Wednesday, September 20, 2017

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Organizing for Action

Here's what we've seen over the past two weeks.

Hurricane Harvey's rains displaced millions and left parts of Texas and Louisiana underwater for days. Hurricane Irma -- a storm whose historic magnitude was worsened by unusually warm water -- struck, and millions of families are still picking up the pieces. Wildfires continue to burn across western states.

"Mind-blowing" rainfall totals. Millions evacuated. Cities choked with smoke. All in the span of two weeks, during the second-hottest year ever recorded on Earth.

These are devastating disasters. But we can't keep pretending it's all a coincidence.

The overwhelming majority of climate scientists -- 97 percent of them -- have been telling us for years that climate change is real and man-made. We are starting to see what that means right now: It's making these events worse, threatening our communities and people's lives.

Most of us have heard these warnings loud and clear, as a majority of Americans want our country to lead the way and take aggressive action on climate change. That news hasn't made its way to the White House, though. In nine months, here's the administration's climate "action":
  • They announced our country's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, breaking our promise to nearly every nation in the world that we'd join together to cut carbon pollution and fight climate change.

  • They're cutting the EPA, proposing massive budget cuts, and lowering staff levels -- public servants and nonpartisan scientists who just want to help protect our climate and public health -- to what they were in the 1980s.

  • They announced plans to revoke the Clean Power Plan, common-sense standards that speed up our transition to clean energy and limit the carbon pollution that causes climate change.
We can stop climate change. But this administration and their rubber stamps in Congress clearly care more about big polluters, donors, and lobbyists than they do about our climate and public health. So much so that they're willing to ignore what's happening right in front of our noses. We deserve better.

These disasters have brought out the best in the American people -- whether it's neighbors checking in on neighbors, volunteers in boats coming to the rescue, or someone from across the country donating to relief efforts. Events like these should bring out the best in our politicians, too.

Demand action on climate change -- let your friends on Facebook and Twitter know where you stand:

Demand action on climate change.

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Organizing for Action


               Brazilian Film Screening Series                      

 News & Updates

Brazil Week 2017
Brazilian Film Screening Series                      
Friday, September 01,08,15, 22 and 29
6pm to 8pm
Every Friday in September a different movie.
Genre:Action, Comedy, Drama and Romance. 
Debate and a pocket show immediately follows each movie. 
Music performance by  Alexandre Cavalcante and surprise guests. 

August 29 to September 29.
 4:00pm - 5:00pm  
Brazilian Cultural Workshop Series for kids
Workshops will begin on August 29 and continue every Tuesday in September. 
It's a special program for kids where they will be introduced to Brazilian arts and crafts, music and dance.
This Project is geared towards educating young people through promoting a greater awareness of richness of Afro Brazilian culture and traditions.
This Series for Kids also offers light exercises in physical fitness.

      For more information, please contact Silvana Magda    
Email:   Tel: (917) 528-8151

The Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal bill could rip health care away from millions, cause costs and premiums to skyrocket, and end Medicaid as we know it. Call Congress right now.

The Senate is voting to repeal Obamacare within the next two weeks.



Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Brazilian - American Chamber of Commerce , INC

Celebrates INDEPENDENCE DAY reception at the  Racquet & Tennis Club, NEW YORK Formers Directors , Ambassadors, Partnerships and Members attended the event in the last september 7, 2017 .

José Leonilson: Empty Man

The Visual Arts Gallery opens Wednesday through Saturday from 12 p.m. to 6 pm

Event Funders

SEU JORGE PRESENTS: The Life Aquatic, A Tribute to David Bowie

September 27 at Beacon Theatre in New York, NY

In commemoration of David Bowie’s recent passing, Seu Jorge performs a special tribute to him while recreating the set to the film A Life Aquatic on stage alongside screens crafted as boat sails that will be displaying images from the film.

Performance Thursday, September 21, 2017 | 8 PM

Radames Gnattali Quartet

Weill Recital Hall
The Radamés Gnattali Quartet performs works by Heitor Villa-Lobos. In 2012, the ensemble recorded all 17 string quartets written by the composer. Villa-Lobos wrote quartets throughout his life, creating a unique texture, color, and idiomatic style using the influences of folk and urban Brazilian music. This program includes some of the composer’s most beloved works and celebrates his 130th year of birth


booth B133

September 21-34, 2017 at COEX hall B


galerie bruno massa is pleased to announce its second participation in the sixteen edition ofKIAF ART SEOUL. The biggest & more prestigious art fair in Korea strives to bring together groundbreaking and thought-provoking artworks of the highest quality in order to realize its ideal of becoming the pre-eminent art platform of South Korea. By nurturing the continued growth of the Korean art market and serving as a conduit between Asia and the international scene, KIAF ART SEOUL has become a principal destination for art professionals and enthusiasts worldwide. In addition, by inviting key curators, collectors, and other figures from across the world, KIAF ART SEOUL facilitates the introduction of vibrant new Korean art to the global art scene, thus revitalizing and spurring fresh interest in the arts.
사)한국화랑협회가 주최하는 아시아 최대의 아트마켓인 2017 한국국제아트페어(KIAF 2017 ART SEOUL)가 9월 21일(목)부터 24일(일)까지 코엑스 A, B 홀에서 개최됩니다. 제 16회를 맞이하는 KIAF 2017 ART SEOUL 은 매년 명성 높은 국제적 갤러리들이 엄격히 엄선되어, 현대미술을 선보이는 한국 최고의 아트마켓입니다.  KIAF ART SEOUL은 한국 미술계뿐 아니라 아시아를 중심으로 전세계 주요 컬렉터와 미술 관계자들이 한 자리에 모이는 미술축제로서, 특히 2015년부터 이 전세계 미술 애호가들을 초대하는 VIP 초대 프로그램을 운영하여 큰 반향을 만들어가고 있습니다. 이번 KIAF 2017 ART SEOUL에서는 보다 확장된 초대 프로그램은 물론 솔로 / 하일라이트 섹션의 신설, 다양한 컨버세이션과 파티 프로그램의 개발을 통해 더욱 활발히 아시아 현대 미술은 물론 전세계적 현대미술의 흐름을 소개하며, 즐거운 축제를 만들어갈 예정입니다.


Private Preview & Vernissage
Wednesday, September 20 | 3 pm - 8 pm (by invitation only)

General Admission
Thursday, September 21 | 11 am - 19.30 pm
Friday, September 22 | 11 am - 19.30 pm
Saturday, September 23 | 11 am - 19.30 pm
Sunday, September 24 | 11 am - 17.00 pm

COEX hall A & B
Seoul, South Korea


galerie bruno massa
102, rue des Poissonniers
75018 Paris, France

from October 1st 2017
66, avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris, France

tel. +33 (0) 6 61 00 10 33 via Viber & WhatsApp
by appointment from Monday to Friday
11am - 8pm

on Messenger - KakaoTalk - Viber - WhatsApp 
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