Monday, May 4, 2015

Há livros escritos para evitar espaços vazios na estante. Carlos Drummond de Andrade

A Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida convida para a 11a Edição do Seminário "COMO INGRESSAR NO MERCADO NORTEAMERICANO" abordando os temas:

1. Oportunidades e Desafios nos EUA;
2. Logística;
3. Flórida – A porta para o Mercado Global;
4. Investimento de Brasileiros na Flórida;
5. Internacionalização de Empresas;
6. Formação, registro e contabilidade de Pessoa Jurídica, qual formato mais adequado LLC, Corp, BVI, Offshore;
7. Proteção, blindagem e privacidade para a pessoa física do investidor Brasileiro nos EUA;
8. Planejamento tributário e isenção da retenção do “Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 (FIRPTA)”;
9. Planejamento sucessório nos EUA;
10. Planejamento Imigratório para petições de vistos de trabalho H-1B, L-1, E-2, EB-5;
11. Abertura de conta corrente e remessa de valores para o exterior via Banco Central do Brasil;
12. Obtenção de hipoteca e financiamento junto aos Bancos Americanos.

Palestrantes convidados:

- DR. ALEXANDRE PIQUET - Advogado - Piquet Law Firm
- CARLOS MARIACA - Sócio - Center Group
- LUIZ CLAUDIO LESSA - V.P. - Banco do Brasil Americas


5 de maio: Florianópolis – 14:00 Hs – 17:00 Hs – ACATE - Associação Catarinense de Empresas de TecnologiaCentro de Inovação ACATE - Espaço Primavera Garden - Bloco CIA Rodovia SC 401 - Km 4 - Bairro Saco Grande CEP: 88032-005 Florianópolis – SC

7 de maio: Joinville – 8:30 Hs - 11:30 Hs – ACIJ - Associação Empresarial de Joinville Avenida Aluisio Pires Condeixa, 2.550 Saguaçu - Joinville - SC - CEP: 89.221-750

13 de maio: Curitiba – 8:30 Hs - 12:00 Hs – ACP – Associação Comercial do Paraná - Rua XV de Novembro, 621 - Centro, Curitiba - PR, 80020-310, Brazil

14 de maio: São Paulo – 8:30 Hs – 12:00 Hs – SENAC - Salão Nobre Senac - Rua Doutor Vila Nova, 228, Térreo, Vila Buarque São Paulo, São Paulo - 01222-903

Mais informações e inscrições pelo site
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Here's something you may not realize we do here at the White House:
Every Friday, our video team releases a compilation of the best moments from the previous week here. I narrate each installment, but you have better things to do than listen to the sound of my voice.
Each episode is full of behind-the-scenes snippets of the President, scenes from his travels on the road, and special footage of guests that visit the White House.
WATCH: Here are this week's highlights.
This week's episode -- or, "I think that works!" -- features scenes from the President's visit with the Japanese Prime Minister, the White House Correspondents' Dinner, an interview with the Wall Street Journal, a "virtual field trip," and more.
(If nothing else, make sure you jump to 50 seconds in for some hilarious behind-the-scenes footage of the President with "Luther," his anger translator.)
Another fun fact: If you want to get a sense of what the President's up to on a given day, we post his schedule online daily. You can check that out here.
Enjoy -- and have a good weekend,
Josh Earnest
Press Secretary
The White House

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Luz, mais luz. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Challenges and Opportunities for International Brands Entering the Brazilian Fashion Market

Over the last 10 years, many international fashion brands have entered the Brazilian market, and quite a few Brazilian fashion brands have expanded their distribution internationally.
The Chamber, through a series of events, will explore for its members the challenges and opportunities created by these developments.
On April 29, 2015, the first event will take place in New York at the University Club, where experts representing  international fashion brands will share their experiences entering or preparing to enter the Brazilian market.


Paulo Colino, Head of Sales and Business Development, Coach International Division,Coach, Inc.

Anthony V. LupoPartnerArent Fox LLP

Phillipe SoussandFounder and Principal,Soussand Associates, LLC

Steven R. SedberryVice President and General Counsel, Jeanswear Americas, VF Imagewear, Latin America, and VF Outlet


8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.


The University Club
One West 54th Street
New York City

Members: $80
Non-Members: $120

Click on the button below to register.

Sponsorship opportunities are available.  For more information please

Ruth Phillips
Senior Head of Events
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.