Friday, January 26, 2018

What you should have been informed before the tax reform
and how you may be impacted

-Do you own any companies abroad?
-Are you a partial owner in a family business?
-Exemption system – New Law!
-Transition tax – New Law!
-US Estate Tax Changes
-Mortgage Interest payments
-Corporate Tax

Join us on Feb. 15th for a breakfast discussion featuring Ray Lopez-Levi,
CPA,CVA,CFF, Managing Partner & Founder Lopez Levi Lowenstein Glinsky.
Learn more about Ray Lopez-Levi - click here

Connect with us

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038, Miami, FL

IT/Procurement Leadership Forum on Software Audits and Contract Lifecycle Management

You're Invited
Please join us for our next 
IT/Procurement Leadership Forum on Software Audits 
Thursday, February 1, 2018
12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Lunch will be provided.  

We are pleased to bring together industry experts in technology and procurement to host the next IT/Procurement Leadership Forum in Miami, FL. Join us as we discuss current legal and business issues facing customers in the technology and procurement space. 
Your organization will most likely be audited. In this session, featured speakers Andrew Geyer and John Gary Maynard of Hunton & Williams LLP will discuss contracting tips to help prepare companies for a software audit, including common licensor compliance issues companies may face and steps to take once an audit has commenced. These forums are designed to provide an in-depth understanding of these issues, as well as key practical and legal principles to apply on a routine basis. 
Hunton & Williams LLP will seek CLE credit for this program in FL. Please note that CLE credit hours are not guaranteed and are subject to each state’s approval rules.
Use OFA's call tool to get in touch with a key member today and urge the to act.

It's going to be a big year, so join in now. Get involved by hosting a Civic Power Party on January 30.

Organizing for Action

In less than one week, the president will address the nation in the State of the Union address.

The speech will draw breathless media coverage and consume Washington, D.C. -- but on January 30th, OFA volunteers will be focusing on what matters instead.

Volunteers around the country are coming together the night of the State of the Union to make sure they, and their friends and family, are committed to voting for the issues that are most important to them in November.

2018 is a crucial year for our communities, and we can't afford to be distracted. Research shows that committing to vote -- and telling your friends and family about your plans -- increases voter turnout. That's why we need your help.

Here's the thing: Our vote is our voice, but we probably all know at least one person who doesn't use it, especially during midterm elections.

What would happen if we all talked to the people we're close to and got them to commit to vote this year? What would November bring then?

In the coming months, we'll be working as a team to make sure everyone in our networks shows up at the polls.

Help us make this a historic year. This January 30th, have a few conversations to get your friends and family to say a simple phrase, "I commit to vote." You'll have a much bigger impact than you will spending the night watching TV:

I'm in

Jack Shapiro
Director of Policy and Campaigns
Organizing for Action
São Paulo City Anniversary - 464 years
 São Paulo City Anniversary is one of the sixteen market holidays observed by the Brazilian Stock Exchange each year. 

In this year the CCBB - Banco d Brasil offered a fantanstic exhibition with the artist  Jean Michael Basquiat. The retrospect of the artist reaches Sao Paulo in the anniversary of the city.

With impeccable curatory of the dutchman Pieter Tjabbes, that  specialized in large exposure and education cuts, principally the developed ones with the great cultural centres of the country. Tjabbes si founder of Art Unlimited, enterprise of cultural production that brings together a team responsible for all the aspects of the curatory and realization of an exhibition.

        The curator Pieter Tjabbes
      Secretary of culture of city of Sao Paulo - Andre Sirmon


Olá, SULA.

A Opinião Consultiva 24/17, do dia 24 de novembro, da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos foi divulgada no dia 9/01.
Nesse documento a Corte de São José respondeu às consultas da Costa Rica sobre a mudança de sexo nos registros civis e os direitos patrimoniais dos “casais” formados por pessoas do mesmo sexo.
Extrapolando seu mandato de interpretar a Convenção Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, a Corte respondeu endossando a mudança de sexo com o simples registro administrativo e o reconhecimento do “matrimônio” entre pessoas do mesmo sexo.
Assine a petição para enviar um e-mail à Corte Interamericana:
O texto começa afirmando que a “orientação sexual e a identidade de gênero são categorias protegidas na Convenção Americana”. Falso! Não há nenhuma referência a nenhum desses conceitos na Convenção.
Mesmo assim a Corte assume os pressupostos da ideologia de gênero, a saber:
  • “A identidade sexual é a vivência interna e individual do gênero tal como cada pessoa a sente, a qual poderia corresponder ou não ao sexo assignado no momento do nascimento.”
  • “O reconhecimento da identidade de gênero pelo Estado é de vital importância para garantir o pleno gozo dos direitos humanos das pessoas trans.” Tudo isso no marco da liberdade pessoal e do direito ao pleno desenvolvimento da personalidade.
Desse modo, a Corte conclui que a proteção não deve ser apenas contra a violência, a tortura, os maus tratos, mas também deve estender-se à mudança de nome, à adequação da imagem e à modificação do sexo ou do gênero nos registros e nos documentos de identidade de acordo com o que a pessoa declarar.
A Corte também afirma o seguinte:
“Trata-se de um direito protegido na Convenção Americana. Os estados são obrigados a reconhecer, regular e estabelecer os procedimentos adequados para tais fins”.
Para que a mudança seja feita, será exigida apenas a expressão da vontade “livre e informada”.
A Corte também conclui que os estados devem proteger os direitos patrimoniais de duplas homossexuais. Para que isso seja feito, determina que os estados sejam obrigados a reconhecer o casamento homossexual. Mais uma ingerência indevida na soberania dos países do continente americano, a qual abrirá precedentes para novas e ainda mais graves interferências.
Assine a petição para enviar um e-mail à Corte Interamericana e pedir que retifique a decisão, que representa uma grande ameaça à soberania dos países da América Latina.

We help clients understand customer needs and behaviors using our market approach and develop actionable segmentation from the resulting insights. We help clients define the target customer —the area of distinct advantage over competitors—to inform business decisions and investment allocation. We help firms break down barriers to innovation and improve ongoing customer-led product development so their value proposition is differentiated and meets customer needs.
BACCF 2018 - Luncheon featuring Gesner Oliveira, GO Associados

In spite of the turbulence and the unexpected, 2017 was a positive year for Brazil. Important reforms were approved, a recovery took shape, and fundamentals improved:  GDP growth is likely to register 1%; inflation is at 2.8%; and the Selic rate dropped to 7%.  The Temer administration’s focus on improving fiscal management, however, has produced mixed results.  Public expenditures continue to grow faster than GDP, with the primary fiscal deficit widening to 2.6% of GDP. Unless reforms are made to public and private sector social security, the fiscal accounts will ultimately collapse. 
2018 will be a decisive year.  Economic growth could accelerate to 3%, due largely to improving household consumption.  Capital spending continues near recessionary levels, and without material increases to capital investment, the recovery could prove unsustainable.  The economic and policy challenges now facing Brazil are compounded by this year’s presidential election. Who will be the candidates?  Can the political center define a viable single unifying candidate?  Positive developments could cause sentiment to change quickly, stimulating a rebound in investment and with it, sustained growth.
Tarsila do Amaral: Inventing Modern Art in Brazil
Doc Fortnight 2018: MoMA’s International Festival of Nonfiction Film and Media
February 15–26, 2018
The Museum of Modern Art
Doc Fortnight, MoMA’s annual international festival of nonfiction film, returns for its 17th year with 12 days of innovative approaches to documentary filmmaking. Featuring a diverse assortment of features and short films from across the globe, the festival continues to highlight the vibrant and varied styles of independent filmmakers—both emerging and established—around the world.
In recognition of the recent passing of award-winning filmmaker Jonathan Demme, this year’s festival includes a retrospective of several documentaries made during his prolific career. And at a time of escalating sociopolitical tension, Doc Fortnight continues to showcase nonfiction film that challenges our perceptions of the changing world and the traditional model of documentary cinema.
Organized by Kathy Brew, Guest Curator, with Gianna Collier-Pitts.
TAP & TOM with tap dancer Felipe Galganni and Bossa Nova music
With musical direction by award winning Carlos Bauzys      
Felipe Galganni's TAP & TOM is a concert blending tap dance and bossa nova with musical direction by Brazilian maestro award winning Carlos Bauzys.  Using Tom Jobim's compositions, we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the creation of bossa nova and Jobim's 90th birthday with an evening of tap dance and live music.
The cast includes Christina Carminucci, Pedro Coppeti, Josh Davis, Xavier Del Castillo, Chikako Iwahori, Alex MacDonald, Alice Reyes, Jackie Ribas, Tony Romano, Samara Seligsohn, Felipe Viegas, Wallace Stelzer and more!

Sula Costa | Costa Consulting Co

COSTA CONSULTING CO works in the creation of strategic and tactical actions to reach the objectives and results of the business of its customers. We have experience in understanding what we need, what we serve, in addition to pointing out the needs of each client and evaluating the proposals. Therefore, COSTA CONSULTING CO works based on the following fundamentals: knowing what is needed; know how to ask and know how to evaluate the solutions presented. Best Regards
Sula Costa Executive Director
+ 55 61 3045-6949
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