de 511 toneladas de CO2 na atmosfera.

A empresa por trás da engenharia solar e da instalação é a londrina Solarcentury. Os módulos solares de alta eficiência utilizados são fabricados pela SANYO Electric Co. Uma outra ponte solar conhecida no mundo é a passarela Kurilpa em Brisbane, Austrália, e, mais recentemente, a Bélgica instalou um teto solar sobre uma estação de trem.

                                            OCTOBER 2011  



Haiti To Brooklyn back

NEW YORK CITY - OCT. 8th          

Tickets for "Wil Sylvince -From Haiti To Brooklyn" contact:

Joe Starr- (347) 320-1711

One University Plaza, (Flastbush Ave. btwn Dekalb & Willoughby)

Brooklyn, NY 11201
Saturday, Oct. 8th, 2011 - 7PM & 9PM 

  OCTOBER 2011

Oct. 5 Tallahassee, FL - Florida State University - Wayans Brothers

Oct. 6 New York City, NY - Comedy Cellar - Host the Nasty Show!    
Oct. 8 Brooklyn, NY - Long Island University - Wil Sylvince Hour Special!

Oct. 14 Long Island, NY - Brokerage Comedy Club  - Wil Sylvince

Oct. 16 Newark, NJ - The Sober Lounge - Wil Sylvince

Oct. 22 Brooks, CA - Cache Creek Casino Resort @Club 88  - Wayans Brothers

Oct. 24  Phoenix, AZ - Arizona State University - Wayans Brothers

Oct. 25-26 Los Angeles, CA - NBC Short Cuts Festival Finals - DGA

Oct. 27 El Paso, TX - Wayans Brothers - TBA   
Oct. 28-30 Washington DC - DC Improv - Wayans Brothers      

South Africa - Black Tie Comedy Festival!      




SB redo

Recently I saw a friend of mine who I've been trying to help loose weight, with a bit of bulge in her tummy area.  I said "did you gain more weight?" She said "no, but I found a way to lose weight without exercising and I don't have to give up the foods that I love..." She lifted up her shirt and she was wearing a "Slimfit massage Sauna Belt"! I said "what are you playing Batman or his sidekick?" She said, "no dummy! I'm losing weight as we talk with this belt gizmo! I said, "you're the dummy if you think that money sucker really works!"
I can't believe people are falling for these bullcrap exercise gadget things! Here are my top worse exercise gadgets out there!
Ladies unless you want to give real strong hand jobs or you can't get that baby to stop crying this will do nothing but make you look like a female perv! They also have Shake Weight for men too. Do men really need this? I know I don't... that's another story.  If you paid for this you got jerked!
Shake Weight
When you exercise you sweat. Some people think in order to lose weight you need to sweat?!  That's the theory behind the Sauna Belt. In addition- lets make it massage your tummy cause everybody loves a massage. There's no happy ending to this story. If sweating was how we lose weight then people who live in hot climates would all look like Olive Oyl.
Sauna Belt2 
A disk that will twist the weight off... with a piece of wood! You step on two disks made of wood and you twist your body with a piece of wood in your hands. For $100 you can lose about 100 pounds in 4 months.  Why would you think this wood, would make you lose weight? (corny -I know- but it's all I got at 5:43am). You can just stand on a Lazy Susan if that's the case.
Master Disk

A belt hooked on to a vibrating machine which you strap it around your waist and it vibrates the weight away. Don't use if you're pregnant - I say don't use if you're fat, cause it won't work!
Vibrating Belt 
FACT: Jumping rope is one of the best ways to lose weight. In fact 10 minutes of rope jumping is equivalent to 30 minutes on the tread mill. So why isn't everyone doing it? Cause jumping rope is too hard.  Introducing Jump Snap! It's like jumping rope without the rope! Jump Snap took the hard part out of jumping rope... the PART that makes you lose weight! It cost $40 where a real jump rope only cost about $10. Only thing you lose is your money and time.

Jump Snap
My friend Zainab said "its so funny how people want everything but don't want to do anything it takes to get it. They want all the results but don't want to do the work for it." When you ask someone what they want to be when they grow up and they say "rich." Well how you gonna get rich? They say "I don't know, I just want to be rich." Good luck.
It seems the commonality amongst all of these exercise gadgets are to eliminate the time it takes and work you have to put in to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Here are a few everyday suggestions that can help in keeping you active- start washing your dishes the old fashion way and use your dishwasher less; while watching T.V. do try simple activities during the commercial breaks like walking up and down your stairs if you live in a duplex, walk from side of your apartment to the next a few times, move your arms in circular motions clockwise and then counter clockwise, do lunges, if you have kids have them compete with you in a few exercising competitions (jump rope, jumping jacks, squat-push out-in-leap ups, etc), and ladies instead of washing only your period panties by hand wash your other cloths to by hand.
Now with all the money you can save by NOT buying into these "Get Thin Quick Schemes" you can spend on some new clothes when you drop the weight the real way.
There's in no short cut to a healthy lifestyle.
***(fine print stuff) Always check with a doctor/physician before doing this or exercise. I tried this and it worked for ME, so I'm simply relaying.

When in doubt - laughter is the best medicine!
by Wil Sylvince 


Please don't forget us in Haiti.