Saturday, August 11, 2018

Join us in celebrating Brazil's Independence!
The BACCF Gala Dinner serves not only as the Chamber's yearly landmark event, but also as the largest gathering of high profile companies and business people engaged in fostering bilateral commercial relations
between Brazil and the United States.
Location: Four Seasons Hotel
Date/Time Information: Saturday, September 8th 2018, at 8:00pm
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Contact our offices at or +1.305.579.9030

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Luiz Gustavo Junqueira
As recentes chuvas na região Centro-Sul do Brasil trouxeram um pouco de alívio para a principal área de produção de cana-de-açúcar do País. As chuvas começam aos poucos a fornecer umidade para cana, atenuando a situação de estresse hídrico observada nos últimos meses. Enquanto isso, o mix de produção continua em ritmo forte na direção do etanol, estimulado por uma demanda no mercado interno que tem respondido ao um preço relativo bem vantajoso para o consumidor de etanol em relação à gasolina.
Qual o consumo esperado de etanol até o final da safra; como deve se comportar o balanço oferta e demanda de açúcar e etanol; o que pode ser esperado com a curva de preços aos produtores e aos consumidores – estas são algumas das questões que serão debatidas durante os painéis da Conferência da DATAGRO de 2018.
Garanta 10% de desconto na Conferência DATAGRO
Quanto à estimativa sobre o mix de produção, “a paridade atual entre os produtos tem estimulado as usinas a priorizar a produção de etanol. A cada quinzena, o mix para etanol vem surpreendendo, demonstrando que diante de incentivo econômico, o setor busca explorar ao máximo a flexibilidade de seu parque industrial”, explica Luiz Gustavo Junqueira, gerente comercial da Usina Batatais.
Para apresentar a visão sobre os rumos dos mercados internos de etanol e açúcar, Luiz Gustavo Junqueira, juntamente com outros reconhecidos executivos deste mercado, vai palestrar na 18ª Conferência Internacional DATAGRO sobre Açúcar e Etanol, que acontece nos dias 29 e 30 de outubro, no Hotel Grand Hyatt, em São Paulo.
Patrocinadores e parceiros
Enviado por DATAGRO
Calçada das Magnólias, 56, Centro Comercial de Alphaville, CEP 06453-032, Barueri/SP

Managing Multiple Priorities, Projects and Deadlines
 12 Sep 2018 atings
 The Roosevelt Hotel, New YorkUSA

Image result for Managing Multiple Priorities, Projects and Deadlines
The Managing Multiple Priorities, Projects, and Deadlines, the conference will cover areas like how to plan for the unexpected and manage the most difficult people and situations easily, prioritize crucial projects, manage conflicting demands, reduce pressure and master multiple tasks with confidence and much more related topics.

Brazil’s Evolving Debt Capital Markets

June 21, 2018 Time: 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Location: Santander, New York, New York 

The development of Brazil’s domestic corporate debt market has long been restricted by high real interest rates, subsidized lending from BNDES, and a variety of legal rules and entrepreneurial customs that favor bank lending over capital markets.

But the barriers to a deep local debt market are eroding.  Inflation and real interest rates are at historic lows. BNDES is reducing its balance sheet and by law must phase out its subsidy program.  Simultaneously, needs are greater than ever for capital intensive infrastructure and for new investment.  These fundamentals are bringing about the expansion of structured and  project finance, and a growing debentures market benefitting from improved regulations and standardization.

Join us for a discussion of today’s market conditions and the outlook for the future.  Secretary João Manoel Pinho de Mello, responsible within Brazil’s Ministry of Finance for the development of  policies, regulations and laws that can expand the local markets, will deliver the keynote address.   His remarks will be followed by a discussion with other panelists who are equally committed to developing markets within Brazil.  

Paulo Vieira da Cunha
Verbank Agriculture/Verbank Consulting, LLC

Edson Ogawa
Managing Director, Head of Project Finance
Banco Santander Brazil 
Active Participant in Local Public Debt Capital Markets
João Manoel Pinho de Mello
Secretary for the Promotion of Productivity and Advocacy for Competitiveness
Ministry of Finance, Brazil

A Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (FIESP) e o Serviço Social da Indústria (SESI-SP) convidam para a estreia do espetáculo:


Temporada de 26 de agosto a 9 de dezembro de 2018
quinta a sábado, 20h e domingo, 19h
 #Os3Mundos #SesiSP #CentroCulturalFiesp 

September 6, 2018
Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Image result for brazilcham

Location: The Racquet and Tennis Club, New York, New York
Chamber members and special guests gather every year at this traditional by invitation only event to celebrate Brazil’s Independence Day.
Opening remarks will be provided by
Alexandre Bettamio
President and Chairman of the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce and CEO & President of the Latin America Division of Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
Special message will be delivered by
Ambassador Enio Cordeiro
Consul General of Brazil in New York.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Proteja a Antártida
A sobrevivência de animais incríveis como 
pinguins, baleias e focas está em risco!
Assine a petição e nos ajude a preservar a região da pesca industrial, caça às baleias e da exploração do petróleo.
Temos a oportunidade histórica de criar a maior área protegida da Terra: um santuário no oceano da Antártida, com 1,8 milhões de km².

Spike Lee's BlacKkKlansman Is One of the Best Films of the Summer

by Stephen Whitty

“BlacKkKlansman” is fiercely felt, indulgently overlong, proudly provocative and excitingly experimental. It’s full of great performances (and a couple of scenery-chewing ones). It has a dreamy reverse-dolly of two people walking (but actually gliding) toward the camera. It brilliantly dramatizes a vital issue, and the debate over two diametrically opposed responses.

In some ways, it’s the most Spike Lee movie since “Malcolm X” (and not just because it’s got one of Denzel’s kids, John David Washington, in the title role). It’s a story that’s based on recent history, but draws direct parallels to today. It mixes fictional characters and documentary footage. And it ends with the same message Lee has been shouting for decades.

Wake up.

Its “fo’ real” story, as the opening titles call it, is about Ron Stallworth, a black police officer – actually, the black police officer – in early ‘70s Colorado Springs, Colo. He’s eager and ambitious, and the white chief figures he’ll take advantage of that by assigning him to undercover work --- planning to use him to infiltrate and report on the burgeoning Black Power movement.
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