Sunday, January 10, 2016

Organizing for Action
This is it. President Obama kicks off his final year in office tomorrow night. Say you'll watch the State of the Union:

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To commemorate President Obama's final address this Tuesday, we've put together something special.


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The White House, Washington
"We will rebuild. We will recover. And the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."
--President Obama, February 24, 2009
That's what President Obama said in his first address to Congress in 2009. Our nation was in midst of what we now know was the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Our economy was shrinking, our businesses were shedding jobs each month, and our auto industry had flatlined.
But through the years, the President has worked with the American people to rebuild and strengthen our economy, our security, and our leadership in the world. Each year, in every one of his State of the Union addresses, you can see the progress we've made together.
So -- to commemorate his final address this Tuesday -- we've put together something special:We've assembled all of the President's addresses to Congress on using Genius, adding line-by-line annotations that offer more context on specific proposals he made and a behind-the-scenes look at how these speeches came together.
Take a look:
Screenshot of Annotated State of the Union Speech
In each year since 2009, the President's State of the Union addresses have bookmarked pivotal moments in the story of our nation: from expanding universal, affordable health care to securing the the most ambitious global agreement ever to combat climate change.
Check out each speech -- complete with videos, graphics, and stories from the staffers behind the policies.
Have thoughts on remarks? Share your thoughts and reactions with the White House right in the speech. Some submissions may be highlighted by the White House.
Then, make sure you RSVP to watch President Obama's final State of the Union speech next Tuesday at 9:00pm ET. You won't want to miss what the President has planned for the year ahead.
Josh Earnest
Press Secretary
The White House
The White House, Washington
On Tuesday, my husband will deliver his seventh and final State of the Union address.
He'll be talking about making things better for you and your family right now -- and he'll also be sharing his vision for how, together we can make this country a better place for the next generation, and generations to come.
That's been his mission since the day he took office, and he'll be doing everything he can with every minute he has left as President to deliver on behalf of the American people.
This speech is for you, and we want to know you'll be there watching.
Say you'll join me and millions of other Americans on Tuesday to watch the State of the Union.
Each year, I have the honor of attending this address with a few of the many Americans who have inspired Barack -- and this year is no exception.
Braeden Mannering, after attending the White House Kids' "State Dinner," started his own nonprofit to provide healthy food to homeless and low-income individuals in his community. Formerly homeless Navy veteran Cindy Dias works with Veterans Village, a non-profit that has answered our Joining Forces call to End Veterans' Homelessness in Las Vegas.
Oscar Vasquez, an immigrant from Mexico, fought for the right to become an American citizen so that he could fulfill his dream of joining the U.S. Army. Refaai Hamo, a scientist and cancer survivor, fled Syria with his family hoping to "make a lasting contribution to humanity."
You can see all the inspiring people who will be joining me. Read their stories and watch them receive their invitations.
Watch the guests get invited to the State of the Union
That kind of passion and perseverance are at the heart of this great country. And while we have made so much progress, there's so much more left to do to ensure all Americans have the opportunities they deserve to get ahead. That's what my husband will be talking about on Tuesday. So let us know you'll be watching.
RSVP here on Facebook and then check out on Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET to watch the President's final address to the nation.
Thanks so much,
First Lady Michelle Obama

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The White House, Washington
For three years, Congress has failed the families of Newtown and victims of gun violence across the country.
While Congress, bitterly divided over partisan politics, has been stalled on this issue, the rest of America has continued to grieve. Countless families have felt the pain and heartache of losing a loved one to gun violence -- the same horrifying sting felt by those 26 families in Newtown on December 14, 2012.
I represent those families in Congress. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't witness their pain, or share their utter bewilderment in our failure to do something about it.
But we also remember the strength and resiliency of the Newtown community. We remember the teachers who protected those kids, who died shielding them with their bodies. We remember the first responders who rushed in to help. And we remember the millions of acts of kindness and gifts and phone calls that came in from the rest of the world.
This is the spirit behind President Obama's executive actions to reduce gun violence. He is doing what he can to prevent future gun violence because he knows that, as Americans, we cannot just close our eyes and blindly accept this as the status quo -- especially when it threatens the safety of our children.
Learn more about President Obama's commonsense proposals to keep guns out of the wrong hands.
Some of my colleagues in Congress have already raised their objections over these steps. Here's my message to them: Stop listening to the gun lobby. If they listened to gun owners instead, the vast majority of whom support sensible steps to keep guns out of the wrong hands, this debate would be over already.
We would have already acted. We would have passed universal background check legislation. We would have made straw purchasing and gun trafficking federal crimes to give law enforcement the tools to combat the flood of illegal weapons across state lines. We would have passed a ban on high-capacity magazines. We would have made it impossible for those on the FBI's terror watch list to purchase a deadly firearm. Instead, we've done nothing.
We should be listening to victims and families across the country who have been calling on us to act and do what we can to make the world safer for their children.
I'm proud to stand with President Obama on the actions he's taking to prevent gun violence. If you want to learn more, make sure to tune in to CNN tonight at 8:00pm ET, where President Obama will discuss the issue and take questions at a live town hall event.
But the President can only do so much -- it's up to Congress to do more. We must stand up to the gun lobby and do we what we can to prevent what happened in Newtown from ever happening again.
What greater responsibility do we have?
Thank you,
Chris Murphy
U.S. Senator
Cheshire, Connecticut
His last State of the Union. Tune in, and get fired up again.

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