Tuesday, May 17, 2016

 Depois de apresentar em New York um dos cenários artísticos mais interessantes e vivos da atualidade, a artista plástica Lisandra Miguel, que retornou ao Brasil na semana passada, prossegue exibindo suas obras , só que agora com um convite privilegiado. A artista foi convidada pelo ator Bruno Gissoni, para uma exposição em sua própria casa. A exposição aconteceu neste ultimo fim de semana. Lysandra Miguel tornou-se conhecida pelas obras com traçados modernos, sempre expressando o ser humano e seu cotidiano,está com grandes expectativas para o ano de 2016, e, seguira  expondo sua arte na Alemanha e também no Louvre,Paris - France.

                                   A artista plástica Lisandra Miguel e o ator Bruno Gissoni
                                                     Fotos |Créditos: Thiago Pimenta


Just announced: President Obama is extending overtime pay to millions more Americans
Every week, millions of Americans work more than 40 hours but do not receive the overtime pay they have earned.
President Obama is taking action to fix that: In a note to signers of a We the People petition, the President announced that tomorrow the Department of Labor will finalize a rule to extend overtime protections to 4.2 million more Americans.
Check out the President's note:
I wanted you to be the first to know about some important news on an issue I know you care deeply about: making sure you're paid fairly.
If you work more than 40 hours a week, you should get paid for it or get extra time off to spend with your family and loved ones. It's one of most important steps we're taking to help grow middle-class wages and put $12 billion more dollars in the pockets of hardworking Americans over the next 10 years.
For generations, overtime protections have meant that an honest day's work should get a fair day's pay, and that's helped American workers climb the ladder of success. That's what middle-class economics are all about.
But after years of inflation and lobbyists' efforts to weaken overtime protections, that security has eroded for too many families.
One of the many Americans who has been working hard but struggling to keep up is a single mom from Tucson, Arizona, Elizabeth Paredes. As an assistant manager at a sandwich shop, Elizabeth sometimes worked as many as 70 hours a week, without a dime of overtime pay. So Elizabeth wrote to me to say how hard it is to build a bright future for her son.
And she's not alone: Today just 7 percent of workers qualify for overtime pay based on their salaries. Compare that with 1975, when more than 60 percent of workers qualified for overtime pay based on their salaries.
This policy just hasn't kept up with the times.
The fundamental principle behind overtime pay comes from a Depression-era law called the Fair Labor Standards Act, which helps ensure that workers who put in more than 40 hours per week should generally get paid more for that extra time. I directed Secretary of Labor Tom Perez and the Department of Labor to update and modernize the overtime rules and uphold that principle.
It doubles the salary threshold and automatically updates it every three years. The rule takes effect December 1.
This is a step in the right direction to strengthen and secure the middle class by raising Americans' wages. When workers have more income, they spend it -- often at businesses in their local community -- and that helps grow the economy for everyone.
Americans have spent too long working long hours and getting less in return. So wherever and whenever I can make sure that our economy rewards hard work and responsibility, that's what I'm going to do. Every hardworking American deserves a paycheck that lets them support their families, gain a little economic security, and pass down some opportunity to their kids. That's always worth fighting for.
Thanks for raising your voice on this critical issue -- we couldn't have done it without you.
President Barack Obama
Learn more about the update to overtime pay.



A wise woman once said that one is not born a woman, but rather becomes one. What makes a woman? Strength. Resilience. Compassion. Beauty from within. When I think of what it means to be a woman, I stand a little taller because I know I stand on the shoulders of women who came before me and paved the way.
My mom, Diana Ross, is one of those women. She's both nurturing and fierce, graceful and courageous. She set an example for me to be empowered, to have a voice, and to build a full life for myself. And there are countless other women who inspire and remind me of the individual and collective power of women.
Women are always breaking new records and forging new paths. We build on the accomplishments of those who came before us.
On June 14, the White House will host women from all over the country at the United State of Women Summit. We will celebrate extraordinary women who are creating change and growth in our world -- women who are doing great things.
If there's a woman in your life who inspires you like my mom has always inspired me, somebody who strives to help everybody around her achieve their greatest, we want her to be there. We want her to stand with President Obama and the First Lady.
I know there are so many women out there who are lifting up their friends, their neighbors, and their communities. We want to meet these incredible women.
Every woman who carves out a space for other women in her community or profession and every woman who raises her voice to fight for an issue she cares about is changing what it means to be a woman in America.
Together, we are so powerful.
Tracee Ellis Ross
Visit WhiteHouse.gov


Friday, May 13, 2016

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We cordially invite you to EARTH CONTEMPORARY ART SALON
At  the United Nations - NYC

Special Reception - May23 at 6pm

“Earth” is Back to New York
Contemporary Brazilian Art Show at the United Nations will displays
the beauty and the challenges of the environments


PARTICIPANT ARTISTS: Alice Niel, Amaro, Ana Junkeira, Anderson Bolcato, Azol, Antti Raitala, Aulikki Nukala, Cassandra Fortes, Carl Clarke, Carla Cortez, Cilmara Tamochunas Bittencourt, Cheryl Appe, Claudio Cupertino, Carmen Thompson, Daniel Silveira Lopes, Deise Figuccia, Denise Berbert, Diego Mendonça, Eda Miranda, Eunice Dias, Eunice Khoury, Edoardo Pacceli, Eileen Joyce, Elisa Carreno, Eila Ekman-Björkman, Juliana Pavanelli, Hanna Varis, Hilária Rato Zanadrea, Ilona Rytkönen, Iria Ciecka Schmidt, Jane Ferrari, Jari Järnström, Juliana Pavanelli, Giovana Casagrande, L. Lazarotti Ogg, Leila Alberti, Ligia Barros, Luzia Castaneda, Luíza Alves, Mariá Mallmann, Mauro Marques Kersul, Marcio Pontes, Marie Marcier, Mounia Boutaleb, Muriene Ribeiro, Mizael Lima, Moosa May Delaró, Maaria Märkälä, Maarit Björkman-Väliahdet, Marja Hakala, Marjatta Ranta-Iso, Minja Revonkorpi, Nonna-Nina Mäki, Odair Mindello, Osvaldo Chiquesi, Patricia Figueiredo, Panu Ruotsalo, Päivyt Niemeläinen, Priscila Schott, Raquel Lima, Rebeca Sá Figueira, Rosa Stalleikem, Sandiá Antoinette, Saila Seppo, Sirkka Laakkonen,Tereza Vianna, Vanda Ribeiro, Vera Reis, Vara Pavanelli, Urho Kähkönen, Marcio Pontes, Flavia Pinheiro Costa, Jo Kawamura and Celia Anahas.
Period: May 23 – 27, 2016
Location: UN New York headquarters
Reception: Monday, May 23rd
Time: from 6pm to 9pm
Curator by: Alcinda Saphira
Co-Curator byLouis Ventura & Edson Cardoso
Curator Assistant: Luciana Morais, Beatriz Deruiz
 UNSRC Portuguese Language Society, KOTA Events, Beatriz Deruiz Photography Studio, Community Channel Web TV, Angela Oliveira Art, Rose de Paulo.
For more Info:saphirastudio@gmail.com
Contact Phone: +1 (914)433-0121
Website: Artsvgallery.com
R.S.V.P Required - Subscribe now for Free Entrance
Copyright © 2016, Saphira&Ventura Gallery, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
4 W 43rd Street, Suite 415,
New York City, NY 10036 


President Obama and Macklemore: A conversation about addiction
Today, President Obama and Grammy Award-winning artist Macklemore teamed up to discuss a disease that affects far too many Americans: addiction.
President Obama and Macklemore
Here are the highlights:
Macklemore opened up about his own experience with addiction:
"I’m here with President Obama because I take this personally. I abused prescription drugs and battled addiction. If I hadn’t gotten the help I needed when I needed it, I might not be here today. And I want to help others facing the same challenges I did."
President Obama laid out why opioid abuse is a problem that affects all of us:
"Drug overdoses now take more lives every year than traffic accidents. Deaths from opioid overdoses have tripled since 2000. A lot of the time, they’re from legal drugs prescribed by a doctor. So addiction doesn’t always start in some dark alley -- it often starts in a medicine cabinet."
Drug overdoses vs traffic accidents over time
And the President talked about what we all can do to help:
"I’ve asked Congress to expand access to recovery services, and to give first responders the tools they need to treat overdoses before it’s too late. This week, the House passed several bills about opioids -- but unless they also make actual investments in more treatment, it won’t get Americans the help they need. On top of funding, doctors also need more training about the power of the pain medication they prescribe, and the risks they carry. Another way our country can help those suffering in private is to make this conversation public."
"The good news is, there’s hope. When we talk about opioid abuse as the public health problem it is, more people will seek the help they need. More people will find the strength to recover, just like Macklemore and millions of Americans have. We’ll see fewer preventable deaths and fewer broken families."