Wednesday, January 4, 2017

              Consulate General of Brazil in New York
January 2017 Newsletter - Culture & Education
Happy New Year!

Welcome to the first newsletter of 2017. Here you will find a range of events, activities and opportunities related to Brazil which will take place in the coming weeks in the States of  New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Feel free to disseminate this newsletter among your friends and network, and please contribute with your suggestions and feedback.

Feliz ano novo!

WhatExhibition "Resilience", by Brazilian artists Fernanda Carvalho, Liana Nigri, Liene Bosquê, Maria Senise and Vitoria Hadba.  Curated by Juliana Leandra
Where: Emma Thomas NYC (Manhattan) (319 Grand Street, 5th Floor)
When: December 8 – January 11

What: Jazz Brazil – Eric Charlston  celebrates the music of Hermeto Paschoal
Where: Cafe Wha?  (Manhattan)
When: January 8 @ 7:00 PM

What"Galera Music Festival", featuring Asaran Earth Trio (Brazil, Hungary, Croatia)
Where: Club Bonafide  (Manhattan)
When: January 9 @ 7:00 PM

What: Join the "Brazilian Chorus of New York", an initiative of the International Brazilian Opera (IBOC)
Where:  Our Lady of Pompei Church (25 Carmine Street, NY, West Village)
When: Rehearsals restart on January 14 (Sunday).
Sundays -  11:30 AM  to 1 PM  (Church auditorium - downstairs)
Thursdays - 7 AM to 8:30 PM  (Organ room - upstairs)

WhatExhibition "Things and Beings", by Cristina Canale
Where:  Nara Roesler  Gallery (Manhattan)
When:  January 19 - February 23

What19th Tom Jobim Birthday Broadcast in Celebration of his 90th Anniversary
Where: WKCR –89.9 FM NY
When: January 25 – All day

WhatExhibition "O Peixe",  by Jonhatas de Andrade
Where: New Museum - Lobby Gallery (Manhattan)
When: January 25 – April 9

What: Argentine singer-songwriter Cecilia Zabala &  Brazilian jazz pianist Philippe Baden Powell: Fronteras
Where: Americas Society (Manhattan)
When: January 26 @ 7:00 PM

What: Brazilian Italian violinist Emmanuele Baldini and pianist Roberto Turrin: Americas
Where: Americas Society (Manhattan)
When: February 3  @ 7:00 PM

WhatLuis Simas & Nanny Assis
Where: Metropolitan Room (Manhattan)
When: February 4 @ 7:00 PM

WhatNando Reis
Where: Melrose Ballroom (Queens)
When: February 10 @ 10:30 PM

What"The Source Project - Brazil"-   The 2017 edition of the festival honors Brazil and the influence of African culture on the country.  Shows (Maria Rita,  Jair Oliveira, Turma do Samba, Nation Beat and the duo Max Barros (Piano)  Angélica de la Riva (Soprano).  Films about Brazilian music:  “Tim Maia”, “O Samba”, “Axé”, Canto do Povo de um Lugar”, “A Brief History of Brazilian Music” e  “Olho Nú”. The festival also pays tribute to Clarice Lispector (Selected Shorts – Clarice Lispector).
Where: Symphony Space (Manhattan)
When: March 1 - March 12

WhatWebinar "Is a Postbac right for you?"
Where: The New York Academy of Sciences
When: January 19 @ 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

WhatDistressed Investing in Brazil, seminar
Jones Day, New York, New York
When: January 19 @ 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM

What: Pesquisadores e Universitários Brasileiros em Nova York (PUB-NY), monthly meeting
Where/When : [TBC]

What: Pesquisadores e Universitários Brasileiros em Filadélfia (PUB-Philly), monthly meeting
Where/When: [TBC]

What:Exame Nacional para Certificação de Competências de Jovens e Adultos (Encceja), 2017
Where/When: [TBC]
Please let us know about events that you would like to see posted on future editions of our newsletter. You can reach us by email up to a week before the newsletter's release date (1stday of each month).
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Further information about consular services and activities for the Brazilian community can be found in the website and Facebook page of the Consulate General of Braziil in New York (CGBNY) 
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Note: The Consulate General of Brazil in New York is not responsible for the events or services listed in this newsletter. Although we do our best to ensure that all the information is accurate, we suggest that you confirm the event with the organizers. This is not a comprehensive calendar - the information published is provided by individuals and organizations that reach out to us.   
Copyright © 2016, Consulate General of Brazil in New York

Our mailing address is:
220 East 42nd Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY, 10017

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WhatExhibition "Resilience", by Brazilian artists Fernanda Carvalho, Liana Nigri, Liene Bosquê, Maria Senise and Vitoria Hadba.  Curated by Juliana Leandra
Where: Emma Thomas NYC (Manhattan) (319 Grand Street, 5th Floor)
When: December 8 – January 11


Dream Box is pleased to announce Resilience, a group exhibition of five international female artists who reside in New York.
Resilience is an all-female art exhibition featuring five Brazilian artists living in New York City. Conceptualized and presented by the creative lab Dream Box and designed to happen at Emma Thomas Gallery, the exhibition will run from December 8, 2016 through January 11, 2017, with an opening reception on December 8  from 6-9pm. Curated by Juliana Leandra, the artists featured in the show are Fernanda Carvalho, Liana Nigri, Liene Bosquê, Maíra Senise and Vitoria Hadba.
By "resilience," the exhibition investigates cultural aspects of human exertion given that the five participants are women, artists and immigrants. These artists work across a variety of visual arts media. They create art in different forms and formats, including painting, drawing, sculpture, installation and photography, which arises from the links between adaptation, creativity and survival in a foreign land.
Invoking the endurance of living in a foreign context while nurturing a commitment to art, the exhibition Resilience is curated by Juliana Leandra, a NY-based Brazilian-born independent curator who runs Dream Box, mounting creative collaborations with international artists. The exhibition features a text written by Courtney Smith, a Brooklyn-based artist with both US and Brazilian roots, incorporating fragments from short, written accounts she solicited from each artist.
Resilience is concerned with distilling the present moment of these artists’ lives. The theme of the exhibition has been explored in depth throughout the past months by means of a unique engagement between the artists and the curator. More attention has been given to every decision, challenge, accomplishment, or setback that takes place as the awareness of vulnerability within this unfamiliar world has become more acute.
These female artists exude resilience through artworks that forge possibilities of expression. The combination of patterns, colors, motifs, structures, materials, shapes and techniques reveals their progression and adaptation to an environment that little by little they absorb and turn into their source of strength.
ResilienceWhen you see yourself as your physical body in outline moving against a background that does not belong to you, that is the effect of being lonely in a foreign land. You may find yourself traveling along busy streets, surrounded by people entering and exiting buildings and vehicles, transporting objects, exchanging words, yet your body is distinct and separate from all others. Against the sidewalks and storefronts of the foreign land, the contours of your being come into focus and you see the limits of your self, where you begin and where you end, all that is part of you and all that is not. Back where you came from, your body is indistinguishable from others. There bodies flow into each other even without contact. Invisible limbs link one to other so that you cannot tell where one ends and the other begins. There you are folded into the landscape and risk disappearing among all familiar things, living and constructed. In the new land your form affirms its integrity and from within you can watch it in motion.

Once you know yourself to be encapsulated in your body, now your only true home, you start to observe the effects of the outer world on its surface. Your path is full of obstacles and as you knock up against them you bruise. Your form repeatedly comes under pressure as you navigate your new surroundings; you are stretched, squeezed and dented at every corner. No hugs and kisses. But you observe in yourself a malleability that you never knew you possessed, how quickly you deform and reform, your contours unbroken.

(Coming back to my apartment a pink note on my door with the careful handwriting of the property management agent, to let me know that the telephone company had delayed the installation of my telephone until the following Tuesday. Tuesday I stayed home but the doorbell did not ring. On Thursday a new pink note confirming re-scheduling for one week from the next Tuesday. One week after that Tuesday another pink note re-scheduling installation for the next Thursday. Over many months, the pink notes arrived one after the other and I pasted them into a notebook, one next to the other, then one on top of the other until the pages were layered and stiff. The phone company is confirming installation for next Thursday. The phone company was unable to install your phone on Tuesday and will re-attempt next week).

From confinement in the self comes output. The loneliness of entire days without even hearing the sound of your own voice yields to industry. Your body starts producing material outside yourself, developing satellite bodies to accompany you; expanding your territory by making things to fill it. You become a heavier load to carry so you move less, sink deeper into your ground and keep working. You accumulate more and more material; you have many heavy objects to carry up to your 5th floor walk-up. You now have enough material to lay the ground outside of yourself. Making a new home feels like a daily battle. There is no time to be wasted and no time for patience. You free yourself to give yourself to your work. And you work to free yourself. You spread and occupy, use and incorporate your surroundings. As you expand, the outside approaches and the city creeps toward you. Your edges soften and blur, demarcations fade, surfaces are permeated and spaces are penetrated. Absorbing and absorbed, you can no longer detect your limits. You even miss the mix of fear and courage that propelled you in your loneliness, knowing it cannot be reproduced in this world. But you made it.
- Courtney Smith
On View: December 8th, 2016 - January 11th, 2017
Opening Reception: December 8th, 6 - 9PM
Emma Thomas Gallery

Organizing for Action

Well -- it's here.

The new Congress held session for the first time today, and its leaders have pledged that their first priority is going to be repealing Obamacare. The press is reporting that they are going to start as early as this week.

We are not going to let that happen without a fight.

If they are successful, nearly 30 million people could lose their insurance, and rates would increase for millions more. That's not progress. That's not O.K. This law is too important to too many people -- we can't let it be taken away.

We're collecting signatures of people who are willing to do what it takes to stop Congress from repealing Obamacare.

Defend Obamacare right now. Sign the petition and we'll be in touch about what comes next.

The Affordable Care Act is the result of a hundred years of struggle to ensure that everyone in America has access to quality, affordable health care, and we will not let it go lying down.

President Obama signed health care reform into law for a good reason: Too many of our neighbors, friends, and family members were going without health insurance -- rolling the dice that they'd stay healthy -- just because they couldn't afford it, or because insurance companies were denying them coverage based on some pretext or pre-existing condition. We cannot go back to those times.

Millions of people like you have been a part of this fight -- and we need you again. Don't stay on the sidelines for this.

Add your name



Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action



Good morning ,

The main man has been on!

We have one going under the floodlights this coming Friday evening at Wolverhampton.

This is his first one of the year & I know he is going to start 2017 off with a bang.

Connections have been waiting patiently to land something with this one & Friday is the THE NIGHT.

Nothing has been left to chance as everything has been planned with with this race in mind so that all concerned could land a few nice bets.

I rarely use the word 'dead cert' but he has told me that the trainer really can't see anything else winning this. This is by far the best horse in the race.

And the good news is that we can't see this opening up favourite.

We are lucky enough that he shares this info with us & I would love for YOU to get on with me .


As always I will release this information TWO days before the event, Wednesday night it will be released. That's how real info works!  No waiting for market movers & claiming info. You know me, this is the real deal.

Which means you will get the BEST early price, exactly the same as me.

You may have been on previous winners from this contact & if that is the case you will remember...

NIMR 6/1  -  ROYAL VILLAGE 6/1  -  HATHIQ 13/8
MOJITA  11/10  -  GERALDINE 9/ name but a few

If you want to be collecting Friday evening, please act fast as I can only pass this info to the first 25 people (exc members)

Speak soon,

P.S Please be sure to read the terms below to ensure swift delivery of the email.

T's & C's Below

  • You will be charged a one-off fee of £9.97 for the Wolverhampton info.
  • Only the first 25 people will be eligible to receive the info. If you are after the first 25 you will see an error message & no monies will be taken.
  • After checkout please click on 'return to AP Racing/123 Racing'
  • You will be sent a confirmation email containing a link. This needs to be clicked on before any further emails can be sent. If you do not click on this link to confirm your email you will not be sent the info. 
  • Be sure to add to your safe senders list so no emails land in your spam folders.
  • You do not need a Paypal account to use the link. You can select 'pay by card/checkout as guest'
  • All emails will be automatically sent to your primary Paypal email address
  • In the unlikely event of any of the horses being non-runners, you will be sent a replacements within 28 days
  • The first horse is running at Wolverhampton on Friday 6th January & the meeting starts at 17:45  if you are concerned that you haven't received the info please advise BEFORE the meeting starts. No refunds will be entertained by anyone claiming non-receipt after the event.
  • Only bet with money you can afford to lose. if you feel you may have a problem you can visit & click on the relevant links.
  • For a full list of terms & conditions please visit

471 Kirkstall Road 
Leeds West Yorkshire LS4 2QD

Você sabia que hoje é o dia do BRAILLE, Sula? Venha comemorar comigo e garanta o seu calendário BRAILLE!
Este e-mail não carregou corretamente? Utiliza Outlook e as imagens não aparecem? Acesse pelo seu navegador!
Retângulo amarelo, com logo da Fundação Dorina à esquerda, em linhas pretas.
Imagem animada com fundo azul e a palavra SOLIDARIEDADE em branco. Abaixo, a representação dessa palavra em pontos de braille amarelos. A palavra vai sendo escrita da esquerda para a direita, uma letra de cada vez.


Hoje, 4 de Janeiro, comemoramos o Dia Mundial do Braille! Essa técnica de impressão em relevo foi criada há quase 200 anos por Louis Braille - e é adotada até hoje para auxiliar pessoas com deficiência visual a ler e escrever!
O braille permitiu que milhões de pessoas cegas ou com baixa visão pudessem ter acesso à cultura e informação e as ajudou na busca por independência e autonomia.
E é com muito orgulho que a Fundação Dorina produz livros em braille há mais de 70 anos, garantindo que exista material acessível para pessoas com deficiência visual em todo o Brasil!
Um dos materiais que tradicionalmente produzimos é o Calendário Braille. Ele é um instrumento importantíssimo para milhares de pessoas em todo o país, pois muitas vezes é um dos poucos materiais acessíveis disponíveis.
Ajude a produzir o Calendários Braille!
Mas, para produzirmos o Calendário 2017, precisamos da sua ajuda!
Os custos são muito altos e precisamos confeccionar 8.000 calendários em braille e fonte ampliada. Já conseguimos quase 70% desse valor... falta pouco! \o/
Por favor, faça uma doação em nossa campanha de financiamento coletivo e nos ajude a produzir calendários acessíveis para milhares de pessoas com deficiência visual! Ainda temos 17 dias para alcançar essa meta!
DESCRIÇÃO DA FOTO 3x4: Marina é uma garota oriental, com pouco mais de 20 anos e está sorrindo e de olhos fechados. Seu cabelo preto e liso contorna o rosto sem ultrapassar o pescoço e ela usa um brinco azul em formato de losango na orelha direita. Ela veste uma blusa azul escuro e está encostada em uma parede bege.
Um grande abraço,
Paola Siqueira
Captação de Recursos
Fundação Dorina

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Organizing for Action
Sula --

We're just a few hours away from our last fundraising deadline of the year. And it's not an overstatement to say that we need you now more than ever.

So this is your last chance -- help support OFA's work by chipping in whatever you can before we close the books on this critical quarter.

Across the country, OFA supporters and volunteers are already gearing up for the fights we'll face in the next few months. I'm not going to lie to you, it's daunting -- but if the last few years have taught me anything, it's that this movement can tackle huge things when we come together and fight like hell.

We have to keep up the fight if we're going to defend the progress we've worked so tirelessly for. Nobody ever said change was easy, but we've proven we can bring it. Protecting it is going to be just as hard, but if we stick together, we can do that, too.

That's why I'm asking you, Sula: Invest in this work. Help keep this movement going strong as we move into the new year. Pitch in $5, or whatever you can, before tonight's deadline.

Chip in
Thanks for being a part of this.


Jim Messina
Organizing for Action

In 1796, as George Washington set the precedent for a peaceful, democratic transfer of power, he also set a precedent by penning a farewell address to the American people. And over the 220 years since, many American presidents have followed his lead.
I'm just beginning to write my remarks. But I'm thinking about them as a chance to say thank you for this amazing journey, to celebrate the ways you've changed this country for the better these past eight years, and to offer some thoughts on where we all go from here.
Since 2009, we've faced our fair share of challenges, and come through them stronger. That's because we have never let go of a belief that has guided us ever since our founding -- our conviction that, together, we can change this country for the better.

Because, for me, it's always been about you.
President Barack Obama

Cécile McLorin Salvant and the Aaron Diehl Trio

Vocalist Cécile McLorin Salvant with pianist Aaron Diehl, bassist Paul Sikivie, and drummer Lawrence Leathers.
Cécile McLorin Salvant is a breathtaking young vocalist who has taken the jazz world by storm. Through original compositions, timeless hits, and forgotten gems, Salvant assimilates a vast lineage of jazz vocalists into her own powerful and distinct expression. The 26-year-old recently won the 2016 Grammy Award® for Best Jazz Vocal Album, and she continues to lead critics’ polls and sing at top venues around the world. Our concert halls are always packed when Salvant performs, and these special New Year's Eve shows in our most intimate performance space are sure to sell out quickly.
Ticket price for 12/31/16 at 7:30pm includes a three course menu. Ticket price for 12/31/16 at 11pm includes a three course menu plus a midnight champagne toast. The set price covers the performance, menu, and tax; does not include gratuity or additional drinks. Seats will be sold general admission, table and high table seating. Depending on house availability, customers may be seated with another party. High tables accommodate two seats each. $7 fee applies per seat sold by CenterCharge. $7 fee applies per seat sold via $3.50 facility fee applies per seat sold. Maximum of eight seats per order. Exchanges are not available for this event.​

New Year’s Eve 2016 Menu

Starter Choices

Lobster Bisque
Caviar Crème Fraîche, Crostini

Dizzy’s New Year’s Eve Salad
Baby Arugula and Baby Kales, Fennel, Roasted Baby Beets, Fines Herbs, Prosecco Vinaigrette

Crispy Spiced Cauliflower
Marinated Golden Raisins, Shaved Red Onion, Grain Mustard, Escarole

Pepper Crusted Beef Carpaccio
Frisée, Baby Vegetables, Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette

Seared Diver Scallops (11pm set only)
 Braised Leeks, Potato Nest, White Wine Fumet

Entrée Choices

Roasted Pork Tenderloin
Garlic and Rosemary Roasted, Potato Gratin, Wild Mushrooms, Fennel

Salmon en Croute
Wild Mushroom Duxelle, Braised Spinach, Puff Pastry Crust, Dill Cream

Red Wine Braised Shortrib and Jumbo Prawn
Celery Root Puree, Roasted Carrots, Watercress and Parsley Salad

Striped Bass (11pm set only)
Artichoke Ragout, Herbed Fingerling Potatoes, Roasted Garlic Aioli

Winter Vegetable Pot Au Feu
Golden Beets, Wild Mushrooms, Brussels Sprouts, Baby Carrots, Saffron Vegetable Broth, Cornbread Cracker

Dessert Trilogy
Coffee and Tea Available Upon Request

Crème Caramel

Deep Chocolate Sabra with Chocolate-Fromage Blanc Mousse

Falling Lemon Soufflé, Crispy Meringue, Pomegranate, Citrus Salad, Lemon Curd

 JANUARY 9TH at Club Bonafide!!! After Richard Bona's performance, we will feature Lara BelloSofia RibeiroAsaran Earth Trio and Pablo Reyes Music on the First Edition of Galera Music Festival (APAP), JOIN US!!!…