Sunday, January 1, 2017


As a consequence of the recent  political, judicial, economic and financial turbulence in Brazil, many Brazilian companies, large and small, have been attempting to restructure their debts, have filed or consider filing for recuperação judicial in Brazil or for bankruptcy protection in the US, or have been seeking investors or buyers.

A panel experienced in distressed investments in Brazil will discuss what opportunities and challenges the current economic environment in Brazil has created for distressed investors. The discussion will include the following topics:
  • Overview of distressed market in Brazil
  • Explanation of legal framework governing recuperação judicial in Brazil and main differences and interplay with US Chapter 11 and Chapter 15
  • Issues affecting DIP financing in Brazil
  • Impact of Lava Jato
  • Issues of concern in distressed M&A in Brazil
The panel will be composed of the following speakers:

S. Wade AngusPartnerJones Day
Marcello HallakePartnerJones Day
Pedro A. JimenezPartnerJones Day
Marcelo RicuperoPartner,  Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados
More information to follow!


This was the year in photos:
For the eighth and final time, go behind the lens with White House photographers.
2016 Photos of the Year

In Review: The Obama Presidency
As the year comes to a close, White House staff looked back at a few of our favorite moments from the past eight years.
Read on Medium: President Obama's top speeches, as chosen by his speechwriters
Read on Medium: President Obama's top moments in the digital era
Read on Medium: he President's filmmakers pick their favorite White House videos
Read on Medium: First Lady Michelle Obama's Top 10 Let's Move Moments
Read on Medium: Looking back on eight years of letters to the President
Read on Medium: The most memorable We the People petitions

Organizing for Action
Your support makes change possible. Here's how:

We don't just need to make a difference today. This movement needs to strengthen the pipeline of talent that will lead on change tomorrow.

We need to keep empowering people to turn their passion and energy into action.

And that's exactly what we're doing.

As OFA's Campus Programs Manager, I can tell you that if anyone is passionate and energetic, it's college students. That's why we run training programs -- free of charge -- for students across the country: Their passions are igniting hope in their communities and building a stronger, smarter, more durable progressive movement. These young people aren't just civic participants -- they're the next generation to lead. Developing that talent will make a difference for generations to come.

But tonight, as we close the books on 2016 and assess what's possible next year -- when all that energy is going to be needed more than ever -- we're turning to OFA supporters to help us keep the momentum going.

You can make an impact right now. Chip in before tonight's deadline and help build this movement for the years to come.

Just this past year, we armed students on 62 campuses in 19 states across the country with the tools they'll need to make a difference in their communities. They learned to effectively identify problems, set goals, and persuade key decision-makers. Empowered with new knowledge and skills, and with their go-getter attitude, these amazing students graduated our programs ready to lead on important issues. And they're already getting started.

We're training the next generation of change-makers.

Sula, we know that it's not enough to bring the fight now -- we have to build for real, lasting change tomorrow. Help keep this ball rolling. Make another crucial year of organizing possible by pitching in now. 

Chip in

Stay tuned for more on the year ahead with OFA.

Organizing for Action

We're just a few hours away from our last fundraising deadline of the year. And it's not an overstatement to say that we need you now more than ever.

So this is your last chance -- help support OFA's work by chipping in whatever you can before we close the books on this critical quarter.

Across the country, OFA supporters and volunteers are already gearing up for the fights we'll face in the next few months. I'm not going to lie to you, it's daunting -- but if the last few years have taught me anything, it's that this movement can tackle huge things when we come together and fight like hell.

We have to keep up the fight if we're going to defend the progress we've worked so tirelessly for. Nobody ever said change was easy, but we've proven we can bring it. Protecting it is going to be just as hard, but if we stick together, we can do that, too.

That's why I'm asking you, Sula: Invest in this work. Help keep this movement going strong as we move into the new year. Pitch in $5, or whatever you can, before tonight's deadline.

Chip in
Thanks for being a part of this.


Jim Messina
Organizing for Action

Friday, December 30, 2016

Enviamos este e-mail a todos os nossos amigos ao redor do mundo para pedir uma ajuda extraordináriaa fim de que a CitizenGO possa continuar sendo uma realidade possível em 2017. 

O ano está terminando, e temos de saber urgentemente se em 2017 poderemos realizar todos os projetos que fizemos, se poderemos fazer com que a sua voz seja ouvida onde for necessário, em defesa da vida, da família e da liberdade em todos os campos onde elas são atacadas.
Por isso lhe peço esta ajudaespecial, este esforço extra que estamos solicitando de todos os citizengoers ao redor do mundo:

Somos loucos? Estamos entediados? Não teríamos nada melhor para fazer?
Não. A resposta é não.
Não somos loucos, não estamos entediados e, naturalmente, NÃO temos nada melhor para fazer nesta vida a não ser lutar para proteger a vida, a família e a liberdade.
Por isso lhe escrevo. Preciso da sua ajuda neste momento.
SULA, poderia nos ajudar com uma doação (pontual) de 10, 15 ou 30 reais?
Começo o e-mail assim porque preciso da sua ajuda neste exato momento. Perdão, mas é 'simples' assim.
Bem... perdoe-me e permita-me começar outra vez... com algumas perguntas. Talvez você saiba muito bem as respostas, mas em todo caso, por favor, deixe-me explicar por que preciso da sua ajuda e quanto ela é importante. 
Quem somos?
CitizenGO é uma comunidade de cidadãos ativos (você, eu e, graças a Deus, milhões de outros cidadãos) comprometidos com os valores que inspiraram o humanismo cristão, como a vida, a família e a liberdade.
O que fazemos? 
Fazemos a sua voz ser ouvida sempre que necessário e promovemos os valores com os quais você se importa... defendendo a vida, a família e a liberdade.
Como conseguimos fazer isso?
Apenas porque você apoia o nosso trabalho. Você é o nosso (único) recurso.
(e... o que fazemos) vale a pena?
Como lhe disse num e-mail anterior, neste ano...
  • Realizamos a segunda edição do congresso Somos Todos Nazarenos.
  • Alguns membros da nossa equipe realizaram mais uma expedição ao Iraque, para levar ajuda material e algum conforto espiritual.
  • Conseguimos impedir que a ONU instituísse o Dia Internacional do Aborto "Seguro".
  • Ajudamos a impedir a censura de um Cardeal que se manifestou corajosamente contra o lobby LGBT.
  • Defendemos perante a ONU que proibir o aborto não é tortura.
  • Alguns dos nossos membros de língua espanhola participaram da III Cúpula do Clima em Quito e conseguiram eliminar todo o conteúdo abortista e gayzista.
  • Também ajudamos a frear a ameaça abortista e gayzista na 46ª Assembleia Geral da OEA na República Dominicana.  
  • Além de diversas outras petições, palestras, etc. 
Terminamos o nosso trabalho? Faz algum sentido que CitizenGO continue existindo?
Estes são alguns dos desafios que ainda teremos em 2017:
  • A permanência da perseguição aos cristãos (infelizmente...). 
  • O avanço da ideologia de gênero.
  • Eutanásia, aborto, etc.
  • A corrupção endêmica e o estatismo que assolam a nossa nação.
  • Os movimentos revolucionários.
De que necessitamos para continuar realizando o nosso trabalho (fazer com que a sua voz seja escutada) ao longo de 2017?
Precisamos da sua ajuda... para obter recursos suficientes a fim de continuar trabalhando em 2017 em defesa das vidas de pessoas concretas, nascidas ou ainda por nascer; daqueles que não têm liberdade e sofrem perseguição por causa de sua fé; do modelo de família (o único possível).
O que aconteceria se não pudéssemos contar com a sua ajuda?
Simplesmente teríamos de interromper as atividades de CitizenGO.
Como isso é possível? Isso é verdade?
Absolutamente. É sério e simples assim.
A verdade é que a CitizenGO só é mantida com a ajuda (com as doações) de pessoas como você e eu. 
Não recebemos subvenções (nem as queremos). Não há nenhuma empresa por trás de nós. Não recebemos o apoio de multimilionários donos de outras organizações que propõem um modelo de sociedade diametralmente oposto ao que você e eu desejamos.
Só temos você para nos financiar.
Você quer que continuemos este trabalho em 2017?
Tenho certeza de que deseja isso. Por isso peça a sua ajuda.
Temos dois dias para descobrir 'o que acontecerá' com CitizenGO em 2017.
Poderemos continuar (e aprimorar) o nosso trabalho?
Sim. É claro que sim, mas somente se pudermos contar com a sua ajuda.
SULA, pode nos ajudar com uma doação (pontual) de 10, 15 ou 30 reais?
Se puder fazer a sua doação (espero que sim!); se, entre as despesas dos próximos dias, você puder incluir uma contribuição para CitizenGO - no valor que julgar adequado -, terá uma recompensa certa... fará com que o trabalho de CitizenGO em 2017, em defesa da vida, da família e da liberdade, por meio de petições online, seja tão (ou mais) intenso, apaixonante e decisivo do que o nosso trabalho neste ano de 2016. 
Você conseguirá... você poderá ajudar a restaurar a sociedade, de modo que a vida, a família e a liberdade sejam protegidas e defendidas.
Com esperança, desejo-lhe do fundo do coração que estes dias (ainda dá tempo de desejar um Feliz Natal!!) e o novo ano que se iniciará em breve sejam muito bons para você e a sua família.
Muito obrigado por estar aí e por tudo o que você faz...
Guilherme Ferreira e toda a equipe de CitizenGO
P.S.: Se você puder fazer uma doação, ficaria grato se a enviasse antes de fechar este e-mail. Estamos fazendo o planejamento para 2017 e isso nos permitirá elaborá-lo de forma adequada.   
Você pode fazer a doação por meio deste link: pt/. Se preferir usar PayPal, basta utilizar este link: bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&item_ name=Citizengo pt&hosted_button_id= RWFN53G87VDNQ&lc=pt  
Depois de fazer a sua doação, por favor encaminhe este e-mail para os seus amigos, familiares e contatos. Com certeza mais de um deles o entenderá e lhe agradecerá por isso.
CitizenGO é uma plataforma de participação cidadã que trabalha para defender a vida, a família e as liberdades fundamentais em todo o mundo. Para saber mais sobre CitizenGO, clique aqui,ou siga-nos via Facebook ou Twitter.
Esta mensagem foi enviada a Se você não quer receber esta publicação, clique neste link. Para contactar CitizenGO, não responda a este e-mail. Escreva para pt/contacto.

Organizing for Action

For too many years, I worried about my health. I didn't have the peace of mind that comes with having quality, affordable health insurance. Obamacare changed that -- and I know that's not just for me, but for millions of people across the country. 

Before Obamacare became law, insurance companies could deny me coverage based on my two pre-existing conditions: restless leg syndrome and migraines. And they did -- I was turned down by countless insurance companies, one after another. And that's for non-life threatening conditions -- I can only imagine how scary that situation would be for people struggling to keep cancer or other potentially fatal illnesses at bay.

When I finally found a plan, it had a quarterly cap, not just on care for my pre-existing conditions, but for all of my health care. If I went in for a basic check-up after hitting my cap, for example, I was on my own -- I would have to pay entirely out of pocket.

That meant that sometimes I would put off going to the doctor. I lived in fear of getting hurt or suddenly having to deal with a major medical issue, knowing that if something unexpected happened requiring immediate care, I could be close to bankruptcy. But that's where Obamacare came in.

Thanks to Obamacare, insurance companies can no longer discriminate against Americans like me just because of a pre-existing condition. Now, more than ever, it's time to show our support for this law by fighting for it again.

I'm just one of the millions of people Obamacare has helped, and my story is one of the millions of reasons why it shouldn't be repealed. This law has changed and saved the lives of so many Americans, as families all over the country have gained access to the quality, affordable coverage they need.

That's why it's so important that we keep defending Obamacare and building on the progress we've already made. We can't move backward. It's up to all of us to speak up about Obamacare's impact, and to keep fighting for affordable health care for all. 

Show your support for Obamacare today. 

Add my name

We've made so much progress, thanks to people like you. But our work isn't done.

President Obama has protected 553 million acres of public lands and waters -- more than any other president.

Organizing for Action
Your support makes change possible. Here's how:

It isn't hard to remember when addressing climate change seemed like a pipe dream. Climate change deniers had not only blocked legislation in Congress, they wouldn't even accept the basic facts. The then-small clean energy industry was struggling along with everyone else through the Great Recession. And countries around the world were waiting for American leadership on this crucial global issue.

That didn't stop those of us who know our future relies on bold action. We've tackled those challenges head-on, and we've changed the conversation.

We've come a long way over the past few years, in large part because of the work of people like you. This end-of-year, I'm asking you to keep stepping up to help make sure the progress we've fought so hard for continues -- help fund this fight by chipping in whatever you can today.

OFA volunteers, organizers, and supporters have spoken up time and time again. They've called out climate change deniers in Congress, backed our strong leadership on the world stage, and stood up for the Clean Power Plan and other critical actions to protect our future.

OFA volunteers, organizers, and supporters have spoken up time and time again.

It's this kind of outspokenness that's driven the change. It's helped lead to record growth in the clean energy industry, major steps to cut carbon pollution from power plants, and last month, the Paris Climate Agreement -- a truly historic global agreement to tackle climate change -- entered into force with nearly 200 countries following America's lead.

Sula, we know that climate change isn't some far-away problem -- it's happening now, and we're already seeing its effects in the form of extreme weather and month-after-month of record-breaking heat. These achievements are a great start, but the future of the fight is on the line. Think about how our kids will look at us if we don't do all we can to protect the progress we've made. 

We know how much we can accomplish when we take action together. Now, more than ever, we can't afford to be cynical or slow down the fight against climate change.

Let's defend our progress and keep pushing in 2017 -- be a part of this by pitching in now.

Chip in

Stay tuned for more on the year ahead with OFA.


Organizing for Action
Your support makes change possible. Here's how:

You know what's actually really awesome about this time of year?

Knowing that OFA supporters aren't just making resolutions -- they're out there making a difference.

We're change-makers. We're bold. We fight for progress. And that's exactly what we need right now.

This time of year, I see it in full force, when stories flood in from people whose lives have literally been saved by being able to get health coverage through Obamacare -- and from the OFA volunteers who are helping make that happen. 

More than 20 million people have gained access to affordable care because supporters like you stood up and went to bat for it -- and then helped friends, family, and neighbors get enrolled.

Here's the thing: We have to keep pushing. We have to stay strong. And this week's budget deadline will help determine the path forward.

Make a difference right now -- chip in before the end-of-year deadline to make the fight for progress in 2017 as strong as it can be.

What's at stake isn't trivial. Access to quality, affordable health care should be a right for all Americans -- not a privilege. From phonebanks (shout out to Arizona and California!) and canvassing (I see you, New Jersey and New York!) to press events (hey, Wisconsin and Tennessee!) -- to name only a few -- OFA supporters have been working hard for years now to spread the word about health care reform and how, when, and where to sign up.

OFA volunteers are gearing up for the work ahead.

And this coming year, as opponents toy with repealing Obamacare like it's some kind of political football, we're going to have to work even harder to defend it.

We can't go back to the days when people's health care stories were too often about uncertainty and bankruptcy.

This end-of-year, be a part of this fight. Help us make sure OFA organizing efforts are stronger than ever -- so that would-be repealers think twice about treading on our Obamacare.

Fund this fight

Stay tuned for more on the year ahead with OFA.