Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Quanto mais espaço Deus ocupa em nossa vida, menos nos entregamos à idolatria particular..." — Helena Tannure

BETWEEN JULY & SEPT              
                                            AUGUST 2014  


NEW YORK CITY - AUG. 19th - 20th

I was pounding my head trying to figure out what to say in this newsletter and couldn't come up with anything.  All I really have to say is this is our 9th year doing the NBCU Short Film Festival (formally Short Cuts Festival). 

Number 9 is a big deal; it takes 9 months to have a baby, there are 9 innings in baseball, cats have 9lives (not sure how true that is), there are 9 planets (well before they denounced Pluto as one), etc. As odd as that number is, it's still is progress, it's powerful, & it's stronger than 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, & 1. Hell, a decade wouldn't be nothing if 9 didn't come first! 

This is 9 years of great short films by some of the most talented people you probably never heard of.  Once again this year NBCU Short Film Festival expands 2 days of shorts films! Come join us for our 9th Annual NBCU Short Film Festival hosted by A.J. Calloway (EXTRA). 
This will be at the School Of Visual Arts for FREE but you have to RSVP
RSVP to diversity@nbcuni.com 

TUESDAY AUG. 19, 2014

NBCU Short Film Festival Semi-Finals Screening
Hosted by A.J. Calloway
WEDNESDAY AUG. 20, 2014  
NBCU Short Film Festival Semi-Finals Screening
Hosted by A.J. Calloway
School of Visual Arts Theatre
333 W. 23rd Street 
New York, NY 10011 


Thanks all who kept Ardie Fuqua and Tracy Morgan in your thoughts and prayers. They are still healing and recovering.
We love and miss Robin Williams. An incredible talent and such humble and awesome human being!

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Even if you have figured out your social objectives, defined your goals, and determined the metrics you'll use to measure success.....there's still one thing missing. That is a way to map, track, and share your social marketing plan company-wide. When you have your entire company aligned behind your social media strategy, you will find a huge difference in how effective your marketing message will become. Here's a welcome solution: 
Fill in the blanks with Marketo's sample social editorial calendar, based on industry best practices and Marketo's own social strategy. Using these handy templates, you'll soon be creating your own editorial calendar for social marketing. 
Click here: http://bit.ly/1omTVXf  
Download the Sample Social Editorial Calendar to:
* Explore and expand your own social marketing objectives and priorities across all of your business units, not just marketing
* Implement the "411" rule in your social marketing
* Define your brand's voice, and learn how to keep it consistent and avoid embarrassing social media failures
* Easily create and maintain an editorial calendar for your blog, as well as on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Remember, it's free and will improve your social media results... simply click here: Bitly Shortened version - http://bit.ly/1omTVXf

And feel free to share this with your friends and colleagues who might be interested. Sharing is caring!
Here's to your success,
Mike Crosson
Moderator and Publisher
Join us on
August 26, 2014
Announcing the eMarketer Retail Weekly Newsletter. Sign up in time for the next issue.
TV Everywhere: High Growth, Low Usage
An increasing number of viewers are taking advantage of TV Everywhere offerings. But according to a new eMarketer report, overall usage remains relatively light. TV Everywhere also faces some challenges, including low awareness levels and technology issues. Full Article

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Boost your Loyalty Marketing.

Customer loyalty is imperative to a brand's success, but acquiring and maintaining loyal customers takes a lot of work. Have questions around building, executing, and maintaining a successful loyalty initiative? We're here to help! Download BigDoor's free Marketer's Guide to Customer Loyalty to make sense of all the moving pieces.

Kids Head Back to School with Shiny New Devices
It's time for children to head back to school, and based on research, parents are spending big on electronic devices for their kids this season. For assistance during the overall back-to-school process, mothers are turning to smartphones to save a few bucks. Full Article

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The Dallas Digital Collective is coming September 16

The Digital Collective for senior-level digital marketers is an invitation only, regionally driven, peer-to-peer exchange. Their gatherings, developed by the group, facilitate best practices through thought leadership & fuel new, meaningful relationships. To join, request your invitation today.
Mcommerce Fuels Growth for France's Online Retailers
Ecommerce sales in France rose 14% in 2013, according to research, as web merchants expanded their product ranges and delivery options. On top of that, more consumers shopped via mobile devices, making mcommerce the main growth driver for online sales. Full Article

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September 7-10, 2014, Coronado, CA
eMarketer is the official research partner of iMedia Brand Summit
September 17, 2014, New York, NY
eMarketer is a media partner of the FT Future of Marketing Summit.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Pois tu Senhor, formaste os meus rins; formaste-me no ventre de minha mãe. Eu te louvarei, porque de um modo tão admirável e maravilhoso fui criado; maravilhosas são as tuas obras, e a minha alma o sabe muito bem. Os meus ossos não te foram encobertos, quando no oculto fui formado, e esmeradamente tecido nas profundezas da terra. Os teus olhos viram a minha substância ainda informe, e no teu livro foram escritos os dias, sim, todos os dias que foram ordenados para mim, quando ainda não havia nem um deles.”

If you cannot view this email correctly, view it online
You're Invited
Cross Border M&A in Latin America: Opportunities
and Legal Challenges for Multinationals
September 18, 2014
View the mobile and print friendly version.
Add events@info.hunton.com to your safe senders list.
in association with
Cross Border M&A in Latin America: Opportunities and Legal Challenges for Multinationals

Please join us for discussions with key thought leaders and select practitioners focusing on current insights and ongoing developments
in Latin America

Thursday, September 18, 2014 
Registration: 3:15 PM

Lowes Hotel Miami Beach1601 Collins Ave
Miami Beach, FL 33140

Space is limited.
CLE pending in Florida and New York

Esteemed Panelists:
  • Ines Bahachille, Legal Counsel Westlac, Diageo
  • Miguel Bermejo, CFO of the Americas, FCC Construcción
  • Alejandra Flah, Director & Associate General Counsel in Latin America, Citibank
  • Mayda Prego, Senior Counsel in the Latin America and Caribbean Region, Chevron
Event Moderator:

Fernando C. Alonso, Chairman of the Latin America Practice, Hunton & Williams LLP 

Event host:

Ignacio Abella, Editor In-House, Chambers & Partners 

Feel free to forward this invitation to colleagues and friends whom you feel would be interested in the event.

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Os principais destaques sobre o assunto reunidos para você.

Em uma iniciativa pioneira, estamos usando o biogás gerado pela decomposição de matéria orgânica do antigo Aterro Sanitário de Gramacho, em Duque de Caxias (RJ), nas operações da Reduc, Refinaria Duque de Caxias. Com isso, estamos reduzindo o consumo de gás natural na refinaria e a emissão de gases de efeito estufa para atmosfera.
Veja o vídeo

Nossos pesquisadores estão usando melaço de cana-de-açúcar e uma bactéria encontrada na Antártida para produzir uma molécula que compõe uma substância usada na fabricação de borrachas sintéticas. A nova tecnologia está em fase de testes industriais e permite a substituição de insumos de origem fóssil, abrindo uma nova fronteira verde nesse segmento.
Saiba mais no nosso blog

A Usina Fotovoltaica de Alto de Rodrigues, no Rio Grande do Norte, já está fornecendo eletricidade para o Sistema Interligado Nacional. Quando estiver concluída, a produção estimada será de 1.942 MWh/ano, suficiente para atender o consumo de 8 mil pessoas.
Leia mais no nosso blog

Conheça de perto o projeto que está recuperando vegetação nativa da Mata Atlântica em uma área maior do que a Floresta da Tijuca na região do entorno do Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro.
Assista ao vídeo

Nossa Unidade Protótipo de Catalisadores (Procat), no Rio de Janeiro, está desenvolvendo um catalisador que reduz emissões de gás carbônico em processos industriais. Construída com infraestrutura ecoeficiente, a Procat funciona junto à Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores.
Saiba mais no nosso blog

Com a nossa produção de etanol ultrapassando um bilhão de litros nos dias de hoje, fica até difícil imaginar uma época em que o álcool ainda estava começando a ser adicionado à gasolina. Nos anos 70, o assunto era destaque na mídia.
Confira esta reportagem original de 1976
Se necessário, entre em contato: relacionamento@petrobras.com.br
Quer conversar com a gente? Conheça nossos canais sociais:

Política de privacidade. Acesse nossa política de privacidade no endereçohttp://www.petrobras.com.br/pt/politica-de-privacidade/
Dúvidas, sugestões e reclamações entre em contato com o Fale Conoscohttp://www.petrobras.com.br/pt/fale-conosco