Tuesday, July 12, 2016

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Watch live: President Obama speaks in Dallas
Today, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Dr. Jill Biden are headed to Texas to join the city of Dallas in honoring the memory of the five police officers who lost their lives last Thursday.
You can watch President Obama's remarks at the interfaith memorial service here at 1:40 pm ET.
Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Michael Smith, Brent Thompson, and Patrick Zamarripa served their city and every one of its citizens with incredible courage and dedication. Their deaths, and the senseless deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, have left Americans across the country with more questions than answers.
But as President Obama said:
"I reject the idea that these issues are somehow too big for us -- that America is too divided to find common ground. As I've said, I know that we can honor the incredible courage and service of our police officers -- and also recognize the racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system. There's no contradiction there. And if we are going to come together to solve these problems, we have to understand that. So we'll have to talk to each other. We'll have to listen to each other. And we'll have to see each other as equal parts of the American family."
Tune in today at 1:40 pm ET to watch his remarks to the families of the fallen and members of the Dallas community.

Friday, July 8, 2016

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Miguel Penha, artista plástico


Julho 2016

Exposição em andamento, Visite o 25 salão Jovem Arte/ e conheça meus trabalhos que receberam Menção Especial do Juri de Seleção

Novo trabalho - Mata do Jamacá, 70x100cm

Pintura em acrílico sobre tela 70x100cm, inspirada no Jamacá em Chapada dos Guimarães/MT

R$ 3.000,00

para comprar entre em contato pelo email miguelpenha@hotmail.com.br

Próxima exposição - dentro da mata projeto itinerante

Preparando os trabalhos para a próxima exposição será apresentada no MARCO em Campo Grande/MS.

Exposição Dentro da Mata
abertura 30 de agosto as 19:30

para saber mais sobre o projeto acesse http://dentrodamata.blogspot.com.br/
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Watch President Obama speak on the attacks on law enforcement in Dallas.

President Obama: "We are horrified over these events"
Last night, law enforcement officers in Dallas, Texas who were keeping people safe during a peaceful protest were targeted and attacked.
This morning, President Obama offered a statement on these tragic attacks and made it clear that we as a nation stand united with the people and the police department in Dallas.
"I speak for every single American when I say that we are horrified over these events, and that we stand united with the people and the police department in Dallas ... Let's be clear: There is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks or any violence against law enforcement. The FBI is already in touch with the Dallas police, and anyone involved in these senseless murders will be held fully accountable. Justice will be done."
President Barack Obama delivers a statement to the press regarding the police shootings in Dallas, Tex., from the Marriott Hotel in Warsaw, Poland, July 8, 2016. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
With your understanding, I want to begin with a few words about the situation back in the United States, specifically the situation in Dallas, Texas.
My team has been keeping me updated throughout the morning of the evening in Dallas. I spoke this morning with Mayor Rawlings of Dallas to convey the deepest condolences of the American people. I told him that the federal government will provide whatever assistance Dallas may need as it deals with this tremendous tragedy.
We still don’t know all the facts. What we do know is that there has been a vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement. Police in Dallas were on duty, doing their jobs, keeping people safe during peaceful protests. These law enforcement officers were targeted, and nearly a dozen officers were shot. Five were killed. Other officers and at least one civilian were wounded -- some are in serious condition, and we are praying for their recovery.
As I told Mayor Rawlings, I believe that I speak for every single American when I say that we are horrified over these events, and that we stand united with the people and the police department in Dallas. According to police, there are multiple suspects. We will learn more, undoubtedly, about their twisted motivations. But let's be clear: There is no possible justification for these kinds of attacks or any violence against law enforcement. The FBI is already in touch with the Dallas police, and anyone involved in these senseless murders will be held fully accountable. Justice will be done.
I will have more to say about this as the facts become more clear. For now, let me just say that even as yesterday I spoke about our need to be concerned, as all Americans, about racial disparities in our criminal justice system, I also said yesterday that our police have an extraordinarily difficult job and the vast majority of them do their job in outstanding fashion. I also indicated the degree to which we need to be supportive of those officers who do their job each and every day, protecting us and protecting our communities.
Today is a wrenching reminder of the sacrifices that they make for us. We also know that when people are armed with powerful weapons, unfortunately it makes attacks like these more deadly and more tragic. And in the days ahead, we’re going to have to consider those realities as well.
In the meantime, today our focus is on the victims and their families. They are heartbroken. The entire city of Dallas is grieving. Police across America, which is a tight-knit family, feels this loss to their core. And we're grieving with them. I’d ask all Americans to say a prayer for these officers and their families. Keep them in your thoughts. And as a nation, let’s remember to express our profound gratitude to our men and women in blue -- not just today, but every day.