Friday, February 16, 2018

Art by Rene Nascimento

Abstract by Rene Nascimento

Evening Classes: Introduction to Brazilian Modern Art at MoMA
Instructor: Karen Grimson (curatorial assistant of Tarsila's Exhibition)
When: 4 Classes: March 15March 22March 29April 5
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:50 PM
Price: Nonmember $355, Member $325, Student/Educator Museum Staff $250

More info and Registration click HERE  

About the classes  
This class offers an overview of the artists and artworks that radicalized the visual arts scene in Brazil during the first half of the 20th century. Focusing on the emergence of Brazilian modernism during the seminal “Semana de Arte Moderna” of 1922 in São Paulo, this class will take a chronological approach, drawing connections between the release of the Manifesto Antropófago in 1928 and the subsequent generation of artists who revived the movement’s influence in the 1950s and ’60s.  We will visit the Museum’s galleries, including the exhibition Tarsila do Amaral: Inventing Modern Art in Brazil, and the Museum’s study centers, where we will look closely at selected works pulled from storage especially for this class.

Karen Grimson is a curatorial assistant in MoMA’s Department of Drawings and Prints and has been involved in the organization of the exhibition Tarsila do Amaral: Inventing Modern Art in Brazil, the first monographic exhibition in the US devoted to the Brazilian artist.
The Consulate General of Brazil in New York is a sponsor of the exhibition 
"Tarsila do Amaral: Inventing Modern Art In Brazil" 
Copyright © 2016, Consulate General of Brazil in New York 

Our mailing address is:
220 East 42nd Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY, 10017

BACCF 2018 - Luncheon featuring Gesner Oliveira, GO Associados
Electoral Year:
Current Developments, Trends and Challenges of the Brazilian Economy

Join us on Feb. 23rd for a luncheon featuring Gesner Oliveira, Partner of GO Associados and Professor of Economics at Fundação Getulio Vargas.
Learn more about Gesner Oliveira - click here

BACCF members: $60
Future members: $75

Connect with us

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038Miami, FL 33231

John Ford o modelo goiano segue carreira internacional na 



Disposto a mostrar que é muito  mais que um rosto bonito (e um corpo idem), o jovem goiano faz parte de um time de modelos brasileiros acaba de estrear sua carreira como modelo internacional.
Desde que se mudou para New York em 2015, para uma intensa temporada de estudos,  John Ford aproveitou a capital fashionista para explorar seus talentos que vão além dos atributos físicos. Lançado como modelo em Nova York, através de uma assessoria de profissionais brasileiros, como o fotografo Denny Silva e a assessora paulista Maria Emilia Genovesi, o jovem goiano resolveu dedicar-se às campanhas que tratam sobre o lifestyle de Nova York, onde as pessoas vivem sob diferentes pontos de vista. 
As campanhas que incluem John Ford Model falam  sobre tendências de moda no "Gray Style", que passa grande parte de seu dia fazendo visitas as locações de cinema mais famosas de Nova York em "Pipoca Rosa". 
John Ford acaba de retornar aos EUA, após visita aos avós maternos e de sua mãe , a jornalista Sula Costa, que está o Brasil, residindo em São Paulo atualmente.

Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce of Florida | P.O. Box 310038Miami, FL 33231

Fashion Week. Join us on February 14th
for NYC @ Live ! 

Get Your Tickets

NYC  Event Spaces App is Now Available  

NYC Event Spaces, 4 West 43rd St., New York, NY 10036

Organizing for Action

In 2008, the big banks crashed our economy, and President Obama inherited one heck of a mess. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, millions lost their homes, millions lost their life savings -- all because of Wall Street's reckless greed.

Ten years later, this administration and many in Congress seem to have forgotten all about the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Now they are trying to jam a bill through the Senate that would roll back Dodd-Frank -- the rules that President Obama signed into law to help regulate the big banks and protect American families. This bill would let some of the very same big banks that broke our economy go back to the way things were before the American taxpayers bailed them out.

I call this bill the Bank Lobbyist Act -- because that's who it's for, after all.

If we don't speak out right now, the Senate could roll back these banking regulations as soon as this month. Sign on with OFA now and add your voice to those speaking out against legislation that lets the big banks go back to gambling with our economy.

Even a decade later, too many Americans are still feeling the effects of the 2008 crisis. The stock market may be doing better -- but that doesn't matter a whole lot to families living paycheck-to-paycheck who can't afford any stock.

Lots of the folks who were wiped out will never recover. They won't get new houses or build up a retirement plan. Some are back at work, but at lower-paying jobs. And others are drowning in debt. They are still paying the price for the banks' recklessness.

The very last thing that we should be doing is taking the cop off the beat on Wall Street -- and letting these big banks put more at risk.

If you agree there should be a level playing field -- not one rigged in favor of giant banks -- speak up with OFA now.

We must stop our leaders in Washington from rolling back the rules President Obama signed into law. We must prevent another financial crisis:

I'm in

Paid for by Organizing for Action.