Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Paid for by Organizing for Action.


Coming up:


December 16 & 17
Dec 16th – Sat. 2:30pm
OBACH Educational and Community Concerts!
A string ensemble from Brasilia specialized in baroque and new music. 
Co-Produced with the Uptown Dreamers Alumni Association
Featuring the Premiere of “The Seventh Seal” an Instrumental Fantasy based on themes from the opera byJoão MacDowell
School Auditorium: P.S. 128
560 West 169th St. (Off of Broadway)
Free admission!
“We believe the best championship is a scholarship. We train kids in academics and athletics and now we are bringing more of the Arts into the school.”
– Coach Dace Crenshaw (Community Organizer for Harlem Concert) 

Dec 16th – Sat. 8pm
OBACH Educational and Community Concerts!
A string ensemble from Brasilia specialized in baroque and new music. 
Our Lady of Pompeii Shrine Church
25 Carmine St, New York, NY 10014
Christmas Community Concert featuring the OBACH Ensemble,
Featuring “The Seventh Seal” an Instrumental Fantasy based on themes from the opera by João MacDowell
Guest Performer: soprano Kristin Young
Free admission!

Dec 17th – Sunday 2pm
OBACH Educational and Community Concerts!
A string ensemble from Brasilia specialized in baroque and new music. 
Grace Church Van Vorst 
39 Erie Street – Jersey City, NJ 07302
Christmas Community Concert featuring the OBACH Ensemble
Featuring “The Seventh Seal” an Instrumental Fantasy based on themes from the opera by João MacDowell
Free admission!

December 17th – Sunday 8pm
Aldo Finzi Concert
Carnegie Hall, Stern Auditorium, Perelman Stage
Garden State Philharmonic

Alessandro Calcagnile, Conductor
Learn More:
Co-produced by IBOC and ACE SRLS Italia

Other Events We Support!
IBOC associate composer Angelica Faria along with her Intercultural Art and Healing Project will be presenting Tribute Concerts to honor the eighteenth-century Brazilian Composer Jose Mauricio Nunes.

Dec 12 & 13 – 8 PM – Concert
The Intercultural Art and Healing Project presents:
450 West 37th Street  – Benzaquen Hall

Previous Events:


Brazilian Chorus

May 23rd – Tuesday – 7:30pm

At Our Lady of Pompeii Shrine Church
25 Carmine St. West Village, NY.
Free Admission
The International Brazilia Opera Company presents a repertoire of spiritual music.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

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Organizing for Action

On the Senate floor late Friday night, before this tax scam passed with 51 votes, I asked my colleagues a simple question: "If we want to cut middle-class taxes, why don't we give a tax cut to the middle class?"

Not one of the 51 senators who voted for the bill answered me.

Senate leaders have tried for months to sell this as a "middle-class plan." But they can't pretend anymore. They know what the American people know:

These tax breaks aren't going to workers, or to create new jobs, or to struggling Ohioans or Texans or Virginians. They're going to corporate stockholders and executive bonuses.

Fight back with OFA, and stand up for a plan that helps the middle class.

Non-partisan estimates say that if this bill passes, it will add a trillion dollars or more to our deficit.

And when this same group of senators turns around, weeks or months from now, to decide it's time to cut spending ... they'll do it by slashing the programs that so many Americans rely upon most: Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.

Some of them have already started threatening these programs, all so we can make the lives of billionaires and wealthy corporations a little easier.

It's cruel, irresponsible, and morally reprehensible. I won't stand for what it will do to Ohio and to our country. I hope you won't, either.

OFA is fighting for progress, and they need your help. Say you're in today:

I'm in

 Orientações de brindes, presentes e hospitalidade
Com a aproximação da temporada de festas de final de ano, queremos reforçar a nossa política de recebimento e oferecimento de brindes, presentes e hospitalidade, que orienta e auxilia a conduta dos nossos empregados em relação ao tema.
Na certeza de que vocês, nossos parceiros, compreendem nossos valores, princípios e políticas, gostaríamos de contar com sua colaboração no sentido de conhecer e disseminar essa política para todos os seus colaboradores que possuam relacionamento conosco ou com qualquer outra empresa do Sistema Petrobras.
Vale destacar que os nossos empregados não estão autorizados a aceitar ou oferecer presentes de/para quaisquer indivíduos, sociedades ou empresas que pretendem fazer negócios conosco ou que já são nossos parceiros.
Caso tenha interesse em conhecer a nossa política, acesse aqui
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