Monday, January 16, 2017


Join Us on January 19, 2017Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AMLocation: Jones Day, New York, New York

As a consequence of the recent  political, judicial, economic and financial turbulence in Brazil, many Brazilian companies, large and small, have been attempting to restructure their debts, have filed or consider filing for recuperação judicial in Brazil or for bankruptcy protection in the US, or have been seeking investors or buyers.

A panel experienced in distressed investments in Brazil will discuss what opportunities and challenges the current economic environment in Brazil has created for distressed investors. The discussion will include the following topics:
  • Overview of distressed market in Brazil
  • Explanation of legal framework governing recuperação judicial in Brazil and main differences and interplay with US Chapter 11 and Chapter 15
  • Issues affecting DIP financing in Brazil
  • Impact of Lava Jato
  • Issues of concern in distressed M&A in Brazil
The panel will be composed of the following speakers:

S. Wade AngusPartnerJones Day
Marcello HallakePartnerJones Day
Pedro A. JimenezPartnerJones Day
Marcelo RicuperoPartner,  Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. e Quiroga Advogados
More information to follow

Webinar: Is a Postbac Right for You?

Thursday, January 19, 2017 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
The New York Academy of Sciences

Join this Webinar to learn more about post baccalaureate (postbac) programs for recent college graduates in order to gain research and scientific experience after obtaining an undergraduate degree. Learn about types of postbac programs and how they can strengthen your application to PhD programs in the biomedical sciences.

Description and Rationale

Many post baccalaureate (postbac) programs are structured to provide recent college graduates who are planning to apply to PhD programs in the biomedical sciences an opportunity to spend one or two years performing full-time research at the different institutions. During this time, students have the opportunity to develop research skills and build strong scientific credentials that will assist them in applying to graduate school and pursuing a career in scientific research.
In this Webinar we will discuss the basic structure of postbac programs, the application process, and who is eligible to apply. Speakers will provide information on three postbac programs in biomedical research and advice on applying to and succeeding in these programs and beyond.
This Webinar is intended for senior undergraduate students or recent college graduates who seeking opportunities to build research skills and apply to biomedical PhD programs in the future.

Webinar Connection

Recommended browsers for participating in the Webinar: Internet Explorer, FireFox, and Safari.
Google Chrome is not recommended — it has connection issues that will impact your ability to view / see / participate in the webinar.

Registration Pricing

This event is free, but registration is required. Your registration will be complete upon receipt of a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact for assistance.

Bem-vindo ao British Council no Brasil

O British Council é a organização internacional do Reino Unido para relações culturais e oportunidades educacionais. Promovemos cooperação entre o Reino Unido e o Brasil nas áreas de língua inglesa, artes, esportes e educação.

Bem-vindo ao British Council no Brasil

O British Council é a organização internacional do Reino Unido para relações culturais e oportunidades educacionais. Promovemos cooperação entre o Reino Unido e o Brasil nas áreas de língua inglesa, artes, esportes e educação.

Today is the last day to take my Social Media Tuneup course for free. After today you will need to purchase my book to get it as a bonus. So, don't wait. 













A new Social Media Tuneup will arrive in your inbox every day, as an email and you can focus in on only the sectios you need and take it at your own pace! 


Every part of Social Media Tuneup is accompanied by a video and detailed Action Sheet to help you diagnose and improve the specific area you need.



Soccer Life Experience Portugal

Os grandes Clubes da Europa estão de olho em você!

Os grandes Clubes da Europa estão de olho em você!

Para mudar o cenário atual do futebol brasileiro, e aumentar a chance de acesso de jovens talentos ao esporte, surgiu o Projeto SLE (Soccer Life Experience).

O projeto é amparado por um grupo de negócios com expertise em formação de atletas, composto por empresas brasileiras e parceiros europeus, e atua proporcionando aos jovens atletas amantes do futebol a oportunidade de treinar em um clube Europeu.

Ficou interessado? Acesse o site, conheça mais sobre o projeto e solicite a sua participação!

Clique no link e saiba mais

Convocatoria RADAR está abierta a todo tipo de artista, de cualquier nacionalidad, residentes en cualquier país, sin límite de edad, ideología, técnica y otras calificaciones.  El jurado de la Convocatoria RADAR está formado por 8 galerías y espacios culturales españoles interesados en descubrir nuevos talentos para exponerlos en sus espacios.
RADAR is an open call for artists that want to establish collaborations in Spain. A jury composed of 8 galleries interested in new projects to be exhibited will review all the applications. Each of the 8 galleries, located in the most important Spanish cities, will choose one artist to realise a solo event as a prelude to a long-lasting collaboration.  
Cada una de las 8 galerías seleccionadoras escogerá al artista que más le interese y le ofrecerá una exposición individual en su propio espacio, que podrá ser el preludio de una colaboración profesional duradera.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Some members of Congress have been talking about repealing Obamacare since the day it became law -- for nothing but political reasons.

Because here's the truth: In the six years that have passed since then -- and even as the House and Senate voted to advance Obamacare's repeal this week -- they still haven't come up with a realistic plan to replace it with something better.

Obamacare's impacts are clear. More than 20 million people have gained coverage, many for the first time. It's driven the uninsured rate to an all-time low, and it has held the growth of health care costs to the lowest levels in 50 years.

So when these members of Congress talk a big game about repealing Obamacare, they have some tough questions to answer.

Unprecedented chaos in the health care system -- which is what doctors' and hospitals' associations are warning will happen if repeal goes through -- is not a plan.

We need to stand up and stop the rush to repeal -- we can't trust that suddenly, magically congressional leaders will come through this time.

Take a stand to stop the rush to repeal Obamacare, and we'll follow up with more actions you can take to stop this irresponsible scheme.

These people bent on repeal will undoubtedly come up with something in the coming days that they're going to call a plan. But with so much at stake, we can't take it at face value -- we need to take a good, hard look.

Before tearing anything down, Congress should show us their plan to replace our health care, including how they lower costs, keep people covered, and protect people with pre-existing conditions.

We won't let them get away with hand-waving and distraction, and we won't let them change the subject. We're going to be saying loud and clear: Calling it a plan doesn't make it one.

Let's keep holding their feet to the fire.

Sign the petition.

Add my name


Katie Hogan
Executive Director
Organizing for Action

Organizing for Action
Sula --

Saumya's message below from earlier this week is all the more urgent today.

Congressional leaders continue to take steps toward dismantling Obamacare -- last night, the Senate voted to advance its repeal.

We cannot sit by and let that happen. Right now, pick up the phone and let elected officials know that you will not stand for the repeal of a law that's saving lives and helping millions of Americans get the quality, affordable care they deserve.

Rushing to repeal is irresponsible and heartless -- it's up to all of us to speak up.

Make the call


Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

FUNAG held the seminar "O Palácio Itamaraty: do Rio de Janeiro a Brasília", in Rio de Janeiro, on 29 and 30 November. As part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Itamaraty Palace inauguration, on 14 March 2017, and of the transference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Brasilia, on 21 April 2020, the event focused on the architectural, strategic, historic, and artistic aspects of the Palace. It followed and carried on the works of the seminar “A certain idea of Brazil” held by Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation, in Brasilia, on 1, 2, and 3 June.
Access Ambassador Sérgio Eduardo Moreira Lima’s (President of FUNAG) – speech at the seminar opening.

Cecilia Zabala & Philippe Baden Powell: Fronteras

About the artists
Guitarist, singer, and composer Cecilia Zabala (b. Buenos Aires, 1975) creates original compositions that blend sensitivity, emotion, technique, and intuition throughout her rich career. Her music draws upon a diverse mixture of influence, from Argentine folklore to the contemporary language of the twentieth century to jazz, tango, and Brazilian music. Zabala frequently performs as a soloist and has been a member of several chamber ensembles, including the guitar quartet Cuatro en punto, the tango group Mala Junta, and the duos Las Morochas and Alvarezabala. Her first solo recording, Aguaribay (2007), mixes Argentine folklore repertory with original instrumental and vocals compositions, with guest artists Juan Falú, Quique Sinesi, and Silvia Iriondo. Zabala released her second solo album, Pendiente, in 2008, featuring original compositions and arrangements of works by contemporary composers, moving away from pure folkloric roots towards unusual rhythms and unique melodies with contemporary compositions by Regina Spektor, Marcela Biasi (Brazil), David Aguilar (Mexico), and Diego Penelas (Argentina). Special guests included Marcelo Moguilevsky (bass clarinet), César Lerner (accordion), Luciano Dyzenchauz (double bass), and Rodrigo Quirós (percussion), among other instrumentalists. She recently released a solo CD of original music, El color del Silencio, which she celebrated with a series of concerts in Buenos Aires in June 2016. 
Son of Baden Powell and brother of the guitarist Louis Marcel Powell, Philippe Baden Powell (b. 1978) began his classical piano studies at age seven in Baden-Baden, Germany. He later relocated with his family to Rio de Janeiro and began performing as a pianist at age 15 both in Brazil and abroad, with his father and brother and also in solo acts. He studied at the Conservatório Brasileiro de Música and the École Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot (Paris). As a sideman, Powell has performed with Seu Jorge, Maria Bethânia, Flor Purim, Airto Mreira, Roberto Menescal, MarceloD2, Wagner Tiso, Victor Biglione, and Carlos Malta, among others. He was one of the winners of the 2005 Montreux Jazz Piano Solo Competition, and relocated to Europe to begin his career. He released his first album, Estrade de Terra (Dirt Road), on the AdventureMusic label in 2006, featuring mandolinist Hamilton de Holanda and saxophonist Carlos Malta; recorded Um Rio with Márcio Faraco’s ensemble in 2008; co-produced Afrosambajazz for big band with Mário Adnet in 2010; recorded a solo album for AdventureMusic on their Piano Masters series in 2012; and most recently recorded Ludere with trumpeter Rubinho Antunes, bassist Bruno Barbosa, and percussionist Daniel de Paula. 

“Jonathas de Andrade: O Peixe” is the first solo museum presentation in the US of the work of Jonathas de Andrade (b. 1982), one of the most promising Brazilian artists of his generation."

Jonathas de Andrade was born in Maceió, Brazil, and lives and works in Recife, Brazil. Recent and forthcoming solo exhibitions include the Power Plant, Toronto (2017); Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro (2015); Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht (2014); and Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisbon (2013). He has exhibited in the São Paulo Biennial (2016), SITE Santa Fe Biennial (2016), Performa 15 Biennial (2015), the Gwangju Biennial (2014), the Dakar Biennial (2014), the Lyon Biennial (2013), and the New Museum Triennial (2012), among other major exhibitions. His work has also been included in recent group exhibitions at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2016); the Logan Center for the Arts, Chicago (2016); and the Guggenheim Museum, New York (2014).


This exhibition is made possible through support provided by the Toby Devan Lewis Emerging Artists Exhibitions Fund and the generosity of Andrea and José Olympio Pereira.

Jonathas de Andrade: O Peixe” is the first solo museum presentation in the US of the work of Jonathas de Andrade (b. 1982), one of the most promising Brazilian artists of his generation. Over the last decade, de Andrade has developed works in photography, video, and installation that stem from observations of everyday life in Brazil and what he regards as its “urgencies and discomforts.” In particular, many of de Andrade’s works consider how Brazilian national identity and labor conditions have been constructed against a backdrop of colonialism and slavery.

“Jonathas de Andrade: O Peixe” is curated by Natalie Bell, Assistant Curator.