Saturday, July 29, 2017


Organizing for Action

Today, the Senate voted to proceed with debate on Obamacare opponents' disastrous repeal plan.

Make no mistake: Repealing Obamacare would harm millions of Americans -- our friends, our family, our neighbors -- who rely on Medicaid, who were born with a pre-existing condition, or who are bravely battling cancer. Moving forward with a plan to take care away from those depending on Obamacare's protections isn't just irresponsible -- it's appalling.

But this isn't over. OFA supporters and volunteers will continue fighting back against this law's repeal. And with Senate leaders rushing toward a final vote, we don't have much time.

So tomorrow, Valerie Jarrett, former Senior Advisor and Director of the Office of Public Engagement during the Obama administration, will join us on a health care briefing call to discuss what we can do next.

We'll go over how we can keep putting pressure on elected officials, and making sure they're acting in the interests of the people they were elected to represent. I hope you can join us -- here are the details for the call:

Date: Tomorrow, July 26
Time: 8pm ET

Thank you,


Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy & Campaigns
Organizing for Action

Assine a petição para enviar um email ao governo dos EUA 

Não é necessário falar muito sobre a terrível situação em que se encontra a Venezuela (perseguição à população, miséria, violência, supressão de direitos, etc.).
Mais uma vez queremos nos mobilizar e fazer a nossa parte. Assine a campanha para pedir ao governo americano que continue tomando medidas para resolver a situação:
  • 85% da população rechaça a criação da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte, não prevista na constituição vigente e sem ser submetida ao referendo, como mostra o art. 347.
  • Mais de 7 milhões de venezuelanos mostraram o seu rechaço ao golpe de Estado de Maduro no dia 16 de julho.
  • A Suprema Corte usurpou as funções do poder legislativo(Assembleia Nacional).
  • Os civis detidos são julgados por tribunais militares simpáticos ao regime de Maduro.
  • O número de mortos pelas forças armadas e policiais já passa de 100.
Una-se a esta campanha para pedirmos ao governo dos Estados Unidos a proteção do povo venezuelano.
Dirigimos a campanha ao governo norte-americano porqueinfelizmente a OEA, apesar de diversas declarações condenatórias, acabou não fazendo nada porque faltaram alguns votos para que fosse aprovada a resolução condenatória durante a última Assembleia Geral.
Além disso, o Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU não aprovou nenhuma resolução de condenação da violação dos direitos humanos na Venezuela.
Finalmente, o governo Trump já mostrou que está disposto a tomar medidas reais para frear os abusos do narcoditador Maduro.
Assine a petição e a compartilhe nas redes sociais!
Desde já agradeço a sua valiosa ajuda.
Guilherme Ferreira e toda a equipe de CitizenGO.



  Former Executive Director at Brazilian -American Chamber of Commerce - José Robeerto Azevedo participated of BRAZIL: MIDYEAR ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL OUTLOOK, JULY 26, 2017 , at New York.
Who help  organize the event all year at Brazilian -American Chamber of Commerce - Ruth Phillips lined by entrepeneur Manoel Baião(Neolink International Company) at BRAZIL: MIDYEAR ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL OUTLOOK, JULY 26, 2017 , AT NEW YORK.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Economic Observer
Fed, ECB Highlight the Week

Overview: Two major central bank meetings caused some volatility in mortgage rates over the past week. Neither ended up having much net effect, however, and mortgage rates ended the week with little change. 

As expected, the U.S. Federal Reserve made no change to the federal funds rate at its meeting on Wednesday. Of note, the Fed statement said that officials expect to begin to reduce its holdings of Treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) "relatively soon." Investors think that this policy change may be announced as early as the next meeting on September 20. The statement also slightly changed its description for inflation as "running below 2%" instead of "running somewhat below 2%." Concerns that the Fed might be more hawkish had caused mortgage rates to rise on Tuesday, but the increase was reversed on Wednesday when the statement contained no surprises.

While the Fed is currently holding its balance sheet steady and plans to soon begin to shrink it, the European Central Bank (ECB) is still adding to its portfolio. At the ECB meeting on July 20, investors were hoping to learn more about the ECB's plans for its massive bond purchase program next year. Investors were disappointed by a lack of new information, though, as ECB President Draghi only provided the vague guidance that the discussion about when to begin scaling back the program should take place "in the fall."

The housing data released this week revealed that home sales have been holding fairly steady in recent months, despite a lack of inventory in many markets. In June, sales of previously owned homes decreased a little from May, but they still were higher than a year ago. Total inventory of homes for sale fell slightly to a 4.3-month supply, and it was 7% lower than a year ago. In addition, the median existing-home price was 7% higher than a year ago.

Week Ahead

Looking ahead, the Durable Goods Report will be released on Thursday. The first reading for second quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the broadest measure of economic growth, will come out on Friday. The core Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) Price Index, the inflation indicator favored by the Fed, will be released on August 1. The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Manufacturing Index also will come out on August 1, and the next Employment Report will be released on August 4. 

Contact me to discuss how I can help your clients with their mortgage needs.
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Hi sula,


John is launching his newest version of Music Marketing Manifesto and he's one of the few people in this business who's programs I love because they work!
And because I just launched my new book Social Media Tuneup last Friday, I'm adding it as a bonus when you buy John's program! If you already bought the book I will refund your book if you decide that MMM is right for you!
If you don't know him already, John is a major label recording artist turned music marketing guru, and my dear friend.
His newest project Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 just went LIVE!
There's is a special EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT and that saves you $50 if you register here. Plus you get a free copy of my book!

What is Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 and who is John Oszajca?

John Oszajca is one of the leading authorities on Direct to Fan Marketing for musicians. His experience as both a major label recording artist and a successful internet entrepreneur has given him a rare and valuable perspective on what it takes to sell music in the wild market of 2017.
Music Marketing Manifesto 4.0 is a brand new training program, in which John will show you the exact strategy that he has used to help countless artists climb to the top of various Billboard, iTunes, Amazon, Barns & Noble, and CD Baby sales charts. This strategy even led to one artist landing a GRAMMY nomination earlier this year!
In MMM 4.0, John allows you to watch over his shoulder and see how it's done. From A to Z, with nothing left out.
Watch this video to see what you'll get when you sign up!

MMM 4.0 is a multimedia course containing over 25 videos, the New and Improved MMM Website Template, custom email templates, case studies, and - my favorite part - an interactive members area where you can ask questions along the way and get direct assistance from John and his team!
You can save $50 (that's 25%) if you sign up RIGHT NOW! But remember, this is just an EARLY BIRD discount and the price WILL be going up soon.
And apparently, I'm not the only person impressed by this course...

"Before I bought MMM I had about 500 email subscribers and had sold less than 300 copies of my latest album. But then I came across MMM and applied the core strategy to my career. Now my email list is over 30,000 and I have sold over 9,000 copies of that same album. At one point that album was near the top of 9 different Billboard charts, simultaneously. Amazing!" –  Josh Solomon | Empty Pockets

"John Oszajca helped me with the marketing on my last two albums. Both albums climbed to #5 on Billboard's Blues Charts, and the last one was nominated for a GRAMMY. John is my music marketing Ninja! Follow his advice and your music career will flourish." – Janiva Magness

If you're a musician who is tired of relying on the old "if you build it they will come" strategies that most independent musicians are relying on, and you'd like to start applying practical, PROVEN marketing strategies that actually get results... 

Then this one's a no brainer!

Assim como o nosso direito de luta em defesa do meio abiente. Precisamos de ajuda antes que seja tarde demais. 

Defenda os Corais da Amazônia
Duas gigantes petroleiras tem planos de explorar a região e o vazamento pode causar danos irreparáveis aos Corais da Amazônia. A hora de agir é agora, precisamos da sua ajuda!