Join us at the Brazil: Midyear Economic and Political Outlook on Wednesday, July 17, 2013. This annual seminar provides insight and perspective on macro economy, policy challenges and investment opportunities.
Location |
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
919 Third Avenue (at 55th Street)
35th Floor
New York City
Agenda |
8:00 a.m. Registration, Breakfast and Networking Session
8:30 a.m. Panel Discussion
Paulo Vieira da Cunha, Partner and Head of Research, EMVal Partners, LLC
Paulo Vieira da Cunha is a Partner and Head of Research at EMVAL Partners. Mr. Vieira da Cunha completed a two-year appointment as Deputy Governor at the Central Bank of Brazil, where he was also a member of the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM). For nearly a decade, he produced and managed research on Latin America for the global securities industry, first at Lehman Brothers and later at HSBC. Mr. Vieira da Cunha holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley.
Márcio Garcia, Associate Professor, PUC-RIO
Márcio Garcia is associate professor at PUC-Rio, Brazil, since 1991, having already served as Department Chairman and Director of both Graduate and Undergraduate Studies. During 2013, he is visiting the Sloan School, MIT, and the NBER. He holds a Ph.D. from Stanford University Economics Department. His areas of research are International Finance and Monetary Economics. Marcio has been visiting professor/scholar at the economics departments of Stanford, Chicago, and MIT, in the US, and at Paris School of Economics (then, DELTA) and Université D'Evry-Val-D'Essone, in France. He has consulted for international and Brazilian institutions, as The World Bank, IMF, IADB, ECLAC/UN, BM&F Bovespa, BNDES, Icatu, ANBID, NEO Investimentos, and others. He is a member of the Bellagio Group.
Christopher Garman, Director, Latin America, Eurasia Grupo
Christopher Garman is a Director at Eurasia Group, the Head of its Latin America practice, and the Lead Analyst on Brazil. From 2001 to 2005 Mr. Garman worked as a Senior Political Analyst at Tendencias Consultoria Integrada, Brazil´s largest economic and political consulting firm. Prior to that, he held fellowships at Instituto de Estudos Economicos, Sociais e Politicos de Sao Paulo (IDESP), where he researched central bank politics in the region, and Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporanea (CEDEC), where he conducted field research on Brazilian federalism. Mr. Garman earned an M.A. in political science from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He has conducted extensive field research in Brazil, and has published articles in World Politics, Latin America Research Review, and the Brazilian Journal of Political Economy.
Paulo P. Miguel, Partner and Chief Economist, Quest Investimentos
Since March 2005 Paulo Miguel is Partner and Chief Economist responsible for the Macroeconomic Research at Quest Investimentos. Paulo was responsible for derivatives products and local markets at Banco Itaú from 2002 to 2005. Previously, he worked as Economic and Research Director at Banco Interatlântico, among other positions. From 2002 to 2006 he was professor of international finance at Insper. He also routinely contributes with Folha de São Paulo, a major Brazilian daily newspaper. Paulo holds a Master's Degree in Economics from Universidade de São Paulo and a Master's Degree in Business from INSEAD.
Maria Claudia Ribeiro de Castro, Global Fixed Income Team, OppenheimerFunds
Maria Claudia Ribeiro de Castro is a senior analyst with the Global Fixed Income Team at OppenheimerFunds. She is responsible for Latin America and Africa in the overall portfolio strategy. Claudia has covered emerging markets for over a decade; she started her career in the global securities industry at Morgan Stanley, where she conducted macroeconomic research at the Global Economics group focusing on Latin America. Previously, Claudia taught economics at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium and was a research fellow at the Central Bank of Spain, Madrid. She also held research positions at the IMF and the World Bank in Washington, DC. Claudia received a Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University and a Master's degree in Political Science from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
10:30 a.m. Program Concludes
Caros Amigos,
Convidamos você e seus amigos para a
recepção de abertura da exposição
Uma noite especial de arte e música ao vivo
Dia: Quarta-Feira, 10 de Julho de 2013 Hora: Das 18:00 `as 21:30hs
4 West 43rd Street (btw 5th and 6th Aves) New York, NY 10022
Contamos com a sua presença!
Alcinda Saphira e Antonio Oliveira
Exposição Individual de Adri Volpi
Duraç da Exposição: De 10 `a 11 de Julho de 2013
Recepção de abertura:
Dia: Quarta-Feira, 10 de Julho de 2013
Hora: Das 18:00 `as 21:30hs
4 West 43rd Street (btw 5th and 6th Aves)
New York, NY 10022
apresentam a exposição ADRI VOLPI: URBAN STYLES com os trabalhos recentes de ADRI VOLPI .
ADRI VOLPI nos apresenta a cidade de Nova York sob o seu olhar.
Um olhar sobre as pessoas que andam na cidade; seus estilos, ritmos e o modo como se comportam na agitação da metrópole. Os trabalhos finais, oriundos dos registros do sketchbook da artista, mostram personagens reais que inspiraram a artista na criação de seus cartoons.
Na noite de abertura haverá a apresentação especial da flautista Junia Flavia d'Affonseca.
Para marcar uma visita por favor ligue para 1 914 216-9803

Adri Volpi, artista plástica
Adri Volpi é uma artista na medida em que é uma criadora. Diplomada em artes plásticas pela Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina, em Florianópolis, foi assistida por seu mestre Osmar Pisani, que despertou nela o gosto pela arte educação. Inicialmente, dedicou-se sobretudo ao restauro e à fotografia. Na sequência, o desenho, a pintura e as técnicas mistas a atraíram e seu universo plástico desenvolveu-se a partir de figuras humanas, masculinas e femininas, em relacionamentos harmoniosos, risonhos e francos. Há uma presença forte da infância em seus trabalhos, embora eles não se destinem exclusivamente às crianças. É como certas obras da literatura universal, como o Pequeno Príncipe, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, que constrói uma poética adulta em cima da pureza da criança.
A mensagem de Adri Volpi é a crença no ser humano." --Enock Sacramento
Adri Volpi, artista de Florianópolis, Brasil, já realizou várias exposições individuais nos EUA e Europa. Alguns de seus trabalhos já ilustraram publicações como a coleção de cartões do UNICEF, revista Marie Claire, HK e The Washington Post.

Junia Flavia d’Affonseca, flautista
Iniciou seus estudos de música na Escola de Música de Piracicaba sob a orientação do Maestro e compositor Ernest Mahle e depois Flauta doce e transversal com João Dias Carrasqueira no Conservatório Musical Carlos Gomes em Campinas e formou-se em Educação Artistica com habilitação em Musica na Fap-Arte, São Paulo sob orientação do prof. J.H. Koeureuter.
Formou o Grupo Instinto Caraíba em 1984 e desde sempre lecionando flauta em diversas escolas em São Paulo e Nova York onde vem se apresentando em eventos especiais.
FEMA Signs Deal With Russian Forces to Provide “Security” At US Events - As part of a deal signed last week in Washington DC between the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and FEMA, Russian officials will provide “security at mass events” in the United States, a scenario that won’t sit well with Americans wary of foreign assets operating on US soil.
According to a press release by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense and Emergencies, US and Russian officials met on June 25 at the 17th Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations.
In addition to agreeing with FEMA to “exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters,” the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry will also be providing “security at mass events” in the United States.
If called on by FEMA, Russian troops could respond to the next "emergency", such as wild fire, tornado, flood, etc. Click Here to Read More & Comment
Sign Our Impeach Obama Petition: How much more damage to America does Obama have to do before we impeach him? What other countries has Obama promised to "take care of them after the election."
In Liberty,
July 2013
Do it, you know you want to. Just "LIKE" me on Facebook!

Stalk me - all from the comfort of your PC or smartphone!

Watch me while you should be working, studying or writing a break up letter!
In case you missed it, I was written up in Esquire Magazine online. Check it out!
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Happy Summer Fans!
It's been a while since my last update so be sure to read below for all things Erik, taking place. Lots of upcoming dates and events and some changes too!
Let's start with the BIGGEST NEWS - I have been hand selected to perform on Chuy Bravo's (from Chelsea Lately) Mustache & Comedy Fiesta Tour!
The tour kicks off on July 11th & 12th in Chicago at the World Famous Laugh Factory. Scroll down for more dates. We'll be coming to a town near you! So come out for a kick ass comedy show and ride Chuy's Mustache... but not really.
11.08 - 11.09 Sidesplitters
(Tampa, FL)
| Change is Good! |
Every once in a while, teams need a coaching change. After re-evaluating both my short and long-term goals, I am pleased to announce I am now working with Ray Hughes Management. RHM is a prestigious management firm that handles top talent/celebrities in acting, hosting, personal appearance and comedy! We have hit the ground running and big things are on the horizon.
I'm als  o happy to announce that Team Rivera is now working with Paradigm Agency Paradigm was founded in 1992 and has established itself as a leading entertainment talent agency, guiding the careers of an elite roster of actors, comedians, musical artists, directors, writers and producers.
With change comes opportunity and I'm really looking forward to all of the big things coming in the near future.
| Must Be Doing Something Right! |
I have been invited back to not only attend the 2013 NCLR Annual Conference but to again perform for some of the most important leaders in the Latino community.I'd be lying if I said I wasn't honored and humbled to be requested by such a prestigious organization. I'll be teaming up with NuVO TV and performing for their NCLR Comedy Night!
NCLR represents the largest and most important gathering of the nation's most influential individuals, organizations, institutions, and companies working with the Hispanic community.
The NCLR Annual Conference has grown with its gente, providing a forum for people in the business of social change to learn about ongoing and emerging issues in the Hispanic community, connect with key community leaders, and generate partnerships with Hispanic community-based organizations.
| That's Erie... |

Erie, Pennsylvania get ready, I'm coming back! That's right! Catch me at JR's Last Laugh on July 26th & 27th.
So tell everyone you know - friends, family, co-workers, the lady who makes your drink at Starbuck or anyone willing to listen. Let's sell these shows out!
Click this link or the logo for tickets - TICKETS HERE
- 07/05 Summer Music Festival (Ellicottville, NY) - TIX
- 07/25 - 07/26 JR's Last Laugh (Erie, PA) - TIX
- 08/09 LI Comedy Festival - Suffolk Theater (Riverhead, NY) - TIX
- 08/23 Lewis University (Romeoville, IL)
- 09/25 Madison Area Tech College (Madison, WI)
- 09/26 Joliet College (Joliet, IL)
- 09/26 Concordia University (River Forest, IL)
- 09/28 MacMurray College (Jacksonville, IL)