Friday, July 27, 2018

If you've ever wanted to work directly with me but couldn't afford a PR Campaign, here's an opportunity to learn all about how to do your own PR and get 1 on 1 time with me.
I am excited to launch a new series designed to help you take a quantum leap in your career. On August 6th I'm rolling out the first MasterClass - SUPERCHARGE YOUR PR WITH ARIEL HYATT - in a year-long series designed to radically transform your career called Cyber PR LABS.
I have intentionally designed these courses to NOT take up too much precious time, so you don’t get into analysis paralysis and you DO GET INTO ACTION! And make a giant shift in the areas you need support in your career.
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The first of the CYBER PR LABS launches August 6 with yours truly teaching a 3-part masterclass on all you need to know to get publicity.
The PR landscape has radically changed in recent years and I will be teaching you exactly what you need to do to generate your own PR and land placements like a pro.
This debut LAB is a 3-week class - we meets as a live video stream on FB - and here's what you are going to get...
Week 1 - PREPARING FOR PUBLICITY - August 6 - 45 Minute Deep Dive 
  •  Identify your Signature Story (the foundation of your PR)
  •  How to choose a perfect image and brand to send to the media that will grab their attention
  •  What music bloggers and journalists want and how to avoid mistakes when preparing to submit to get PR
  •  How to create a strategy for how to rollout your music so that it is press-worthy
 Week 2 - YOUR TARGET LIST AND GETTING PR PLACEMENTS - August 13 - 45 Minute Deep Dive
  •  How you choose appropriate outlets for your music to target (you may want to be on Pitchfork but it may not be time for you (yet!)
  •  Share and customize a PR target list just for you based on my 22 years of PR contacts
  • Put together your targets with our pitches and you will be ready to go!
Week 3 - CREATING YOUR PR TIMELINE AND HOW TO LEVERAGE SUCCESSES - August 20 - 90 minute 1 on 1 session with me - I will be answering any and all questions you have about PR
  •  Assistance in laying out the next few months (and longer if you have new music coming) using Ariel's tried and true PR follow up methods
  •  What to do with your PR after you get it!
  •  How to leverage great PR and turn it into tangible music career goals
  •  1 on 1 laser focused coaching 
As a bonus, for the first 10 artists who sign up for Cyber PR LABS will receive a feature placement on a music blog.
(If you can't make the classes they will be recorded to watch when you can) 
This is just ONE of a series of LABS (MasterClasses) that will take place once a month for the next 12 months.
This LAB is one of 12 - See the amazing teachers I have lined up for the next 12 months and all of the topics here:
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I'm so excited to introduce these LABS to you, and I can't wait for you to learn!
See you in Class!
Hello friends,
Bossa Nova 60 Years!
Come celebrate the 60th anniversary of Bossa Nova and a year of Bossa Magazine on Idealist Day! Bossa Nova, one of the most influential movements in the history of Brazilian popular music, that crossed borders and became known worldwide, celebrated its 60th anniversary in July 2018.
 “Chega de Saudade” is a song written by Vinicius de Moraes (lyrics) and Antonio Carlos Jobim (music), in the late 50's and recorded by several artists, such as João Gilberto, Elizeth Cardoso and Os Cariocas. This song became one of the symbols of Bossa Nova, and its recording by João Gilberto on July 10, 1958, by the label EMI-Odeon, is considered the initial mark of this musical genre. “Girl from Ipanema”  in turn traveled the world as the second most played song after the song “Yesterday" by the Beatles.
To commemorate this great milestone, the Brazilian Music Foundation (BMF), Bossa Magazine, and Asuos Productions in partnership with Brazilian Idealists in New York,  ICA-NY, and Saphira & Ventura Gallery, will present on August 8th the Cultural Sarau - 60 Years of Bossa Nova, and one year anniversary of Bossa Magazine”
The event aims to disseminate Brazilian music and art and promote the integration of artists, institutions and the general public. The date chosen also has a special meaning because that is when Idealist Day is commemorated. This is a day in which people from all over the world come together to talk and put into practice ideas for a better world, acting on local initiatives in their respective communities. 
In the program, in addition to talent shows and performances by renowned musicians, the event will feature the special participation of Roberto Menescal (singer/guitarist), one of the participants in the creation of the Bossa Nova movement, telling a bit about his participation in the history of Bossa Nova. Chat via Skype.

Come and be part of this historical celebration! Do you have a talent?

Come and join us!

Madalena Sousa
Brazilian Music Foundation & Bossa Magazine
Free Entrance 
POTLUCK: Food and drinks are welcome (alcoholic OK!).

We already received a donation of few cases of beers!
We will be sending an email with a list of food and drink to choose from so we don't bring all the same things
The other option is to donate $15 (originally $25), and we will get the food and drinks.

Talent registration: by July 31st
General public: by August 5th

Reserve your ticket soon: 65% reserved already!
About Sarau:
A sarau is a cultural, musical or sporting event in which people unite to express themselves artistically. A sarau may involve poetry, acoustic music and other forms of art such as painting and acting. In Portugal, a sarau is also often related to gymnastics events, in a non-competitive basis. The word sarau is of Portuguese/Brazilian origin
You can register as volunteer, performer, or general public! Just click RSVP!

12:46 (Há 12 horas)

Brasil deve plantar nova área recorde de Soja

Os produtores brasileiros devem semear uma área de 36 milhões de hectares com soja na temporada 2018/19, 3% acima do recorde do ano passado. Com isso teremos o 12º ano consecutivo de expansão da cultura no país.
Esse e muitos outros assuntos, como o provável incremento também da área de milho no país, serão discutidos no próximo  DATAGRO CropCall Grãos no próximo dia 31 de julho, na Terça feira as 10h. Garanta seu lugar agora mesmo. Vagas limitadas.
DATAGRO Markets                                                                                              DATAGRO  | Ag Markets                                                                                                                              Tel: +55 11 4133 3944                                                                                                                         Calçada das Magnólias, 56 - Centro Comercial Alphaville | Barueri - SP, Brasil, 06453-032


Copyright © *2017*Brazilian Music Foundation.Org* All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2540 Shore Blvd. Suite 3D - Astoria, NY 11102

Largest Community of Social Media Marketers in the World
SocialMediopolis Logo
Don’t Make This Mistake!
How to Handle Abandoned Shopping Carts

You have a website with great offerings. You have state of the art eCommerce systems in place to handle the traffic and orders. You have customers you KNOW are ready to buy but for some reason abandon their shopping cart halfway through. Why? What can you do about it?

To get an accurate depiction of the email marketing strategies used by today’s top retailers, Bronto conducted an audit of 50 brands in the Internet Retailer Top 1000. Are they using customer data effectively? Or creating personalized marketing messages based on consumer behavior?

Learn how many retailers are missing the mark and what you can do to better connect with your customers. What you will learn:

How effectively brands are using customer data to nudge them back onto the purchase path.
How triggered messages can better engage customers and keep them coming back.
How browse and cart recovery can rescue revenue that would otherwise be lost.

Download the Revenue Rescue eBook here:

And don’t forget to rescue your friends and colleagues as well! Share this eBook with anyone you think might find it relevant or helpful.

Here’s to your success,
Michael Crosson
Moderator & Publisher

É com muita alegria que  apresentamos o novo site do Greenpeace Brasil!
p4_email_launch (1)Ficou muito mais fácil explorar os temas em que estamos atuando no momento, acessar os relatórios e pesquisas que guiam nossas campanhas e os registros de nossas ações de rua. Acesse o site e confira.
Greenpeace Brasil
Greenpeace Brasil Rua Fradique Coutinho, 352  São Paulo, SP 05416000 Brasil 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The New Cultural Shift - Music, Resistance and Social Change
Presented by SummerStage in Association with Brasil Summerfest  
August 5  @ 1:00  PM

in association with Brasil Summerfest
Sunday, August 5, 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
SummerStage, Central Park
Rumsey Plafield, Manhattan, 10021

Professor, TV personality, and activist Mila Burns is joined by Ginny Suss and Paola Mendoza, the founders of Women’s March and Resistance Revival Chorus, and legendary Brazilian music producer Béco Dranoff to discuss urgent topics at the crossroads of music, resistance and social justice, sharing their personal experience and perspectives. A discussion bound to interest anyone curious about the powers that affect our societies, and the role that art, artists, and consumers of art play in them.
Mor einformation:

Creative Habits + Improvisations with Hamilton de Holanda 
August 6  @ 6:00 - 8:00 PM
The New School  

Brasil Summerfest Workshop: Creative Habits and Improvisations with Hamilton de Holanda

MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 2018 AT 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 

School of Jazz and Contemporary Music Performance Space, 55 West 13th Street, Room 531

Hamilton de Holanda is a world famous bandolinist known for his mixture of choro and contemporary jazz, and for his instrumental virtuosity. He is a multi Latin Grammy winner and has taught at the Raphael Rabello Choro academy. He tours internationally and holds regular workshops with students worldwide. "Creative Habits and Improvisations" will give insight on Hamilton's creative habits and abilities. Learn from one of the masters of Brazilian music in this 2 hours long workshop conducted in English.
More information:

Xênia França  
August 7  @  7:00 PM
Natura Brasil  

More information:

Roberta Sá   
Presented in Association with Joe's Pub 
August 7  @  9:30 PM
Joe's Pub  

Roberta Sá is a multi-Latin Grammy nominated Brazilian singer acclaimed by fans and critics as one of the best Brazilian singer of her generation performing traditional Brazilian rhythms with a soft contemporary touch. In the past 12 years, Roberta released o total of seven CDs and two DVD and sold around 450.000 copies. She released her debut album "Braseiro" in 2014 featuring collaborations with Brazilian legends Ney Matogrosso, MPB-4 and Pedro Luis. Roberta describes this starting point of her career as “a love declaration to Brazilian music. It's an album of emotional musical memories. My professional training began there through the contact with fabulous musicians and artists”.
In 2008 she was nominated for the Latin Grammy Award for New Artist of the Year and Best Brazilian Popular Music Album with her second album “Que Belo Estranho Dia Pra Se Ter Alegria”. The album sold more than 50,000 copies and won two awards from the APCA prize (Paulista Association of Arts Critics) for Best Singer and Best Album. She performed at Rock in Rio Festival in 2013 and 2015. In 2015 Roberta released her last studio recording album ‘Delirio’ with guests as legendary Brazilian artist Chico Buarque, Martinho da Vila, the Portuguese singer Antonio Zambujo. The album was nominated for a Latin Grammy that year. In 2016 Roberta performed sold out shows in Madrid, England, Amsterdam, Lisbon and Paris. The same year she performed at the closing Ceremony of the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games at the legendary Maracanã Stadium, singing a classic hit from Carmen Miranda in front of the all world.
In 2018, Roberta Sá will release a new album composed and recorded in partnership with Gilberto Gil.

Nation Beat 
August 8 @ 6:30 PM
Brooklyn Public Library 

Forro, funk, brass, brooklyn based group. it’s the rhythms of brazilian carnival meets the power sound of New Orleans Brass. 

Brasil SummerFest: Jair Oliveira
Presented by Blue Note   
August 10-11 @ 12:30 AM
Blue Note  

Brazilian composer, singer and producer. He was born March 17, 1975 in São Paulo. Son of Jair Rodrigues and brother of Luciana Mello, he was part of the beloved Brazilian kids group A Turma Do Balão Mágico .


More information:


August 1, 2018Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AMLocation: Proskauer Rose LLP, New York, New York
Brazil is in the grips of a presidential election, marked by unusual uncertainties. A string of unprecedented corruption scandals, trials, and convictions have entangled nearly all the  political parties as well as the highest levels of government. It has created an electorate that is resentful, angry, and fed up with the political class. The anti-establishment view is widespread. Many are turning away from politics and the polls. A security/safety crisis  deepens the sense of loss and disenfranchisement and encourages extremists.
Meanwhile, the recovery from the recession has faltered and now stalled. Perhaps it is just a temporary downturn following the recent transportation strike, but GDP growth forecasts have been lowered to 1-1.5%, far from the 3-4% optimistically projected at the start of the year. There has been considerable progress in fiscal adjustment, but public debt has grown from 51.5% of GDP in 2013 to 74% today, and could soon reach 100% unless the fiscal program begun by the current administration is maintained by the next President. 
For all his unpopularity, personal and political mistakes, President Temer has been served by an exceptional economic team. He supported and maneuvered through Congress some of the fundamental reforms needed to address the fiscal risks and improve the competitiveness of the Brazilian economy. None of this is in the campaign agenda. The reforms are ill understood, maligned by powerful interest groups, and held with contempt by several of the leading contenders, who appear willing to sacrifice the economy in pursuit of electoral victory.  
Join us for our traditional mid-year outlook for a measured and forward-looking discussion of the prospects for the economy, the elections and the future of Brazil. 
Paulo Vieira da CunhaPartnerVERBANK Consulting, LLC
José Guilherme Almeida dos Reis
Executive Director-Brazil and Suriname, Inter-American Development Bank
Christopher GarmanManaging Director, The Americas, Eurasia Group
Alberto RamosManaging Director and Chief-EconomistLATAM, Goldman Sachs
Drausio GiacomelliHead of EM Research, Deutsche Bank Securities
Claudia Ribeiro de Castro, Director & Senior Analyst, EM, Oppenheimer Funds