Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Friday, April 14th | 6:30pm
Murphy Institute
25 W. 43 Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY

CUNY’s Murphy Institute is pleased to host a presentation by Dilma Rousseff, former President of Brazil, co-organized with the Committee Defend Democracy in Brazil/New York.
Brazil’s former president, Rousseff − impeached in August 2016 in what many have called a “soft coup” based on what analysts almost universally have described as minor and highly irregular charges − will discuss the attack on, and current efforts to defend, democracy, labor rights, and social and economic justice in Brazil.
Brazil, whose young democracy was re-established in 1985 after 21 years of violent military rule, has achieved huge growth in the recent years, lifting 45 million people out of extreme poverty. Under the democratic leadership of the Workers’ Party, led initially by President Lula da Silva and subsequently by President Rousseff, Brazil saw dramatic changes towards a more equal society. Advancements under the Workers Party have included an enormous expansion of the middle class, steady increases in life expectancy, and the country’s removal in 2014 from the UN Map of Hunger.  Rousseff is currently undertaking an international tour to discuss with concerned people throughout the world what is at stake: Brazilian democracy, and the historic gains in the rights of workers, women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, communities of color and of the poor.
This event will also feature a photo exhibition highlighting important moments of the struggle from activist groups around the world.
Please join us for this historic event!

Press registration/inquiries:defenddemocracyinbrazil@gmail.com

Joel Wolfe – O Grande Brasil: A Spatial History of the Making of a Nation

Thursday, April 13, 2017
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Joukowsky Forum

Professor Wolfe's Thomas E. Skidmore memorial lecture reinterprets modern Brazilian history by using geography as its starting point. Almost every key event, practice, and social arrangement in Brazil was fundamentally shaped by the nation's massive size.
More information: http://watson.brown.edu/brazil/events/2017/joel-wolfe-o-grande-brasil-spatial-history-making-nation
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

The St. John’s University Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) was established in 1994. Its policy is grounded in the University's Vincentian mission and a commitment to global education.  As a metropolitan university whose main campuses areas located in one of the major urban centers of the world, St. John's is acutely aware of the increasing importance of the U.S. economy on Latin American and Caribbean trading sectors through NAFTA and other agreements.
Observing the rapid growth of Hispanic populations in New York and across the U.S., St. John's also recognizes its historic responsibility to this sector of new Americans. The Center, under the auspices of the Office of the Provost, comprises faculty and administrators whose research, teaching and professional involvement demonstrate a serious commitment to the study of Latin America and the Caribbean. These scholars serve as liaisons and support resources within their schools, disciplines and departments.
Contact Information
Dr. Alina Camacho-Gingerich, Chair
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
St. John Hall, Room B3A, 1 and 9
Graduate Admission Information
Office of Graduate Admission
Robert Medrano, Director

Descrição da imagem: Foto de diversas pessoas sentadas em cadeiras em um auditório. No canto superior esquerdo, detalhes de formas geométricas nas cores, azul, rosa, verde e amarelo. Em um retângulo branco, 5 pictogramas de pessoas coloridas e enfileiradas. Ao lado está escrito Terceiro Fórum Gestão da Diversidade e Inclusão em preto. Abaixo deste retângulo branco, há outro retângulo roxo escrito em branco Como a sua Empresa trabalha a diversidade? E o logotipo da CKZ Diversidade.
Compor uma equipe diversa é um passo importante para a sustentabilidade das corporações. Engajada nessa causa, a CKZ Diversidade transforma o tema diversidade e inclusão em interatividade e troca de experiências de forma prática e com um formato inovador, trazendo conteúdo de alta qualidade, com um time de palestrantes altamente comprometidos em fazer a diferença no mundo.

Nos dias 27 e 28 de junho acontece em São Paulo a
 3ª Edição do Fórum Gestão da Diversidade e Inclusão, desenvolvido por meio de uma extensa pesquisa com especialistas do mercado corporativo.

Conheça os Cases de empresas que têm desenvolvido ações, políticas e estratégias de diversidade e inclusão.

Confira o que preparamos para você:
·  Liderança, estratégia e diversidade nas empresas e no mundo – como lidar com o diverso
·  Cases de boas práticas de raça, gênero e etnia, LGBT e PcD
·  Case da Skol: como incorporar a mensagem da diversidade na comunicação
·  Painel de CEO transformadores
·  Barreiras inconscientes: o que a neurociência tem a dizer sobre Unconscious Bias
·  Design thinking e diversidade, tudo a ver!
·  Painel inovações em gestão de pessoas com foco em diversidade
·  Neurodiversidade - o que é e porque você vai ouvir falar cada vez mais
Acesse o report da 2º Edição do Fórum Gestão da Diversidade e Inclusão e conheça nossa iniciativa.

Faça parte dessa causa!
Mais informações CKZ Diversidade telefone 11 2 3 8 7 0 1 1 1
Inscrição Aline Pereira e-mail contato@ckzeventos.com.br
Empresa Parceira Diego Rodrigues e-mail diego@ckzeventos.com.br
Empresas Parceiraslogotipo da DowLogotipo do Tozzini FreireCooperação
Promoção e Organização
Logotipo da ONU MulheresLogotipo da CKZ Diversidade
Logotipo da A A C DLogotipo da AbemLogotipo da ABTDLogotipo da ADDLogotipo da Apabb
Logotipo da Diversitas Soluções InclusivasLogotipo da Eletrobras FurnasLogotipo da FEAPAES-SPLogotipo do Fonoaudiálogo
Logotipo da Fundação DorinaLogotipo da InsperLogotipo do Instituto EthosLogotipo da Revista DMaisLogotipo da Revista ReaçãoLogotipo do Simbora Gente


Chris Barreto Fashion line. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Organizing for Action

This isn't about some far-off day in the future. It's about right now.

Yesterday, Environmental Protection Agency chief (and climate change denier) Scott Pruitt called for an exit to the historic Paris Agreement we reached more than a year ago -- a pact that made huge, undeniable progress. Nearly every country in the world agreed to do its part on climate change, with the United States leading the way.

Withdrawing from this landmark achievement would be devastating. The countries that signed the Paris Agreement pledged to take unprecedented steps to help protect our health, our planet and our economy: to clean up the air, to slow the alarming spikes in extreme weather events, and to give working families access to good jobs in the energy industries of the future.

We've fought too hard to let this progress slide backwards. Chip in today, and be a part of the team that defends this signature achievement.

Sula, when we signed the Paris Agreement, climate change wasn't a partisan issue -- and it still isn't. It's affecting every one of us, every day, and pulling out would signal to the world that we can't be trusted. Don't let this administration undo our years of work with one short-sighted move.

We've already seen with the Affordable Care Act how powerful our voices can be when we stand together at a critical moment in time. That's why supporters like you and OFA volunteers around the country are gearing up for climate marches later this month. Support the work that makes this kind of critical organizing possible.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Doors: 7:30 pm / Show: 8:30 pm
The Legendary Joao Bosco Direct From Rio!

Image result for The Legendary Joao Bosco Direct From Rio!
There is a $10.00 food or drink minimum per person. Dinner is served between 5pm-1am.

Noemi Jaffe is an award-winning Brazilian writer, poet, and teacher whose works have been translated into nearly a dozen languages. She has published a poetry collection and numerous novels, essays, and short stories. What are the Blind Men Dreaming?, Jaffe’s book on the legacy of the Holocaust on Jewish identity, was published in English by Deep Vellum in 2016.
Photo credit: Ninil Gonçalves
Buy Jaffe’s latest book, What are the Blind Men Dreaming?

02 May 2017
7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Poets House, 10 River Terrace, New York, NY. 1, 2, 3, A or C lines to Chambers Street Station
05 May 2017
7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Nuyorican Poets Cafe, 236 E 3RD ST, New York, NY. F to 2nd Ave.

A screening of the powerful 2016 film (directed by Kleber Mendonca Filho, with Sonia Braga) about the struggles of an independent woman. Will be followed by a brief discussion of the protests against repression the film has ignited in Brazil. With Lucrecia ZappiElissa Schappell, and D.W. Gibson. Moderated by Eric M. B. Becker, editor of Words without Borders and co-editor of Women Writing Brazil (Pen America).
Co-presented with Cinema Tropical and Words Without Borders
About Aquarius:
A film by Kleber Mendonça Filho, Brazil/France, 2016, 142 min. In Portuguese with English subtitles)
In Aquarius, acclaimed Brazilian writer-director Kleber Mendonça Filho (Neighboring Sounds) continues to examine the alienating effects of urban over-development in Recife, a Brazilian oceanfront city. Clara (Sônia Braga, Kiss of the Spiderwoman, Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands), a vibrant former music critic, avid swimmer, grandmother, cancer survivor, willing lover and widow with flowing tresses, is the only remaining apartment owner in a gracious older building targeted for demolition by ruthless luxury high-rise developers. As the builders tactics to remove Clara, become increasingly hostile, Clara proves to be a force to be reckoned with.
Mendonça Filho critiques life in contemporary Brazil, ranging from issues of social class, to the mistrust of government, to ageism, nepotism and corporate corruption, while looking fondly at the music, the places and the objects that we come to cherish in a very personal way. In Aquarius, this history encapsulated in a dwelling, that in and of itself, has been a silent witness to a woman’s entire life.


Eric M. B. Becker is a literary translator, journalist, and editor of Words without Borders. In 2014, he earned a PEN/Heim grant, and in 2016, he was awarded a Fulbright to translate Brazilian literature. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Guernica, and elsewhere. His translation of Mia Couto’s Rain and Other Stories is forthcoming.
Photo Credit: Luisa Leme
02 May 2017           
6:00 pm-8:00 pm
445 Albee Square W #4,
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Eric M. B. Becker is a literary translator, journalist, and editor of Words without Borders. In 2014, he earned a PEN/Heim grant, and in 2016, he was awarded a Fulbright to translate Brazilian literature. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Guernica, and elsewhere. His translation of Mia Couto’s Rain and Other Stories is forthcoming.
Photo Credit: Luisa Leme
02 May 2017           
6:00 pm-8:00 pm
445 Albee Square W #4,
Brooklyn, NY 11201

JULY 14–OCT 1, 2017

Hélio Oiticica (b. 1937), PN1 Penetrable (PN1 Penetrável), 1960. César and Claudio Oiticica Collection, Rio de Janeiro. © César and Claudio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro.

Hélio Oiticica (b. 1937), PN1 Penetrable (PN1 Penetrável), 1960. César and Claudio Oiticica Collection, Rio de Janeiro. © César and Claudio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro.
Hélio Oiticica: To Organize Delirium is the first full-scale retrospective in the United States of the Brazilian artist’s work. One of the most influential artists of the twentieth century, Oiticica’s early work began with formal, geometric investigations in painting and drawing and soon moved into large scale "spatial reliefs," exploding his two-dimensional works into three-dimensional compositions. For the artist, these works were completed only when viewers interacted with them. That aim reached fruition as his career advanced and his work took on an increasingly immersive nature, transforming the viewer from a spectator to an active participant. The exhibition will include some of these large scale installations, including Tropicalia and Eden. Oiticica spent a formative time in New York in the 1970s, engaging with the city and other artists, and extended his work into filmmaking, slide show environments, and concrete poetry before returning to Brazil. In addition to viewing original works on display, visitors will be invited to wear and manipulate exhibition copies of the artist’s interactive works.
Hélio Oiticica: To Organize Delirium is curated by Lynn Zelevansky, The Henry J. Heinz II Director, Carnegie Museum of Art; Elisabeth Sussman, Curator and Sondra Gilman Curator of Photography, Whitney Museum of American Art; James Rondeau, President and Eloise W. Martin Director, The Art Institute of Chicago; and Donna De Salvo, Deputy Director for International Initiatives and Senior Curator, Whitney Museum of American Art; with Anna Katherine Brodbeck, associate curator, Carnegie Museum of Art.
This exhibition is organized by the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; and The Art Institute of Chicago.
Support for the national tour of this exhibition is provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.
In New York, generous support is provided by the Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation.
Generous endowment support is also provided by The Keith Haring Foundation Exhibition Fund.

Clélia Iruzun: Piano recital
Americas Society
June 7, 2017
Clélia Iruzun (Image: Simon Weir).


In collaboration with:

The Consulate General of Brazil in New York
Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York, NY
June 7, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Admission: FREE and open to the public. Pre-registration required.
Not yet a member? Learn how to become a Cultural Circle member for reserved seating at this concert.
Brazilian concert pianist Clélia Iruzun has her Americas Society debut with music from the Americas and Europe, including solo works by Villa-Lobos, Lecuona, Chopin, Mignon, and Gottschalk. 
Iruzun and Brazilian composer Ernesto Nazareth.
Heitor Villa-Lobos
Impressões Seresteiras (Serenade Impressions); Festa no Sertão (Ciclo Brasileiro)
Ernesto Lecuona
Cordoba; Malagueña from Spanish Suite
Robert Schumann (arr. Liszt)
Giuseppe Verdi (arr. Liszt)
Concert Paraphrase of Rigoletto
Frédéric Chopin
Ballade no. 1, op. 23
Francisco Mignone
6 Estudos Trancedantais (Six Transcendental Studies)
Louis Moreau Gottschalk
Grande fantaisie triomphale sur l’hymne national brésilien (ca. 1869)

About the artist
London-based pianist Clélia Iruzun's childhood was spent in the rich cultural atmosphere of Rio de Janeiro, where she began playing the piano at the age of four, winning her first competition at seven, and making her orchestral debut playing Grieg’s Piano Concerto at 15. At 17, Iruzun won a scholarship to study in London with Maria Curcio and Christopher Elton, who took her under his wing at the Royal Academy of Music, where she graduated with a recital diploma. She also studied with Noretta Conci and Mercês de Silva Telles. Her mentors have included Fou Ts’Ong, Stephen Kovacevich, and her Brazilian compatriots Jacques Klein and Nelson Freire. From the early years of her career, her technique caught the attention of Francisco Mignone, who wrote a suite especially for her, and Marlos Nobre, who also wrote a piece for her. Iruzun won top prizes at the Tunbridge Wells Piano Competition (UK), as well as the Paloma O’Shea and Pilar Bayona (Spain). Iruzun has given recitals and concerto performances throughout Europe, the Americas, and Asia. Her tours in China have featured numerous sold-out performances, including recitals in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Beijing. Her recital in Shanghai was voted one of the ten best concerts of the year in China. She has also toured with the Coull Quartet in China and Brazil and recently performed with them at the Southbank Centre (UK) and in quartet's series at Warwick University.
She has premiered several Brazilian works, including Henrique Oswald's Piano Quintet; Villa-Lobos's Octet; João Guilherme Ripper's Piano Sonata; Marlos Nobre's Desafio for piano and guitar and Sonata breve at Southbank and Wigmore Hall; and Piano Concertos such as the Mignone’s Fantasia No.3 (Norway with the Kristiansand Orchestra; London with Lontano Ensemble; Poland with the Poznan Philharmonic). In her native country, she has premiered works by British composers such as York Bowen and Arnold Bax, and she recently appeared at the Campos do Jordão Festival. On disc, Iruzun has championed the music of South American composers: Villa-Lobos Piano Music (1992, reissued by Meridian Records in 2005); Latin American Dances (1998, Intim Musik); The Waltz Album (2002, Intim Musik); Brazilian Mosaic, which included the world premiere recording of Marlos Noble’s Concertante do Imaginario (2003, Lorelt); The Music of Lecuona (2005, Lorelt); and Francisco Mignone-Piano Music (2007, Lorelt). Iruzun founded the festival “Brazil Three Centuries of Music” with the Coull Quartet, which has already had two successful editions in London.
Event Funders
The MetLife Foundation Music of the Americas concert series is made possible by the generous support of Presenting Sponsor MetLife Foundation.
The Spring 2017 Music program is also supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
This program is also supported by The Amphion Foundation, Inc.