Friday, August 10, 2012

"Se não tens liberdade interior, que outra liberdade espera ter?"

Intensa como a vida!
Na nova temporada de Malhação, você vai conhecer a turma do colégio Quadrante. É lá que duas amigas de infância Lia (Alice Wegmann) e Ju (Agatha Moreira) se apaixonam pelo mesmo cara, o popular Dinho (Guilherme Prates), e vivem um triângulo amoroso bem complicado!
Ficou curioso?! Na fan page da Rede Globo, a gente conta
um pouquinho desses personagens para você!
Visite a fan page!

Optar por um Centro Universitário considerado pelo MEC o melhor 
centro privado do município do Rio* pode fazer toda a diferença no 
seu futuro profissional. Se você procura Biomedicina, Fisioterapia ou 
Psicologia, vai gostar de saber que, no iBMR, esses cursos foram 
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Mas não é só na área de biomédicas que o IBMR oferece ótimas 
opções. Mais abaixo, você verá uma lista dos cursos que o IBMR 
oferece, todos com o padrão de qualidade da Laureate International 
Universities, líder global no segmento de educação.

Toda essa qualidade acadêmica a preços acessíveis. 
As matrículas já estão abertas. 

Visite nosso site e conheça mais.
Aproveite o desconto do mês de agosto: mensalidade (matrícula) grátis e até 30%
de desconto durante todo o curso, para todos os campi – Barra, Botafogo e Catete. 
Tudo isso sem necessidade de vestibular.


Foto: Divulgação/CBB
Abrindo a rodada de estreia do campeonato, o Rio Grande do Sul enfrentou o Pernambuco
Anápolis, GO - Neste domingo (12/08), subiu a bola para o Campeonato Brasileiro Sub-15 masculino 1ª divisão. As equipes do Rio Grande do Sul, Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro venceram seus adversários, na primeira rodada válida pelo torneio. O campeonato está sendo realizado no ginásio Internacional Newton de Farias (Av. Senador José Lourenço Dias s/nº - centro). O campeão do Torneio será conhecido no dia 18 de agosto.

A competição segue nesta segunda-feira (13/08), com os confrontos: Minas Gerais x Rio Grande do Sul (13h); Distrito Federal x Rio de Janeiro (15h); Pernambuco x São Paulo (17h) e Goiás x Santa Catarina (19h).

Confira os resultados dos jogos da 1ª rodada:

Rio Grande do Sul 62 x 59 Pernambuco 
Abrindo a rodada de estreia do campeonato, o Rio Grande do Sul enfrentou o Pernambuco e conquistou a sua primeira vitória na competição. Mesmo perdendo os dois primeiros períodos do jogo (8-11 e 20-26), a equipe gaúcha reagiu a partir da segunda metade da disputa e venceu a partida por 62 a 59.

Com um duplo-duplo de 18 pontos e 10 rebotes, o ala-pivô pernambucano Lucas Moreira, de 15 anos, foi o cestinha da partida. Matheus Cavalcanti também se destacou marcando 12 pontos e sete rebotes. Na seleção do Rio Grande do Sul, o armador Paulo Filho anotou 17 pontos e seis rebotes. O gaúcho Geovani da Silva marcou 13 pontos e sete rebotes e também ajudou na vitória do time. A partida foi arbitrada pelo trio de oficiais Tarcisio Magalhães (MG), Luiz Oliveira (PR) e Bruno Von Randow (ES).

Veja a estatística completa do confronto entre RS x PE.

Distrito Federal 55 x 44 Espírito Santo 
Em uma partida muito equilibrada, o Distrito Federal superou o Espírito Santo por 55 a 44. Com a vitória nos três primeiros períodos (13-12, 10-8 e 20-12) e o um empate no último quarto (12 a 12), o time da Capital Federal levou a melhor e venceu a segunda partida da primeira rodada do torneio.

O ala-pivô do da equipe de Brasília, Rodrigo Costa, de 14 anos, foi o cestinha do jogo anotando 26 pontos e pegando dois rebotes. Outro destaque foi Mateus Alves (DF) ao anotar nove pontos, nove rebotes, além de três assistências. Pelos time dos capixabas, Pedro Silva teve 15 pontos convertidos. O jogo foi apitado pelos oficiais Gustavo Saraiva (RJ), Luis Silva (RS) e Luiz Felipe Silva (PR).

Veja a estatística completa do confronto entre DF x ES.

Minas Gerais 80 x 53 Paraná 
Na sequência, a equipe mineira, comandada pelo técnico Zanio Gontijo, não encontrou muitas dificuldades para vencer os paranaenses, com 27 pontos de vantagem. Os mineiros ficaram a frente do marcador durante os quatro períodos, e fecharam a partida com placar final de 80 a 53 (34 a 23 no primeiro tempo).

Pela seleção de Minas Gerais, Rafael Ribeiro e Victor Nebias foram os cestinhas da partida anotando 14 pontos cada. Na equipe do Paraná, o ala Cassiano Mendes e o armador João Basso, foram os principais pontuadores com 11 pontos cada. O jogo foi administrado pelo trio de árbitros Bruno Von Randow (ES), Gustavo Saraiva (RJ) e Mauricio Camaroto (SC).

Veja a estatística completa do confronto entre MG x PR.

Rio de Janeiro 78 x 51 Goiás 
Encerrando a rodada, o Rio de Janeiro venceu Goiás, donos da casa, por 78 a 51. Sob o comando do técnico Igor Barbosa, os cariocas conquistaram a vitória com uma boa vantagem, 21 pontos, adquirida no primeiro tempo (20-9 e 19-9). Nas parciais seguintes, a seleção carioca se manteve a frente do marcador, apesar da reação goiana (18-16 e 21-17).

Com um duplo-duplo (20 pontos e 18 rebotes), o pivô goiano José Carlos dos Santos , foi o cestinha da partida. Quem também se destacou foi o ala Matheus Carvalho que anotou 11 pontos e seis rebotes. Na seleção Carioca, com 14 pontos, o armador Douglas dos Santos obteve a melhor atuação entre os jogadores e ajudou na vitória do time. A partida foi apitada pelos árbitros Adriano Fortunato (SP), Daniel Ferro (DF) e Wadson Silva (PE).

Veja a estatística completa do confronto entre RJ x GO.

ACAMPAMENTO DE ARBITRAGEM ELETROBRAS — Durante o Campeonato Brasileiro Sub-15 Masculino, será realizado o Acampamento de Arbitragem Eletrobras com o coordenador geral de arbitragem da CBB, Marcelo Gomes de Ávila. O acampamento tem como objetivos avaliar os árbitros e oficiais de mesa que atuarão no campeonato; analisar a filosofia moderna de arbitragem da FIBA, o princípio vantagem/desvantagem aplicado aos contatos, a mecânica de arbitragem para três pessoas da FIBA, as interpretações da Comissão Técnica da FIBA; além de dar ênfase à parte administrativa da partida.

Forma de Disputa
As dez seleções foram dividas em dois grupo de cinco equipes. Os times jogam entre si dentro de suas respectivas chaves. Os dois primeiros de cada grupo se classificam para a fase semifinal e os vencedores disputam o título. Os três últimos colocados descem para a segunda divisão do Brasileiro sub-15, em 2013.

Data: 12 a 18 de agosto de 2012
Local: Ginásio Internacional Nilton de Farias
Endereço: Av. Senador José Lourenço Dias s/nº - centro - Anápolis / Goiás
Seleções Participantes: 
Grupo A:
 Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraná, São Paulo e Pernambuco
Grupo B: Distrito Federal, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Goiás e Santa Catarina.

1ª Rodada
- Domingo (dia 12 de agosto)

Rio Grande do Sul 62 x 59 Pernambuco; Distrito Federal 55 x 44 Espírito Santo; Minas Gerais 80 x 53 Paraná e Rio de Janeiro 78 x 51 Goiás.

2ª Rodada
- Segunda (dia 13 de agosto)

13h - Minas Gerais x Rio Grande do Sul
15h - Distrito Federal x Rio de Janeiro
17h - Pernambuco x São Paulo
19h - Goiás x Santa Catarina

3ª Rodada
- Terça-feira (dia 14 de agosto)

13h - Pernambuco x Minas Gerais
15h - Santa Catarina x Espírito Santo
17h - São Paulo x Paraná
19h - Goiás x Distrito Federal

4ª Rodada
- Quarta-feira (dia 15 de agosto)

13h - Paraná x Rio Grande do Sul
15h - Espírito Santo x Rio de Janeiro
17h - Minas Gerais x São Paulo
19h - Distrito Federal x Santa Catarina

5ª Rodada
- Quinta-feira (dia 16 de agosto)

13h - Pernambuco x Paraná
15h - Santa Catarina x Rio de Janeiro
17h - São Paulo x Rio Grande do Sul
19h - Espírito Santo x Goiás

Informações: Confederação Brasileira de Basketball
            Casamento Pollyanna Costa / Goiânia - Go

                                   Eu e minha irmã Mônica Costa

                                                 Eu e meus filhos lindos!


                                 Minha princesa Ana Vitória

Thursday, August 9, 2012

"O bem supremo é a tranquilidade de espírito."



O grupo Sonora Tropicante se apresentará no dia 11 de Agosto a partir das 24h no palco da Rua do Lazer durante o VII Festival Gastronômico e Cultural de Pirenópolis. 

                                     Brasil, Colômbia e Venezuela!!
O repertório da banda reúne os grandes sucessos da época de ouro da Música Caribenha, com o melhor de El Gran Combo, La Sonora Ponceña, Irakere, Célia Cruz e Tito Puentes, até as novidades da Sonora Carruseles , Manolito y su Trabuco e da Porto Rican Power, Buena Vista Social Club, Santana etc
Carlos Betancourt (Colômbia)- Voz e Baixo, Eladio Oduber (Venezuela) Piano e Voz, Westonny Rodrigues (Brasil) Trompete, Wanderson Nascimento (Brasil) Sax tenor, Johnny Rodergas (Brasil) Congas e Voz, Fabiano Boschini (Brasil) Timbales.

Lançada campanha para reforçar defesa das mulheres
08/Agosto/2012 - Lançada campanha para reforçar defesa das mulheres;Foi lançada nesta terça-feira,7, em Brasília, a campanha “Compromisso e Atitude pela Lei Maria da Penha – A lei é mais forte”. O objetivo da campanha é mobilizar a sociedade e promover a atuação conjunta entre governo e justiça para diminuir a impunidade

Sob a coordenação da Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres da Presidência da República (SPM-PR), a Campanha reúne o Ministério da Justiça, por meio da Secretaria de Reforma do Judiciário, o Conselho Nacional de Justiça, o Conselho Nacional do Ministério Público, o Colégio Permanente de Presidentes de Tribunais de Justiça, o Conselho Nacional dos Procuradores-Gerais do Ministério Público dos Estados e da União e o Conselho Nacional de Defensores Públicos Gerais. 

O ato de lançamento da campanha contou com a presença da ministra Eleonora Menicucci, da SPM; do ministro José Eduardo Cardozo, do Ministério da Justiça; entre outras autoridades. A apresentação da campanha marca o início da mobilização que percorrerá as cinco regiões brasileiras, tendo como sede os estados com altos índices de assassinatos de mulheres.  
Mobilização Nacional
A primeira fase da campanha “Compromisso e Atitude pela Lei Maria da Penha – A lei é mais forte”, foi inaugurada nesta terça-feira,7, com a veiculação de propaganda em emissoras de TV aberta sobre o tema, além de divulgações em portais de internet e ação em redes sociais. 
Já a segunda fase, programada para ter início no dia 24 de agosto, será marcada pela realização de seminários regionais e, também, pelo lançamento da página Compromisso e Atitude, um espaço para agentes de direito e justiça utilizarem como instrumento para o trabalho e fonte segura de dados, doutrinas e jurisprudências. Os encontros acontecerão de agosto a dezembro, em Alagoas, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará e Paraná.
Lei Maria da Penha
Criada há seis anos, a Lei 11.340/2006 cria mecanismos para coibir a violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, além de promover a discriminação contra as mulheres, prevenir, punir agressores e erradicar a violência. 
A lei é chamada de Lei Maria da Penha em homenagem a ativista que, em 1983, por duas vezes, sofreu tentativa de assassinato por parte do então marido. Na primeira vez, por arma de fogo e, na segunda, por eletrocussão e afogamento. As tentativas de homicídio resultaram em lesões irreversíveis à sua saúde, como paraplegia e outras sequelas. Atualmente, ela recebe aposentadoria por invalidez do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social (INSS).
(Portal Brasil; edição: Assessoria de Comunicação)

Escolas técnicas terão oito milhões de vagas até 2014
08/Agosto/2012 - Escolas técnicas terão oito milhões de vagas até 2014;O Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego (Pronatec) oferecerá oito milhões de vagas gratuitas para cursos técnicos e profissionalizantes em mais de 400 áreas do conhecimento até 2014. No mesmo período, o Pronatec Copa disponibilizará 240 mil vagas para qualificar os profissionais que atuarão no mundial sediado no País.O anúncio foi feito nesta terça-feira,7, pela presidenta Dilma Rousseff, no programa de rádio, Conversa com a Presidenta.

Os cursos serão oferecidos nas 403 unidades das escolas técnicas federais e estaduais, e nas escolas do sistema S - Serviço Social do Comércio (Sesc), Serviço Social da Indústria (Sesi) e Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (Senai).O objetivo é ampliar a oferta de cursos técnicos e profissionalizantes.

Os interessados nas vagas para cursos técnicos do Pronatec deverão procurar a secretaria de educação do seu estado. Já os interessados nos cursos de qualificação profissional deverão procurar o posto do Sistema Nacional de Emprego (Sine) ou acessar o site. Mais informações sobre o Pronatec Copa podem ser encontradas aqui.
O Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego (Pronatec) foi criado em outubro de 2011 com a sanção da Lei nº 12.513/2011.O programa tem como objetivo expandir, interiorizar e democratizar a oferta de cursos de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT) para a população brasileira. Para isso, são previstos uma série de subprogramas, projetos e ações de assistência técnica e financeira, que possibilitará a oferta das vagas a trabalhadores de diferentes perfis.
Pronatec Copa
O Pronatec Copa é um subprograma que visa oferecer qualificação profissional aos trabalhadores do setor do tursimo para a Copa do Mundo Federação Internacional de Futebol Associado (Fifa) 2014.
O programa é uma parceria entre os Ministérios do Turismo e da Educação e, através dele, serão oferecidas 40 mil vagas por semestre em 29 atividades ligadas ao receptivo turístico, além dos cursos de inglês, espanhol e libras. Os participantes também receberão auxílio estudantil, entre alimentação e transporte.
(Portal Brasil)

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Optimizing Buzz with Social Media

What is all the buzz about SMO for businesses? It is a simple concept-customers like to support businesses they are familiar with and can trust. So, when businesses are being judged based on their rankings and reviews, owners are forced to explore more options for getting their good names out there. One of the best ways to do this, in conjunction with SEO website content, is through Social Media Optimization.

Useful for more than just celebrity tweets and hilarious videos, social media sites give business owners platforms to promote themselves and create a buzz for their products and services. One advantage of SMO is the various mediums it offers to promote a business, including status updates, photos, videos, and blogs. Social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ allow businesses to foster a direct relationship with potential and returning clients by answering questions, posting noteworthy details, and advertising sales or specials. Meanwhile, multimedia sites like YouTube and Vimeo allow businesses to post videos to inform or entertain their followers.

Social Media Optimization is also advantageous for reaching out to other small business owners and companies. Supporting one another in business endeavors allows for a type of reciprocation that could later prove to be extremely useful in the form of referrals, whether over the internet or in person.

What's your WHY?
A lot of entrepreneurs don't like selling. Their reasons are many. It's uncomfortable. Awkward. They're not sure what to do. They don't want to impose. This list could go on for miles.
Since sales is the lifeblood of your business you already know you can't avoid it for long or you'll be looking for a j-o-b.
On the days you find yourself avoiding sales activities even though you know, intellectually, that it would be healthy for the growth of your business, I want you to remember WHY you started your business in the first place.
Then, I want you to look at the actions that you're avoiding. It might be making sales calls, investing in a training program or tracking your numbers more closely.
Then, put those activities you're avoiding into perspective when you shine them under the light of WHY you're doing your business. If your WHY isn't strong enough to suck it up, go back to the drawing board and rethink your WHY.
You can also flip this exercise when you're talking to a prospect who's resistant to taking action with you. What's their WHY and how will your solution help them achieve it?

Protecting Your Assets
One of the chief advantages of organizing your business as a separate entity such as a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC) is personal liability protection. When you formally establish and maintain your business as one of these entities, your personal assets will be protected-in most cases-if someone sues the business. 

So, for example, if you're manufacturing clothing and someone claims your clothing infringes their trademark, they can sue the business, and if they win, seize the assets of the business. But they can't go after your personal assets. The same applies if you have a store and a customer slips and falls on the premises.
If you end up closing the business and wind up in a dispute with a supplier, landlord or investor, as long as you set up the business as a separate entity, generally, your own personal assets will be protected. 
But "limiting" liability is not the same as "eliminating" liability.   
For example, if you personally guarantee a debt for a bank loan, then you as the owner may still be liable.    

To ensure your personal liability protection, you must maintain the proper operations procedures that go along with a formal business entity.  


Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is completely different now than it was even a year ago. Google as a search engine is constantly changing the criteria for ranking in search results. In the past year or so, these changes have shifted radically making the SEO landscape volatile and uncertain.

If you own a commerce website and rely on Google ranking for income, then you are well aware of Panda and Penguin. These are the biggest updates from Google in the past 18 months or so. Google has publically committed itself it improving user experiences online and that means removing spam and artificially ranked websites from its results.

Panda, which Google released in Feb 2011, focused on removing the visibility and credibleness of sites with low quality content. "Low quality" could be derived from being duplicate or weak content, being a content farm where content is published solely to artificially inflate ranking directly or indirectly, and being a scraper site where content has been stolen from another viable source. Panda is measured in several different ways and it would affect all the pages of the site when penalized.

Penguin, released just this past April, focuses more on the manipulative practice of SEO and is more likely to impact your websites ability to rank because it looks at the nature of why your site was ranking to begin with. The criteria is typically more specific as it looks at overuse of exact match anchor text, exact match domains, excessive linking from low quality sites, keyword stuffing of internal and external links, keyword stuffing in various page elements. These penalties could affect a site on a per page basis or as a whole.

Companies or individuals looking to improve their ranking or recover from penalties must look at the process from a holistic view. Additionally, for those penalized sites, it has been advised by Google that they undergo a de-optimization process. De-optimizing takes place on site and off site.  


The 3 Secret's to Global Expansion 

After spending the last month traveling around the world I thought it would be a great idea to share with you a bit of what it takes to build your business in different parts of the world. The first thing you need to learn is that when you are expanding in different countries it all starts with having a great connection in the country to start the process. I had the opportunity this last month to speak in London, Rome, Sydney, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur about the specific keys to building a successful business. In each of these markets I realized that business is business everywhere in the world. 

As you think about building a global brand and business it is very important to realize that you will need significant capital and a team to execute your game plan when you leave the market. It is also very important that you take the time to do a number of social events with your new clients in the market to build instant rapport. As you know people do not care how much you know until they know just how much you care! As you begin to build the relationships create a monthly follow up sequence to develop leaders that have local roots in the marketplace that you plan to expand into.

The final thoughts in opening new markets for your business is to retain extremely sharp local accountants and attorney's to get your business established properly in the marketplace. If you will take the time to invest in the relationships, infrastructure and systems in advance it will make your ability to succeed a much smoother experience.

Think it's legal to refuse to hire anyone with a criminal conviction? Think again!

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) - a government agency that investigates and prosecutes claims of discrimination under federal law - has issued new guidance to employers regarding consideration of criminal convictions in making employment decisions.  The guidance requires that any policy which screens out applicants based on criminal convictions must be narrowly tailored so there is a direct connection between the employment position being applied for and the conviction that would serve as the basis for excluding the applicant from consideration.  In developing a narrowly tailored policy, employers should consider several factors, including the nature and gravity of the offense, the time that has passed since the offense, and the nature of the job at issue.  The EEOC also recommends that employers conduct a case-by-case, individualized assessment of applicants with criminal convictions and that, as part of that interactive process, applicants be given an opportunity to explain why their prior conviction should not exclude them from consideration for the job. Companies that ignore the EEOC's guidance could be at risk for a charge of discriminatory hiring practices under federal law.  


Is Your Site Hacker-Proof?
To a hacker, your website is a treasure trove of valuable information. If your website is unprotected, you risk exposing not only your own personal data, but that of your customers, too.
Want to avoid putting your business at risk? Here are a few tips:
Protect your visitors' private information. Keep credit card numbers, user names, phone numbers, logins and passwords secure with an SSL Certificate. An SSL Certificate will prevent hackers from intercepting private information using powerful data encryption.

Find website security issues before hackers do. Hackers search out and exploit security weaknesses on vulnerable websites. They often target small business sites that have unprotected forms, login fields and links. Hackers inject malicious code into your site to steal information, or they infect your customers with malware. Protect your website and your customers by having your website scanned for security vulnerabilities, and remember to re-check it each time you make a change.

Put your source code on lock down. Using simple scripts, you can make your code invisible to hackers, decreasing the likelihood it will be stolen.


Everyone dreams of going for the gold whether it's in the Olympics or life or most often in business.  But we can't all achieve that.  Most Olympians (whether or not they truly believe it) will tell you that just competing is an honor but everyone wants to stand atop that podium and hear their national anthem sung before the world.  But winning the silver or bronze is still impressive and the same can be said for business.  We can't all be Twitter or Amazon or Google.  There are many thriving "Mom and Pop" shops out there that do fairly well and give their owners a sense of pride and purpose and accomplishment. So what can we learn from Olympic glory or defeat in business?  What are some of the similarities?

There are emerging stars on this year's national stage in London. Alex Morgan and Megan Rapinoe of The U.S. Women's National Soccer Team have both made a name for themselves and have solidified their spots as starters and game changers.  There's Ryan Lochte of the men's swimming team who did what would seem the unimaginable - beat Michael Phelps (who didn't even medal in that first race).  Phelps has achieved the height of Olympic glory but he is fast becoming a fading star.  In a recent interview with Matt Lauer, he mentioned that after Beijing and his many accomplishments there, he veered off course - fell into a depression, wasn't committed to training everyday and giving it his all.  The same can happen in business - you can shine or you can lose your way.

"Olympians are inspiring. They are supremely driven and dedicate their lives to pursuing their goals.  They are great role models for all Americans, particularly small business owners.  Olympic athletes have the same qualities that are important for entrepreneurial success."


In our prior discussion about copyright law, we presented a basic overview about how one can acquire a copyright in a book, song, photograph, screenplay or other similar work.  
In this "Bit", we wish to focus on a common issue that many businesses encounter regarding copyright law - the work for hire

Under U.S. copyright law, any work created by an employee in the scope of her/his employment is the property of the employer, and all copyrights in such work automatically vest in the employer.  However, work created by an independent contractor is treated differently - the presumption under U.S. copyright law is that a contractor is the author of works she/he creates, even if the person engaging the contractor has paid for the work. Therefore, in order to ensure that the person engaging a contractor gets the full benefit of what is being paid for (i.e., that the person engaging the contractor obtains the copyright in works created by the contractor), this presumption must be reversed by a written contract containing a "work made for hire" clause.  By providing contractually, before the work commences, that the person engaging the contractor will be deemed to be the author of any works created by the contractor (as a "work made for hire"), the ensuing copyrights in the work will be owned by that person and not by contractor.  

This article provides general coverage of its subject area and is provided with the understanding that it does not constitute legal advice and that its contents may not be applicable in all situations.


The Talent War

By Allen Law, EO member and Founder of Park Hotel Group

We are in a talent war. As entrepreneurs, a lot of our success relies on our ability to attract and retain talent. Talent management is more than just recruiting the right people for the job; it's all about the processes we put into place. Here are two approaches I take when developing talent in my business:
  •         Developing New Jobs. It's important to remember that employees are multi-dimensional. I make it a point to think beyond conventional job descriptions and work scopes, and provide employees with more exposure to different skills sets through department job rotations.
  •         Training as an Investment. I see the importance of allocating capital on staff training, and have invested in setting up an in-house academy equipped with a team of accredited adult trainers. Training cultivates employees' sense of belonging and ownership, which encourages them to grow within the company, thus reducing turnover  

All You Need Is One
Many people go to networking events and judge them by the size of the crowd. They try and pass out as many business cards as possible. While large crowds are great, those events are often ineffective and provide for an extremely poor ROI of your time and money. Often you will find that the smaller, more focused events yield the highest ROI.

The process to find this right event isn't just based on size alone, but rather your event strategy. Are you going to the event and focusing on meeting everyone or are you focusing on meeting a few people and developing a strong connection that can be leveraged. Even in a large crowd, ask the organizer in advance who you should meet and search out those people. Try and connect via LinkedIn before the event and set a time to meet. Try and make sure that that person is who they say they are and is a person you want to meet to help you grow your business.  
So if you feel like it is a small crowd and it will be a waste of time, just remember, all it takes is one.

By Concur
Packing Advice from the Experts at Hartman Luggage

No matter where you're headed and when you travel, don't leave home without applying these tried and true tips: 

  • Don't overpack. Only bring clothing and items you're sure you'll need. Clothing stays less wrinkled and your bag stays more organized when it's not overstuffed.

  • Distribute weight evenly. Spread out shoes, toiletries and other heavy items within your luggage. This will prevent items from shifting and ensure your bag's maneuverability.

  • Roll your clothes. Not only will doing this save space, but it will also help reduce wrinkling. You can maximize even more space by placing small, rolled up items like socks inside shoes.

  • Give your shoulder a break. If you're traveling with a briefcase or handbag in addition to your luggage, place any folders and documents you don't need in your suitcase. It will be easier to roll the extra weight than to carry it.


LLC or C Corporation - Which is a better choice financially?  

Choosing the right entity for your business can save you thousands of dollars.  The legal structure of your company is a very important decision as it affects your business strategies, liability, tax implications, and financial structure.  As a business owner, your job is to educate and understand the different entity structures available to you and choose the one that will be the most beneficial.  There are a number of ways a business owner can structure their company.  A Limited Liability Corporation and a C Corporation are two popular entity choices for businesses.

A Limited Liability Corporation has many financial advantages for small business owners.  An LLC can be taxed as a partnership or a corporation that can provide payroll tax savings.  Another huge financial benefit of an LLC is that the profit and losses do not need to be allocated by ownership percentage.  Members of an LLC have limited personal liability and are allowed to participate in management.  One financial disadvantage to having an LLC is that the profit may be subject to self-employment tax.  It is also important to note that LLC laws are different by state.

A C Corporation is a great fit for a business that wants to raise capital through the sale of stock.  Some of the main advantages of a C Corporation are the lower overall tax rate and the ability to split profit among the corporation and it's owners.  Another benefit of a C Corp is you can minimize corporate taxes on income under $125,000 that will be retained or used to pay down debt.  Like an LLC, a C Corporation also has limited personal liability for personal debt.  A few disadvantages to having a C Corporation is that pretax income is taxed at the corporate level and dividends are taxed to the owner's, which can result in double taxation.  A C Corporation is a separate taxable entity and usually more expensive and burdensome to create.

It is important to remember that the legal structure you choose now can be changed in the future.  If you are a smaller company and choose a Sole Proprietorship, you can always change this to a Corporation in the future when your company grows.  We highly recommend you seek the advice of an expert, especially if your business has complex tax issues to help determine the best entity choice for your business that will yield the most positive financial results.

 When is the best time to distribute a news release?
Try to avoid Mondays, Fridays and weekends when sending out your news announcements. Mondays tend to have the highest volume of press releases, so your release may get lost in the Monday swell. As for Fridays and weekends, most journalists and media members take two of these three days off, so there's a good chance your release won't cross the path of a reporter (and even a consumer) on that day. As for time of day, most news releases are sent out right on the hour (i.e. 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., etc.). Because of this, I recommend distributing your company news off the hour, like 7:55 a.m., or 9:15 a.m. This makes your release stand out a bit more from the crowd. If you're targeting U.S. media, you're better off sending news in the morning hours of Eastern Standard Time (EST), since most journalists, media members and consumers are free to consume news during these morning hours, and not in the afternoon when they're either working or on deadline. The ideal days and times to send out news are Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, anytime between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. EST, OFF the hour. The same principles hold true for international distribution, EXCEPT keep in mind the time difference of where you are distributing your news release. For example, if you're in New York City, and you'd like to distribute a release to London media, be sure to note London is five hours ahead of NYC. As a result, you'll want to set your release time somewhere between 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. EST.
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