Friday, March 9, 2018

Afternoon Seminar with Sem Fronteiras Press

  March 21, 2018 
  Time: 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
  Location: Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., New York, New York

This hour and a half long afterschool workshop for kids based on two children’s picture books, Stolen Spirit and Without Words, which introduces a brief overview of Brazil’s early history while encouraging young people to think about their Brazilian heritage through their personal experiences as immigrants, or as the children of immigrants.  This workshop would present some general information about Brazil’s early history through a brief discussion, but it will also be interactive.   
Stolen Spirit, which takes place in 1500, focuses on the arrival of the Portuguese from an Indian boy’s point of view.   We can bring objects such as a sample of brazilwood to talk about how Brazil got its name and why the Portuguese were interested in this land. That would be Part I of the workshop.  We would base Part II of the workshop on our book Without Words, which is about a Brazilian immigrant boy who uses his talent for draw to adapt to life in the United States.  We would encourage kids or draw or to write about some personal experience they had with Brazil, and then share that memory with everyone else if they are comfortable. 

More information :

"Me, My Father and the Cariocas" , by Lucia Veríssimo    MARCH 24 @ 7:30 PM - Followed by Q&A with Director
Symphony Space
  More infomration:


Evening Classes: Introduction
to Brazilian Modern Art

Next on Thursday, March 15, 7:00 p.m.
The Museum of Modern Art
Tarsila do Amaral. Abaporu. 1928. Oil on canvas, 33 7/16 x 28 3/4″ (85 x 73 cm). Collection MALBA, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires. © Tarsila do Amaral Licenciamentos

 Instructor: Karen Grimson
4 Thursdays; registration is open throughout
For more information, please e-mail

"Me, My Father and the Cariocas" , by Lucia Veríssimo    MARCH 24 @ 7:30 PM - Followed by Q&A with Director
Symphony Space

Pop up Show curated by Gisela Gueiros (8 Brazilian Artists)  
MARCH 8 @ 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Bird Williamsburg
More information:




Whole Bead Show New York

Image result for Whole Bead Show New York"Gems & Jewellery industry trade fair"
Whole Bead Show New York is a 3 day event being held at the New York Hotel Pennsylvania in New York, United States Of America. This event showcases products like brings together a large number of eminent professional experts and the latest industry information and newest products are highlighted here etc. in the Gems & Jewelry industry. 

Have you ever wanted to work with me as your coach on your mindset, marketing or social media? If so, this is your chance
(for less than a hundred bucks!)
We have put our heads, hearts and our best materials together to create a powerful 3 week class that will help you get out of overwhelm and into ACTION.
In our combined 37 years of working with artists, managers, labels, and music industry professionals, we have learned a lot and this course is designed to laser-focus you in just three short weeks.
New call-to-action
We have intentionally designed this course to NOT take up too much precious time, so that you don’t get into analysis paralysis and you DO GET INTO ACTION!
MONDAYS MARCH 12, 19 & 26, 2018 at 8 PM EST
Monday March 12 – 8 PM EST - 45 minutes
We all have goals but so many of us never seem to cross them off the list!
  • Identify what may be holding you back
  • Get into action around what you want in your career
  • Identify your 3 small and 3 big bucket-list goals and lay them out in achievable order
Monday March 19 – 8 PM EST - 45 minutes
Ariel will lead you through all the components of her Social Media Tuneup process (which clients pay thousands of dollars for at Cyber PR)
  • Get your online narrative tightened up
  • Identify your social media themes
  • Stop being all over the place and start honing in on the fans that actually matter with messages that resonate 
Monday March 26 – 8 PM EST – 90+ minutes!
This final session will be where you create your unique timeline –  we will help you to lay out the next few months (and longer if that’s your thing!) using Suz’s brilliant book The Rockstar Life Planner, and my book Crowdstart - both books come with this course.
  • There is a way to plan so you get goals achieved fast VS getting overwhelmed - did you know that?
  • We will be available to answer any questions and address what you need 
  • You walk away not only with your plan and a clear path to get it but also with a new network of supportive friends who will be there to support you!
Because trying to do it all alone never works
Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 9.19.22 PM.png
You get BOTH books Crowdstart and The Rockstar Life Planner plus a very rare opportunity to be coached by me (and Suz of aka the Rockstar Advocate)
The price will increase very soon - so act now.
Hope to See You on Facebook in just a few days!
X Ariel & Suz

International Vision Expo & Conference

Image result for International Vision Expo & Conference

  • 16-18 Mar 2018
  • Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New YorkUSA
"The optical industry exhibition of USA"
International Vision Expo & Conference is a 3 day event being held from 16th to 18th March 2018 at the Javits Center in New York, United States Of America. This event showcases like eyecare industry, optical technology and and the best ophthalmic business solutions, specialty product pavilions and the premier Education program in North America etc. in the Education & Training industry. 

Paid for by Organizing for Action.
March 9, 2018
Social Commerce Continues to Evolve
A millennial-focused Cowen and Company survey, conducted in December 2017, shed light on the current state of social commerce. All social platforms have influence on purchase behavior, and—no surprise—more so among younger users. Read Article
eMarketer Roundup: Social Media and AI – Download Now
Social media advertisers are looking beyond the hype and mysticism of artificial intelligence, and seeing its potential for effective campaign management and optimization. This eMarketer Roundup, presented by Brand Networks, contains articles, insights and interviews on AI and how it can support your social campaigns.
Receive my copy.
Home Improvement; Junk Mail; T-Commerce
"The Short List" is a quick rundown of the numbers you need to know today:

Amazon’s Improving: Most still think of The Home Depot or Lowe’s for tools and home improvement needs, but according to analysis by One Click Retail, Amazon is gaining on them, driven by home automation products like smart electrical plugs. Home Depot’s online sales grew 7.5% year over year, while Amazon’s sales of tools and home improvement products rose 25%.

Spam Folders Seeing More Action: The number of commercial emails getting delivered to spam folders continues to rise. Per Return Path, 13.5% bypassed users’ inboxes in 2017, compared with 12.5% in 2016 and 12% in 2015. Online retailers specializing in sporting goods, office supplies, and flowers and gifts had the highest rates of emails ending up in junk folders.

Read More
©2018 eMarketer, Inc. 11 Times Square, New York, NY 10036
Acabamos de receber a notícia de que a mineradora australiana BHP desistiu de duas áreas exploratórias na Bacia da Foz do Amazonas, que havia arrematado por mais de R$ 30 milhões. Esse é um importante sinal de que a pressão de 1,8 milhão de pessoas já tem dado resultado!
Mas, apesar da desistência da BHP, as empresas, a francesa Total e a britânica BP, insistem em perfurar nessa região sensível, que pode ser destruída em caso de um derramamento de óleo. Precisamos aumentar ainda mais a pressão! Faça sua parte:
 Assine a petição agora
PS: Quer entender melhor essa história e por que os Corais da Amazônia são tão importantes para serem preservados? Confira o primeiro episódio de uma minissérie para a Internet, de quatro capítulos.

Assista o vídeo
Contamos com a sua ajuda!
Thiago Almeida
Greenpeace Brasil

Shoptalk -- March 18-21, 2018 -- Venetian, Las Vegas

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Brazilian Galleries at "The Armory Show"   
MARCH 8  - 12    
Piers 92 & 94 (Manhattan)


— Financial Times
Staged on Piers 92 & 94, The Armory Show features presentations by over 200 leading international galleries, innovative artist commissions and dynamic public programs.
PIERS 92 & 94

Twelfth Avenue at 55th Street
New York City
Wednesday, March 7


Thursday, March 8, 12–8pm
Friday, March 9, 12–8pm
Saturday, March 10, 12–8pm
Sunday, March 11, 12–6pm

More information: Line
The Tank
New York, NY
"Are you morally so old-fashioned as to regard female vanity as frivolous?" 

This is how Helen Palmer questions her readers about the importance of keeping vanity up to date. Helen is the pseudonym of Clarice Lispector, a Ukrainian writer naturalized Brazilian who used her column in several newspapers to give beauty and femininity tips to women all around the country. The issues raised by Clarice at the time come against the annoyances of Gio Mielle, a Brazilian actress based in NY since 2015. 

It is 2018 and feminism, a subject in constant evidence, still leads Gios imaginary to an obsessive interest about her universe as a woman. She finds herself bothered with issues that do not match with her own idea of a woman's place in the world today. Why, despite struggling to make every women know her power and her uniqueness, I still look in the mirror and find myself bothered by a new line that appears on my face? 

Perhaps Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty, was responsible for creating the first frame of femininity. The figure of a woman coming out of her shell, hair traversing the body, an image full of sensuality and mystery. The goddess who is far from being human, but who finds in the common people the mirror of desperation of who wants to be like her. Is it human to seek perfection? Is human the search for the ideal body, the angelic face, the smooth skin? The humanity of imperfect human-being leads to a kind of inhumanization when it gets to the constant attempt to perfect itself. Human-perfect-inhuman, should that be the goal in a womens life?

What to do with the bombardment of images, products, advertisements that crosses us daily trying to make us need more to be the woman they require me to be - and that we often still try to be. The lines bother, the routines of beauty are still part of the day to day and the discomfort is constant when most women think about what others see on them. Who are these women who live a plastic life, who exaggerate in beauty products, who do all sorts of procedure in the desperation of being as perfect as the model of the magazine. And how much do I have of them? Lines, they bother.

Gio presents a show that touches these subjects sometimes in a personal way, others in a critical, ironic and reflexive way, always bringing to the scene the physical theater that is characteristic of her work as an actress. The text is based on the articles by Helen Palmer - Clarice Lispector - printed in the columns and feminine supplements of the Brazilian press during the 50s and 60s. 

From hypocrisy to exposure, this is the result of Gio Mielles own discomfort with the lines that make her the woman she is today.

MOre information:


The Black Body in Brazilian Dance
A place of resistance and invention, a practice of hope
Screening of Um Filme de Dança
Documentary directed and produced by Carmen Luz
In Portuguese with English subtitles

Post-screening conversation with director Carmen Luz,
PhD student Maria Fantinato and performer Autumn Knight.
Event in Portuguese/English, translation available.

“And the blacks? Where are the black people?” Jean-Paul Sartre asked on a visit to Brazil in 1960. The question still resonates today and motivated UM FILME DE DANÇA, a pioneering documentary on the history of Brazilian dance. Filmed in four major Brazilian cities and in New York, this documentary shows the personal histories, philosophies and work of some of the most active black creators of dance in Brazil. It celebrates the perseverance of black dancers and choreographers of different generations and the black body’s dominion over its own dance. Carmen Luz is a prize-winning filmmaker, choreographer and art educator. She started her professional life as an actor, dancer and teacher, and has studied literature, theater, film and art. In 1994, she founded her contemporary dance company and in 1997, opened a pioneering dance and theater education project for youth, children and adults in the Andaraí favela in Rio de Janeiro. Carmen Luz hasserved as the director of two cultural centers, Centro Coreográfico da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, for contemporary dance, and Centro Cultural José Bonifácio, dedicated to Afro-Brazilian culture. She started to make short films in 2009 and in 2013 launched Um filme de dança. Currently, she dedicates herself to research on black women in contemporary dance and to creative work in dance, and in teaching and making documentary and experimental films.

Maria Fantinato was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She received her BA and MA in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and is currently a PhD student in ethnomusicology at Columbia University. Her dissertation investigates the relationship between loudness, divergent simultaneity, and sonic coexistence in boat routes and festivals in the North of Brazil. She is interested in queer and feminist politics of collaboration, and in how the sensorial articulates contemporary notions of the commons in Brazil.
Guest performer
Autumn Knight is an interdisciplinary artist working with performance, installation and text. Her performance work has been in exhibitions at various institutions in the United States, including DiverseWorks (TX), The New Museum (NY), The Contemporary Art Museum Houston (TX), and a solo exhibition at Krannert Art Museum (IL). Knight has been artist in residence with In-Situ (Brierfield, UK), Galveston Artist Residency (Texas, USA), YICA (Yamaguchi, Japan), Artpace (Texas, USA) and The Studio Museum in Harlem (New York City, USA). She attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture and holds an MA in
Drama Therapy from New York University.

Event coordinator: Léonard Cortana, Cinema Studies Department / NYU

This event is co sponsored by NYU CLACS, NYU Institute of African American Affairs, NYU Leadership Initiative and NYU Cinema Studies

Talea Ensemble and Michelle Agnes Magalhães: Herbarium

Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York, NY

March 5, 2018
7:00 p.m.

n their Americas Society debut, NYC-based new music group Talea Ensemble — dubbed “a vital part of the New York contemporary-classical scene” by The New York Times — presents the world premiere of a new chamber music cycle by Brazilian composer Michelle Agnes Magalhães, who is currently a Radcliffe Fellow at Harvard University. Herbarium explores sonic complexity and visual structures through the lens of Emily Dickinson’s poetry.
Program: Herbarium
Before you thought of springpiano and percussion
Pink small and punctualpiano
I know a place where summer strivespiano, percussion, double bass and electronics
It sounded as if the streets were runningpiano and electronics
Besides the autumn poets singdouble bass
Of all the sounds despatched abroadpercussion
The Souls that Snowpiano, percussion, double bass and electronics]