Monday, July 17, 2017

Free Adult Literacy Program - November 2016 - June 2017

Nov 22, 2016
6:30 pm

Different Locations in Description Below

Adult Basic Education/High School Equivalence (ABE/HSE)
Saturdays: 9:30am
May 11th -- June 30th, 2017
Monday -- Advanced -- St. John Hall 109B - 6:30pm-9:30pm
Intermediate -- St. John Hall 304B -- 6:30pm-9:30pm
Tuesday - Basic - St. John's Hall 109B - 6:30pm-9:30pm
Wednesday -- Intermediate -- St. John Hall 109A -- 6:30pm-9:30pm
Advanced -- St. Johns Hall 109B-6:30pm-9:30pm
Thursday -- Basic -- St. John Hall Room 109B - 6:30pm-9:30pm
8000 Utopia Parkway
Jamaica, NY  11439
All class materials and textbooks are provided. You can start at any time.
To register, or for additional information, please contact:
CLACS at 718-990-5829/1932 or e-mail: or
These classes and workshops are made possible thanks to a grant from the Department of  Youth and  Community Development (NYC DYCD) received by Dr. Alina Camacho-Gingerich, Director of the Center for Latin
        American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and Professor of Languages and Literatures at St. John’s University
8000 Utopia Parkway Jamaica, NY 11439

All class materials and textbooks are provided. You can start at any time.
To register, or for additional information, please contact:
CLACS at 718-990-5829/1932 or e-mail: or

    These classes and workshops are made possible thanks to a grant from the Department of Youth and  Community Development (NYC DYCD) received by Dr. Alina Camacho-Gingerich, Director of the Center for Latin American and Studies (CLACS) and Professor of Languages and Literatures at St. John’s University

More information:

Encceja será aplicado no exterior em 10 de setembro e no Brasil, em 8 de outubro

O Exame Nacional para Certificação de Competências de Jovens e Adultos (Encceja) será realizado, em 2017, no Brasil e no exterior, tanto para o público regular quanto para o público privado de liberdade (PPL). Serão, portanto, quatro aplicações, com cronogramas e editais diferentes.
Com as melhorias do Enem anunciadas após a Consulta Pública, no início do ano, a função de certificação do Ensino Médio retornou para o Encceja, como ocorria até 2009. O Exame volta a ser aplicado também para a certificação do Ensino Fundamental. Outra novidade da edição é que o Exame passa a contar com maior envolvimento das Secretarias Estaduais de Educação.
Encceja Nacional
Publicação do edital: 24 de julho
Inscrições: 7 a 18 de agosto
Aplicação: 8 de outubro
Locais de prova: Serão 564 locais distribuídos em todas as Unidades Federativas
Encceja Nacional PPL 
Publicação do edital: 7 de agosto
Adesão das unidades: 14 a 25 de agosto
Inscrições: 21 de agosto a 1º de setembro
Aplicação: 24 e 25 de outubro
Encceja Exterior
Publicação do edital: 30 de junho
Inscrições: 3 a 17 de julho
Aplicação: 10 de setembro
Locais de prova: Estados Unidos (Boston e New York), Bélgica (Bruxelas), Guiana Francesa (Caiena), Portugal (Lisboa), Suíça (Genebra), Espanha (Madri), Reino Unido (Londres), França (Paris), Japão (Nagóia, Hamamatsu e Ota), Holanda (Amsterdã)
Encceja Exterior PPL
Publicação do edital: 30 de junho
Inscrições: 3 a 17 de julho
Aplicação: 11 a 22 de setembro
Locais de prova: Guiana Francesa (Caiena) e Japão (Tóquio)
Público – O Encceja é voluntário, gratuito e destinado à certificação do Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio. O exame é a ferramenta mais adequada para avaliar as pessoas que não tiveram a oportunidade de concluir os estudos em idade apropriada. Dessa forma, podem fazer o Encceja pessoas com no mínimo 15 anos completos na data da realização das provas que desejam pleitear certificação do Ensino Fundamental. Assim como as pessoas com no mínimo 18 anos completos na data da realização das provas que desejam pleitear a certificação do Ensino Médio.
Documentos Certificadores – O Inep é responsável pela elaboração das provas, pela gestão da aplicação e da correção. A emissão dos documentos certificadores é de responsabilidade da Secretaria Estadual de Educação ou Instituição Educacional que firmar Termo de Adesão com o Inep. São duas opções. O Certificado reconhece oficialmente que o educando cumpriu na íntegra todos os componentes curriculares (disciplinas) do núcleo comum do Ensino Fundamental ou do Ensino Médio. Já a Declaração de Proficiência é a certificação parcial que comprova que o participante conseguiu cumprir um ou mais componentes curriculares (disciplinas) nas áreas avaliadas pelo Encceja.
Estrutura da Prova – Cada área do conhecimento tem uma Matriz de Referência (documento que subsidia a elaboração da prova) composta por 30 habilidades. Cada prova é composta por 30 itens do tipo múltipla escolha com quatro alternativas de resposta. O Inep recomenda notas mínimas para as instituições certificadoras. Para as provas objetivas a nota mínima sugerida é de 100 pontos em cada, o que representa em média 50% das habilidades que a prova de cada área afere.  No caso de Língua Portuguesa, Língua Estrangeira Moderna, Artes e Educação Física ou Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias, o participante deverá adicionalmente obter proficiência na prova de Redação. A prova de redação distribui 10 pontos e a nota mínima sugerida pelo Inep é de cinco pontos. As provas serão aplicadas em um único dia.
Ensino Fundamental
Matutino: Ciências Naturais, História e Geografia
Vespertino: Língua Portuguesa, Língua Estrangeira Moderna, Artes, Educação Física e Redação; e Matemática.
Ensino Médio
Matutino: Ciências da Natureza e suas Tecnologias e Ciências Humanas e suas Tecnologias
Vespertino: Linguagens e Códigos e suas Tecnologias e Redação e Matemática e suas Tecnologias
Os dados foram anunciados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep) nesta segunda-feira, 26, durante coletiva de imprensa em sua sede, em Brasília. Na mesma ocasião foram reveladas as mudanças e prazos do Sistema Avaliação da Educação Básica e o número de inscrições confirmadas do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) 2017. Com as melhorias do Enem anunciadas após a Consulta Pública, no início do ano, o Exame transferiu para o Encceja a função da certificação do Ensino Médio e para o Saeb, a responsabilidade pelo Boletim por Escola.


Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AMLocation: White & Case LLP, New York, New York

Senator José Serra (PSDB-São Paulo) said recently that the current political crisis is deeper than that of 1964, which led to 20 years of military rule. Hopefully this is an overstatement.  Democratic rule is firmly entrenched and supported by all players, but popular distrust of politics and politicians is unprecedented.  The market is currently more concerned about the continuity of the economic team than it is about the fate of the President. Part of the reason is the quality of team; another is the importance of managing the macroeconomic challenges:   Brazil has been in recession for more than two years, with record losses in investments, jobs and income. The public debt continues to grow, due to the recession and growing public expenditures.  Reforms are critically needed, but now threatened by political instability.
With this background, we meet to discuss the macroeconomic and political situation, and short-term

 prospects. It is a challenge.  However, we will be fortunate to have with us an exceptional roster of panelists:
Paulo Vieira da CunhaPartner, VERBANK Agriculture / VERBANK Consulting, LLC
Maria Claudia Ribeiro de CastroDirector of Fixed Income ResearchOppenheimer Funds
Cassiana FernandezChief EconomistJPMorgan
Luisa PalaciosDirector, Latin AmericaMedley Global Advisors
Daniel TenengauzerDirector of ResearchTSE Capital Management
More information to follow!
Gold Sponsor:
Media Sponsor:


Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PMLocation: Roger Smith Hotel, New York, New YorkRegistration Period: Jun 8, 2017 to Jul 18, 2017

In partnership with:
We cordially invite you to join us for our annual Spain & Latin America Networking Event at which more than 150 executives will gather for a night of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres.
Featuring signature cocktail: Caipirinha
Cocktail sponsored by:
Event Sponsors:

As inscrições para o Programa de Desenvolvimento Profissional para Professores de Língua Inglesa (PDPI) – curso de capacitação de seis semanas nos EUA, estão abertas até o dia 25 de julho.
Essa é uma oportunidade que a CAPES/MEC, em parceria com a Embaixada dos EUA, a Comissão Fulbright, e o apoio institucional do CONSED está oferecendo para até 540 professores de língua inglesa da rede pública de ensino básico.
O PDPI tem como objetivos fortalecer a fluência oral e escrita em inglês, compartilhar metodologias de ensino e avaliação que estimulem a participação do aluno em sala de aula, apresentar técnicas para o uso de recursos online e outras ferramentas na formação continuada de professores e na preparação de planos de aula.
Estão cobertos pelo PDPI custos com: curso, alojamento, alimentação, seguro saúde, passagens aéreas de ida e volta, visto J-1 (intercâmbio educacional), taxas e materiais escolares, além de uma ajuda de custo.
Para se inscrever, o candidato deverá cumprir os requisitos conforme o edital e preencher o formulário de inscrição online até o dia 25 de julho, anexando a documentação complementar solicitada.
Acesse as Perguntas Frequentes (FAC) aqui.
Fonte: Comissão Fulbright


Workshops are an ideal additional option for students that want to review important points and also to those who can't attend one of our regular classes.
These 2-hours workshops give you the extra practice needed to become more fluent.
The main idea of the workshops is to focus on your ability to express yourself in everyday situations. You will work on pronunciation, vocabulary and idioms to further develop your conversational skills. You also receive individualized feedback on grammar and pronunciation errors.
Workshops are divided in 3 levels (basic, intermediate and advanced).
If you're not sure what your level is, please take our placement test here:


Still not sure how to use the verbs in present? Maybe you are still confused about when to use SER, ESTAR and TER? Come practice Portuguese and review some of these key concepts.
Available dates:
  • June 5, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm
  • July 10, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm
  • August 7, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm


The past tense in Portuguese can get a little tricky. Need some help figuring out how to use PRETÉRITO PERFEITO and IMPERFEITO properly? You can come practice your Portuguese and review all the important points about the past tense.
Available dates:
  • June 12, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm
  • July 17, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm
  • August 14, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm


Are pronouns and prepositions haunting you? Need some help using them properly?
Come practice Portuguese focusing on the use of these tricky tiny words and also practice future tense.
Available dates:
  • June 19, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm
  • July 24, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm
  • August 21, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm


How about improving your vocabulary adding idioms and expressions? We will also
talk about some cultural aspects related to our Portuguese language.
Available dates:
  • June 26, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm
  • July 31, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm
  • August 28, 2017 - Monday 6:30 - 8:30 pm

You can register for one, two, three or all four* workshops (*special offer).


  • One workshop - $55
  • Two workshops - $110
  • Three workshops - $165
  • All four workshops - $200 (special offer)

How to register:

  • STEP 1 - Select below how many workshops you want to attend.
  • You will be redirected to Paypal to complete your checkout.
  • After the payment you will be redirected to STEP 2Registration Form where you will be able to choose workshops and dates
  • Fill out the form to complete the registration.
Workshop Series

Saturday, July 15, 2017


MARCH 21 - JULY 23,  2017

Exhibition Catalogue

This beautifully illustrated publication includes illuminating essays, a chronology, and interviews with the acclaimed Brazilian artist.

Exhibition Overview

Lygia Pape: A Multitude of Forms is the first monographic exhibition in the United States devoted to Brazilian artist Lygia Pape (1927–2004). A critical figure in the development of Brazilian modern art, Pape combined geometric abstraction with notions of body, time, and space in unique ways that radically transformed the nature of the art object in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Covering a prolific, unclassifiable career that spanned five decades, this exhibition examines Pape's extraordinarily rich oeuvre as manifest across varied media—from sculpture, prints, and painting to installation, photography, performance, and film.

Location: 4W43 Gallery  
4 West 43rd St. off 5th Ave
New York, NY 10036

Free Admission
Any question 

Produced by
NYC Event Spaces, 4 West 43rd St, New York, NY 10036

María Freire (Uruguayan, 1917–2015). Untitled. 1954. Oil on canvas, 36 1/4 × 48 1/16″ (92 × 122 cm). The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Promised gift of Patricia Phelps de Cisneros through the Latin American and Caribbean Fund in honor of Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro, 2016

Making Space shines a spotlight on the stunning achievements of women artists between the end of World War II (1945) and the start of the Feminist movement (around 1968). In the postwar era, societal shifts made it possible for larger numbers of women to work professionally as artists, yet their work was often dismissed in the male dominated art world, and few support networks existed for them. Abstraction dominated artistic practice during these years, as many artists working in the aftermath of World War II sought an international language that might transcend national and regional narratives—and for women artists, additionally, those relating to gender.
Drawn entirely from the Museum’s collection, the exhibition features nearly 100 paintings, sculptures, photographs, drawings, prints, textiles, and ceramics by more than 50 artists. Within a trajectory that is at once loosely chronological and synchronous, it includes works that range from the boldly gestural canvases of Lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler, and Joan Mitchell; the radical geometries by Lygia Clark, Lygia Pape, and Gego; and the reductive abstractions of Agnes Martin, Anne Truitt, and Jo Baer; to the fiber weavings of Magdalena Abakanowicz, Sheila Hicks, and Lenore Tawney; and the process-oriented sculptures of Lee Bontecou, Louise Bourgeois, and Eva Hesse. The exhibition will also feature many little-known treasures such as collages by Anne Ryan, photographs by Gertrudes Altschul, and recent acquisitions on view for the first time at MoMA by Ruth Asawa, Carol Rama, and Alma Woodsey Thomas.
Organized by Starr Figura, Curator, Department of Drawings and Prints, and Sarah Hermanson Meister, Curator, Department of Photography, with Hillary Reder, Curatorial Assistant, Department of Drawings and Prints.

Another Gesture/ Um Outro Gesto/Eine weitere Geste/ presents four German and Brazilian female artists working in painting, drawing, and photography. The notion of “another gesture” suggests a two-fold approach: first, one that moves away from the dominant male legacy of abstract expressionism, in which gesture and opticality were used to champion purity and the uniqueness of painting as a medium. The artists included in this show, working today, and in two differing hemispheres, either acknowledge or incorporate this past, but beyond that, they cling on to gesture, not only as a visual element, but as a conceptual vehicle for humor, for refusal, narrative, or memory. Second, within the word “another” there is a subtle play with the idea of being other to someone, a slight reference to the otherness that haunts historical relationships between Brazil and Germany.
These historical ties are mostly known in regards to colonial expeditions and German immigration to Brazilian territories: most famously, in 1557, the German explorer Hans Staden wrote about his capture by the Tupinambás and their cannibalism, a notion that would permeate, in the early 20th Century, Brazilian intellectuals’ idea of Anthropophagy, a time when Brazilian critic Oswald de Andrade famously said, “Only anthropophagy unite us.”
In the 19th Century, German traveling artists such John Moritz Rugendas and Eduard Hilderbrandt arrived in Brazil to depict its flora, fauna and native inhabitants. From the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th Century, German immigrants settled in cities all over Brazil, escaping war and poverty; many German artists had a fundamental participation in the first São Paulo Biennials. In the 21st Century, with the art world’s globalization, German and Brazilian art institutions have sought to shorten the geopolitical and invisible distances between the two countries.
Although these historical ties do exist, in Another Gesture/ Um Outro Gesto/Eine weitere Geste/ we eschew them to tell yet these women artists’ stories: we interrupt this rigid transnational narrative to create alternative ones through the idea of “gesture” as a generative theme. “Another Gesture” thus become an open-ended, consciously ambiguous, and fluid space, in which these artists, from different backgrounds, can navigate.
Dates: 3rd to 20th August, 2017
Artists in Residence Gallery – 155 Plymouth Street   |   Brooklyn NY   |   (212) 255 6651  |


Our special thank you for the institutional support of the:

More information:

The Brazilian Chorus of New York

Tamanduá 2009

No Auditions necessary. Everyone is welcome to join!

The Chorus rehearses regularly:

•  Sundays from 11:30am to 1pm. Father Demo Hall (downstairs).

• Thursdays from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Organ Room (upstairs).

Rehearsal Location:

Our Lady of Pompeii Church

25 Carmine St, New York, NY 10014

Currently under the direction of João MacDowell.


Founded by João MacDowell in 2008 for the first production of Tamanduá – The Anteater.
In 2013/14 the group was brought back together and increased in size with many new singers, for the IBOC debut concerts.
The Chorus has been in permanent activities since.
Maestro Neviton Barros directed the Chorus from the Spring 2014, to the Spring 2015 seasons.
Maestro Alan Aníbal directed the Chorus during the Spring 2016 season.