Monday, April 3, 2017

O ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - 23/03/2017
Image result for BRASIL ICONJOSÉ SERRA - O bom exemplo alemão

No formato atual das eleições para deputados, cada Estado brasileiro corresponde a um grande distrito com múltiplas vagas. O número de eleitos, por partido ou coligação, depende do número de votos obtidos pela agremiação em todo o Estado. Os mais votados até o limite das vagas obtidas pelo partido são eleitos.
Esse sistema enfraquece os partidos até porque, entre outras coisas, faz do correligionário o adversário a ser batido para se obter uma cadeira. A falta de cláusula de barreira nacional e a possibilidade de coligações fazem explodir o número de agremiações, que, em vez de organizarem as correntes de opinião, se transformam em trampolins para corporações e minorias organizadas.
Esse modelo é um dos responsáveis pela crise política: não só dificulta a formação de maiorias programáticas, como faz proliferar partidos de aluguel e coligações de conveniência. E eleva os custos de campanha a níveis alucinantes. Em São Paulo, cada candidato tem de disputar o voto entre 33 milhões de eleitores. 
Se gastar um real para chegar a cada eleitor, um candidato paulista terá de gastar R$ 33 milhões. E são milhares de candidatos. Isso não faz sentido e tem de acabar logo. Já nos sistemas em que se elege um só representante por distrito – o modelo usual nas democracias avançadas – a área de disputa é limitada, o que favorece o contato com o eleitor e a vitória dos que representem maiorias. Também se reduz o número de partidos no Parlamento, garantindo maiorias estáveis e programáticas.
Os sistemas com distritos unipessoais – um eleito por distrito – podem ser de maioria simples (Reino Unido e Estados Unidos), maioria absoluta (França) ou mistos (Alemanha). A eleição por maioria simples leva ao bipartidarismo. Minorias importantes são subrepresentadas ou ficam fora do Parlamento. Na última eleição no Reino Unido, o Ukip teve 12% dos votos, mas só levou 0,2% das cadeiras. Nos EUA, nenhum independente foi eleito em 2016: bipartidarismo estrito.
No sistema de maioria absoluta, como na França, os dois primeiros colocados no distrito disputam segundo turno. O número de partidos capazes de governar vai para quatro ou cinco e as minorias conseguem representação. A maioria é regida pelo partido majoritário, com ou sem coalizão. Na França, os governos têm se baseado em coalizões de dois partidos, quando à direita, ou em mais partidos, quando à esquerda.
No engenhoso sistema alemão, distrital misto, o eleitor vota no candidato do distrito e também numa lista partidária. O voto na lista corrige a tendência do voto distrital a sub-representar minorias. A cada cadeira obtida nos distritos, o partido perde uma no critério de listas. O peso dos partidos no Parlamento tende assim à proporção de seus votos. É um sistema proporcional. O peso do poder econômico no Brasil, que contribui para desvirtuar o processo eleitoral, deriva principalmente de termos adotado o pior dos sistemas: distritos enormes em que se disputam várias cadeiras.
A sucessão de centenas de candidatos se acotovelando no horário gratuito beira o cômico. Isso enfraquece a ligação entre candidato e eleitor e amplia o poder de minorias. O sistema político transforma-se numa confederação de interesses particularistas. Esse sistema é caríssimo e dá protagonismo ao poder econômico – não somente o empresarial.
As agremiações de classe são ricas e eficientes máquinas eleitorais. E o crime organizado tem penetrado na política. Os candidatos têm de buscar votos em áreas extensas, exacerbando a demanda por financiamento. Aliás, isso permite compreender por que a proibição de doações por empresas tende a tornar inviáveis as campanhas: o atual sistema eleitoral brasileiro é corrosivo e só sobrevive se receber maciças transfusões de recursos.
Um dos poucos consensos, hoje, na sociedade brasileira é o de que tal sistema sofre de crescente perda de legitimidade, em todos os seus níveis. Mas ainda não é claro para todos que isso decorre do voto proporcional assentado em distritos gigantescos. Cerca de 80% dos eleitores conseguem eleger seu candidato. Como resultado, o eleitor não sabe quem seu voto elegeu e o eleito não tem por que atender a demandas de interesse geral.
Tende a atender mais a interesses concentrados de seus grandes eleitores – financiadores, corporações profissionais ou sindicais e grupos de interesse –, produzindo uma cacofonia de demandas localizadas e não suscetíveis à agregação em programas políticos de interesse geral. Demandas majoritárias como expandir a produtividade, reestruturar o gasto público ou racionalizar o sistema tributário não conseguem maioria. 
A balbúrdia dos microinteresses domina a cena política e controla os escassos recursos públicos. A maioria dos eleitores não se identifica com as disputas políticas e desenvolveu repulsa pela representação partidária. A meu ver, a adoção do voto distrital misto nos moldes da Alemanha, em que se preserva a sistemática proporcional conforme determinado em nossa Constituição, ajudaria a eliminar esse descolamento. 
As campanhas para o voto em lista e para o voto majoritário andariam juntas e se nutririam de um mesmo conteúdo programático. Com isso o eleitor saberia em quem votou e quem o representa em sua circunscrição – tenha ou não votado no candidato eleito. Conheceria também os compromissos assumidos pelo partido que escolheu. O risco de caciquismo pode ser eliminado por meio de listas partidárias que, a exemplo do que ocorre no sistema atual, reflitam as preferências dos eleitores – e não das direções.
Temos a opção entre manter com remendos o sistema disfuncional que nos trouxe até o abismo ou implantar o voto proporcional com distritos unipessoais, modelo que fortalece a governança, torna o eleito responsável diante do eleitor, democratiza os partidos e limita o peso do poder econômico, diminuindo as chances de corrupção.

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O Melhor do Rock Brasileiro

Fort Lauderdale, Florida - The Arena

Não Fique de Fora!

The Best of Brazilian Rock

Fort Lauderdale, Florida - The Arena

Don't miss out!

Brazil in Concert(212) 398-6464 ex.3201

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Together, we've made critical progress in the fight against climate change. Now it's up to us to defend it.


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event Axé - Music of the People of a Place thumbnail
North American Premiere!
A history of Axé music—a popular music style from Northeastern Brazil that combines African, Caribbean, and traditional Brazilian elements—with interviews with Brazilian musical artists, including Caetano Veloso, Carlinhos Brown, Chiclete com Banana, Daniela Mercury, Gilberto Gil, and many more.
In Portuguese with English subtitles.
Directed by Chico Kertész.

Cinema Tropical presents its new film series, MUSIC+FILM BRAZIL, celebrating one of the world’s most vibrant musical cultures. This series is programmed by Mary Jane Marcasiano.

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Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Symphony Space
Sun, Apr 9, 2017 5:00pm
Expected Run Time is 110 minutes

New York Premiere!
Composer and singer Martinho da Vila is our charismatic guide in this film, celebrating the most iconic of Brazilian musical styles. Martinho shares stories about his 45-year career and introduces the viewer to his Samba school in Rio de Janeiro, Unidos de Vila Isabel, champion of the carnival in 2013. The film also features appearances by Mart’nália, Ney Matogrosso, Leci Brandão, Zeca Baleiro, Beth Carvalho, and others.
In Portuguese with English subtitles.
Cinema Tropical presents its new film series, MUSIC+FILM BRAZIL, celebrating one of the world’s most vibrant musical cultures. This series is programmed by Mary Jane Marcasiano.
With kind support of the Consulate General of Switzerland in New York.

Photos (2)

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17-04-09-brasil-gozadera-200x200Davi Vieira was born in Salvador- Bahia, Brazil. Percussionist, songwriter and vocalist. Toured Europe, Asia, Africa and The Americas with several bands and dance companies.
He has played with several artists such as Grammy Winner Steve Earle, Grammy Winner Angelique Kidjo, Grammy Winner Santana, Sun Ra, Wyclef Jean, Yerba Buena, Baby Do Brasil, Deborah Blando, Tandishuwa, Bebel Gilberto, Vinicius Cantuaria, Maria De Barros, Marchan. Richard Bona, Patricia Marx, Muzena, Tony Mola & Bragada, Dave Eggar, Bole 2 Harlem and etc…
Davi is a member of Forro In The Dark and a founding member of Ogans and MD MCs a brazilian hip hop/rap group, released CD and Music Video with EMI Records.
He was a member of the Off-Broadway Show STOMP for ten years and now he’s working on his solo project HIP HOP AXE’

Date(s) - 04/09/2017
9:00 PM
Doors at 9pm
Free with RSVP before 10pm. $10 after.

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Join Us on May 17, 2017Time: 8:00 AM to 11:00 AMLocation: Harvard Club, New York, New York

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We help clients understand customer needs and behaviors using our market approach and develop actionable segmentation from the resulting insights. We help clients define the target customer —the area of distinct advantage over competitors—to inform business decisions and investment allocation. We help firms break down barriers to innovation and improve ongoing customer-led product development so their value proposition is differentiated and meets customer needs.
New York International Auto Show 14-23 Apr 2017 - Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, USA
New York International Auto Show is a 10 day event being held from 14th April to the 23rd April 2017 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York, United States Of America. This event showcases products like showcase an incredible collection of cutting-edge design and extraordinary innovation. More than four floors of displays from the world’s automakers will feature the newest vehicles and latest futuristic concept cars and many more etc. in the Auto industry.
Canton Fair - China Export And Import Fair
  • 15-19 Apr 2017 
  • 4.3/5
    117 votes
  • China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex), GuangzhouChina

China Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair is held biannually in Guangzhou every spring and autumn, with a history of 59 years since 1957. Canton Fair is a comprehensive one with the longest history, the highest level, the largest scale, the complete exhibit variety, the broadest distribution of overseas buyers and the greatest business turnover in China. It attracts more than 24,000 China's best foreign trade companies with good credibility & sound financial capabilities, and 500 overseas companies to participate in the Fair. It is a platform for import and export mainly with various & flexible patterns of trade. Business people from all over the world are gathering in Guangzhou, exchanging business information. Product showcase at Phase 1 includes Electronics & Household Electrical Appliances; Lighting Equipment; Vehicles & Spare Parts; Machiney; Hardware & Tools ;Building Materials; Chemical Products; Energy Resources and International Pavilion.
  • 23-27 Apr 2017 
  • 4.1/5
    55 votes
  • China Import and Export Fair(Canton Fair Complex), GuangzhouChina

China Import and Export Fair - Phase II is a 5 day event being held from 23rd April to the 27th April 2017 at the China Import & Export Fair Pazhou Complex in Guangzhou, China. It exhibits over 150,000 kinds of quality Chinese products and overseas commodities with distinctive features from various sectors like Consumer Goods, Home Decorations, Gifts. It will serve as a platform for exhibitors to demonstrate their strengths, uplift their brand images and exchange information for exhibitors from home and abroad.
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Welcome to the April  2017 newsletter. Here you will find a wide range of events, activities and opportunities related to Brazil that will take place in the coming weeks and months  in the States of  New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Help us grow our community by disseminating thisnewsletter among your friends and network, and please contribute with your suggestions and feedback (emails and web links below).

What: Exhibition/Video Instalation  "O Peixe",  by Jonathas de Andrade
Where: New Museum - Lobby Gallery (Manhattan)
When: January 25 – April 9

What: Video Installation  "O Levante",  by Jonathas de Andrade, at the exhibition Unfinished Conversations
Where: Museum of Modern Art  (Manhattan)
When: Until July 30

What: Exhibition with 30 works by Marcos Chaves
Where: Nara Roesler Gallery (new address on the Upper East Side)b b
When: March 3 – April 8
WhatExhibition "Lygia Pape: A Multitude of Forms"
Where: Met Breuer (Manhattan)
When: March 21 - July 23

What: Brazilian Street Art  Exhibition “Synopsis of an Urban Memoir”,  with works by  Alto*Contraste, Branco, Bugre, Camila Crivelenti, Ciro Schu, Combone, Criola, Fefa Românova, Goms, Henrique Belotti, Ju Violeta, Júlio Vieira, Mag Magrela, Mateus Bailon, Panmela Castro, Pecci, Siss, Tikka and Vermelho
Where: CUFA Headquarters at Andrew Freedman Home (1125 Grand Concourse - Bronx)
When: March 26 – April 14

What: Sebastião Salgado – Exhibitions “Kuwait and  “Genesis
Where: Sundaram Tagore Gallery (“Kuwait”  @ Chelsea;” Genesis” @ Madison)
When: March 30 – April 29

What: Eliane Elias  “dance of Time”CD Release Celebration
Where: Birdland (Midtown Manhattan)
When: March 31 - April 1 @ 8:30 PM and 11:00 PM

WhatEnsemble Blurb with Arthur Kampela
Where: Spectrum  (121 Ludlow, Second Floor,)
When:  April 1 @ 8:00 PM

WhatLuiz Simas – Piano and Vocals
Where: 1867 Sanctuary (Ewing –NJ)
When: April 2 @ 3:00 PM

WhatMUSIC + FILM BRAZIL,  curated by Cinema Tropical  - “Tim Maia”, “Axe: Canto do Povo de um Lugar”,   “O Samba”, “Andre Midani – An Insider’s Story of Brazilian Music”, “Olho Nu”
Where: Symphony Space (Manhattan)
When: April 4 - April 11

What: A social club with monthly events to celebrate Brazilian Culture.April Event: Bar Thalia @ Symphony Space. Music, Drinks and appetizers.  Please note that this a free event but RSVP is required ( Limited spots available.
When: April 4 @ 9:00 PM

What: Brasil Gozadeira with Davi Vieira
Where: Subrosa (Manhattan)
When: April 9 @ 9:00 PM

What: Sandy Cressman, entre amigos – NYC CD release show
Where: Rockwood Music Hall (Manhattan)
When: April 12 @ 8:30  PM

What: Steinway Salon: Max Barros and Friends (Soprano Angelica de la Riva  and cellist Andrew Janss)
Where: Symphony Space (Manhattan)
When: April 13 @ 7:00 PM

What: Martha Escodro launches her photography book  “A Flor da Pele” . All proceeds go to Instituto do Câncer do Brasil
Where: UMA Store (381 Bleecker Street - West Village – Manhattan)
When: April 13 @ 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

WhatTerra Symphony Orchestra with baritone Paulo José and conductor Arthur Barbosa
Where: The Dimena Ce4nter (Midtown Manhattan)
When: April 20 @ 8:00 PM

What: Jazz on Bleecker Street Series - Elegantly Brazilian with the Requinte Trio (Janis Siegel, Nanny Assis and John di Martino with special guest Randy Brecker)
Where: Sheen Center (Manhattan)
When: April 21 @ 7:30 PM

WhatBrazilian Jazz - Helio Alves Quartet (Helio Alves/Piano, Vic Juris/Guitar, Edward Perez/Bass, Alex Kautz/Drums)
Where: Cornelia Street Café (West Village – Manhattan)
When: April 23 @ 8:30 PM & 10:00 PM

WhatPop Up Show “Living Things”, curated by Gisela Gueiros – Artists: Ricardo Alves, André Feliciano, Sandra Javera, Liana Nigri, Andrea Rocco, Talita Zaragoza
Where: Lazy Susan Gallery (191 Henry Street - Manhattan)
When: 2 Day Pop up Show – April 26 and  27 @ 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM


What: Join the Brazilian Chorus of New York, an initiative of the International Brazilian Opera (IBOC)
Where:  Our Lady of Pompei Church (25 Carmine Street, NY, West Village) (Manhattan)
When: Rehearsals twice a week:
Sundays -  11:30 AM - 1 PM (Church auditorium - downstairs)
Thursdays - 7 PM  - 8:30 PM  (Organ room - upstairs)

What: Dom Salvador Solo Piano
Where:  River Café
When: Every day except Thursday


What: João Bosco, direct from Rio, and band (Gutto Wirtti/Bass, Kiko Freitas/Drums, Ricardo Silveira/Guitar)
Where: Birdland (Midtown Manhattan)
When: May 2 – May 6 @ 8:30 PM and 11:00 PM

WhatBook Launch & Artist Talk. “What are the Blind Men Dreaming”, by Noemi Jaffe.
Where: PEN America - World Voices Festival - Poets House, 10 River Terrace, New York;
May 5, 7:00 PM @ Nuyorican Poets Cafe, 236 E 3RD ST, New York
When: May 2 @  7:00 PM

WhatScreening of the film “Aquarius”, followed by a conversation with Lucrecia Zappi, Elisa Schappell and D.W Gibson. Moderated by Eric M. Becker.
Where: PEN America - World Voices Festival – Alamo Drafthouse, 445 Albee Square W #4,  Brooklyn
When: May 2 @ 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

WhatFabio Gouvea Quartet
Where: Cornelia Street Café (West Village – Manhattan)
When: May 14 @ 8:30 PM

What: Tom Zé -Series Masters of Brazilian Music, promoted by the World Music Institute
Where: BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music) (Brooklyn)
When: June 3 @ 8:00 PM


WhatRecital with Brazilian concert pianist Clélia  Iruzun
Where: Americas Society (Manhattan)
When: June 7 @ 7:00 PM

WhatExhibition "Helio Oiticica: to Organize Delirium"
Where: Whitney Museum of American Art
When: July 14 - October 1


Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman – The Color of Love: Racial Features and Affective Capital in Black Brazilian Families
Where: Joukowsky Forum, Brown University
When: April 5  @ 12:00 PM

Brazil in 2017: Perspective from Wall Street
Where: SIPA – Columbia University
When: April 5 @ 6:10 PM

Black Americas: African-American Studies and the Constitution of Black Social Thought in Brazil in the 1970s
Where: SIPA – Columbia University
When: April 6  @ 1:00 PM

Screening of Viajo porque preciso, volto porque te amo
Where: Joukowsky Forum, Brown University
When: April 6  @ 7:00 PM

Tiago Gualberto – "A Clothesline to the Past" Reception
Where: Jo Atrium Gallery, 1 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI
When: April 7  @ 6:00 PM

President Dilma Rousseff – The Challenges for Democracy in Brazil
Where: Salomon Center for Teaching, Salomon 101, De Ciccio Family Auditorium, 79 Waterman Street, Providence (R.I) – Brown University
When: April 10  @ 4:00 PM

Fluvial Metropolis Workshop 4
Where: S-118, School of Architecture, Princeton University
When: April 11 @ 9:00 AM

Book Presentation: “Acting Globally, Memoirs of Brazil's Assertive Foreign Policy”
Where: Orozco Room, The New School - 66 West 12th Street, 7th Floor, New York, NY
When: April 11 @ 6:00 PM

Microeconomic Reforms and Competitiveness of Firms in Brazil
Where: SIPA – Columbia University
When: April 12  @ 6:10 PM

Dilma Rousseff: "The Challenges for Democracy in Brazil"
Where: McCormick 101, Princeton University
When: April 13  @ 1:30 PM

Whiteness and Resentment among the Brazilian Middle-Classes
Where: SIPA – Columbia University
When: April 13 @ 1:00 PM

Joel Wolfe – O Grande Brasil: A Spatial History of the Making of a Nation
Where: Joukowsky Forum, Brown University
When: April 13 @ 7:00 PM

Dilma Rousseff: The Attack on Democracy & Human Rights in Brazil
Where: Murphy Institute, CUNY - 25 W. 43 Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY
When: April 14 @ 6:30 PM

Latest Developments in Brazilian Agribusiness
Where: 1185 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York
When: April 18 @ 8:00 AM

Eduardo Neves to present "Was There Ever a Neolithic in the Neotropics?: A Discussion from the Amazon"
Where: 216 Burr Hall, Princeton University
When: April 19 @ 12:00 PM

Anna Mester – Brazil's (Re)Encounter with "Africa"
Where: Joukowsky Forum, Brown University
When: April 19 @ 12:00 PM

Fiscal Challenges in Brazil
Where: SIPA – Columbia University
When: April 19 @ 6:10 PM

Are Olympic Games worth it for host cities? Learnings from Rio 2016 and other experiences
Where: SIPA – Columbia University
When: April 20 @ 1:00 PM

Global Migration and the Rise of Xenophobic Populism
Where: D’Angelo Center 128, St.John’s University – 8000Utopia Parkway, Queens, NY 11439
When: April 21 @ 9:00 AM

2017 Brazil Summit
Where: Harvard Club, New York
When: April 24  @ 8:00 AM

Federal Pact, Crisis in the States and the Growing Role of Municipalities in Brazil
Where: SIPA – Columbia University
When: April 27  @ 1:00 PM

Reunião PUB-NY
Where: TBC
When: TBC


Please let us know about events that you would like to see posted on future editions of our newsletter. You can reach us by email up to a week before the newsletter's release date (1st day of each month).
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For weekly and daily updates about culture and education, as well as educational opportunities, please visit our Cultural Blog and Facebook pages.
Further information about consularservices and activities for the Brazilian community can be found in the website and Facebook page of the ConsulateGeneral of Braziil in New York (CGBNY) 
Cultural Blog