Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"Amanhã fico triste… Amanhã! Hoje não… Hoje fico alegre! E todos os dias, por mais amargos que sejam, eu digo: Amanhã fico triste, HOJE NÃO… "

Semana de Mato Grosso em New York - Casa do Brasil

 A arte como instrumento de conscientização da importância de preservar os animais do Pantanal. Essa foi a estratégia escolhida pelo artista plástico mato-grossense, Victor Hugo, ao decidir produzir um livro e um caderno para colorir sobre os animais do Pantanal, como a onça pintada, a arara-azul e o tatu-bola, que o mascote daCopa do Mundo de 2014.
Patrocinado pelo Governo de Mato Grosso, o material foi distribuído nesta segunda-feira (29.04) em Lima, capital do Peru, onde Cuiabá foi a anfitriã do Goal To Brasil, evento promovido pelo Governo Federal para destacar as 12 cidades-sede do Mundial como destino turístico do mercado internacional. Os livros e cadernos, produzidos em inglês e espanhol, também foram entregues a 250 alunos de uma escola peruana na qual a Embaixada brasileira desenvolve um projeto que possibilita o aprendizado da língua portuguesa.
De acordo com Victor Hugo, cada um dos 15 animais citados no livro foram concebidos por meio da técnica do óleo sobre tela para depois serem reproduzidos na publicação. Já as ilustrações do caderno para colorir foram desenhadas à mão pelo artista.
“O tatu-bola é um mamífero da família dos tatus. Ele tem pés pequenos, é de cerca de 30 centímetros de comprimento, tem três cintas móveis e tatus são os únicos capazes de dobrar-se completamente dentro de sua concha, formando uma espécie de bola, gerando daí o seu nome. Tal espécie possui apenas quatro dedos em cada pata anterior”, explica Victor Hugo no livro.
Um dos animais que também chamam a atenção é o tuiuiú, ave-símbolo do Pantanal. Podendo atingir de 1,60 m de altura e 2,80 m de ponta a ponta das asas, o tuiuiú se alimenta de peixes, insetos, caramujos, pequenos mamíferos e aves.
Natural de Itiquira (MT), Victor Hugo começou a sua carreira em 1968 pintando cartazes em cinemas de Cuiabá. Conhecido internacionalmente, ele já retratou várias personalidades, como o Papa João Paulo II, o jornalista Roberto Marinho, o ex-presidente Lula, Papa Bento XVI e imortais da Academia Brasileira de Letras (ABL).
Ilustrou cinco livros sobre educação ambiental, escritos pelo prof. Arnaldo Niskier (ABL): “Uma aventura no Pantanal – 1991”; “Chapada, um mistério de outro mundo – 1992”; “liberdade para as araras azuis – 1993”; “Bafafá no reino dourado – 2002”; e “Uma aventura no Pantanal - 2003”, que foi editado em japonês pela Universidade de Kyoto.
Victor Hugo também realizou várias exposições no Brasil e exterior. Atualmente trabalha com o Projeto Fauna Mataviva – a arte em defesa dos animais do Pantanal, Amazônia e Cerrado, com exposições a céu aberto nos parques da cidade.

If the United States government shuts down tonight and our economy takes a hit, it will be because House Republicans let it happen.
Right now, there's a bill sitting in the House that funds the government for a few more weeks. It doesn't demand the repeal or delay of the health care law, or deny women access to birth control, or include any other failed, partisan proposals. It funds the government. That's it. And if Republican leadership allowed a simple yes or no vote on this bill -- like the Senate has -- it would get enough support from members of both parties to pass.
Instead, the government that these Republicans were elected to fund will close down and that will hurt our economy. Americans across the country won't be allowed to show up for work. Paychecks could be delayed, meaning some folks will have to cut back on groceries or maybe even not pay a few bills. Businesses will have fewer customers. Veterans won't get services they rely on -- and it will put benefits for seniors at risk.
Even though they've already voted over 40 times to defund or delay the health care law, this group of Republicans in Congress is so obsessed with the idea of sabotaging Obamacare that they're willing to take the economy hostage to do it.
President Obama has said time and time again that he's willing to work with folks on both sides of the aisle to grow our economy and even improve the health care law. But using the threat of government shutdown or defaulting on the bills our country owes is reckless and irresponsible.
In fact, shutting down the government won't stop Obamacare. The Health Insurance Marketplace will still open for business starting tomorrow, without delay.
Washington needs to stop manufacturing crises and focus on the issues that matter: creating jobs and building a strong middle class. Taking our economy over the cliff just to score political points isn't fair to the millions of Americans who show up every day to work and do their jobs. It’s time for Congress to do its job.

Latin Markets and the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce Announce Early Investor List  
Private Equity Brazil Forum

Latin Markets, in collaboration with the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce, is pleased to announce the early investor list attending the  5th Annual Private Equity Brazil Forum on December 9 & 10. Investors include: CPPIB, Previ, UTIMCO, Helmsley Trust, Texas Teachers', HOOPP, Hartford Health Care, UNC Management, La Caisse, OTPP, Willett Advisors, Nippon Life Insurance, The Juilliard School, and Assicurazioni Generali. Click here for the full list of participating investors.

The Fifth Annual Private Equity Brazil Forum on December 9 & 10 at the Hotel Unique in São Paulo is the largest gathering of institutional investors in Latin America who are focused on private market allocations. 

Topics to be covered include: Mid-Markets, Real Assets, Venture Capital, Manager Selection, Secondaries, and Exits. Click here for the full agenda.

Partnering firms will have the opportunity for targeted one-on-one meetings.
Register Now! Members of the Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce will receive a 10% discount when using the code BACC10
For additional information on how we can help leverage this platform to accelerate and streamline the process of connecting you with leading investors please contact:


                            Since 1968
You are cordially invited to attend a farewell luncheon honoring
Ambassador Luiz Felipe
de Seixas Corrêa
Consul General, Consulate General of Brazil in New York

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 12:30 p.m.
The University Club
1 West 54th Street (at Fifth Avenue)
New York, NY 10019
Cost per person $90
Business attire, required by the club (no exceptions)
To register online or to download the registration form, please click here.
Thank you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nada é mais poderoso do que uma idéia que chegou no tempo certo.

         In association with                            
October 11, 2013
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. · Washington, D.C. · 20004
The current volatility of the international markets and the significant shift in the overall perception of Brazil and its economic policies demand a comprehensive discussion and review of the challenges and opportunities ahead. Top executives from the public and private sectors, fund managers, financial analysts, and representatives from the academia and government spheres will meet in Washington, D.C. to discuss the current and future state of Latin America's largest economy.

Don't miss what is sure to be an exciting panel discussion!

H.E. Mauro VieiraAmbassador of Brazil to the United States, Brazilian Embassy
H.E. Anthony HarringtonFormer Ambassador of the United States to Brazil and President, Albright Stonebridge Group LLC
H.E. Minister Alexandre TombiniGovernor, Central Bank of Brazil - (TBC)
Prof. Luciano CoutinhoPresident, Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES
H.E. Henrique MeirellesChairman, Lazard Americas,Chairman, J&F Investimentos, and Chairman, Olympic Public Committee
H.E. Ambassador Donna HrinakVice President, Boeing International and President, Boeing Brazil 
Gary SpulakPresident, Embraer Aircraft Holding, Inc.
David NeelemanFounder, Chairman & CEO, Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras  
Murilo PortugalPresidentFebraban
Paulo SoteroDirector, Brazil Institute, The Woodrow Wilson Center 
Geoff DyerForeign Policy Correspondent, The Financial Times
Marcos TroyjoDirector, BRICLab, Columbia University

Sponsorship opportunities available!
For further information, please contact the Chamber's Executive Director, Roberto Azevedo, atRobertoAzevedo@brazilcham.com or 212-751-4691.

Click here to register online.

Click here to download the registration form.

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Disregard this message if you have already registered.
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September 26, 2013
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Focus on Latin America
Webinar Series

Meeting Details:
Recent Developments in
International Arbitration in Latin America

Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM EDT 
Duration: 1 hour

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Memória Globo
Memória Globo
Memória Globo
Memória Globo
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Boa viagem, porque agora é só relembrar!

The White HouseThursday, Sept. 26, 2013
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