Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Participação na 47a Assembleia Geral da OEA. 
Foram mais de 90 ONGs pró-vida e pró-família e cerca de 40 ONGs abortistas e pró-LGBTs. Apesar disso, deparamo-nos com um ambiente desfavorável, já que a estrutura da OEA está tomada pelos propagadores da Cultura da Morte e muitas delegações já estão contaminadas há anos por essa ideologia. 
Alguns dos membros de diversas ONGs pró-vida e pró-família
Entregamos a alguns dos delegados as assinaturas das duas campanhas que fizemos antes da assembleia (a campanha sobre a Venezuela e a campanha contra a ideologia de gênero na resolução sobre direitos humanos).
O tema da Venezuela gerou muita controvérsia. A maioria dos países estava empenhada em tomar medidas para tentar resolver a situação (inclusive o Brasil, surpreendentemente), mas infelizmente faltaram três votos para que isso ocorresse.
Entrega das assinaturas de apoio aos venezuelanos 
Entrega das assinaturas de apoio aos venezuelanos para alguns manifestantes
Com relação ao movimento LGBT e suas demandas, creio que podemos falar em um aspecto negativo e em outro positivo: por um lado, não conseguimos eliminar todos os pontos questionáveis da controversa resolução (que não é vinculante) sobre direitos humanos. Isso se deve ao fato de que alguns dos países (Brasil, Canadá, EUA, Uruguai, entre outros) já se comprometeram com esse tema há alguns anos e, portanto, não quiseram retroceder. Porém, tive a oportunidade de questionar um dos delegados brasileiros e disse a ele que a maioria dos brasileiros não é favorável à aceitação da ideologia de gênero como critério para a realização de políticas públicas. Ele ficou nitidamente desconcertado, o que me deu a impressão de que ainda há brechas para uma mudança de posição, desde que trabalhemos para isso.
Entrega à delegada americana das assinaturas contra ideologia de gênero 
Por outro lado, conseguimos impedir o reconhecimento de uma nova terminologia na resolução. Portanto, foi possível frear o avanço de mais uma demanda do movimento LGBT! 
Outro aspecto positivo foi o recorde de participação de ONGs pró-vida e pró-família. Isso mostra que há uma preocupação cada vez maior com a defesa dos nossos valores nos organismos internacionais. 
Transmiti ao vivo em nossa página de Facebook alguns dos excelentes discursos feitos pelos porta-vozes das coalizões pró-vida e pró-família. 
Tivemos a presença do ônibus da liberdade, que tem passado por diversas cidades do México para deixar uma mensagem clara aos promotores da ideologia de gênero: deixem os nossos filhos em paz!
SULA, quero agradecer o seu apoio e a sua confiança em nosso trabalho, pois sem isso ele e nossa presença em ocasiões importantes como essa seriam impossíveis. 
Creio que o saldo final foi positivo sob muitos aspectos, mas precismos continuar vigilantes e atuantes. Não podemos retroceder!
Guilherme Ferreira e toda a equipe da CitizenGO 


C'è ancora tempo fino a Venerdì 30 Giugno per iscriversi alla sesta edizione del T.I.N.A. Prize che offre l’opportunità di iniziare reali collaborazioni con 11 gallerie distribuite tra Amsterdam, Pechino e Torino.

Come partecipare? Crea in pochi minuti il tuo profilo online su Carica le tue immagini e le tue info. Il tuo profilo sarà visto da ogni galleria della rete T.I.N.A. e ciascuna galleria selezionerà un artista con cui iniziare una collaborazione con una mostra personale o collettiva. 
Iscriviti online su entro il 30 Giugno 2017. Non ci saranno proroghe. 
AmsterdamFoundation Jetty/Stichtingla Jetée, Kulter e Van der Helstplein Plain Exposities.
Pechino: dreamCo, Minority Space, Tabula Rasa Gallery e Tong Gallery+Projects.
Torino: Burning Giraffe Art Gallery, Galleria
Moitre, Opere Scelte e Riccardo Costantini Contemporary.

Urban Bay: Eyes Wide Open Under Rio de Janeiro's Ocean

June 9, 2017 - 1:30pm to 4:45pm
Columbia University
In coordination with the United Nations Ocean's Conference - June 5-9 in New York City - the Columbia Global Centers I Rio de Janeiro, Columbia Engineering‎ and Rio+ UNDP World Centre for Sustainable Development will host the world premiere of URBAN BAY, a documentary by Ricardo Gomes.

The film highlights the marine life that live closest to urban coastal areas. By demonstrating that life still exists in the waters closest to cities, this documentary brings a renewed motivation and inspiration to the proper management and conservation of oceans – which is also the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 14: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.”
To RSVP, click here.
Location: Davis Auditorium, 530 West 120th Street (between Broadway and Amsterdam), room 412.

See the full program here.
1:30 PM

2:00 PM
Opening Remarks 
Daniella Diniz, Program Manager at Columbia Global Centers | Rio de Janeiro

2:10 PM
Screening of Urban Bay

3:20 PM
Facilitated Conversation + Q&A, featuring:

Kartik Chandran, Professor of Environmental Engineering at Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science‎

Nik Sekhran, Director for Sustainable Development, UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support

Ricardo Gomes, Documentarist and Marine Biologist

Layla Saad, Deputy Director, UNDP RIO+ Centre

4:00 PM
Networking and Refreshments
To RSVP, click here.

Free Adult Literacy Program - November 2016 - June 2017

Nov 22, 2016
6:30 pm

Different Locations in Description Below
Adult Basic Education/High School Equivalence (ABE/HSE)
Saturdays: 9:30am
May 11th -- June 30th, 2017
Monday -- Advanced -- St. John Hall 109B - 6:30pm-9:30pm
Intermediate -- St. John Hall 304B -- 6:30pm-9:30pm
Tuesday - Basic - St. John's Hall 109B - 6:30pm-9:30pm
Wednesday -- Intermediate -- St. John Hall 109A -- 6:30pm-9:30pm
Advanced -- St. Johns Hall 109B-6:30pm-9:30pm
Thursday -- Basic -- St. John Hall Room 109B - 6:30pm-9:30pm
8000 Utopia Parkway
Jamaica, NY  11439
All class materials and textbooks are provided. You can start at any time.
To register, or for additional information, please contact:
CLACS at 718-990-5829/1932 or e-mail: or
These classes and workshops are made possible thanks to a grant from the Department of  Youth and  Community Development (NYC DYCD) received by Dr. Alina Camacho-Gingerich, Director of the Center for Latin
        American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and Professor of Languages and Literatures at St. John’s University
8000 Utopia Parkway Jamaica, NY 11439

All class materials and textbooks are provided. You can start at any time.
To register, or for additional information, please contact:
CLACS at 718-990-5829/1932 or e-mail: or

    These classes and workshops are made possible thanks to a grant from the Department of Youth and  Community Development (NYC DYCD) received by Dr. Alina Camacho-Gingerich, Director of the Center for Latin American and Studies (CLACS) and Professor of Languages and Literatures at St. John’s University


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Join Us on July 18, 2017Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PMLocation: Roger Smith Hotel, New York, New YorkRegistration Period: Jun 8, 2017 to Jul 18, 2017.

In partnership with:
We cordially invite you to join us for our annual Spain & Latin America Networking Event at which more than 150 executives will gather for a night of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres.
Featuring signature cocktail: Caipirinha
Cocktail sponsored by:


July 26, 2017Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AMLocation: White & Case LLP, New York, New York


Senator José Serra (PSDB-São Paulo) said recently that the current political crisis is deeper than that of 1964, which led to 20 years of military rule. Hopefully this is an overstatement.  Democratic rule is firmly entrenched and supported by all players, but popular distrust of politics and politicians is unprecedented.  The market is currently more concerned about the continuity of the economic team than it is about the fate of the President. Part of the reason is the quality of team; another is the importance of managing the macroeconomic challenges – mainly fiscal- they and the country face:   Brazil has been in recession for more than two years, with record losses in investments, jobs and income. The public debt continues to grow, due to the recession and growing public expenditures, especially in social security.  Reforms are critically needed, but now threatened by political instability.
With this background, we meet to discuss the macroeconomic and political situation, and short-term prospects. It is a challenge.  However, we will be fortunate to have with us an exceptional roster of panelists:
Paulo Vieira da Cunha, Partner, VERBANK Agriculture / VERBANK Consulting, LLC
Maria Claudia Ribeiro de Castro, Director of Fixed Income Research, Oppenheimer Funds
Cassiana Fernandez, Chief Economist, JPMorgan
Luisa Palacios, Director, Latin America, Medley Global Advisors
Lisa Schineller, Director Sovereign Ratings, S&P Global Ratings
Daniel Tenengauzer, Director of Research, TSE Capital Management
More information to follow!
Gold Sponsor:
Media Sponsor:*

Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AMLocation: White & Case LLP, New York, New York

Friday, June 23, 2017


Elza Soares / Liniker e os Caramelows / Teleseen in association with Brasil Summerfest

August 5 @ 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

| Free

August 5
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Doors 6pm / Show 7pm

SummerStage, Central Park
Rumsey Playfield 
New York, NY

Brazil’s iconic samba singer, provocative persona and signature vocalist, with a rising star who brings unique perspective to Brazilian soul
Elza Soares
Elza da Conceição Soares has achieved what most people can only dream of. She has remained a superstar in her field for over six decades, melodically soaring through the ages. A native of Rio de Janeiro, Soares began her professional singing career in the 1950s, when she joined Mercedes Batista on a dazzling samba tour of Argentina. Her popularity grew exponentially when she released her debut Se Acaso Você Chegasse, in which she invoked a Louis Armstrong flavor as she incorporated jazz into samba-scat riffs. From there, she relocated to the bustling São Paulo, where she illuminated clubs and theaters with her signature raspy, boisterous voice. Soares’ next album, A Bossa Negra, saw her star continue to rise, as she was invited to represent Brazil at the ’62 World Cup in Chile. Now known throughout South America, the luminous Soares would partner with vocalist Miltinho, and they would co-record three potpourri style albums,Elza, Miltinho e Samba (Volumes 1-3). By the 1970s, she was touring all over Europe and the US, enthralling audiences with her hallmark husky and impassioned tones. A few decades of unwavering, joyous singing later and she would be named “Best Singer of the Millennium” by the BBC in London in 2000. Soares has remained vital and current; her 2004 album Vivo Feliz featured the single “Rio de Janeiro” (a tribute to her birthplace), that mixed samba and bossa with electronica. In 2016 she put out A Mulher do Fim do Mundo (“Woman at the End of the World”), and sang at the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics. Truly a living icon, Soares is a gift to experience live.
Deep in the lush countryside of Brazil, a gifted gang of like-minded musicians came together. Led by the effervescent Liniker Barros, a transgender vocalist, Liniker e os Caramelows was assembled – never dreaming that they would one day tour the world, spreading their uplifting music. The first tracks that they ever recorded were based off Liniker’s personal letters, and thanks to the far-reaching power of Youtube, this band’s up-tempo songs spread like wildfire (over 10 million collective views). Performing at Brazil’s most important festivals, from São Paolo to Rio, they soon became a national treasure. In 2016 they delivered their first studio album Remonta, and added new members for the subsequent tour (bolstering the sound with keyboards, percussion and saxophone). With unbridled enthusiasm, they are now poised to wow the world stage.
Teleseen (DJ set) Special project of global underground DJ, a mix of deep & afro-house, samba and baile funk  The primary project of nomadic DJ, producer and multi-instrumentalist Gabriel Cyr, Teleseen weaves together musical influences from the global underground into a refreshingly unique mix. Manifesting in freewheeling DJ sets, and a wide variety of his own releases and production work for other artists, Cyr’s musical vision draws equally from deep house and afro house, samba, batucada, baile funk and MPB influences absorbed while living in Rio de Janiero, Brazil. He also adds to his worldwide dish of musical experimentation the sound-system culture of his hometown of NYC. Known for his shifting polyrhythmic programming style and psychedelic synth work, Cyr has released records on 100% Silk, Feel Up Records, Boomarm Nation, Percepts, and Goldmin Music. His latest album, The Emotional Life of Savages, is due out in the fall of 2017, as his fans eagerly await to hear what new, funky and internationally-imbued beats he’ll merge together.
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This health care debate is about something bigger than politics.


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JUL 14–OCT 1, 2017

A female figure stands in the interior of a rectangular, immersive space covered by panels on three sides.
Hélio Oiticica (b. 1937), PN1 Penetrable (PN1 Penetrável), 1960. César and Claudio Oiticica Collection, Rio de Janeiro. © César and Claudio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro.

Hélio Oiticica: To Organize Delirium is the first full-scale U.S. retrospective in two decades of the Brazilian artist’s work. One of the most original artists of the twentieth century, Oiticica (1937—1980) made art that awakens us to our bodies, our senses, our feelings about being in the world: art that challenges us to assume a more active role. Beginning with geometric investigations in painting and drawing, Oiticica soon shifted to sculpture, architectural installations, writing, film, and large-scale environments of an increasingly immersive nature, works that transformed the viewer from a spectator into an active participant. The exhibition includes some of his large-scale installations, includingTropicalia and Eden, and examines the artist’s involvement with music and literature, as well as his response to politics and the social environment. The show captures the excitement, complexity, and activist nature of Oiticica’s art, focusing in particular on the decisive period he spent in New York in the 1970s, where he was stimulated by the art, music, poetry, and theater scenes. While Oiticica engaged at first with many of the city’s artists, he ended up living in self-fashioned isolation before returning to Brazil. He died in in Rio de Janeiro, in 1980, at the age of 42.

This exhibition is organized by the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh; and the Art Institute of Chicago.

Hélio Oiticica: To Organize Delirium is curated by Lynn Zelevansky, Henry J. Heinz II Director, Carnegie Museum of Art; Elisabeth Sussman, Curator and Sondra Gilman Curator of Photography, Whitney Museum of American Art; James Rondeau, President and Eloise W. Martin Director, Art Institute of Chicago; and Donna De Salvo, Deputy Director for International Initiatives and Senior Curator, Whitney Museum of American Art; with Katherine Brodbeck, Associate Curator, Carnegie Museum of Art.
Support for the national tour of this exhibition is provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.
In New York, generous support is provided by Art&Art Collection, Tony Bechara, Renata and Claudio Garcia, and the Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation.
Additional support is provided by the Evelyn Toll Family Foundation.
Generous endowment support is also provided by The Keith Haring Foundation Exhibition Fund.


What: Exhibition “Another Gesture/Eine weitere Geste/Um 

Outro Gesto” with works by female german and Brazilian 

artists (Veronika Hilger, Svenja Kreh, Alice Quaresma and 

Teresa Viana). Curated by Cynthia Cruz and Tatiane Santa


Where: A.I.R Gallery (155 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn)

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When: August 3 – August 20

Pesquisadores e Universitários Brasileiros na Filadélfia 
(PUB-PHILLY), Monthly Meeting.

Where: UPenn – 380 South Avenue, 1st floor, Philadelphia
When: June 2 @ 6:30 PM
Where:  Escola de Veterinária da Universidade da Pensilvânia, terceiro andar
380 South University Ave. Hill Pavilion
Quando: 1 de Abril de 2016
Horário: 18 horas

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Brazilian Public Schools:
Innovations in Building the Workforce of Tomorrow
Friday, June 9, 2017
8:00 am to 10:30 am
On June 9th, the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce will be hosting an interactive panel discussion entitled "Innovations in Building the Workforce of Tomorrow." 
The panel will explore how Brazilian public schools can offer students an education that builds the skills necessary to participate in an increasingly globalized and technology advanced economy.  It will discuss recent innovative education programs that can make Brazilian public schools more relevant for today's workforce. 
Topics will include recent innovative developments in improving instruction quality in Brazilian Public Schools through Private Public Partnerships (PPP), Social Emotional Development and 21st Century Skills, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Hands On Experiential Learning.
599 Lexington Avenue
(at 53rd Street)
2nd Floor
New York, NY10022
Member Price: $35
Non-Member Price: $70
8:00 - 8:30 am
Registration and Networking 
8:30 - 10:30 am
Presentation, Panel Discussion and Q&A
In association with

The panel of education leaders and advocates includes: 
Kelly Maurice - Executive Director of Worldfund, a leading Education NGO that provides teacher and principal training programs in Mexico and Brazil.  
Dr. David Thornburg - Founder and Director of the Thornburg Center, a premiere source of staff developers in the field of emerging technologies which impact on learning for all ages. Thornburg is an Education futurist who will share his insights on the future of education in Brazil and around the world.  
Fábio Colletti Barbosa - Vice President of Fundação Itaú-Social. Barbosa is a leading Brazilian executive who has fought throughout his career to prioritize education in Brazil and bring educational values to the forefront of the national discussion.  
Ronaldo Lemos – Currently Visiting Professor at Columbia’s’ SIPA and the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS), Lemos is an internationally recognized Brazilian academic, lawyer and commentator on intellectual property, technology, and culture.  He was one of the creators of the Marco Civil da Internet, which created a comprehensive set or rights for the Internet in Brazil, including freedom of speech, privacy and net neutrality.  
Marcos Paim - Director of STEM Brasil. Wordfund's STEM Brasil is the leading STEM teacher training program in the country. STEM Brasil uses a hands on approach that enhances students abilities to understand and absorb the relevance and real life implications of their instruction.